Heroic Spirit: All My Past Lives Were Summoned By My Daughter

Chapter 20: I once had a friend named the Sword Master of the South China Sea

Chapter 20 I once had a friend named the Sword Master of the South China Sea

 Early the next morning.

 Lucheng Yingling Academy training room.

 A large number of young boys and girls were scattered on both sides, looking curious.

Shen Miaoke and Shen Changqing stood in the middle of the practice room. There was a huge sculpture standing with a large number of obscure runes imprinted on it.

Shen Changqing also came into contact with this heroic spirit statue for the first time. It is said that all the books of heroic spirits that have been circulated are made through this kind of sculpture.

 It has the function of perfectly assessing the level of heroic spirits and plays a very important role in contemporary times.

Dean Lu Cheng took a deep breath, suppressed the tension and anxiety in his heart, and said respectfully to Shen Changqing: "Senior, please start."

Shen Changqing nodded slightly and glanced at Li Wen who was looking around, as well as many experts from Lucheng Hall of Heroes.

 Then he no longer hesitated and slowly approached the statue of the heroic spirit.


A wisp of dark golden light instantly swirled out, covering Shen Changqing's body.

 At the same time, the huge golden wheel of merit began to slowly emerge.

It bloomed with a dazzling divine light, illuminating the entire practice room like daylight.

 Brilliant, vast, and upright!

 “This...is this merit?”

Dean Lucheng took a deep breath, lost his composure and screamed on the spot when his pupils were shaking.

It’s not that he has never seen heroic spirits who can condense merit, but isn’t this too big?

Those boys and girls all opened their eyes in disbelief.

Only Li Wen's body trembled with excitement: "As expected, as expected! The awe-inspiring righteousness that appeared last time came from Brother Shen!"

 Under the blazing gazes of everyone, a large number of runes on the Heroic Spirit Statue seemed to come alive, quickly squirming and rearranged.

After a while, words were revealed.

  【heroic spirit: Shen Changqing. 】

  【Level: Legend level. 】

 Origin: The last years of the Xuanhuang Realm Dynasty. 】

【Life experience: He has created and preached the Dharma for more than 150 years. He has countless disciples and disciples under his command. He has left behind hundreds of cultivation methods for body and mind. He has saved the world and is worshiped as Lao Tzu by all the people in the world...】

As these words were revealed, the entire audience fell into silence.

Even Shen Miao couldn't help being stunned for a moment, and then her mouth slowly opened wide, feeling a little stunned.

 “Legendary level?”

Dean Lu Cheng's mind was pounding, and he almost lost his balance when he staggered.

Of course he knew that Shen Changqing was an eternal sage who influenced the entire era and even changed the concepts of later generations during the great wilderness a thousand years ago.

But I never expected that the rating of this Heroic Spirit Statue was actually legendary!

 After a brief moment of dead silence, the whole place fell into a state of agitation.

“I thought Shen Miaoke’s father was probably at the hero level, but I didn’t expect that he would be at the legendary level!”

“Yes, you must know that even the dean’s Jiuyang Zhenren is rated as a hero!”

“Jiuyang Zhenren comes from the ancient martial arts era, and Qingyunzhai Laozi is from the end of the dynasty. So, Jiuyang Zhenren is not as good as Qingyunzhai Laozi?”

“No, no, no, you are all wrong. The rating of heroic spirits is based on a variety of factors. There is no doubt that Shen Miao’s father’s influence in the past was far greater than that of Jiuyang Zhenren!”

“I understand, there should be specialization in the art. In the course of ancient times, Qingyunzhai Laozi has completely achieved the perfection of the word sage!”

Noisy sounds were heard on the field, and just as Dean Lucheng’s mind was roaring, wisps of light suddenly appeared behind him, and then an old man in robes appeared.

This heroic spirit is none other than Master Jiuyang!

He was a boy with white hair and an upright appearance, and his whole body exuded ancient aura fluctuations. The moment he appeared, the entire practice room felt a deep oppression.

 “Sir, please accept my bow.”

Jiuyang Zhenren’s face was complicated, and his heart was filled with deep wonder and shame.

 He bowed towards Shen Changqing, full of respect.

 “It doesn’t have to be like this.”

Shen Changqing could tell at a glance that this old man must have been a peerless master during his lifetime. The power fluctuations in his body gave him a familiar smell.

Is it the peak of heaven and man, or is it a half-step into the martial arts myth?

Master Jiuyang shook his head: "Sir, you should accept my worship. Although I am the leader of the righteous path, I am far less than the blessings that you have brought to the world. I feel deeply inferior and ashamed."

Yes, Master Jiuyang, as the leader of the righteous path three thousand years ago, possesses extremely powerful strength. He can kill the powerful demons in the world so that they dare not cause trouble, and he is also believed and worshiped by countless people.

Even so, the merit he accumulated after his death was far less than that of Shen Changqing.

 In terms of the rating of the Heroic Spirit Statue, it was even surpassed by a whole head.

You must know that although there is only one level difference between the heroic level and the legendary level, they are actually natural differences.

Jiuyang Zhenren is obviously more capable and powerful than Shen Changqing. What he can do is beyond what even Shen Changqing can do, but his influence cannot match it.

    Ashamed, Master Jiuyang said it from the bottom of his heart.

 This is the true sage of the ages!

 “Senior, you are wrong, I am just doing what I can for the common people of the world.”

 Shen Changqing also raised his hands and clasped his fists in return.

I saw the Dean of Lucheng next to me, and after thinking about it, he laughed and said: "We in Lucheng finally have a legendary heroic spirit!"

“Don’t worry, I will definitely apply to the higher authorities. Next, our Lucheng will get more and higher-level resources because of you, and your daughter’s practice will not have any problems!”

Dean Lucheng was very excited and immediately made a promise to Shen Changqing.

The boys and girls are also very happy, which means they can also benefit from it.

Jiuyang Zhenren thought a little at this moment and said to Dean Lucheng again: "By the way, after you and I discussed it last night, I finally remembered that there once was a close friend of mine in the Eastern Wasteland."

“If he can be contracted out, there may be one more heroic spirit in Lucheng.”

 After saying these words, Dean Lu Cheng couldn't help but trembled. This was a double blessing.

 “Who is it?” he asked quickly.

Jiuyang Zhenren meditated again, because too many years have passed and many memories need to be restored slowly.

After a moment, he finally responded: "He met me when he was young and in his prime. He is only over thirty years old, but he has already mastered the use of swordsmanship, and his strength is far better than mine."

“At that time, he reached the level of being invincible in the world. In order to find a higher level of realm, he went all the way south and finally came to my realm.”

"I heard that he is a righteous hero in the distant Eastern Wasteland. Although we have not seen each other since that parting, his reputation is still exposed. His name is the Sword Master of the South China Sea."

The words fell and were heard by Shen Changqing next to him, who looked slightly shocked.

Sword Master of the South China Sea?

 Why does this name sound familiar?

 Yes, it seems that he was beheaded!

 (End of this chapter)

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