Heroic Spirit: All My Past Lives Were Summoned By My Daughter

Chapter 15: Shen Changqing came in person, and hundreds of thousands of followers came down the mou

Chapter 15 Shen Changqing comes in person, and one hundred thousand followers come down the mountain!

Yunwu Mountains, Taixuanmen territory.

As the leader of the righteous path in Donghuang for nearly thirty years, since the Nanhai Sword Master retired from the human world, the foundation of Taixuan Sect has gradually stabilized at the top of the righteous path.

 Chen Lingfeng, the leader of the Taixuan Sect, who is over 160 years old, has been improving step by step after collecting the world's martial arts, and is about to reach the peak of heaven and man.

  However, it came to an abrupt end.

Chen Lingfeng will not give in, no matter what the cost, he will reach a higher level.

So he set his sights on the Black Lotus Demon Cult, and only the Black Lotus Demon Cult's immortal skills could help him break through the shackles.

Although practicing the two sets of good and evil exercises involves certain risks and unforeseen changes may occur, he still insists on doing so.

However, the Mandrill Cliff Formation is airtight, and it is extremely difficult to sneak in without being discovered.

After many years of planning with no results, it was not until two years ago that he found Lu Chenyu, a girl who was related by blood to the Sixth Elder of the Black Lotus Demon Cult.

 Just by changing the truth slightly, Lu Chenyu was quickly deceived.

But what Chen Lingfeng never expected was that the skills Lu Chenyu brought back would make him feel astonished just by taking a cursory glance at them!

After questioning, I found out that the Black Lotus Demon Cult had already given birth to a new leader.

Those peerless magical skills that made him breathe quickly were all created by this new leader.

It happened that the news of the death of Emperor Wuxiang came from the Eastern Wasteland, and a large number of powerful and decent people came to write letters, expressing deep concern about the new leader of the Black Lotus Demon Sect, and preparing to discuss it at Taixuanmen.

Chen Lingfeng accepted it gladly, so he announced to the world that he would regroup the Donghuang Zhengdao sect, starting with the six elders of the Demon Sect who had just been captured.

At this moment, in the huge Qingyun Shitai Square, tens of thousands of disciples of the Taixuan Sect stood on guard, and the masters of the Donghuang Sect gathered together.

 The Sixth Elder and Lu Chenyu were tied to the execution table, their faces pale under the scorching sun.

There was constant noise outside the palace, and the leader of a sect said solemnly: "I heard that the leader of the Black Lotus killed the Wuxiang Emperor with just one move. His strength is probably at the peak of heaven and man!"

Others were equally astonished: "I can count the masters of the Eastern Barren Heavenly Man on one hand. Where did this strong man come from?"

“If we want to successfully defeat the Black Lotus Leader, we may not be able to rely on us. We can only hope that the Nanhai Sword Master can come down from the mountain!”

"Yes, it would have been better if the senior sword master had not retired from the human world. If not, those demons would have no chance to survive."


 Chen Lingfeng listened to the conversation of these righteous and strong men and kept smiling without saying a word.

The reason why the Nanhai Sword Master retired from the human world and left the Eastern Wasteland to travel around the outside world was actually because he could never break through the top of the realm bottle, and the demonic path had completely lost its threat.

Since he left, it has been several decades.

  Although he has returned to the Eastern Wasteland, he has always lived in the mountains and has never been involved in human affairs.

But Chen Lingfeng knew that the Nanhai Sword Master would definitely appear today!

As time passed, a white crane suddenly roared fiercely in the sky, and an old man with an immortal spirit and a sword on his back appeared in everyone's sight.

 Chen Lingfeng raised his eyes and looked up, with a smile on his lips.

 “The Sword Master of the South China Sea?”

“It’s really him! Thirty years later, he finally showed up!”

The noise on the field suddenly sounded, and the expressions of many strong men from the sects showed excitement and fanaticism.

Chen Lingfeng stood up and laughed loudly, and immediately stepped forward to greet him.

 “It is truly an honor for our sect to have the Sword Master come!”

The white crane screamed fiercely and stopped in the air.

The old man with the sword on his back has white hair reaching his shoulders, but his appearance is as young as a child.

He nodded slightly: "I didn't want to go down the mountain at first, but I was pestered by my old friend for several days. It was really hard to relax, so I had to agree."

 Having said that, behind the Nanhai Sword Master, there was also the sound of breaking the air. Everyone looked back again, and there was an uproar immediately. Another peak master of the hidden celestial being!

“Mr. Yaoguang Pavilion...it’s actually Mr. Yaoguang Pavilion. It turns out he was the one who invited the Nanhai Sword Master down the mountain!”

“Ge Lao also disappeared from the world after suppressing the unrest in the Northern and Southern Dynasties thirty years ago. I wonder where he has been in these years?”

“What a great joy it is today. Our righteous path has not had such a grand occasion for a long time!”

 The man who came was crazy, stepping on a huge wine gourd, and came galloping like a rainbow of sword energy.

The elder of Yaoguang Pavilion and Chen Lingfeng, the leader of Taixuan Sect, obviously have a close friendship. When they got together, laughter continued to spread.

 The joys and sorrows between people are always different.

 At the time when the world was upright and upright, the Sixth Elder raised his head and stared at the dark sky, as if a dry candle would be extinguished at any time, so weak that he became delirious.

“Second Master, I’m sorry, I’m sorry.”

Lu Chenyu was still apologizing, and tears rolled down his eyes.

At this moment, she finally understood what kind of mistake she had made.

 “It’s okay, kid, everyone makes mistakes, but the costs are heavy and light.”

 The Sixth Elder spoke softly, as if a revolving door had appeared, and a lifetime of memories appeared in front of his eyes.

 He saw the infant Shen Changqing, who appeared in front of him for the first time and was adopted by him at the begging of a group of young men.

He saw Shen Changqing babbling, but before he could walk steadily, he followed him every day and called Grandpa Liu.

 “Little Seventeen.”

 The Sixth Elder murmured to himself.

 He failed to take back the stolen skills. Maybe even if he died, Xiao Qi would not forgive himself.

 The entire demon sect will not forgive myself...


Suddenly there was thunder in the sky. This sudden vision interrupted the gathering of Nanhai Sword Master, Yaoguang Pavilion Elder and others.

 All the decent and strong men of the Eastern Wilderness in the audience raised their heads and looked at the sky.

Dark clouds suddenly swept across, and the sky became dark for a moment.

Like the prelude to a rainstorm, a deep sense of oppression enveloped the entire Taixuanmen realm.


A black thunder flashed, followed immediately by a flag that covered the sky and the sun, with the Holy Fire Order totem imprinted on it.

There are also cold words that resound throughout the world, spreading across the sky in an instant!

“Have you ever asked me if you dared to kill my Holy Religion elders with open eyes?”

 Flags fluttered, thunder flashed and roared.

Shen Changqing's figure slowly appeared, with the venerables standing on both sides and the four guardians standing behind him.

One hundred thousand followers of the Black Lotus Demon Sect appeared, densely packed in the sky under the swaying flags.

 They looked at the earth below with cold expressions, and the rolling demonic energy caused the yin and yang of the heaven and earth to reverse chaos!

This scalp-numbing sight and the intense oppression caused the expressions of tens of thousands of Taixuan Sect disciples below to change greatly, and they staggered back.

  The strong men of the sects from all directions in the Eastern Wasteland were also shocked by Shen Changqing's cold words, their bodies were shaking wildly, and their pupils were shaking.

The Black Lotus Demon Sect, which has been dormant for thirty years, actually dares to take the initiative to come out?

 The Sixth Elder saw the figure of the congregation and Shen Changqing all over the sky, and it was like a bolt from the blue and he couldn't believe it.

 In an instant, I came to my senses and burst into tears!

 (End of this chapter)

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