Heroic King

Chapter 414: On the eve of closing the network [first update]

"You don't have to continue chasing, this guy has run away, the monk can't run away from the temple, I won't give up, he will give up this continent!"

The Sword of Glory and the Apostle of Glory are also full of confidence in this. This continent has become Lin Han's biggest restraint. As long as this continent still exists, Lin Han will never escape casually. For single players, the continent is both a kind of A symbol of strength is also a huge drag.

"It's strange that they didn't rush to the middle, but started to clean up this generation's defenses."

Orianna is constantly checking the enemy's movements. Unexpectedly, these guys did not directly attack on a large scale. Instead, they started to clean up the defensive buildings around the coast. This is not an easy task. For the players of the bright camp, a large number of heavy crossbow shooting platforms are a very dangerous kind of enemy, especially around the beach. There are definitely not a few heavy crossbow shooting platforms arranged by Lin Han.

"These guys seem to be preparing to fight slowly."

Lin Han didn't care much about this. Since the enemy has put up this lineup, it must be a protracted battle. On the beach, a large number of troops are pouring down from the battleship. This fleet is only the first group to be dispatched as the vanguard, and the second group that follows is the main force of the fleet. The number of these fleets has exceeded 10,000, and the mighty driving momentum at sea is extremely amazing!

"No wonder, there are so many fleets."

Through the magic eye guard, Lin Han has already discovered the enemy's backup troops. Naturally, why are these guys doing this? There are so many troops behind them. I don't know how many traps Lin Han has set up. It would be convenient if they attacked the royal city directly, but there is also the danger of being surrounded by the enemy. Players who have owned a royal city know that it is not so easy to conquer a royal city. thing.

"Terence, destroy the enemy's fleet at sea as much as possible and buy us time!"

The number of enemy fleets was too large, and Lin Han also began to fight at sea. Terence has always been in the deep sea. Among the naval forces, Lin Han's strength will not be afraid of anyone. The enemy is from the fleet, and if you want to reach the coast, you have to pay a great price.

"Ding! You've leveled up! At the current level of 25, your attack talent has been increased by 2 levels, and your defense talent has been increased by 1 level. You have an opportunity to extract talent skills and racial skills!"

"Ding! Your follower-War Knight has been upgraded! The current level is LV25, and he has obtained a new skill-Commander's Call."

"Ding! Your hero - Orianna has been upgraded! The current level is LV25."

"Ding! Your hero - Williams has been upgraded! The current level is LV25."

At the moment of Lin Han's upgrade, four system prompts came one after another. Lin Han couldn't help laughing when he saw it. His feelings were directly dragged down by three. Yes, and in this skill, Lin Han saw a very good thing, the ability of the cemetery lord to attack talent - biological killer.

"Biological Killer: The exclusive skill of the commander and lord of the cemetery family, which increases the base damage of all undead units to life units by 15 points and an additional 15% damage. When facing high-level life units of rank 9 and above, an additional 10% damage."

Creature Killer is a unique skill for the lords of the cemetery family. The biggest feature of this skill is that it can provide a high amount of extra damage to the troops. For ordinary units, it is 15% extra damage and 15 points of base damage. When the 9th-tier troops or above the enemy, the extra damage will be increased to 25%, which shows the power of this skill.

In terms of talent skills, Lin Han drew the intermediate war madman this time. The skill of war madman is actually very practical for the cemetery family, especially when Lin Han still has a dark hunter, this skill The effect can be considered to be fully utilized.

"Intermediate War Madman: Increases the base damage of all units in the unit by 5 points, and each time you attack the same target, a layer of War Rage will be applied, and a layer of War Rage will increase the damage of the next attack by 2 points, stacking at most 5 times."

The effect of the intermediate war madman is not too brilliant at this stage, but once it is upgraded to the advanced level, the effect of this skill will come out. Each attack of the advanced war madman will stack 5 points of damage, which can be stacked up to 8 times at the same time. The base damage increase will increase to 10 points, which is not enough. If a unit's war madman status is fully stacked, it will become a killing madman effect, which will cause the unit to attack every time for 15 seconds. Adds a 20% damage amplification effect to the enemy, and the duration is 15 seconds, which means that it has the ability of intermediate damage amplification.

This damage deepening effect will also have a bonus effect on the extra damage of the war madman, which is equivalent to increasing the damage of the troops in an all-round way, and the war madman is superimposed to 8 layers, that is 40 points of damage, and the 20% bonus is counted, that is 48 points of damage, this number does not seem to be a lot, but if you count Lin Han's current unit - the dark hunter, it is a bit scary. The dark hunter can attack 12 times in an instant, and this effect will be triggered each time, which means that After the stack is full, the damage dealt by the Dark Hunter will be even more terrifying than the Tier 9 troops!

Of course, there may be damage reduction capabilities that will reduce the threat of this skill, but the overall effect is still very obvious, especially when facing some particularly powerful units, the power of this skill is simply outrageous .

"Lord, the new fleet has entered the minefield, are we going to give them a little trouble?"

Terence continued to chase the enemy with a large number of troops. The fleet of the bright camp was constantly approaching Lin Han's continent, but the minefields around the continent brought them a lot of trouble. There is only such a small area, and once the enemy wants to let a large army in, it has to clear an area again, which is a big problem.

"While these guys are clearing mines, hit me hard!"

Such a good opportunity, but Lin Han will not let it go. At sea, the fleet will never be able to compete with the sea clan troops. The naval guns cannot hit the sea clan troops in the sea. The fleet was bombed, especially in the current situation, the enemy fleet was thousands, and once the middle part of the fleet was attacked, there was no way other than to dispatch the Sea Race troops to resist.

But what effect did the deployment of the sea clan troops have on the troops on Lin Han's side? The long-awaited deep-sea banshee in the sea immediately broke the first round of the sea clan troops, and the time to switch postures is a fatal weakness in the frontal battlefield. , that is not a problem at all, there is enough time for the deep sea banshee to wait for a reply, and at the same time accumulate new dark spiritual power to start the next round of posture conversion.

"Boss!! The fleet behind us was attacked! This guy is very cunning, and the attack was still in the middle of our fleet, and the sea tribe troops we sent out were all killed!"

The information from the rear made the faces of Sword of Glory and others ugly. They had received attacks from the deep sea before, but they didn't pay much attention to them in order to land as soon as possible. At that time, the attack started again, and this time the attack was not a joke, but a real one. The sea tribe troops led by Terence were demolished in just a few tens of seconds. Two battleships, and a new battleship was targeted by them, and it would not last long.

"Other fleets, release all the sea clan troops to support the attacked warships, if possible, leave all these enemies here for me!"

The Glory Apostle is considered to be ruthless at this time. Such a sea clan troop is left unchecked, it definitely seems to pose a super threat to the team, and they have to find a way to catch the enemy in one go.

"Lord, the enemy has been surrounded, can you get rid of these guys?"

In the face of the crazy enemy, Terrence not only did not panic, but began to look forward to it. Lin Han knew the strength of this guy. Now Terrence's level has been raised to level 21, and his strength increase is not an ordinary lord. It is conceivable that the hero of the sea clan strengthens underwater combat and destructive power. Its special secret method can allow the troops to obtain extremely powerful naval combat capabilities in a short period of time, and Lin Han also bought some equipment for Terence. The destructive power is even more amazing.

"Let's do it. Do your best to contain the enemy and buy time for us. Orianna, you and Annia control the flying unit to harass the enemy, and prepare to release the undead frenzy to other undead units."

Terence's side is about to start, and Lin Han's side will not be idle. Orianna and Ania respectively control two flying troops and start to enter the harassment mode, while the scattered undead troops in the entire lost continent are heading to the king city. Assembling, Lin Han looked at the sky, the sky shrouded in darkness had lost a trace of sunlight, he was waiting, waiting for all the enemies to enter the net, it was time to close the net, this group of enemies was very powerful, If it is said that they are all eaten, it will definitely be a big blow to the bright camp, but Lin Han can't let them in too easily. If the fish is too big, the net will not be able to support it.

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