The sword light poured out and was completely destroyed.

One sword can open the sky and conquer the world...

The cold wind whistled.

On the wall of the courtyard, the minds of Sister Gongzi and Chen Yi were blank. They were both in a daze, without movement or words, as if time had stopped.


Sister Gongzi's face was blank, she couldn't help but swallowed, and even if she didn't have any, she still had to squeeze out some.

My heart is filled with question marks.

who I am? Where am I?

What just happened? Something passed over my head, right? Where did those evil spirits go?

Within the base.

Zhao Wenlong froze on the sofa, letting the cigarette butts burn freely between his fingers. Even if the ash fell on his clothes, there was no reaction.

Did I make a mistake?

No, definitely a mistake!

No matter how you look at it, this team is not the weakest. Even if it is compared to those two epic teams, it is not much different.

Also, what happened to that sword...

The magic weapon I picked up, or...

"Ahem," he calmed down and shouted loudly to the door, "Xiao Wang, bring the information here!"

"The legendary one from Chang'an..."

The power of a sword shocked everyone.

Almost everyone was immersed in the shock of this sword, however, except one person...

Thousand-year-old Sophora japonica.

Qin Ye's roaring words echoed in his mind. Cheng Yong had mixed feelings in his heart, his expression was moved, and he stared blankly in Qin Ye's direction.

Others may not know the meaning of that sentence, but he knows very well that destiny...

"Old Qin..."

He murmured, although he didn't know what Qin Ye was carrying, but the feeling of silently bearing it must be uncomfortable...


At this time, in the smoke and dust, the ghost bride's voice sounded again, and she rushed out like a ghost and rushed towards Cheng Yong.


Cheng Yong turned to look at her, his eyes were indifferent and without any emotion, and he spoke coldly.

As soon as the words fell, the Ghost Bride froze in place, her body unable to stop trembling.

Under the red hijab, the silver-white pupils trembled slightly, as if they had seen something extremely terrifying, and their hearts trembled.

"I said, get out!"

Cheng Yong turned around and faced the other party directly, with a little anger in his tone.

At the same time, a tyrannical momentum spread rapidly from the inside out, locking onto the trembling Ghost Bride.

The fear deep in her soul surged up, and the ghost bride was completely panicked. In panic, she nodded to Cheng Yong and thanked him for not killing him.

Then he immediately circled around Cheng Yong and flew back to the ancient well in one breath, as if he had never been there before.

The afterglow fell, without wind or sound.

Cheng Yong didn't even glance at Gu Jing, but walked slowly towards Qin Ye's direction.

Maybe, I don’t know how to help you, but I will use my own way to help you...

"Haha, Lao Qin, nb!"

Time flies, and a few days fly by.

In the trial land, except for the accident in the tomb city, everything else was going on in an orderly manner.

What's particularly noteworthy is that since Qin Ye's breakthrough, Cheng has completely let go of himself, almost walking sideways in the trial circle, attacking anyone who doesn't like it.

Can't do it?

Isn't this still the case with Lao Qin? The main character is a playboy.

Perhaps due to the influence of Cheng Yong, Chen Yi's behavior style has also changed a lot.

He began to take the initiative to kill evil spirits, practiced quickly, and his strength also improved a lot.

In the meantime, the outside world.

Incidents in the underworld are becoming more and more frequent, and even some evil spirits have appeared in the sight of ordinary people.

Although it was quickly suppressed and an explanation was given afterwards, it still aroused speculation among many interested people.

Comments on the Internet are flying everywhere, sweeping across all major online platforms.

A certain sound.

The hood of the gown was raised: "Damn it! Have you seen that video? It's that thing that shines in the sky. It looks like a human figure..."

Don’t want to be a thief: “Damn it, don’t tell me, I just took a closer look, and it looks a bit like...”

Clever: "Don't talk about it. The day before yesterday, when I had to urinate urgently in the middle of the night, I suddenly saw a black shadow in the cornfield of my house. Its eyes glowed green and disappeared in the blink of an eye. I was so scared that I went to wash my pants in the middle of the night..."

I am Qin Shihuang: "Finally I can't hide it any more. Have you seen my name? There are too many to mention. I want to pay..."

Qi Jiali: "Oh, we are a bunch of poor people with a monthly salary of several thousand. How much more can I earn in one second? Think more about how to make money. These are not things you can get. If you work hard, maybe you can still give me some money." I'm going to work..."

Internet Judge: "Don't run away upstairs, I am ***, if you dare to appear in front of me, I will give you two big mouths, what ***, go to ***..."

Unknown: "The judge is mighty!!!"

The Purple Emperor of the Imperial Palace, Mingxu, and Shenxia League.

In the unpretentious room, a huge table is placed in the middle, with 12 chairs arranged in order.

Suddenly, there seemed to be a sigh from eternity, "They are all here..."

The next moment, on a high chair in the middle, a ghostly figure appeared in the flash of spiritual light, showing a slight vicissitude.

If you feel it carefully, you will find that you are not facing a person, but the distant eternity.

The ancient breath strikes the deepest part of the soul, making people unable to resist at all.

Immediately afterwards, 10 more phantoms appeared one after another, all with their faces hidden and their faces unclear.

However, the auras revealed from their bodies alone are enough to make people's hearts tremble with unimaginable horror.

Silent and breathless, as if time stood still.

After a long time, one of them seemed to frown, looking at the empty chair in the middle, with a slightly unhappy tone, "Didn't he come again? This is the first time."

"The third time..." A slightly thin figure replied calmly, without any emotion.

"Hahaha, you have personality, I like it." A shadowy figure grinned and said in a rough tone.

The person who spoke first glanced at him and said angrily, "We have only met seven times in total, and he didn't come three times. I think we should just remove his chair."

Before he finished speaking, he heard a cheerful voice, "Hey? You stupid cow, I'm just a little late, and you want to remove my chair? If you remove my chair, where can I sit? I can't Sit on your head."

Then, his figure emerged, with his face half-covered. He looked young, about thirty years old, and his aura was equally strong.


The man clenched his fists and was about to say something when he was interrupted by a slightly older voice, "Forget it, let's finish the meeting first. I won't be able to leave for too long..."

After hearing this, the man glared at the young man, "Humph! I'll give Mr. Wang some face today and won't argue with you little brat."

"Slightly, slightly..."

The young man grimaced.

On the main seat, the shadow slowly spoke, "Okay, now that everyone is here, let's start..."

As soon as these words came out, the scene fell into silence, everyone looked serious, and the young man also withdrew his smile and waited quietly for him to say something...

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