Heroic King

Chapter 400: World-class BOSS [first update]

"These two guys, haven't they moved yet?"

The constant retreat of the Resentful Spirit Legion made everyone feel a little curious, why there was no change in the two resentful spirit leaders, however, when the last batch of resentful spirit giant beasts were dealt with, Zichun was already standing with Feng Wuhen. Together, the two heads of resentful spirits watched their legion collapse, but there was no movement at all, but Zichun stood from the back to the front, and it seemed that he was going to do something.

"A group of stupid guys, finally, you can finally make us feel a little happy. Because of your behavior, we can use this body and be resurrected for a short time."

There was a kind of madness in Zichun's voice, and what he did was even more crazy. On the entire battlefield, a large number of dark green fluorescent lights were constantly floating, and these fluorescent lights were continuously entering the body between Zichun and Feng Wuhen. , and the wings behind Zichun are slowly unfolding as the fluorescence enters!

"These two lunatics!"

Sandro looked at the actions of the two wraith leaders, and said in surprise. At the same time, a countdown appeared on all player interfaces, a very special countdown - the countdown to the arrival of the wraith leader's body!

"These two guys are going to use the energy of the death of these wraith troops to summon the body in the tomb to come here! It seems that these lunatics have been sealed in the tomb for so many years, but they still haven't grown their heads."

Several figures slowly emerged from Sandro's side, Rodhardt, Schank, and a swamp hero named Taize. The appearance of these three heroes made the dark camp instantly excited. Come on, the three heroes are legendary existences, and this time they appeared not clones, but authentic bodies!

"Sandrew, we think you'd better come over once. If these two guys really summoned the body, we really don't have much chance of winning."

Tai Ze turned his head with a serious face and said to Sandro's avatar. At this time, the black mist around the avatar was constantly condensing. Then Lin Han and the others discovered that the small character behind Sandro's name had disappeared. This means that the current Sandro is already the body.

Four legendary heroes! And they are all of the same body. This powerful lineup makes the players of the dark camp feel that this battle should be won, but the faces of these four heroes are not very good-looking. What does the body of the leader of the resentful spirit mean, once Anyone who has experienced that battle knows how powerful these wraith leaders are.

"Zichun, I didn't expect that you guys still want to fight with your main body. You sacrificed so many troops just to summon your two main bodies. It looks like you are going to lose money this time."

Rodhardt doesn't care. Although these two enemies are said to be powerful, they can't ask for much when facing 4 legendary heroes, not to mention that they still have a large number of troops on their side, really. When it comes to fighting, the win rate of the dark camp is definitely much higher.

"Sandrew, do you still think we will be the same as before? Don't forget, our body has the ability to summon legions!"

Zichun shouted in the sky, behind him, a pair of light wings have been completely unfolded, this guy's body is rapidly expanding, and soon it will be comparable to the previous Feng Wuhen's body size.

At this time, Feng Wuhen's body has become bigger and bigger. The size of this BOSS has begun to be similar to the lord of the deep-sea violent giant that Lin Han has seen. Even the giant Beamon is only about the size of the horse under this guy. If it is Players, it is estimated that the height can only be compared with the horse's calf.

"I'm going, you said that if we choose to attack from the rear, it will not be the rhythm of the whole process?"

At this time, the two soy sauce party children's shoes in the guild were still enthusiastically discussing whether they would go all the way when they fought against Feng Wuhen. They saw Lin Han with black lines all over his head, and Dark Moon with a very face. It is ugly to publish a piece of information in the camp channel.

"Twilight General. Feng Wuhen: One of the generals of the resentful spirit, the rest of the information is unknown

Damage: 1200-2100

Defense: 320

Health: 30 million

Magic value: 4 million

Other information: unknown. "

"This guy, do you still want to play?"

Lin Han was also stunned by such a piece of incomplete information. My dear, with 30 million HP, what kind of trouble is this going to make? And the damage is as high as 2,400 points. If you want to cooperate with a little skill or something, then basically the rhythm of the 9th-order is just in seconds!

"I guess I'm not going to let us play casually. The other troops are ready to fight. I guess this guy is dead."

The Scarlet Archon took the words and analyzed that the boss's health, defense, and damage are all terrifying, but it is not impossible for them to overcome. Among the player skills, one is called War Madman, and the other is called War Madman. The basic damage, after the war madman stacks the damage, relying on the basic units to pile up hard, the pile will be piled to death for this guy!

"Ding! World-class BOSS - Feng Wuhen Awakens!! All players will be ranked according to the damage output in the next attack, and when Feng Wuhen dies, they will get different rewards according to the output ranking!"

"Ding! World-class BOSS-Zichun Awakens!! All players will be ranked according to the damage output in the next attack, and when Feng Wuhen dies, they will get different rewards according to the output ranking!"

The appearance of two system messages made the players go crazy. Yes, the battle rewards this time are very fair. The more you output, the more you get, and the less output you get, the less you get. The Wraith Legion has been completely destroyed, and the players have to face these two big guys.

"All players quickly output Feng Wuhen and let the NPC deal with Zichun!"

Between Feng Wuhen and Zichun, Dark Moon and the others immediately made a choice. One was the general and the other was the prime minister. After thinking about it, they chose the former. Under normal circumstances, the prime minister should be a general with insufficient combat power, but After seeing the video, if there are still people who think that Zichun has no strength, it is definitely not far from death.

"You two, hurry up, this is a really good opportunity, don't miss it!"

Lin Han didn't forget to remind He Hao and Zhang Liang when he was on the top, this time is the last moment, the drops of these two bosses will definitely not be bad, let's not talk about who can get it, even if it is a ranking That reward, and it is not something they can give up.

"Stupid guy, repent in purgatory for your actions!"

Feng Wuhen, who was surrounded by a large number of creatures, roared suddenly. The next moment, a crimson flame began to erupt on the ground beside him. The first batch of units that touched the flames had their HP wiped out. Halfway through, and then it started to go crazy at a speed of 5% per second!

"It's the fire of purgatory. The first time it deals 50% of the maximum health damage, and then it lasts for 50 seconds at 5% continuous damage per second. Attention all players, use the thaumaturgy!"

Feng Wuhen's starting skill is too much for many players to bear. 50% of the maximum health damage, whether it is damage to low-level or high-level units, is extremely astonishing. The most shameless thing is that the next 50 seconds per second. The continuous damage of 5% of the maximum health value is equivalent to the damage of 250% of the maximum health value. Even if it is blessed with fire thaumaturgy and has no continuous recovery ability, it is absolutely impossible to escape.

"Orianna, release the Dark Archer and Obsidian Golem!"

At this time, the most suitable units are not ghouls or dark blade warlords, but dark spirit shooters and obsidian golems, two units with long-range attack capabilities. At this time, Feng Wuhen is very large, but the people who surround this guy The troops are also densely packed. Although it was said that during the previous Feng Wuhen's purgatory fire attack, many troops were directly killed, but other players' troops filled the vacancies in the first time.

At this time, the players are all crazy. They are sending cannon fodder to the front line continuously. Indeed, the life value of the boss is too terrifying. Even if it is a Tier 9 unit, it can't actually cause too much damage. Send it up, on the one hand, it can attract the firepower of the enemy, and then it consumes the life value of the BOSS.

On the other side of the battlefield, after the player took the initiative to hold off Feng Wuhen, the NPC also fought against Zichun. This was really not their battle. When the battle started, the battlefield had already shifted to the ocean. Lu directly teleported them to the sea of ​​​​the sky with Zichun. Players could only watch from a distance the constant explosions, firelight and other things coming from the sea, proving that the battle over there was definitely not much easier than theirs. .

"Orianna, go straight to Bloodthirst Frenzy and Death Inspiration"

In dealing with Feng Wuhen, Lin Han doesn't care about the loss of the troops at all. Gargoyle and Dark Spirit shooter are both cannon fodder. This is nothing to cherish. Although the effect is not very effective for low-level troops, it is still there. Lin Han's side also has the effect of stealing life. Unfortunately, the basic damage is only 1 point. If you want to steal it, you can't steal it. The superimposed damage of the war madman will not trigger. The blood-sucking effect is also the reason why they should attack quickly. Even if they don't attack, these guys can't last long.

"Tsk tsk, Xiao Linzi, you're a pervert. You grabbed the first place so quickly."

In the output rankings, Lin Han has now occupied the first place. The output of the massive gargoyle + dark spirit shooter is extremely objective, but Lin Han is not satisfied. He looked at the sky, the scope of the dark sky is still In the continuous expansion of the belt, he is still waiting, waiting for his BOSS ace force to appear.

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