Heroic Soul: Drunken Qianqiu

Chapter 164 The End Of The First Phase

The dawn was dawning, and a few rays of sunlight passed through the window, drawing several circular halos of light, which went straight into the house and reflected on the young man's cheek.

"Qin Ye, Qin Ye..."

A panicked female voice came from far and near, surrounding her ears.

Qin Ye turned his head, a smile inadvertently appeared on his face, and looked at Chu Weiyu who was coming.

Chu Weiyu was still wearing the tattered special training uniform, with faint streaks of dust hanging on her face, but her starry eyes always revealed Chuchen's temperament.

"You came……"

Qin Ye said with a smile.

Under the sun, his face looked a little hazy, and as for that smile, it couldn't be said to be cold, but it wasn't bright either. After all, having just experienced a war, it is absolutely impossible to say that it will not be affected.

At least now, they all have a bit of hostility in them, and they haven't fully adjusted yet.

Chu Weiyu didn't pay attention, nodded, walked forward, and looked at Cheng Yong who was lying on the bed beside him.

"How is he?"

Qin Ye turned his head slightly and said, "It's okay. He's just too tired. He'll be fine if he takes a nap."


Hearing this, Chu Weiyu felt relieved.

"Qin Ye, that..."

Suddenly, she spoke again, but as soon as the words came out, she didn't know how to say them.

Qin Ye understood in his heart, "You want to ask about the legendary heroic soul, right?"

Chu Weiyu said silently and nodded.

The moment the First Emperor appeared, the legendary supreme aura spread throughout the entire Mingxu. Naturally, everyone in the Mingxu noticed it, not just the Mingxu, but also some of the strongest in the city of Gods. .

Qin Ye smiled faintly. He didn't want to hide this matter anymore. Of course, there was no way to hide it any longer.

He stretched out his hand, and an extremely pure golden light formed on his fingertips, shining across the room.

Seeing this scene, Chu Weiyu's face immediately froze, and she froze there. Although she had already guessed it, she still couldn't restrain her inner shock when she saw it with her own eyes.

The next moment, she suddenly realized something and lost her voice, "Is that legendary person from Chang'an?!"


Qin Ye nodded, put away his aura, looked out the window and said, "When I awakened the Sword Immortal Li Bai, I knew about his existence. I just didn't know who he was, so I didn't bother with it. Later, in By chance, he woke up..."

His tone was calm and collected, as if he was talking about a trivial matter.

Chu Weiyu was really stunned by this scene. Her eyes trembled slightly and she couldn't help but swallow.

Legendary level...

Nowadays, there are only a few legends on the surface, let alone myths. There are none. Some people even doubt whether myths exist.

It can be said that the legendary level is the absolute pinnacle now, an existence that many people can't even dream of.

Seeing Chu Weiyu's appearance, Qin Ye smiled helplessly and joked, "Although I'm awake, I don't dare to use it..."

From his awakening to now, in a complete sense, he has used the power of the First Emperor twice, and the impact was not that great.

Chang'an Mingxu, and this incident.

Without exception, as soon as the First Emperor appeared, all kinds of monsters and ghosts in the underworld jumped out, and he always survived from desperate situations, almost dying, and not I don’t know if it’s because of destiny or something else.

However, after these two incidents, he did not dare to expose the First Emperor easily. After all, no one wanted to leave their life to an unpredictable fate.

However, this feeling of holding a peerless secret book but not being able to use it is really uncomfortable.

All he could say was that it was difficult to do...

This time it was Chu Weiyu's turn to be silent.

At this time, two slight vibrations sounded at the same time, breaking the silence. The two of them took out their badges, and there was only one message on it, "Assemble on the playground."

On the huge playground, a dozen teenagers stood quietly, with numb faces and silence.

The war made them lose their youthful youthfulness and replace it with perseverance. I don’t know if this is a good thing. The only good thing is that they stand in the sun, always.

A few minutes later, Jiang Zheng and several instructors also came over. Different from the past, they were tired both physically and mentally, and not as majestic as before.

However, no one cares about this.

Jiang Zheng glanced at the people below him, and after a while, he spoke in a hoarse voice.

"In this sudden change in the Ming Ruins, 236 soldiers of the Zhenling Army were killed and 305 were seriously injured..."

Below, Qin Ye looked shocked.

Although I knew the casualties would be heavy this time, I never imagined it would be so serious.

According to the three battle groups in one position, one regiment is fifty, three regiments are one hundred and fifty, and eight positions in the southeast, northwest, and north are one thousand two hundred people. Of course, the actual number must be more than this.

However, due to Yu Jing of the Dazhu Kingdom in the south, the Zhenling Army guarding the south was hardly consumed, so only a thousand people participated in the battle.

A thousand people, more than half killed or injured...

In ancient times, if the casualties of the army exceeded 30%, it would collapse. As for 50%, it is unimaginable. However, the Zhenling Army persisted until the end with unimaginable perseverance at this level.

And behind that perseverance is the endless blood and the remnant souls that will remain in the underworld forever.

Silence prevailed here, and a deathly silence surrounded everyone, with the wind rustling.

After a long while, Jiang Zheng finally spoke, "For ordinary soldiers, this is a situation they have to face every moment, an unpredictable future."

At this point, he glanced at Shen Moxuan sitting in a wheelchair below, and then spoke again.

"For you, this is just the first stage of your special training. There will be more dangers in the future, more dangerous than here, and more people will die."

"It could be anyone, it could be you," he pointed at a little genius casually, "It could be you, it could be you, of course, it could be me..."

The little geniuses he pointed out all trembled, clenched their fists tightly, and didn't know what they were thinking.

To be honest, they are just a group of teenagers who have just entered the world. Death is still relatively far away for them, and no one will associate it with themselves. However, when it hangs above their heads, saying they are not afraid, that is impossible.


He said seriously, "If someone wants to quit, speak up in time and I will never stop him."

As soon as the words came out, the atmosphere fell into dead silence again.

"Jiang, instructor Jiang."

A young man suddenly spoke.

Everyone's eyes were focused on the young man. His face suddenly turned red and he hesitated.

"I would like to ask...if you withdraw from this special training, will you be kicked out of the Divine Summer League?"

Then, he explained, "My dad passed away early, my mom is old, and my younger siblings are still in school..."

Jiang Zheng also heard what the young man meant, looked at everyone, and said solemnly, "Don't worry, even if you withdraw now, you are still a member of the Shenxia Alliance and can go back directly to your original place. The information you have here will also be It will be hidden and will not affect your original life."

As he spoke, he directly crossed out the boy's name on the list.

Next, a few more people proposed the idea of ​​​​quitting, and Zhao Wenlong did not hesitate at all. He crossed out their names directly.

There is nothing wrong with the young man, and there is nothing wrong with him. Since ancient times, loyalty and filial piety have been a dilemma. On the way to growth, there are always things that need to be given up.

"Any more?" he continued.

But this time, there was no sound from below.


He nodded. There were 5 people in total, neither too many nor too few. He put away the roster and said, "The first stage of the special training is over. I will give you five days to repair it. After five days, the second stage of the special training will begin." .”

After saying that, he and several instructors turned and left...

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