Heroic King

Chapter 473: Commander's Mutual Targeting

The ensuing battle began to be biased towards the confrontation of the French troops, and the caster heroes also began to exert their powerful combat capabilities. All kinds of magic continued to erupt among the enemy troops. In terms of quality, The heroes on Lin Han's side are not weak. Lin Han's Orianna is absolutely ranked first among the current heroes, especially after having the Book of Death and Eternity, the restraint on the caster is simply Frustrated, the hero on the opposite side was in an arcane state of chaos all the time, and the blood rose was also a headache.

But as time went by, Lin Han and the others also began to suffer, because the number of troops and casters on their side was still not as many as the enemy's. Orianna's strength is indeed very strong, but the skills have a cooldown. The same is true of time and magic. No matter how powerful Orianna is, she is nothing but a hero. She is facing thousands of spellcasters and players on the opposite side. Under such conditions, she is naturally invincible.

"We have to break this deadlock and continue fighting like this, it's too bad for us."

Everything feels wrong with the wind. It's not a good thing for them to continue fighting like this. The shortcomings of the players on their side have already appeared. They have much less firepower than the troops on the opposite side. There is no way. After all, the number is there.

At this time, Lin Han's crystal armor didn't have too many options. The crystal armor was only to protect the troops for a period of time, and this time the enemy's firepower belonged to the long-term type. Teams of casters and players Alternately cast spells, even with the influence of Arcane Chaos, can also burst out extremely good damage.

"Flying troops prepare to break through."

There is no ambiguity here on Lin Han's side. The French troops can't occupy too many advantages, so they can use their own strength to deal with the enemy's weakness. The enemy used this method before, and their number is more than Lin Han and the others. Much more, so they directly adopted the magic counter-bombing tactics at this time, and now, Lin Han and the others will use their powerful flying troops to suppress the enemy!

The most powerful flying troop is Lin Han's troop. The Frost Dragon, Bone Dragon, Destroyer, and Illusory Corpse Dragon are his main flying troop, along with the Death Angel, a high-defense troop. In combat, it can almost crush the enemy's flying troops.

"The Black Dragon Troop is responsible for absorbing damage, and the other flying units cooperate with the attack. The Manticore Troop rushes up for me as soon as possible. It's best to be able to paralyze!"

The blood rose began to deal with Lin Han's tactic. The Black Dragon troops were the first to deal with Lin Han's attack. After the big update, the magic immunity of the Black Dragon became immunity to magic and skills, and immunity to the legal system. Attack is not immune, this change is quite normal, otherwise the unit of the Black Dragon is too buggy.

"The Frost Dragon, deal with the Manticore troops first, and hand over the Black Dragon troops to the Angel of Death!"

The biggest advantage of the black dragon against the frost dragon is that it is immune to the reduction brought by the ice dragon. The frost effect is a special magic state and will be immune to the black dragon. In this way, the most important ability of the frost dragon is limited by the enemy. So Lin Han quickly asked the Frost Dragon to change its target and let them deal with the manticores.

The manticore troops now have the feeling of a death squad. The reason is very simple. Lin Han and the others are not only the frost dragons, but also other troops. Once they get close, the damage the manticores will suffer is not low, especially if they have not The magic immunity ability of the black dragon can be said to be difficult to move after hanging up the frost state.

"Thunderbirds! Go and deal with those angels of death!"

The appearance of the angel of death did not bring too much trouble to the blood rose. The blood rose already knew about Lin Han before the battle. This guy's troops are divided into two extremes of offense and defense. The troops of the offensive department are the dragon clan. The troop and the defense class are such angels of death.

With Williams' bonus, Angel of Death's defense has reached an outrageous level. However, when dealing with magical units, this unit is still slightly fragile. The most important thing is that Angel of Death is a single attack method. , which means that their range output ability is almost 0, and when facing the enemy, if you want to cause a large amount of output, you must rely on the number.

At this time, if the enemy has units with range damage, they will have a great advantage in dealing with the Angel of Death. Thunderbird can trigger the effect of chain lightning when attacking, and can cause extremely objective damage when a large number of enemies gather. It is said that a large number of thunderbirds appear, then when they trigger the effect of chain lightning in one round, even if the death angel has extremely high health and defense, it will have no effect, and the defense cannot cause damage to magic attacks.

"You arrange for a few players to bless the Angel of Death, and by the way, release the negative state to the opposing troops."

Lin Han has also started to use negative magic against the enemy's troops. The Frost Dragon has been split up to deal with Thunderbirds. Thunderbirds are not completely invincible. Their chain lightning effect requires an attack. Trigger, don't forget, how much this chain lightning can trigger depends on how fast the attack speed of these troops is. If the Thunderbird's attack speed is fast, then their ability is a bit invincible, but once the attack speed is weakened. , that is basically difficult.

The deceleration effect of the Frost Dragon is useless to the Black Dragon, but the Thunderbird and Manticore are completely fine. After the Thunderbird's attack speed has been weakened, the trigger chance of Chain Lightning has also been reduced a lot. The Angel of Death will give the Black Dragon a Tangled to the death, the dragon breath of the black dragon troops is a large-scale damage, and it is extremely buggy when facing large-sized targets, but it is a bit difficult to face the high mobility flying troops such as the Angel of Death. , a lot of dragon breaths were all lost, and the death angel's style of play was very shameless, sticking to the black dragon in circles, these black dragons are large units, and many times they will attack dead ends, such as the rear of their bodies.

This group of death angels really brought their insidiousness to the extreme. After a battle, the black dragon not only did not pose any threat to Lin Han's death angel troops, but accidentally injured many of his own troops by attacking the death angels around the nearby troops. The area where the dragon's breath falls, but it doesn't care whether it is his own or not.

"Don't pay attention to those angels, the Black Dragon Army will output the Frost Dragon first!"

The combination of the Frost Dragon and Angel of Death on Lin Han's side has made the Blood Rose a little crazy. These two arms, one attack and one defense, almost turned the entire sky into Lin Han's battlefield. Their troops in the air were all targeted by Lin Han. The Black Dragon, Manticore, and Thunderbird troops became very passive. The only thing that could comfort them was that they had an advantage in the face of the bombardment, but This advantage won't last long, because Lin Han and the others are already planning to make a breakthrough.

"Immune magic to the cavalry, and prepare to charge! All melee troops are ready, and the French troops have a wave of skills to cover the attack and suppression of cavalry and flying troops!"

In the team, Lin Han is constantly issuing orders to other players. This time they must win the battle. Otherwise, there is no way to win if the sky troops have the advantage. The pressure on the ground troops is too great. The enemy's French troops and heroes attacked them in waves, and they couldn't raise their heads at all. If it wasn't for the troops in the sky taking a huge advantage, maybe in the previous wave of attacks, their side defense The line has broken down.


Following Lin Han's order, the dark behemoths all turned on the behemoth state. Under the behemoth, they have a higher range jumping skill. In the first wave of attacks, they directly sent the enemy into most of the flying troops within the attack range. All of them were shot directly like flies. These Behemoths don't care what the target is. As long as it is their target, basically the first round of attacks will all smash into the ground. After all, they are known as the kings of the land. Arms, its strength is not comparable to the general arms.

"Block them, the magic hero prepares magic purification to remove the enemy's state!"

The blood rose is also calm and unhurried. The caster hero begins to gradually remove the magic state on the enemy, and then blessing the negative state. This is that the caster heroes on both sides must compete with each other, and the charging troops have negative states and buffs. The state kept switching, until the Destroyer on Lin Han's side created more than ten spell isolation areas in a row, the frequency of these guys' magic appearing slowed down.

"Maintaining the buff status of the assault troops cannot disappear! Just keep the magic status of the troops!"

Everything with the wind has begun to maintain the state of the troops at all costs. Hundreds of caster players and heroes have purchased the troops to maintain the state at the same time. These states can increase their combat effectiveness by at least 50%, especially defensive magic. , which can reduce a large part of the damage of the cavalry. After the charge ends, the defense of the cavalry will become much weaker. These resistance magics can allow them to maintain sufficient combat effectiveness.

"Melee arms, besiege these guys, don't give them a chance to come back!"

The Invincible Mythology began to quickly target Lin Han and their offensive troops. The defensive arms had begun to surround them in a ring state, and behind the defensive troops, the French troops had already begun to prepare to attack.

"Take advantage of it now! All the French troops, attack!"

Everything that has long been waiting for this opportunity will not be easily let go. The French troops on their side burst out suddenly, and all kinds of magic devoured the enemy's troops in an instant. On the frontal battlefield, the cavalry troops Has successfully broken through the enemy's line of defense!

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