Heroic Soul: Drunken Qianqiu

Chapter 18 Marked Underworld Ruins

As soon as Qin Ye walked into the Ming Ruins, he saw the corpses of evil spirits everywhere slowly dissipating.

While he was shocked, a wind blade struck behind him.

Looking back, I saw an evil spirit holding a spear lying motionless on the ground a few meters behind me.

"Thank you," Qin Ye said to Chen Xuan in front of him, and then, Li Bai's figure appeared.

Looking at the densely packed evil spirits around him, most of them were in the middle stage of latent spirit, Li Bai moved forward with his sword, raised his hand, gathered momentum, and shouted low.

"One sword frost-freezes fourteen states!"

A sword energy condensed with the power of frost was slashed out. The cold light was sharp. Wherever it passed, the cold condensed and the ground was covered with frost.

In an instant, a large number of evil spirits turned into ice sculptures and were imprisoned in place.

"Awesome, you really deserve to be called the Wine and Sword Immortal", Qin Ye couldn't help but admire.

But before they were happy for a long time, some evil spirits with late potential and above began to use spiritual power to shock the ice surface, and soon cracks appeared.

The power of a wide range of spiritual attacks has been dispersed, and Li Bai is only in the middle stage of latent spirit. Even at the epic level, it is difficult to seal so many evil spirits across realms at the same time.

The next second, the ice shattered, and many evil spirits broke through the seal and came out. The black energy dispersed and roared, as if they were about to rush over at any time and tear Li Bai into pieces.

However, a ball of fire struck, directly shattering the evil spirits' hope of survival.


The flames exploded, high temperatures spread out, and all the evil spirits present turned into ashes.

"I've met senior Li Bai," Zhang Zhanguo said respectfully.

Li Bai nodded lightly, looking at the big man in front of him, he felt a little more approval in his heart. Although he was not very smart, he was still humble and polite.

Unexpectedly, Zhang Zhanguo was directly inflamed with flames and rushed towards the evil spirit coming from a distance, spouting various greetings from time to time.

Li Bai:......

In the Ming Ruins, wind and fire gathered together, the ground was covered with frost, and swords were shining. In just a moment, the corpses everywhere turned into ashes, and no evil spirit around dared to rush forward.


Chen Xuan breathed a long sigh of relief. Fortunately, the only ones with the highest realm around him were those at the early stage of Candlelight. Otherwise, they would have had to ask for support.

"Reinforce the seal, and then evacuate. The evil spirits here won't be able to come out for a while," Zhang Zhanguo frowned and gasped.

Although there is plenty of spiritual energy in the Mingxu, there are too many evil spirits. More than half of the spiritual energy of several people has been consumed, and Qin Ye's spiritual energy is very low.


After strengthening the seal, several people rested for a while and walked out of the Mingxu.

At this moment, Li Tianyan waved the spear in his hand, and with the spiritual fire falling, every blow landed on Si Hou's huge body.

Sihou half-knelt on the ground. Her previous momentum was no longer there. Her level had dropped to the middle of candlelight, and there was even a tendency to fall again at any time.

"Tell me your name," Empress Si forced herself up and said, but her words still revealed majesty.

"General Tang, Li Tianyan!"

Feeling that Li Tianyan was holding back, Empress Si said weakly: "Junior, I recognize your strength, but members of the Xia royal family never need mercy from the enemy. Please keep the last trace of dignity for me..."

After hearing this, Li Tianyan's eyes were full of respect. He looked at this apocalyptic hero and said slowly, "I didn't think carefully."

Then, Li Tianyan's momentum increased, the spear in his hand hissed, red flames billowed, and a terrifying aura emerged.

Spears split the sky, and flames cut through the night.

Seeing this, Empress Si slowly closed her eyes, with a slight smile on her lips, and her strong body stood proudly on the ground.

boom! ! !

The wind is strong and the leaves are falling.

This is the end of a generation of heroes.

Song Mingzhuo put away his iron fan, bowed slightly in the direction of his concubine, and said silently, "Song Dynasty, Song Mingzhuo..."

When Qin Ye and others walked out of Mingxu, a wave of heat rushed towards them.

When the smoke and dust dispersed, a huge deep pit appeared on the ground, and Si Hou's figure had disappeared.

"Senior Li, Senior Song," several people came and said in a slightly formal manner.

"I've heard about the reputation of the Sword Immortal for a long time, but when I saw him today, he really lived up to his reputation." Song Mingzhuo folded his iron fan and said with a gentle expression on his face.

"I have admired you for a long time." Li Tianyan also became normal size and laughed loudly.

"False fame is just a cloud." Li Bai took out the wine gourd from his waist and took a few sips, feeling as if his fatigue was swept away.

After talking for a long time, several people left one after another.

Looking at the devastation on the ground, Qin Ye was a little at a loss, "Old... um, deputy captain, how should we deal with this?"

"Let me report to the above, there will be someone to deal with it." After saying this, Zhang Zhanguo looked at Chen Xuan who was cleaning up the battlefield and sneered, "Before that, I first deal with a matter, or... someone."

"Damn it, are there still evil spirits? Why is there such a great sense of oppression?"

Chen Xuan suddenly felt uneasy. He carefully observed his surroundings, trying to find where this sense of oppression came from. But after looking around, I couldn't find the missing evil spirit.

Suddenly, he saw Zhang Zhanguo walking towards him, and was about to step forward to talk, but when he saw Zhang Zhanguo's sneering face, he felt as if he had fallen into an ice cave.

"Vice-captain," Chen Xuan stuttered, retreating unconsciously, "If I say I didn't do it on purpose, would you believe it?"

"Believe it, how could you not believe it?" Zhang Zhanguo had already walked up to Chen Xuan, hugging Chen Xuan with one arm, showing an amiable look.

"Vice Captain, look at my small body, what should I do if I suddenly collapse? Or..."

Zhang Zhanguo interrupted, "It doesn't matter, just follow local customs."

"Ouch, ah, ah, ah..."

A series of screams wandered around the Huaqing Palace. During this period, Qin Ye couldn't help but glance at it. After just a quick glance, he couldn't bear to watch anymore and fled the scene quickly to avoid harming him, a fish in the pond.

Finally, after Chen Xuan punched Zhang Zhanguo hard in the face for more than ten minutes, Chen Xuan let Zhang Zhanguo go.

Looking at Zhang Zhanguo's red and swollen hands, Chen Xuan took out a pack of wet wipes from his pocket and said in vague words.

"Hu (vice-captain), chacha (wipe) your hands, don't let them get dirty."

Seeing how knowledgeable Chen Xuan was, Zhang Zhanguo wiped the sweat from his body and said with a pleased expression, "You can teach a boy..."

Pavilion cloister.

Looking at the lakeside not far away, a few swimming fish emerged from the water from time to time, the wind was rippling, and the thin willows were charming. Qin Ye smiled slightly, enjoying this moment of tranquility.

"Boy, let's go." At some point, Zhang Zhanguo and Chen Xuan had already walked behind Qin Ye.

Seeing Chen Xuan limping with a pig-headed look, Qin Ye didn't dare to mention what happened just now. He just said "Oh" and followed them out.

On the road, cars were speeding on the road, and various houses and buildings passed by like passing clouds.

"Vice Captain, how many years have you been a member of the Shenxia Alliance?" Qin Ye suddenly asked.

"How many years..." A flash of thought appeared in Zhang Zhanguo's eyes, and memories of the past came to his mind, and he slowly said, "It's been four years... ha, it's been so long..."

"I'm like Sanlian." Chen Xuan didn't forget to talk to him while driving, but his words were unclear and he didn't know if Qin Ye understood.

Just like this, they chatted one after another, and after a while, they arrived at the base.

"Yushi, are you still busy?"

When he pushed open the warehouse door, he saw Tang Yushi typing something alone in front of the computer, and Zhang Zhanguo said hello.

Tang Yushi just said without raising her head, "It's not because of the newly discovered Nether Ruins. I am now making a map with all the Nether Ruins discovered in our area marked on it."

"Guess how many there are?" Tang Yushi looked up at a few people, but when she saw Chen Xuan, she couldn't hold back, "Hahahaha"

The room was filled with laughter as clear as silver bells, and black lines suddenly appeared on Chen Xuan's pig-headed face, "Stop barking, little brat."

But as soon as Chen Xuan finished speaking, Tang Yushi laughed even louder, with tears forming in the corners of her eyes. Chen Xuan was so angry that he limped into Mingxu to recover from his injuries.

After Chen Xuan left for a while, Tang Yushi regained consciousness and placed the map in front of the two of them. They saw a few yellow dots scattered here and there, and three orange dots. It looks particularly eye-catching.

Tang Yushi also explained to the two of them at this time, yellow represents small ghost ruins, orange represents medium-sized ghost ruins, red represents large ghost ruins, and black represents the realm of the underworld.

Qin Ye stepped forward and counted, his face immediately darkened. There were seven yellow marks on the map, and there was one next to his house...

Seeing the worry in Qin Ye's heart, Zhang Zhanguo explained, "Don't worry, all the underworld ruins have been reinforced and sealed. It is difficult for evil spirits to come out. Moreover, there will be people stationed in each underworld ruins."

Qin Ye finally let go of his uneasiness. After a simple wash, he fell asleep here.

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