Heroic Spirit: All My Past Lives Were Summoned By My Daughter

Chapter 1: I prayed to Valhalla, and the only one who answered was my dad

Chapter 1 I prayed to the Temple of Valor, and the only one who responded was my dad

 Great wilderness.

 Jing Dynasty.

 The ten-mile steps of Qingyun Mountain.

Hundreds of thousands of white-robed disciples bowed their heads and knelt.

 “Congratulations, teacher!”

The cries of pain resounded throughout the world. They all looked old, and the youngest was already over sixty years old.

 But without exception, any one of them would be a very famous scholar in the wilderness.

Below the central hall of Qingyun Mountain, there is also a team of generals wearing golden battle armor, also holding halberds and making a heavy mournful cry.

 “Congratulations, sir!”

A young emperor couldn't hide his sadness, and he kowtowed to the figure sitting on the seat one after another.


Shen Changqing sat quietly on the futon in front of the temple, looking at the hundreds of thousands of white-robed disciples who came down the ten miles of stairs to bid farewell to him.

 In this life, he has been walking on thin ice.

For more than one hundred and fifty years, he has walked south to north to relieve the people of Cangsheng and relieve the plague.

He also preached and gained vocation, and his disciples and disciples spread all over the wilderness.

 He has basically no regrets in his life.

The only regret is that I have never practiced martial arts.

 “It’s time to leave.”

Shen Changqing murmured to himself, and the dead memories were reshaped again.

He was originally a time traveler who came to the Xuanhuang Realm, which has lasted seven million years of human history. After giving birth to a daughter with his beloved wife, he died of a serious illness.

 After his death, he finally awakened to the golden finger.

Shen Changqing tremblingly closed his eyes, and the vast stars in the universe immediately appeared in his mind.

The Milky Way Waterfall hangs upside down, and a huge ancient tree stands in the universe.

There are also a large number of fruits as big as stars, hanging quietly on the ancient trees in the sky.

A line of text emerged immediately—

  【Natural talent: World Tree. 】

  【Reincarnation Fruit Binding Talent: Comprehension is heaven-defying. 】

  【Current number of mature fruits: three. 】

  【The mark of life is being imprinted, and the time anchor is the last year of the dynasty in the prospect of 1,200 years. 】


Shen Changqing looked at the words that appeared in front of him and sighed slightly.

This is my golden finger, called World Tree, a useless thing that only woke up after my death.

The so-called World Tree, it impressively covers the entire seven million years of the Xuanhuang Realm, the history of the birth of human civilization!

 And the reincarnation fruits represent that you can go to time anchor points in the long history to experience various lives.

 When the fruit of reincarnation matures, the life you experience becomes your previous life.

 And each reincarnation fruit will be matched with a corresponding natural ability.

 The result of reincarnation in this life is that one’s understanding goes against heaven.

With his incredible talent for understanding, he has become the world's number one prodigy since his birth.

He read the Book of Songs at the age of three, created his own mental method at the age of five, and was admitted to the Hanlin Academy of the Jing Dynasty at the age of eight.

 After that, he became the fourth president of the Hanlin Academy in just three years.

At the age of twenty, he resigned and returned to his hometown. At the age of twenty-five, he traveled around the wild world. At the age of thirty, he founded Qingyunzhai and had countless disciples under his command...

 But...what's the use of it?

 What I want is not a glorious past life, what I want is a happy life with my wife and daughter!

Shen Changqing opened his eyes again and looked at the white-robed disciples kneeling on the ground in the hall. He didn't have much time left in this life and was about to die.

 Should we continue the journey to the past life, or should we just fall asleep?

Shen Changqing fell into silence for a long time. He knew that he could not return to his wife and daughter. After all, he had died long ago.

 Yggdrasil can only take him back to the past and experience his previous life experiences. There is no way to catch up with the passing time anchor, which is reality.

“Is the meaning of your existence just to let me entertain myself?”

Shen Changqing looked at the huge World Tree and sighed slightly in his heart.

Ignoring the nature of my own death, this world tree allows me to go back to the past, experience various life experiences, and shape my previous life. It is also a good pastime.

Just when Shen Changqing was about to make a decision, a feeling of drowsiness suddenly came over him, and his mind suddenly fell into chaos. He knew that his longevity in this life had been completely exhausted.

Just in a daze, he seemed to hear the voice of a little girl chanting?

 In the dark depths of my mind, a picture gradually became clear.

His heart was shaken suddenly, and when he stretched out his hand, he desperately wanted to grab it.


 The young emperor saw Shen Changqing's neck slowly tilting and stepped forward in panic.

 After discovering that Shen Changqing had passed away, he sat slumped on the ground.

Shousang Shi beside him covered his face and cried, writing a line of text on the bamboo slips with trembling hands.

—In the 346th year of the Kaiyuan year of the Jing Dynasty, Laozi Qingyunzhai passed away.


 In an ancestral house.

Shen Miaoke, who was only eight years old, had just finished lighting the fire and had a simple meal of thin rice porridge, with black dust still staining her face.

 She rubbed her hands nervously and looked at the Book of Heroes in front of the table, feeling uneasy inside.

 “I wonder if I can contract a heroic spirit...”

 Shen Miaoke murmured to herself, her heart beating rapidly.

 Her father had died when she was born, and her mother took care of her for two years and suddenly disappeared, and no one could find her whereabouts.

 In the following days, Shen Miaoke was always supported by her neighbor Granny Wang.

 Because Granny Wang also had a granddaughter named Li Tongtong, Shen Miaoke got along very well with Granny Wang's family.

Grandma Wang’s eldest son is a practitioner and has contracted with a very powerful ancient heroic spirit to help Li Tongtong enter the Academy of Heroic Spirits.

 With Li Tongtong’s relationship, Shen Miaoke had the opportunity to get in touch with a higher social class.

No, Li Tongtong secretly took a new Book of Heroes from the academy.

 After briefly calming down her anxious mood, Shen Miaoke began to pray to the Temple of Valor according to the introduction in the Book of Heroes.

“I, Shen Miaoke, was born ordinary and came from an ordinary family, but my father died when I was young, and my mother has also disappeared since then.”

"But I have not been knocked down by the difficulties of life. I hope that the Temple of Valor can hear my call. If there is a heroic spirit by my side, I will definitely live up to the expectations of the temple."


Shen Miao continued to chant for more than ten minutes, but there was still no movement from the Book of Heroes.

 The anticipation in her eyes gradually turned into disappointment, regret, and finally relief.

“As expected, I am not qualified to be favored by the Hall of Valor.”

Thinking about it, how could an ancient heroic spirit be interested in an orphan with an ordinary birth and no support from a strong family background?

The stronger you are, the stronger the ancient heroic spirits will follow you. Otherwise, do you want the ancient heroic spirits to follow you and be beaten?

Although Shen Miaoke was only eight years old, her independence since childhood made her mentally far ahead of her peers, and she quickly recovered from her loss.

 She regained her composure and prepared to return this brand new Book of Heroes to Li Tongtong.

 But at this moment, a faint light suddenly emerged.

 Shen Changqing, who was 1.8 meters tall, gradually appeared in front of Shen Miaoke in the form of a heroic spirit.


Shen Miaoke jumped up in shock and danced excitedly.

 “I succeeded, I succeeded!”

 She quickly looked at the Book of Heroes and saw that the introduction to Shen Changqing's level had also appeared.

  【heroic spirit: Shen Changqing. 】

  【Level: Ordinary. 】

  【Era: modern. 】

  【Title: None. 】

  【Life experience: An ordinary man with no lofty ambitions, who only wanted to be happy with his wife and daughter. He lived at the age of twenty-four and died young. 】


Shen Miaoke stared blankly at the introduction of the Book of Heroes.

 This...is this a bit too general?

 Forget it, she is already very happy to be able to contract a heroic spirit.

 Why is the appearance of this heroic spirit familiar?

Shen Miaoke immediately looked at the portrait hanging on the wall of his ancestral house, and was suddenly struck by thunder.


 (End of this chapter)

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