Heroic Spirit: All My Past Lives Were Summoned By My Daughter

Chapter 38: I want to kill this person, I also want to destroy this sect

Chapter 38 I want to kill this person, and I also want to destroy this sect.

The sound of the sky was so loud that it echoed throughout the Kunlun Mountains.

Like accountability, it brought about strong true energy, causing ripples in the mountain guarding formation.

  One figure in Taoist robes appeared one after another in an instant, and the expressions of tens of thousands of disciples changed. They looked at the majestic Uncle Divine Sword Master, wondering why the newly promoted celestial master said this.

The three palace masters walked through the air and quickly arrived in the sky. Even though they were still some distance away, they all felt heavy-hearted and raised their hands to speak.

“Juniors have seen Uncle Divine Sword Master, but I wonder why Uncle Divine Sword Master mobilized so many troops and mobilized so many people? Our Kunlun Mountains have been the holy land of China since ancient times, so how can we hide monsters?”

The Master of Xuanfu was quite displeased in his heart, but he couldn't show it on his face.

After all, this person is the Heavenly Master of the Divine Sword Sect. Regardless of seniority or strength, they need to be polite.


Uncle Divine Sword Master snorted coldly. The moment his words came out, the situation in Kunlun Mountain changed. The spiritual energy of heaven and earth rolled back, and the formation shook again, causing huge waves.

He received news from the demon disciples that after a demon escaped from the Shiwanda Mountain area, he rushed straight to the Kunlun Mountains.

 Since then, he has disappeared without a trace.

Since this is the sphere of influence of Kunlun Mountain, of course those disciples dare not search without authorization.

 He didn't take this matter to heart at first, after all, he was just an insignificant monster, but when he thought about it, something seemed wrong.

Even if you want to escape, why should you flee to Kunlun Mountain?

Isn’t that asking for death?

 Unless this place has become corrupted to the point of collaborating with demons.

 Until I arrived in person, I discovered that there was indeed the aura of demons surging deep in the Kunlun Mountains!

“As the Holy Land of Middle-earth, I feel shameful for your behavior. Even though the Hundred Thousand Mountains are only a hundred kilometers away from here, you allow it to breed and do nothing!”

"That's all. It took me a year and a half to eradicate all these cancers, but you, Kunlun Mountain, are actually protecting me?"

Uncle Divine Sword Master's anger rose, and a certain sword field formed outside his body, with the sharp edge pointing directly at the mountain-protecting formation.

 This momentum is like crushing the Kunlun Mountains!

The faces of the three palace masters were as gloomy as water, and they were suppressing their inner displeasure.

"Uncle Master Shenjian is wrong. Demons in Middle-earth are by no means generalized. Although Shiwanda Mountain is a forbidden area for demons, the harm caused is far less than that of the outside world."

“It’s not that I, the Kunlun Mountains, have not done anything, but that there is no need at all, and we will continue to increase the number of meaningless killings.”

“As for saying that I, Kunlun Mountain, harbors demons, that is absolutely impossible. If you say something unpleasant, so what?”

The Master of Xuanfu's strong words fell, and the strong men of the Divine Sword Sect all over the sky showed their murderous intentions.

As the great elder of Huang Tingjing, he took a step forward and shouted: "What a shameless statement! We, the Divine Sword Sect, have dedicated our lives to the people of the world, but you, Kunlun Mountain, are here to be a coward!"

“Can an unnecessary sentence cover up the fact that you have not done anything? To put it bluntly, if Kunlun Mountain is really protecting the demons, then they should be punished!”

The great elder's stern shout fell, and all the powerful men of the Divine Sword Sect in the sky were seen pulling out their long swords. The true energy rolled up a hurricane, and the sound of condemnation roared across the world.

 “Be punished!”

 “Be punished!”

 “Be punished!”

This domineering gesture made all the disciples in Kunlun Mountain gnash their teeth.

The master of Xuanfu clenched his fists, and the true energy power of the Huangting realm slowly rose from the Dantian.

“Senior Kunlun, can your disciple’s words represent the entire Kunlun Mountains?”

Uncle Divine Sword Master narrowed his eyes and stared coldly into the misty depths of the mountain.

As soon as he finished speaking, an old spiritual thought swept out.

 There is a huge shadow of true energy condensed on the top of Kunlun, it is the founder of Kunlun!

His long hair was dancing wildly, and his white beard was swaying in the wind. He calmly looked at the Divine Sword Master Uncle and the powerful men of the Divine Sword Sect in the sky.

Looking at the Kunlun Mountains, all the figures turned around and bent down, including the three palace masters.

The Master of Xuanfu sighed inwardly, knowing that he would inevitably be scolded.

"What he said is what I meant, and of course it also represents Kunlun Mountain. But Kunlun Mountain will not do such things as hiding monsters secretly."

As soon as these words were spoken, the Master of Xuanfu raised his head in astonishment, as if he did not expect that the Patriarch would turn towards him. Even in that exaggerated tone, there was no reproach.

"Whether there is a demon hiding there, we will find out when we go in and find out!"

Even though the Kunlun Patriarch has appeared, the Great Elder of Divine Sword still doesn’t want to give up because of his uncle’s presence.

 He was about to forcefully step into the formation to search, but unexpectedly, a terrifying wave of power swept over him.


The Patriarch of Kunlun couldn't bear it any longer, and he shouted loudly, causing waves to surge into the sky. The expression of the great elder of the Divine Sword suddenly changed due to the shock.

 The Gang Qi around him was instantly shattered, and blood spurted out on the spot and flew backwards.

The storm formed also shattered the sword domain, causing the ears of all the powerful Shenjian Sect members in the audience to explode as if they were struck by thunder.

 Under the sky, the sky suddenly fell into deathly silence.

Those powerful men from the Divine Sword Sect who came forward were stiff and did not dare to move in mid-air.

 There is no arrogance at all!

“Okay, okay, your Kunlun Mountain is really rotten to the core, but you, old man, are going to die one day, right? I’ll see how long you can last.”

Uncle Divine Sword Master showed fear in his eyes.

Even though there was boundless anger rising in his heart, he did not dare to fight against Kunlun Mountain, especially when the founder of the Celestial Realm was still alive.


Then the meaning of the words of the Master of Xuanfu, isn't it a disguised statement that he killed innocent people indiscriminately?

After working hard for a year and a half, people all over the world were praising him, but in the end he was demoted to nothing by Kunlun Mountain.

Today, this bridge has been completely closed.

Ten years is not too late for a gentleman to take revenge. He can wait until the Kunlun Patriarch dies and then settle the accounts later.

 After all, the founder of Kunlun has entered his twilight years and his life is short.

 Looking back at myself, the road ahead is still clearly visible.


He turned around with a flick of his sleeves, and the powerful men from the Divine Sword Sect all over the sky took the pale-faced and frightened great elder and turned into a rainbow and sped away.

 “The Patriarch just got mad?”

 Below, the three palace masters stopped blankly.


 Inside the cave.

 Shen Changqing looked at the sky in the distance.

Bai Li stood next to him, her face flushed and her head lowered without speaking.

The sound coming from outside naturally fell into her ears.

What I didn’t expect was that the people from the Divine Sword Sect would actually chase him all the way here.

 “Let’s go, I’ll take you to kill someone.”

Shen Changqing fell softly, causing Bai Li to raise her head in confusion.

 “Who to kill?”

 “Those people just now.”


 Shen Changqing's words made Bai Li a little confused.

The Divine Sword Master's uncle is at the Tianxiang Realm, the three elders of the Divine Sword Sect are all at the Huangting Realm, and there are tens of thousands of disciples who are equally powerful.

 Kill them?

"I will kill this person and destroy this sect."

Shen Changqing took Bai Li's hand and stepped out of the cave with a frosty face!

 (End of this chapter)

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