Heroic King

Chapter 801: The Scarlet Archon's Serial Silence Plan

Waves of attacks are falling continuously. Even the Scarlet Archon did not expect that he would encounter such a situation. He considered many possibilities. Right, in this case, he still has an advantage. Huo Meiji's attack method is destined to have a longer range than the enemy. Of course, a pervert like Lin Han with a 15-meter range bonus does not count.

No matter how bad it is, his side can still tie with Lin Han. This is the worst situation he has ever considered. After all, the difference between his own strength and Lin Han's side is not big. From the information they have obtained, Compared with their shooter troops, they actually have an advantage on their side. The shooter troops on Lin Han’s side are all relatively low-level, and the basic attributes and range of low-level shooter troops are not good. The disadvantage of the army, this is not something that attribute bonuses can make up for.

However, there are obviously some problems with their information. Of course, this cannot be blamed on them. The undead Meiji on Lin Han's side has only been acquired recently. These arms have not appeared recently, especially the undead Meiji. This type of army is still The first time it appeared, the Scarlet Archon did not have any information, let alone come up with tactics for it.

"Flying troops! Suppression!"

"No, we can't beat the opposing flying troop. The output of these guys is much higher than ours!"

The Scarlet Archons thought very well at the beginning, but when the battle started, they realized that there were still a lot of troubles. For example, the suppression ability of the flying troops, they obviously overestimated these guys. After the first wave of attacks, they were suppressed. In the subsequent battle, these guys seemed to have no way to turn over, and they were suppressed and beaten from beginning to end.

There are also many high-level arms on Lin Han's side, such as Angel of Death, Styx Witch, Bone Dragon, Ghost Dragon, Frost Dragon, and Dark Wyvern. These are all high-level flying arms. Under the condition of full state, Their damage has also reached a terrifying level. Orianna has a lot of buff magic, which directly increases the damage output of the troops here by more than 30%, and among them, there is an oversized guy- Dragon Witch.

This is the largest of all the troops, and of course the most conspicuous one. When the Dragon Witch switches to the dragon stance, its output ability is also extremely impressive, especially the coercive ability of this guy, with the level of the Dragon Witch. With the improvement, her attributes have been greatly increased, which is especially obvious in battle. Wherever the dragon's breath goes, none of the floating damage numbers are lower than four digits. Heroes can trigger fearlessness and peep through. The effect is the same as the follower. When the dragon witch triggers the effect of fearless power, the attack is especially obvious. A dragon breath that is twice as large as the normal situation falls, and a bunch of troops are directly burned crying. Lin Han and the others Troop damage here is getting higher and higher, which is unfortunate news, especially on Orianna's side.

The result of the continuous release of various magical skills is that the spell weaving ability has been superimposed. With the recovery of the brilliant halo and obsidian statue, Lin Han and his team's ability to continue fighting is also extremely amazing. With sufficient mana, Orianna can deal no less damage than a Tier 9 unit with less than 100 units. The area damage magic such as Soul Burning, Hellfire, and Flames directly covers the battlefield. The troop faced 2 choices, the first one didn't move, standing and being burned, which was quite miserable, the second one - running hard, constantly triggering secondary damage, and dying even worse.

This is a very pitiful situation they have to face. Whether they are running or not running, there is not much difference in their outcome. The continuous damage of the Fire Wall exceeding 200 points per second has already made many legal troops unable to bear it. , Now Orianna has advanced spell penetration skills, not to mention ordinary units, even some with relatively high magic resistance, when facing Orianna, have to suffer a high amount of damage.

After having enough magic power, Orianna will be much more leisurely in the next battle. As long as the effect of the wall of fire on the battlefield can be maintained, this is enough. Orianna's super high mental power is harmful. Sufficient protection, as for the maintenance time, there is no problem. Her next task is to continuously smash death ripples, chain lightning and continuous fireball skills to deal the highest area damage.

This kind of damage value is constantly increasing. At the beginning, the fire wall damage was more than 200 points, and later it became more than 300 points, or even more than 400 points. At 200 points of damage, there may be long-range troops that can withstand it, 15 seconds. The duration is 3000 health points, and if the healing skills keep up, it's not a problem.

But after more than 400 points, the damage is not so easy to bear. The total damage of more than 6,000 points is still when there is thaumatism. If there is no thaumaturgy, the damage may be increased to 500 points or even higher level.

In the face of Orianna's output, there have actually been many vacuum areas on the battlefield. That is the area that is mainly taken care of by the Firewall. Everyone from Undefeated Mythology and Heaven has begun to withdraw from this area. Hold, if the battle goes on like this, Lin Han's side can be said to be the winner.

"Arcane ban!"

At this time, a cloud of blue light suddenly exploded on Lin Han and the others. As the blue light spreads, a special prohibition sign would appear on the heads of all the law-based troops on Lin Han's side. The duration is actually a full 35 seconds.

"I didn't expect this guy to have such skills."

On Soul of the Frost Dragon, Lin Han also saw the releaser on the opposite side - he knelt down and called the queen. As a hero of the **** tribe, he could actually draw this skill. Lin Han was really dumbfounded. This skill The probability of appearing on a Hell Race player is quite low, so he can meet him, and it can only be said that it is life.

The 35 seconds of silence means that all the legal units on Lin Han's side will be silenced for 35 seconds. This is not good news. After all, it is time for the two sides to fight, and the caster and legal units on one side are silenced. That is to say that the other side can carry out crazy suppression!

What Lin Han thought was right. When they entered the silence, the Scarlet Consul also broke out directly. He was hiding very deeply. Why did he say that? The reason is very simple. When the silence effect took effect, Lin Han and the others clearly saw that there were many caster heroes and players behind these guys.

There is no doubt that these guys are waiting for the best time. The so-called best time is now, Lin Han and the others have been silenced. Among the heroes of the spell caster at this stage, the most powerful is Lin Han's Orianna. , This caster can be said to be the one with the best equipment, the highest level, and the most magic among the current caster heroes. If nothing else, Lin Han can still call himself a level 4 magic tower, plus a The level 4 dark magic tower is not something that ordinary players can take out. The blueprints of the dark magic tower are very rare, and the high-level dark magic tower means that Lin Han will have more dark magic on their side.

Now these guys are directly silenced, and all the caster heroes here have appeared. In an instant, all kinds of magic covered Lin Han and their front lines. It was just a matter of a moment. The entire front-line troops, directly empty.

"Master, do you want to do this, why bother!"

The corners of Lin Han's mouth were twitching, he had already started to retreat all the troops to the rear, but how could the Scarlet Consult miss such a good opportunity, the group slowness Dafa has already covered their front-line troops, not only that, the entire The area began to become muddy, and the swamp technique, this battlefield magic was finally activated!

"It's a little bad!"

At first, Lin Han thought it was just a not very deadly conspiracy, but after a large number of caster heroes appeared, Lin Han felt that something was wrong, because a lot of snowflakes began to float on the battlefield. , this is not a decorative skill, Lin Han knows that this is another battlefield magic - blizzard!

The blizzard will continue to strengthen over time. In the final stage, the effect of these blizzards will greatly reduce the speed of the troops. At the same time, the troops may be frozen every once in a while. Release its frozen state, and the HP of the troops in it may decrease rapidly until death.

The so-called battlefield magic is the magic that affects the entire battlefield. Once these magics are activated, they will have an effect on the enemies on the entire battlefield. No matter who you are, you will be affected. However, the current situation is different, there are two ways to deal with the frozen state, the first is to dispel magic, and the second is to directly hit the fire skills.

The problem is that all the legal units on Lin Han's side have been silenced. These two possibilities have nothing to do with him. Of course, it's fine if it's just like this. When the 35 seconds of silence is over, the opposite Several heroes of Lin Han started again. This time, the heroes on Lin Han's side entered a 15-second silence time again.

"Uncle's, all retreat to the city and defend against counterattack."

Lin Han also understood at this time that the Scarlet Consul was absolutely forced to prepare a few or even a dozen silence magic for himself. These magics could keep him silent for a long time. At this time If Lin Han couldn't do something, he would be really in trouble.

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