Heroic Spirit: All My Past Lives Were Summoned By My Daughter

Chapter 36: Heavenly Demon, the second stage of the Black Lotus Cult Leader!

Chapter 36 Demon, the second stage of the Black Lotus Leader!

 “This way, I call it the Demon of Heaven.”

 A few days later, in a cave in the middle-earth land.

Shen Changqing took a deep breath and set up various formations outside, and then slowly revealed the true demon's soul.

The leader of the Black Lotus reunited with his physical body. He still had the same black hair as before, and his face was stern and solemn.

Huang Ting has been immersed in the power of the Dzogchen Realm for many years. Now that he has understood the way of the Demon, it is time to step into the Celestial Realm!


Shen Changqing gave a clear drink, and saw the strong evil fluctuations in the world, as if he had fallen into some kind of fanaticism, and began to roll back crazily.

 They all poured into Shen Changqing's body and covered the true demon's soul.

 When initiating the practice, all the sources of evil spirits are absorbed.

This process lasted for a long time, and the resulting storm began to affect outside the cave.

Not long after, the sky was covered with dark clouds, and a huge pressure quietly formed, with the potential of a tornado!


The thunder continued to break through the sky, getting more and more violent.

With Shen Changqing as the center, all the demons within a hundred miles radius felt an unspeakable evil power and were slowly being born.

They looked at the location of the cave in fear, and saw that the wind and clouds from all directions were rushing forward. The restlessness of countless evil spirits in the world triggered the source of power in their bodies, and they were trembling with fear!

 The storm caused by Shen Changqing became wider and wider, ranging from two hundred miles, three hundred miles, four hundred miles... until five hundred miles.

 Looking from a distance, the sky here seems to have a huge hole.

It seems as if it wants to devour all things in the world, with a cold and cold will, sucking in the majestic origin and spiritual energy of evil spirits.

More and more demons feel frightened. They cannot know what is happening there, and a fear arises from the depths of their souls.

“The moment of breakthrough is today!”

 In the cave, Shen Changqing's eyes merged with the darkness.

The leader of the Black Lotus has reached the critical moment of breaking through the situation. He waved his sleeves and the true demon's soul suddenly separated from his body and walked out slowly.

The long black hair began to gradually turn pale, and the appearance became more monstrous. With the blessing of the reincarnation fruit talent, the oppression of the demon gradually formed.

This is a brand-new cultivation path that is created by the combination of the demonic path and the demonic path.

Shen Changqing calls it a demon. There is no doubt that this is not only a breakthrough in realm and an increase in strength, but also a complete change in state.

Looks like a demon but is not a demon, looks like a demon but is not a demon!

By practicing this way, Shen Changqing can even switch states. In the normal state, the leader of the Black Lotus is a pure demonic hero.

  But if it transforms into a demon, it will be a form of pure killing without any emotions.

Shen Changqing also called this state the second stage of the Black Lotus Leader, or the second form.

Of course, in the era of heroic spirits in later generations, there should be a more appropriate name.

 Evil Black Lotus Leader!

 “The last step.”

 Shen Changqing took another deep breath and merged the soul of the real demon with himself again.

 In an instant, the full source of evil spirits was completely digested, and he stepped into the celestial realm.

Moreover, this is not an ordinary celestial realm!

An indescribable wave of darkness rolled open and closed, instantly shattering the formation that Shen Changqing had used before, and even causing a huge earthquake in the entire cave!

The demonic energy rolled up into the sky, straight into the sky, and destroyed the holes in the clouds.

At this moment, a five-hundred-mile radius formed some kind of domain belonging to the leader of the Black Lotus.

 In the realm, no matter what direction and what strength the demons possess, they are faced with unprecedented and terrifying pressure.

 Under the horror, all the demons trembled in their hearts, and they all knelt down in great fear.

Not only that, Kunlun Patriarch, who was silently closing his eyes in the Kunlun Mountains far away, suddenly opened his eyes in shock amid a strong heart palpitations.

His eyes were as bright as a torch, and he looked at the distant sky in disbelief. His whole body was under such evil waves, and he actually felt like the hairs on his hair were standing on end!

"Where did the demon appear?" A rich source of darkness erupted from afar and continued to move toward the Eight Wastelands. The awe-inspiring righteousness of the entire Kunlun Mountains was shaken into chaos.

  Many people felt something vaguely, and looked up at the sky in confusion.

 Like a big hand, invisibly covering the sky and the sun!

The three palace masters were cultivating, and they also felt palpitations in their hearts. However, their strength level was far inferior to that of Kunlun Patriarch. After looking at each other in confusion, they all frowned for no apparent reason.


 Guigu Ridge.

 Under the long river of blood, countless monsters were trembling inexplicably, feeling strong uneasiness in their hearts, and they were afraid to look far away.

As the clouds continue to move, they bring the aura of the devil, and the indescribable intimidation penetrates directly into the soul, almost making you want to kneel down!

Inside the black palace, the Heavenly Demon Emperor was half lying on a blood-colored seat. He also opened and closed his eyes suddenly, with an incredible look on his face.

 He felt Shen Changqing's aura, cold, dark, evil, and indifferent to everything!

"Is this...is this the power of Ghost Huluo? He has come to Middle-earth?"

The Demon King stood up from the throne instantly, his face changed drastically.

 The hall was filled with black mist, and the figure of the Bone Evil King gathered on the spot.

 “This is not Guixuluo, he didn’t come to Middle-earth so quickly!”

The White Bone Evil King seemed a little familiar with this sudden burst of aura, as if he had seen it somewhere before, but he couldn't remember it in a short time.

“If it’s not Guixuluo, then where else in the Middle Earth can there be demons with such power?”


 Inside the cave.

Shen Changqing suppressed the fluctuations of power pouring out from the True Demon Soul. It took a full stick of incense to fully restrain it.

Just as he expected, the celestial realm that the Black Lotus Master achieved through dual cultivation was an unprecedented path of cultivation!

 “Devil, second stage...this reincarnation is of extraordinary significance.”

He returned to his normal appearance, walked out of the collapsed cave, patted the dust on his body, and looked up at the sky, which was gradually becoming lighter and lighter.

 A master may be coming here soon, and he needs to leave immediately.

Steps start lightly, turning into a rainbow and rushing back to Kunlun Mountain.

 Half a day later, he saw a familiar figure on the mountain road.

 “Bai Li?”

Shen Changqing was quite surprised, and then his eyes showed a little tenderness.

 For some reason, after seeing Bai Li, Shen Changqing always felt an indescribable peace in his heart.

 He ​​himself didn't notice it, and his pace involuntarily accelerated a lot as he rushed over.

Not long after, he fell in front of Bai Li.

It's just that today, Bai Li's state is obviously a little different from the past. Her head is lowered and her eyes are dull, losing all the brilliance of the past.


Bai Li looked up in confusion.

Her eyes were red, and she suddenly rushed over and hugged Shen Changqing into her arms. Tears burst into her eyes as her delicate body trembled.

Shen Changqing stood there, his body suddenly stiff.

 (End of this chapter)

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