Heroic King

Chapter 830: Huge relief and mysterious room

The activation of the four magic pattern arrays directly locked the deep-sea vengeful spirit aggregate, but Lin Han and the others found a problem, that is, this guy was only sealed in power. In the middle of the city, this big guy was blocked by countless people. The chains were firmly trapped there, struggling frantically.

"Ding! The Deep Sea Wraith Aggregate has been sealed for 60 minutes. You must kill it within 60 minutes, otherwise the Deep Sea Wraith Aggregate will break free from the seal!"

The seal is just the beginning. This boss was released by Lin Han and the others. Naturally, it will be solved by Lin Han and the others in the end. Of course, after the seal, the size of the deep-sea vengeful spirit aggregate is much smaller than before, and now it is the same The size of a small house, compared to the previous appearance, the gap is really too big.

"Prepare to attack! By the way, take away all the treasure chests along the way, don't say, this guy actually helped us a little."

When going to the center of the city, Lin Han and the others also saw a very good situation, that is, the bricks scattered along the way, and the treasure chests looming among the bricks, the body of the deep-sea grievance aggregate is between nothingness and Between entities, when they move, they are entities, and when they attack, they will change into the form of souls, swallowing the enemy directly.

When this guy came over, the houses along the way were directly destroyed, and none of them were intact. This situation caused many treasure chests hidden in the houses to be turned over. Lin Han had no time to come along the way. At the same time, all the treasure chests have been collected. The treasure chests here are not fixed, they are directly taken and run, and when they reach the center of the city, they are thrown aside and let Jack Sparrow come and open them full.

I have to say that after the seal, the strength of the deep-sea vengeful spirit aggregate can be described as plummeting. The most troublesome part of this dungeon is when this big guy just appeared. If you can't seal the boss quickly, Lin Han and the others will The sides will lose a lot of troops.

The previous battle itself was very troublesome. With more than 300 units of elite creatures, if they did not have strong strength, they would lose a lot of troops. Lin Han still brought 4 heroes this time. If there are only 2 heroes, it might be bad. This is no longer the case.

Sandbag BOSS, this is a term for BOSS that players often lack in attack, but have high health and defense. They don't have too many threats, but they are disgusting, super-thick health and defense, and disgusting. Recovery ability, this is the characteristic of sandbag bosses. This deep-sea vengeful spirit aggregate also belongs to sandbag bosses. Lin Han’s output is already high enough. In 5 minutes, they didn’t even hit 10% of this guy’s health. arrive.

"Full firepower! Hit me hard!"

Lin Han couldn't help it. The Avengers' anger had already started to be used. The previous Avengers' anger effects had long been useless. Lin Han himself was prepared to save as much as he could, if he could not use the Avengers' anger. Kill this guy and kill him directly. He doesn't know how many enemies he has to deal with in the next time, so it's not a bad thing to have an ace in his hand.

While dealing with the boss, the resources, gold coins and gold shells on my side are still increasing. This is a very comfortable thing. Although I don't know what the boss will drop, it is just the more than 10 he collected along the way. From the treasure chest, more than 400 gold coins have been opened, plus hundreds of resources and nearly one million gold coins.

The price of gold coins in the market is constantly decreasing, but there are many people buying them. The decrease in the price of gold coins does not mean that the income will be less. On the contrary, because of the decrease in prices, the number of people who buy them increases greatly, resulting in the entire gold coins. There is a big gap in the market.

As for the biggest beneficiary of these, that is Lin Han. He can be said to be the largest gold coin seller at this stage. Because of the so-called transformation factory of Rivigarz, Lin Han is not short of gold coins at all. What he lacks now is resources, but with the price reduction of gold coins, not only has the price of these resources not been reduced, but a frenzy of price increases has begun. The demand for resources by high-level units has increased a lot.

Lin Han has no problem with resources now. Players with a lot of resource mines have a huge advantage in the middle and late game, even if you can buy a lot of gold coins? The price of resources is not something that ordinary players can afford. The entire market resources have always been in short supply. Even if the resources are twice the normal price, they will be instantly sold out. All guilds are starting to expand their continents, and the resources are rich. The mainland has begun to enter the competition range of many guilds, and it is not news these few days to fight for a good mainland.

The mainland around Lin Han is relatively safe. This is not to say that no one came to fight, but that they killed everyone who fought. Long ago, Lin Han and the others launched a clean-up battle against the nearby mainland. Don't occupy the mainland, only occupy resource mines. As for other players who want to attack, I'm sorry, don't blame Lin Han and the others for being ruthless.

Lin Han and the others will not retreat in the slightest when it comes to resources. Especially the members of Lin Han and his guild. Now they all look at the resource mines with green eyes. On the contrary, it was cheaper for other people. Zhang Liang and the others were even ready to expand another round.

For these guys now, it is not a good thing to open too many resource mines, and it is too scattered. If ordinary players want to harass them, they just need to keep occupying the resource mines and then retreat. This is very annoying. Lin Han used this tactic frequently in his previous life. For some enemies that he could not defeat head-on, that is to divide the troops into several paths and destroy the enemy's resource mines along the way. This is a very shameless tactic. If it is an enemy If you have occupied resource points on multiple continents, there is a great possibility that you will be led by this style of play.

What Lin Han and the others have to beware of is this kind of enemy. Although it is said that the Hall of Valor has developed very well now, it is inevitable that there will be enemies in the process of development. Lin Han himself is a guy who does not care about revenge at all. The previous series of The battle also drew a lot of hatred. These small guilds did not pose much threat to them in a short period of time, but if they used guerrilla tactics, it would be very annoying.

"My soul will not dissipate! I will wait! Waiting for the next moment of resurrection!"

After blessing the anger of the Avengers, Lin Han's output speed reached the limit. For the next 20 minutes, he directly killed the big guy, and waited until the guy turned into a blue smoke and disappeared. , a crack originally appeared where the guy was.

"I feel the breath of treasure!"

At this time, Jack Sparrow suddenly appeared by Lin Han's side. This crack does not look natural, because the edge of the crack is very flat, and it is obviously artificial traces, on many grounds. , Lin Han saw the pattern and wiped off the dust on the ground. A huge stone carving appeared in front of him. The crack was in the middle of the stone carving, dividing the stone carving into two.

"It's a relief."

After taking a look, Orianna said with certainty that this is a super large relief, and the pictures carved on it are also very strange. A pair of huge eyes appeared on a huge water bottle, and in the water bottle, there seemed to be some When something was about to come out, Lin Han clearly saw what seemed to rise from the water bottle, but the carvings in this place were damaged.

"Go down and have a look, there should be a hint here."

The relief has been separated by Lin Han and the others, and below the relief is a deep passage. I don't know where this passage is going, but since it's here, why can't it go down? Orianna raised the nameless in her hand. The staff, at the front of the staff of nameless, a group of purple rays of light dispelled the darkness in the passage, and going down the stairs, Lin Han and the others soon came to a stone room that was not very large.

"Here, it's a prison where something was once imprisoned."

When entering this room, Ania and Orianna seemed to say at the same time, obviously this place is not a good place, and Lin Han also saw from the side of the room that there was a huge array of magic patterns on the ground. According to Ania and Orianna, this is a sealed magic pattern, something was sealed here, but as the city entered the deep sea, the source of power of the magic pattern began to dry up, and finally the things sealed inside ran away. Out.

This thing is most likely the aggregate of the deep-sea grievances. Now that this guy has been killed, Lin Han and the others have to look here to see if there is anything they can use, but now he is very disappointed, because this room does not Large, even narrow, if there is anything special, they are easy to spot, but disappointed that there is none here.


Orianna turned around helplessly and said, the visibility of this place is too low, and it is hard to find it with the light of the Nameless Staff, and at the moment when she turned around, the Nameless Staff hit the opposite wall and went down. In an instant, the whole room began to brighten up.

"what's the situation?"

Lin Han was suddenly shocked, because at the same time that the room became bright, a man in a blue robe appeared beside him. The man passed directly through his body and walked to the other side of the room, where, There was a table that didn't exist, and Lin Han hadn't seen it for a second.

"It's a recording video. Someone recorded this moment. He seems to be showing us something."

Ania is fairly well-informed, and she can see what this is at a glance.

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