Heroic Soul: Drunken Qianqiu

Chapter 56 Mausoleum Of The First Emperor (4)

When the water falls and the flowers fall, spring passes, and heaven and earth...

This was the case in the Qin Dynasty, and the same was true in the Tang Dynasty.

Li Bai stumbled out with the wine gourd in hand, his body swaying and his steps chaotic as he walked forward, not caring even if all the wine in the gourd was spilled.

His robes were swinging, he was laughing loudly, and he was drunk.

Only when you are drunk can you wake up from your dream.

Several people on the side looked at Li Bai in confusion and hesitated to speak. Only Qin Ye showed an imperceptible smile on his lips.

The real Li Bai is back...

The crystal coffin is inlaid with countless precious gems, large and small, and golden dragons carved from gold are wandering around the walls of the coffin.

The First Emperor stretched out his palm, and the rhythm of Taoism surrounded him. Golden lines flowed on his fingertips. On the crystal coffin, countless gems emitted various lights, and excited dragon roars lingered in his ears.

Suddenly, the crystal coffin began to emit blazing light, and a shadow of a jade seal shimmering with golden light slowly floated out.

Everyone watched intently, but there was no longer the excitement in their eyes. After witnessing so many shocking scenes at once, their hearts had long been numb.

The jade seal contains terrifying energy and exudes supreme Taoist charm. Everyone's eyes flashed with brilliance, and there was a vague suspicion in their hearts.

I saw the jade seal flying out, landing squarely in the palm of the First Emperor's hand, and the imperial aura radiated out.

The First Emperor said solemnly, "I'm back..."

A golden light suddenly erupted from the jade seal, reaching straight into the sky. Several large characters with golden patterns immediately appeared on the sky:

If you receive orders from Heaven, you will live a long and prosperous life!

In an instant, the high platform underfoot began to tremble violently, the stars made of gems on the dome were flowing, the surrounding mountains and rivers made of mercury boulders were tumbling, and countless excited voices shouted in the distance...

Two huge silver dragons took off from the Milky Way, criss-crossing and circling upwards. Under the intersection of the two dragons, a huge vortex appeared.

The edge gradually rose, and a sharp aura emanated from the whirlpool. Then, a long sword appeared, slowly rising from the circling silver dragon.

The silver dragon roared at him, then submerged into the sword, and the dragon soul joined him. The sword instantly glowed with dazzling light, and then quickly flew in front of the First Emperor.

Holding the long sword and feeling the dragon soul contained in the sword, the First Emperor spoke.

"I have thought that you have protected the destiny of our country for more than two thousand years, so I give you the name of 'Suppressing the World'. Follow me and bring peace to the world. You are willing to do so."

The sword trembled slightly, and the dragon roared excitedly, seeming to be very satisfied with the name.

The First Emperor laughed loudly and injected his legendary spiritual power into the sword. The sword immediately transformed, the silver color faded and turned into gold. The silver dragon also turned into a golden dragon at this moment.

This sword rules the world and can kill all evil spirits...

After obtaining the consent of the First Emperor, several people wandered around, building pavilions, high bridges and ladders...

"I'm such a good boy, how the hell was this made?" Cheng Yaojin exclaimed.

In front of him, there were two huge terracotta warriors standing in front of the city wall, with painted pottery and giant swords and black armor. They were staring ahead with piercing eyes. There were eight such giant terracotta warriors here. .

"Ancestor, look quickly," Cheng Yong pointed at the gems on the dome and shouted.

Looking up, there are so many gemstone decorations glowing in various colors, just like the Milky Way.

Cheng Yaojin nodded slightly, glanced at Cheng Yong beside him, and secretly praised in his heart, "As expected of my grandson, he is of good character..."

Unexpectedly, Cheng Yong's eyes were blurry and he said with an intoxicated look, "If I could dig it out, I would sell it for a lot of money..."

Cheng Yaojin suddenly had a black line on his face and slapped Cheng Yong on the forehead. It was such a fucking embarrassment to me.

However, it seems that it can be sold for a lot of money...

In front of a pavilion by the water, Yunqiu looked around intoxicatedly, using gems to replace stars, and using mercury boulders to simulate the mountains, rivers and five mountains, forming a self-contained sky...

Wonderful, wonderful!

At this time, a voice sounded in my mind.

"Not only that, the imperial mausoleum gathers the destiny of heaven and earth, and the pseudo-dragon veins in the mausoleum mountain have also turned into real dragons..."

Hearing this, Yunqiu's pupils shrank suddenly, and he murmured, "Is it true dragon vein..."

On the attic, Li Bai was half lying with his arms bent, his clothes were disheveled, his hair was messy, his face was reddish from alcohol, and he was looking up at the "stars" above the dome.

"How about it?"

Qin Ye came to Li Bai's side at some point, raised his eyebrows, and asked.

Li Bai sighed softly, "Drunk to death, dreaming of death in Chang'an City, drunk to death of dreaming of Xianyang Palace..."

"But life is like a dream, how much pleasure can you have?"

Then Li Bai stood up, with his black hair raised, pointing his sword around his body, and said loudly, "A poem, a fight of wine, a long song, a sword to the end of the world..."

That's enough...

Looking at Yang Jian's figure, Qin Ye smiled brightly. This was the Li Bai he knew, uninhibited...

The First Emperor is sitting on a high platform, which is the highest place in the imperial mausoleum and symbolizes the supreme imperial power.

At this moment, a golden beam of light erupted from the First Emperor's body and poured into the gems on the dome. Suddenly, the golden light spread across the imperial mausoleum. The spiritual power gathered in the "star" was emitted, and the concentration of spiritual energy in the air began to increase dramatically.

Everything around seemed to come alive, cheering and cheering non-stop. The eight giant terracotta warriors standing around began to slowly crack, and layers of golden light appeared on the surface.

"See Your Majesty!"

The sound was like thunder, and eight figures knelt on one knee in all directions, just as they had done for the past two thousand years, guarding the First Emperor on the high platform.

Cheng Yong looked at the giants around him in disbelief. In their bodies, Cheng Yong felt the power of a brave man.

No way, the brave class is starting to become a mess?

Could it be that Lao Qin’s destiny is fake? He has just reached the most powerful potential realm. According to common sense, shouldn't everyone be a coward now?

Yunqiu narrowed his eyes slightly and murmured, "The mid-level candlelight stage of the brave level."

In his mind, the man holding the feather fan said, "As expected of the First Emperor, he has the appearance of a human emperor..."

Yun Qiu had some doubts in his heart and asked, "Sir, how do you say this?"

The man just touched his long beard and said slowly, "Don't say..."

Yun Qiu's heart trembled and he looked at the golden figure on the high platform.

"I order you to practice here, protect the fate of the imperial mausoleum and the country, and obey the emperor's orders!"


Outside the imperial mausoleum, there are already stars dotting it.

Qin Ye took a deep look at the sealing platform behind him. The thousand-year-old imperial mausoleum contained countless treasures in China. If possible, he hoped that these would never be needed...

"Old Qin, let's go..."

Not far away, Cheng Yong and Yun Qiu were standing there waiting. Even though they had left the imperial mausoleum, they still looked like they were still unfinished.

"Okay", Qin Ye responded, turned and left.

"If anyone says that I have no knowledge in the future, I, Mr. Cheng, will despise him for the rest of his life..."

"Ha ha ha ha……"

"Interesting, so interesting..."

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