Heroic King

Chapter 832: Murderer Felix

"Room? Is there something wrong with the room?"

At the beginning, Lin Han hadn't seen what was going on. This obviously much larger building was still here when the surrounding houses had collapsed. It looked a little weird, but it didn't seem to be a problem. , at least Lin Han didn't see any problems.

"Are there Death Coilers in there?"

In view of the previous situation, Lin Han also considered a possibility, but Orianna asked Lin Han to take a closer look. Lin Han looked around slowly, and then he came out in a cold sweat. At the beginning, he was in this house. At that time, he thought that there was a death entangler in the room, but this time when he looked again, he found a problem, what flashed through the window was not a shadow, but a moving eyeballs!

"Shit! How big is this?!"

Lin Han's face was quite ugly. If he hadn't seen it at first, he wouldn't have cared much, but after noticing it, he began to become restless. They still have to get rid of these Death Coilers first.

This weird room and the oversized eyes have already made Lin Han understand that this place also has a boss, and it seems that the identity of the boss is ready to be revealed. In the video before, they saw the man and the man being directly attacked by the huge tentacles. After pulling it away, there is no doubt that the owner of this tentacle must be the boss of Death Coiler. As for its strength, then Lin Han and the others will have to try it later.

"Clean up these guys first, this big guy is in no hurry."

Lin Han is not in a hurry. In fact, what he hopes now is that the enemy will not be killed at the critical moment. What he needs now is to kill these death coilers. Only in this way can he have enough energy and troops. to deal with the BOSS.

At the death of the last Death Coiler, Lin Han finally breathed a sigh of relief. They ran around the city wall for at least 10 laps. They were going to have a pain in the ass. There were all Death Coilers along the way. 's corpse, and a large number of light balls, Ania also began to perform his own corpse collection task at this time, while Lin Han began to collect loot, and by the way, he looked at the debris and so on.

"Sure enough, is it missing the No. 1 fragment?"

Looking at the pieces in the package, Lin Han probably understood that there were no Death Coilers that could be seen in the entire town now. There are certain buildings, and not all Death Coilers appear. Lin Han is certain of this. His main target now is the giant-eyed master in the room.

"Orianna, Ania!"

Lin Han is starting to prepare. He is not stupid enough to go straight to it, but asks Orianna and Ania to prepare. As for what to prepare, of course, preparing for magic!

"The earth shakes and the mountains shake!"

When the two magics landed on the house at the same time, the wall of the house began to collapse, and then a violent roar was coming. A huge tentacle stretched out from the sewage and suddenly pulled towards Lin Han and the others. , Fortunately, Lin Han had already prepared, and when the tentacles stretched out, he had already let the troops disperse. This was the only way to successfully evade the enemy's attack.

"Good boy, this is really big enough!"

Seeing the boss's tentacles, Lin Han also took a breath of cold air. The tentacles were at least 25 meters long. Calculated in this way, the attack distance of this boss was a bit scary!

"Intruders, you will become the food for the torturer Felix!"

While Lin Han and the others were preparing for the attack, a voice appeared in his mind, and Orianna, who was beside him, seemed to change his face. She glanced at Lin Han, not sure. asked, "Did you hear that too?"

"Scatter, Ania, take out your collections first, we're going to get ready."

At this time, Lin Han and the others didn't care so much. Under his strong request, Ania also took out the corpse of the Death Coiler he collected here, and then Orianna's golden mask began to emit light. , and the corpses of these 15 death coilers are beginning to show signs of resurrection.

That's right, it is 15. The golden mask has been upgraded. After the upgrade, its attributes have not changed, but the upper limit of its resurrection has been raised to 15. This is a very important place. What does Lin Han need now? What is needed is troops! Strong enough troops, 15 resurrected Death Coilers take on the task of absorbing damage, and at the same time they can cause high output to the enemy, provided these guys don't get knocked out.

"I'm going, this guy is really a bit big!"

The sewage is dispersing, and the torturer Felix is ​​also gradually showing. This is a super huge deep-sea octopus. The length of each tentacle is more than 25 meters, and this guy has a total of 8 tentacles. At this time Gradually expanding, the death coiler sent by Lin Han in the past is the difference between an adult and a baby!


Murderer Felix's attack began, and the first Death Coiler who approached Murderer Felix was directly swept away. This was not a simple pumping. Murderer Felix was the one who directly wrapped death. It was provoked, thrown into the air, and then another tentacle slammed down fiercely, and the Death Coiler was smashed into the floor, without any resistance at all, and its health was suddenly reduced by 50% !

"It hurts!"

The corners of Lin Han's mouth began to twitch. Good guy, this guy's damage can no longer be described as high. This slap will cost hundreds of thousands, so how can you play? The 15 units of Death Coilers that were dispatched were planning to delay this guy for a while, but I didn't expect that within 3 minutes of the battle, all 15 units of Death Coilers were killed, and they were all tortured alive. Felix gave Smashed into the ground, slapped to death with a few slaps, there was no chance to resist, it was a crushing rhythm from beginning to end!


After eliminating the death entangler, the torturer Felix began to turn his body to Lin Han and the others. The huge eyes that appeared in the window before looked at Lin Han with no emotion at all, and the next moment, this guy It started to move, and he started to move towards Lin Han!

"Annia! All the corpses! Throw them out!"

At the moment when Felix the Murderer moved, Lin Han let out a roar. With a large number of Death Coilers walking by his side, Frostmourne on Lin Han's side was heavily stuck on the ground. The next moment, countless The blue light of his is spreading rapidly in all directions, if he can use the true vision of the Eye of Sar-Elran, he can see that the entire battlefield is covered by this blue stripe!

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