Heroic Soul: Drunken Qianqiu

Chapter 41 Awakening And Returning

Ever since Mr. Wang Ge issued the warning, there had been no serious incidents in the following few days. After all, they could still distinguish between seeking opportunity and seeking death.

A few days later in the afternoon, Qin Ye, who was lying in bed, struggled to open his eyes. He felt a severe headache and his body felt as if he had been hung up and beaten for several hours.

Qin Ye reluctantly raised his head and looked around with his black eyes vigilantly. In the retro-style room, the faint scent of sandalwood filled his surroundings, and a little sunlight filtered through the hollow carved windows.

Qin Ye took a deep breath and struggled to get up, but couldn't get up after several attempts. He said helplessly, "Senior Li Bai...Senior Li Bai? Brother Bai? Taibai Xian?"

But no matter how many times he called, there was no response. Qin Ye panicked instantly, and a force rose up from nowhere in his body. He stood up forcefully and staggered out of the door.

A little girl full of spirituality suddenly walked into the living room and said in surprise, "Brother Qin Ye, are you awake?" Then she quickly ran to the yard and shouted loudly, "Grandpa, grandpa, brother Qin Ye is awake..."

"Lan Xin?"

Qin Ye couldn't believe his eyes. It had only been so long, but Lan Xin's personality had changed so much. He couldn't help but feel happy for Lan Xin, and he also guessed where this place was.

After a while, Lan Xin came in holding Wang Ge's hand. As soon as he entered, Wang Ge kept looking at Qin Ye with a smile on his face, as if he had discovered some treasure, which was indeed the case.

For a moment, Qin Ye felt uncomfortable and looked at Lan Xin and then at Wang Ge.

Wang Ge immediately understood what Qin Ye meant, knelt down and said softly to Lan Xin, "Lan Xin, you go and play with your grandma for a while, and I'll talk to your brother Qin Ye for a while."

"Oh", Lan glanced at Qin Ye reluctantly, and then ran into the room.

"Mr. Wang, our vice-captain Zhang Zhanguo, how is he..."

Qin Ye said silently that at that time he only saw Zhang Zhanguo falling continuously, and then he lost consciousness. As for everything that happened after that, he could not remember anything.

Wang Ge smiled and said, "He is fine. He will be fine after a few days of sleep."

"Really?" Qin Ye couldn't believe it and looked directly into Wang Ge's eyes.

"Old man, can I still lie to you?"


Qin Ye let out a long sigh of relief. It's good that Lao Tu is fine. As for the Mingxu, with Mr. Wang's intervention, it must have been solved. Just when Qin Ye was about to say goodbye, Wang Ge suddenly stopped him.

"Qin Ye, boy..."

Zhenling Army stronghold.

Cheng Yong held the Xuanhua ax in his hand and stared at the man in black robe in front of him.

The sound of the wind fell, and Cheng Yong appeared next to the man in an instant, slashing straight with the Xuanhua ax in his hand. The majestic power cut through the air, as if it had the power to open the sky.

Whoa, the man dodged, took advantage of the situation, drew out his silver-white sword, and turned around to slash away. Unexpectedly, Cheng Yong had been prepared, and he quickly distanced himself after the failed attack, and the blade of the sword passed by him.

"Hehe", Cheng Yong glanced at the other party, his face full of pride, and then he faced him again with the ax.

Off the field, Cheng Yaojin glanced proudly at Qin Qiong beside him, and said with a thick accent, "How about it, I think my grandchild is okay."

"It looks a bit like you back then," Qin Qiong replied with a smile.

After several days of severe beatings, from being unable to withstand a single move at the beginning, to now being able to fight back and forth with the opponent, Cheng Yong's strength can be said to be improving rapidly.


Before Cheng Yaojin could praise him for a long time, there was a loud noise and Cheng Yong's body flew backwards several meters away and fell flat on his face.

"Ahem, you're being ridiculous!"

Cheng Yong patted the dust on his body and said unconvincedly. When the ax hit the opponent's long sword, he felt like he was going to win. Unexpectedly, the opponent suddenly improved his level and knocked him away.

Before Cheng Yong could say anything else, a black figure suddenly appeared in the center of the field, and it was Meng Tianxing.


The man was about to plead guilty, but was stopped by Meng Tianxing. Meng Tianxing looked at Cheng Yong expressionlessly and said slowly, "You can go."

"Ah?" Cheng Yong was stunned for a moment, and then he quickly reacted, tears left unconsciously. It was finally over. It's been five days. Do you know how I spent these five days? I was either beaten or beaten. On the road.

Cheng Yaojin looked at Qin Qiong and said with some reluctance, "Hey, old man, let's go."


As soon as he left Mingxu, Cheng Yong took a taxi and hurried to the nearby snack street. The physical wounds should be filled with food.

Carrying a pile of special snacks, Cheng Yong was very happy and asked habitually, "Old Qin, do you want to eat..."

But there was no response, and then he remembered that Qin Ye was taken away, and the eldest brother didn't know what was going on now. The food in my hands suddenly lost its flavor.


At this time, a man with tattoos on his arms walked up to Cheng Yong and put his arm directly on Cheng Yong's shoulders.

"Hey, hey, why does this little brother look so unhappy?"

The moment they made close contact, Cheng Yong realized that this man with flowery arms was not an ordinary person, but a mid-level latent spirit of the Li Yuan level. Cheng Yong didn't take him seriously at all, and took his arm away. He asked with a straight face, "None of your business."

"Don't get me wrong, don't get me wrong." The man with the flowery arm quickly waved his hand and replied with a smile, "I want to go to a small underworld market. Don't you want to invite the little brothers to form a team together?"

Cheng Yong looked at the other party suspiciously and said to himself, "Team up? I believe you, you fool. It's okay to trick children like this, but I want to see what tricks this guy has up his sleeve."

"Okay, I promise you." Cheng Yong readily agreed, but he still kept it in mind and secretly sent a message to Tang Yushi.

Seeing Cheng Yong's promise, the flower-armed man looked excited, and then he couldn't wait to pull Cheng Yong out of the snack street and came to a van. He saw a man and a woman already waiting here, and the spiritual power of the latent stage in his body kept fluctuating. With.

Cheng Yong glanced at the van and couldn't help but frowned. This must have been a human trafficker who came to lick my waist. The van is in such a state of ruin. Can it still be driven?

When Cheng Yong was complaining loudly, the man in front of the car directly asked the man with the flowery arm, "What do you mean, this is the person you are looking for?"

The woman on the side also said yin and yang at this moment, "This little fat guy tastes tender meat carefully, I think he can only be a pretty boy."

Tsk tsk tsk, look at what you said, it seems that my handsomeness is obvious to all. Cheng Yong couldn't help but feel happy in his heart, but he still pretended to be unhappy on the surface.

"It's like this, I'd better leave." Cheng Yong turned around and left.

The man and woman suddenly panicked and winked at the man with the flowery arm, but they never thought that this scene had been clearly observed by Cheng Yong.

The man with the flowery arm quickly ran over to stop Cheng Yong, saying with an apologetic smile, "Little brother, they don't know your strength, and they didn't do it on purpose. I'm here to apologize to you..."

Finally, after the flower-armed man and the couple persuaded him for a while, Cheng Yong reluctantly stayed.

"Heh, I want to see what kind of medicine you sell in your gourd..."

A young man slowly walked into the dilapidated school, his eyes calmly scanning the surroundings, "I'm back..."

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