Heroic Spirit: All My Past Lives Were Summoned By My Daughter

Chapter 31: The soul of the true demon, the mother and daughter of the fox demon

Chapter 31 The Soul of the True Demon, the Mother and Daughter of the Fox Demon

  【Will you enter reincarnation? 】

【whether. 】

Shen Changqing did not hesitate and chose to enter directly.

At present, my daughter has successfully embarked on the path of spiritual practice. As long as she carefully studies the magical secrets he left behind, there will basically be no big obstacles.

Moreover, coupled with the destruction of the Ghost Slave Sect, and during this period, the president of the Heroic Spirits Association in the provincial capital is personally in charge, so there will naturally be no problems with the security measures.

 He can enter reincarnation with confidence and strengthen his strength again.

Soon, the World Tree bloomed with wisps of light, like the Milky Way gently wrapping around his body. When the reincarnation fruit fell, his consciousness suddenly stepped into the long river of history.


Shen Changqing felt like he was being held by someone, and he was shaking violently while running.

 There was a strong smell of blood, accompanied by weak gasping sounds.

 “Where am I? Is this my mother?”

Shen Changqing struggled to open his eyes, and what he saw was a young commoner woman with a delicate appearance and clear facial features.

 At this moment, she was severely traumatized and her face was very pale.

The signs of life are continuing to pass away, but with unimaginable willpower, he still holds Shen Changqing tightly and runs forward step by step.

Blood was flowing all over the ground, and wisps of black miasma were exuding, as if there was some kind of curse.

Shen Changqing was a little anxious. If this state continued, her mother would definitely not survive.

 He immediately looked at the description of the reincarnation fruit.

  【Era of Reincarnation: Ten thousand years ago in the Xuanhuang Realm. 】

  【Reincarnation Fruit Talent: Comprehension is heaven-defying. 】

  【Reincarnation Fruit Talent: True Demon Soul. 】

  【True Demon Soul: Reviving, current progress is 3%...4%...5%. 】

Shen Changqing looked at the description of the reincarnation fruit, and soon saw the leader of the Black Lotus with his eyes closed, in his own soul.

Every person is born with three souls and seven souls, but Shen Changqing has one soul missing in this life. It is replaced by the soul of the true demon, which is the leader of the Black Lotus.

 He could clearly sense the rich demonic power of the Black Lotus Cult Master.

And due to the blessing of the reincarnation fruit talent, the leader of the Black Lotus has become more monstrous, no longer a pure and simple demon, but a dual practitioner of evil and demonic ways.


Shen Changqing stared at the reincarnation fruit and described that he could sense that something was chasing behind his mother.

Originally, my true demon soul should be regarded as my trump card in this life and would not be revealed easily.

 But his mother was facing a life-and-death crisis, and it was impossible for him to just ignore her.

 With a plop, the young woman finally fell to the ground.

She tightly protected Shen Changqing with her arms, gritted her teeth and looked up at a vast white cloud forest.

 He opened his voice and shouted with all his strength: "White Lady!"

The sound spread, startling a flock of crows, and not long after, a white rainbow swooped over from the depths of the forest.

Those are two fox demons who immediately transformed into human forms when they appeared.

 A middle-aged beautiful woman with a plump figure.

 A half-grown girl with a petite figure.

 “Benefactor, what are you...”

The fox demon Bai Niang looked at the injuries on the young woman's body in shock. As a cultivating monster in Shiwanda Mountain, she could of course tell at a glance that it was recreated by other monsters. He quickly supported him and prepared to take him into Shiwanda Mountain, but the young woman held him firmly by his sleeve.

"I'll make a long story short. I was cursed by the Demon Emperor a few hours ago. I definitely won't survive. This is my child who was just nine months old."

“Please, take him to the holy land of Kunlun Mountain. As long as he has this jade pendant on his body, Kunlun Mountain will definitely accept him!”


 The young woman vomited out another mouthful of black blood. Her continued weakening condition gradually blurred her will.

 “Okay, I promise you!”

The fox demon Bai Niang’s eyes were filled with tears. Seeing that her benefactor was about to die after suffering such a heavy blow, she felt extremely sad in her heart.

 Early years ago, she was chased by strong humans outside. Without the help of her two benefactors, she would definitely be dead now.

The life-saving grace should be repaid by a spring. Even if the holy land of Kunlun Mountain is a place where demons and monsters in the world retreat, she will still send her benefactor's noble son there safely.


The young woman reached out and gently touched Shen Changqing's face, with a gentle smile on her lips until her arms slowly drooped.

 When the obsession in the heart was finally let go, the vitality disappeared and passed away.

 “Mom, something is coming.”

The little fox demon looked nervously ahead at the thick clouds in the sky.

Suddenly, a large number of blood-colored eyes were revealed, exuding strong evil fluctuations, and a large group of cold-looking demons walked out slowly, with different shapes.

"It's not easy for you fox demons to practice cultivation. Give the body and the baby to me, and I will let you go."

The leader was surrounded by evil spirits and was named the White Bone Evil King. He was ordered to hunt down Shen Changqing and his mother.

If some mistakes had not been made along the way, it would not even have been possible for it to reach the vicinity of Shiwan Mountain.

After all, this is the territory of the other demon group. In order to avoid unnecessary trouble, it is best to keep them out.

I saw the fox demon Bai Niang handing Shen Changqing to the little fox demon. She slowly stepped forward and backward, and her demon power slowly opened and closed until her four tails appeared and swayed.

 “Take him home.”

The whispering words made the little fox demon hug Shen Changqing's arm tightly and couldn't help but tremble slightly.

Although she didn’t know the origins of the demons in front of her, judging from the fluctuations in their aura, they were very terrifying existences.

My mother has been practicing for two hundred years and has condensed four tails. Although they are powerful, they are definitely no match for those guys.

“A bunch of scum, if you don’t eat the toast, you’ll have to drink it as a penalty, huh!”

Seeing this posture, the White Bone Evil King immediately understood what the fox demon Bai Niang meant.

He stepped forward with a cold snort, and the cold evil wave suddenly sounded, and the powerful source of evil power burst out from the body, which was obviously far better than the fox demon Bai Niang!

However, just as he was about to launch an attack, his eyes were suddenly attracted to Shen Changqing in the arms of the little fox demon.

He saw Shen Changqing, who was only nine months old, staring at him coldly.

With eye contact, the White Bone Evil King suddenly heard a roar in his mind!

His body stiffened for an instant. In Shen Changqing's eyes, he seemed to see the scene of demons dancing wildly, and another terrifying soul, a shadow covering the sky with boundless killing, about to wake up!

 “This...what is this?”

The consciousness of the White Bone Evil King was pulled into the abyss. After suddenly waking up, his whole body was cold to the bone and his hair stood on end!


Without any hesitation, he was horrified in his heart. He immediately turned around, raised heavy clouds in the sky, and left quickly with many demons.

His intuition told him that if he didn't leave, he would die!

This rapid change in the situation made the fox demon Bai Niang and the little fox demon froze in place.

They didn’t understand why the arrogant White Bone Evil King suddenly changed his attention.

"go home quickly."

Bainiang quickly took the little fox demon and Shen Changqing back to Shiwanda Mountain.

 (End of this chapter)

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