"Kill! Kill! Kill!"

To the east of the base, there is a deserted battlefield.

The two armies faced each other and issued orders to attack at the same time. Without the magic circle and cannon fodder, the war could be considered to have truly begun.

Soldiers against soldiers, against generals.

In the sky, Wang Chong and Yang Shihou turned into afterimages, fighting fiercely and inseparably. Below, the same was true for the two armies.

They are both elite divisions. Without special skills, large battle formations will not have any useful effect at all. They will only increase consumption. Therefore, long-range consumption has become a handover between hand-to-hand combat, and hand-to-hand combat has begun.

Whoosh whoosh——

There are flashes of swords and swords, bullets and bullets flying in all directions, and all kinds of colors are everywhere.

The pinnacle showdown between the old era and the modern world.

On the battlefield, intensive bursts of energy constantly impact people's perceptions, either as red splatters of blood, or as fierce weapons and iron horses, striking directly at the soul.

The sound of killing shook the sky, and there were all kinds of sounds, such as wailing, crying, roaring, and shouting to kill. All kinds of sounds were filled together, just like the cold terror of being in the Shura field, and the heart was filled with fear.

The strong wind passed by, swirling the rich black air, mixed with the disgusting smell of blood, and floated in everyone's nostrils. However, no one paid attention to it deliberately. Being distracted on the battlefield will kill people... …

The Zhenling Army formed a team of ten, forming small battle formations, integrating offense and defense, and charged into the distance.

Cold light, strong wind, raging fire, dead wood, gold and stone, and thunder are all filled with elements, and the spiritual power is accumulated, coercing the power of tens of thousands of hectares, and exerting great power on the battlefield, as powerful as breaking bamboo.

Killing intent permeated the air, and the bloodthirsty atmosphere filled everyone's mind. Every Suppressing Spirit Army had unknowingly brought with them a fierce and murderous aura, not to mention the evil spirits who had little sense in the first place.

"Ho! Roar!"

Three or two roars came, and they seemed to stir up thousands of waves, followed closely by endless roars and roars.

In the roars, the primitive desire to kill gradually swallowed up the reason, and dozens of evil spirits turned into primitive beasts that only knew killing, adding a bit more ferocity to this cruel battlefield.


As the war passed minute by minute, figures continued to fall, including those from evil spirits and those from the Spirit-Suppressing Army. Red and black blood intertwined, and soon pools of blood formed, dyeing the brown earth beneath their feet red.

Due to the huge gap in numbers, the Zhenling Army quickly fell into a disadvantage. Fortunately, with the help of heroic souls, it was not defeated immediately.

However, this is never a long-term solution.

Uh-huh! Under the black robes, a slightly weathered Soul-Suppressing Army swung their swords fiercely. Blessed by red flames, the sword light rushed forward wantonly and cut into the spiritual tide ahead.

The fire lit up and continued to grow in the black air. The air within the reservoir exploded, and the explosion sounded.

Bang bang bang…

Several evil spirits were exploded in response, turning into black energy and dissipating, and this scene was still happening.

When the battle situation was tense, several streaks of light cut through the sky in the distance, like meteors flying towards here quickly.

At this moment, on the flying sword, three figures stood...no...two, and another one...

"Holy shit, it's over, my legs are on my knees... I'm numb when I stand," Cheng Yong couldn't help complaining.

In response to his words, Qin Ye just glanced at him briefly and then moved his gaze to the battlefield ahead.

"The war has begun," Qin Ye said with serious eyes and a heavy tone.

Hearing this, Cheng Yong immediately put away his smiling face and turned to look at the devastated battlefield with a serious look.

The battlefield is never a happy place, no matter what the outcome is...

"Once you enter the battlefield, everything will be out of your control. Have you really thought about it?"

Qin Ye turned around and asked solemnly.

"I can't help myself? Old Qin, you look down on me too much." Cheng Yong smiled confidently and said calmly.

"There's nothing that an ax can't solve. If one ax isn't enough, then...a tornado will destroy the parking lot!"

Qin Ye nodded happily. This fat man was indeed what he thought...

Then, he looked at Chen Yi.

"It's okay with me..." Chen Yi was a little nervous, but he still nodded and changed a bit.

"Okay", Qin Ye nodded, his eyes lit up with blue light, pointed at the Condensing Sword Technique, and said in a deep voice, "Stand firm..."

In the middle of the battle, a man with a resolute face swung his sword with all his strength, piercing the air and slashing several meters away.


The blade was sharp, and the two evil spirits were cut off in an instant. The spiritual light was eroded and extinguished. Severe pain surged into the mind, and they turned into ashes in despair and pain.

Before the man could react, a deadly black light quickly struck, covering the man's body like the light of death.

The man's eyes suddenly shrank as the desire of death surged, and he wanted to block with his knife, but the black light was already in front of him, approaching the vital point, and was unstoppable.

When he felt desperate, a sound of piercing the sky suddenly came from his side. The blue light stood out, and the vitality suddenly appeared. There was only a "bang" sound, and the fatal black light was directly extinguished.

Then under the man's shocked gaze, the power of the blue light did not diminish, and it turned into a sharp arrow and rushed towards the spiritual tide.

Before the sound was heard, a dazzling blue light emerged, directly covering several evil spirits and killing them instantly.

The black light dissipated, and there seemed to be silence for a moment before the belated sound of muffled thunder and bombing arrived.


Everything happened in a blink of an eye, as if it had been expected, and there was no chance for Ben to react.

The man's expression was dull, his mind was on standby, and he was at a loss for the moment.

At this time, the chopping sound started again behind him, and then a body with only the upper half flew in front of him, turning into fly ash and dissipating bit by bit.

"Hey, uncle, you're welcome!"

The man came back to his senses and looked back with gratitude. However, just for a moment, he was completely stunned.

Not far away, I saw a little fat man stepping on a Xuanhua ax, lightly raising his eyebrows, and giving him a wink.

The man's expression changed from grateful to weird.

Who is this fat man? Also, isn’t this a rookie in the latent spirit realm? How could he hit such a powerful blow?

At this moment, a figure quietly came behind Cheng Yong, holding a long knife ready to go.


Without thinking too much, the man shouted loudly, but the next second, behind Cheng Yong, a handsome young man holding a three-foot green sword quickly flashed past and decapitated him with a sword.

"Don't be stunned," Qin Ye said sternly, and immediately turned into a stream of light, wandering around every corner of the battlefield, harvesting lives one by one.

In the blink of an eye.

Looking at the body that had not dissipated beside him, Cheng Yong suddenly became a little angry. He couldn't help but kicked him twice and cursed, "Damn, I dare to sneak up on you, Grandpa Cheng. I'm really impatient."

After saying that, he directly picked up the two-meter-long giant ax and appeared above the spiritual tide in a flash.

He yelled, "Crow flies!"


The ground was shattered into rubble, and an evil spirit was split into two pieces, leaving no bones left. Before they could react, Cheng Yong's eyes were raised slightly, with a smile on his lips.

"Tornado destroys parking lot..."

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