Heroic Soul: Drunken Qianqiu

Chapter 156 Emperor Yan, An Qingzhi

Boom boom boom...

The roaring sound continued to resound in the void, as if it was about to shatter the sky, causing waves in the space.

A punch shook away the incoming sword, and the fighting spirit in Zhao Wenlong's heart reached its climax at this moment.

"Haha, good time!"

Panting heavily, he looked at the man opposite him, smiled broadly, and wiped the beads of sweat rising from his forehead with a look of satisfaction on his face.

Cool! It’s so cool!

He couldn't help but howl loudly, the spiritual power in his body was running rapidly, and his blood was boiling.

"Hehe, you are very good, but I have to get serious next time," he laughed.

As he finished speaking, the muscles in his two arms suddenly swelled and shone with a fiery light.

The wind hissed, and only two roars were heard, and two phantoms of giant beasts quickly appeared, the green dragon on the left and the white tiger on the right, surrounding him majestically.

With a loud shout, his body exploded instantly, and he stepped through the void with his foot. The sound of sonic boom resounded, and he disappeared in an instant, leaving only an afterimage.

Under the dark night, a stream of light cut through the sky and rushed towards the black figure at an extremely fast speed.

"Tiger roars and dragon roars!" With a loud shout, Zhao Wenlong appeared above the man, his fists gathering momentum, streams of light billowing, and the phantom of the mad dragon shining and roaring angrily.

With a punch, the mad dragon tore open the void and rushed towards the man with a huge force.

The strong wind hit his face, as if he felt the terror of this blow. Under the black armor helmet, the man's expression suddenly changed, and he quickly raised his sword, intending to kill the dragon.

However, when the mad dragon fell, he only felt a majestic force like a mountain hitting his arm. Only a mournful sound was heard, and the long black sword shattered into pieces, breaking off every inch, turning into black energy and dissipating.

"How can it be!"

His pupils shrank suddenly, and he couldn't help but exclaim. The next moment, the dragon's power did not diminish, and it fell straight on him. With huge force, his whole body was like a meteor, and he smashed down uncontrollably. .


In an instant, the void shook and the earth cracked, revealing terrifying cracks like spider webs. Smoke and dust rose everywhere, covering almost half of the battlefield.

After the smoke and dust dispersed, a huge crater appeared in front of everyone's eyes, and in the middle of the crater, a frail figure lay.


The man climbed up with difficulty, but before he could regain his footing, another strong wind hit him, and then he heard the roar of a tiger.

He subconsciously crossed his hands and put them on his chest to block. The next moment, Zhao Wenlong flashed in front of him, and the phantom of the tiger suddenly erupted.


A mouthful of black blood spurted out, drawing a line of blood, and his body was like a cannonball, flying backwards for hundreds of meters in the distance before crashing to the ground and unable to stand up for a long time.

In the rear, exclamations of surprise were heard one after another, and everyone who was still awake was dumbfounded and froze on the spot.

In a battle of this level, just the aftermath could kill them, which would not be seen on ordinary days.

"Damn it! Are you so awesome?"

Cheng Yong couldn't help but exclaimed, just these two punches, even ten thousand Tysons won't work, it's still you, Teacher Saitama...

Beside him, Cheng Yaojin puffed up his chest as he looked at his grandson who looked like he had never seen the world.

"Hmm~ It does have some of the bravery I had back then, not more, not more, just seven or eight points."

"Yes, yes, everything you said is right..."

Cheng Yong gave a look that said, "I almost believed it." He replied perfunctorily, then immediately turned his head and continued to look at Zhao Wenlong.

After getting along with each other for such a long time, he has long understood what his ancestor is like. To put it simply, I am like my ancestor, and we are related across generations.

The inheritance cannot be cut off just like that...

During the battle, Zhao Wenlong patted the dust on his sleeves and grinned, "Hey, it's cool!"

It had been a long time since he had been beaten so happily. The highest guard in a dark ruins could not attack easily on weekdays.

Firstly, it is to train the combat capabilities of ordinary soldiers. Although there will be sacrifices, without the baptism of blood, one will not become a true warrior.

Secondly, the powerful spiritual power fluctuations can easily attract the attention of some thousand-year-old monsters, which can lead to riots in the underworld and make it difficult to recover.

Finally, and the most important point, the highest guard in any Mingxu is the last Great Wall of Mingxu. If the Great Wall does not fall, all people will have no worries...


In the black air, a violent coughing sound came, hoarse and dull, like a mouthful of ten-year-old phlegm stuck in it, which was extremely uncomfortable to hear.

"Huh? Can you still stand up?"

Zhao Wenlong raised his eyebrows and said with great interest, there are not many people in the Holy Star who can resist his two punches...

The black energy gathered, and the man's embarrassed figure emerged. His body was illusory, his breath was mixed and disordered, and there was a big pit in his chest. His two arms seemed to be boneless, hanging down in front of him feebly. He was already extremely weak, but that A pair of eyes like black holes, but there is a hint of scarlet appearing faintly, shining more and more.


He was breathing heavily, his body was trembling slightly, and the black air around him gathered quickly, and his sanity was on the verge of collapse.

Seeing this, Zhao Wenlong's face couldn't help but sink. If he loses his mind, the opponent's strength will inevitably rise to a higher level, and it will be even more difficult to deal with.

He clenched his fists tightly, his spiritual power was running rapidly, and the aura in his body was rising rapidly, ready to finish him off.

However, at this moment, a voice came from the depths of the void.

"Niu Tingjie, please retreat first."

The tone was lazy, but mixed with unquestionable majesty, making it hard to resist.

Miraculously, as the words fell, the scarlet color in the man's eyes began to dissipate, and even the violent aura on his body calmed down.

Zhao Wenlong frowned, his eyelids jumped up unconsciously, and he looked solemnly into the depths of the Mingxu.

The next moment, the earth trembled and made a rumbling sound. In the distance, extremely rich black air rose up and flew into the sky, forming countless black clouds, exuding a frightening and strange air. Covered tightly, no light can shine through.

Dark night…falls…

A roar of giant beasts resounded throughout the world, and then two giant black dragons appeared in the sky, letting out long roars.

And the ground in the distance was filled with black air.

"Dong dong dong dong..."

The war drums beat, and the roaring sound of the drums penetrated the black air and reached everyone's ears. Then, a black 'mountain' tore through the black mist and slowly drove towards the battlefield.

The wind did not dance, the clouds did not move, and the air fell into silence. Everyone could not help but hold their breath and watch this sudden scene nervously.

Time passed little by little, and the huge black shadow completely appeared in front of everyone's eyes. However, everyone was shocked when they saw its complete picture.

What kind of mountain is this? It is clearly a palace with a huge axle, and around the palace, there are countless figures exuding strange evil aura...

"Crunch, crunch..."

The axle crushed the earth, making a huge "squeaking" sound that passed through the void and echoed in everyone's hearts.


Niu Tingjie said weakly, dragging his seriously injured body and saluted in the direction of the palace.

Above the palace, a figure emerged, with black gold armor and red satin, like a king, towering over the sky, looking down at everything below...

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