Heroic Spirit: All My Past Lives Were Summoned By My Daughter

Chapter 4: He created and preached the law a thousand years ago

Chapter 4 He created the law and preached the gospel a thousand years ago

 Mountain village.

 Ancestral home.

“What about ordinary heroic spirits? They are still heroic spirits, and the contractor also needs to strictly abide by the agreement. I just want to return to the Hall of Valor in Lucheng. You follow me.”

 After Li Wen listened to Li Tongtong’s request, he immediately corrected her attitude.

"Know it."

Li Tongtong shrugged his shoulders.

 She was also thinking about Shen Miaoke's future before.

During her training at Yingling Academy, her thinking habits have changed a lot, and most of the time she is centered on interests.

Looking back suddenly, I realized that I had lost my original intention, and I felt quite guilty.

That was Shen Miaoke's father, how could he say those words?

“Although I don’t have much interaction with Brother Shen, I also know what kind of person he is. When he hears his daughter’s call, he can respond instinctively. This is extremely rare in the history of our heroic spirits.”

Li Wen sighed with emotion and couldn't help but recall the time when he and Shen Changqing first met eight years ago.

Due to their different class status, the two of them rarely spoke to each other, but from their gestures, it could be seen that Shen Changqing was a rare family man.

 Half an hour later, he took Shen Miaoke and Li Tongtong in the car and set off on the road to Lucheng Hall of Heroes.

 The place where the ancestral house is located belongs to the hometown in the mountain village.

 The past three days have been the Tomb-Sweeping Festival, and everyone needs to come back to pay homage to their ancestors.

 Lucheng is quite a distance from their ancestral home. Since there is an abyss and crack in the middle, it is very dangerous. If they want to take a detour, it will take even longer.

“Student Shen, since you have contracted with the heroic spirit, have you entered into practice?”

Li Wen suddenly asked Shen Miaoke that human civilization in the Xuanhuang Realm has lasted for seven million years.

Such a terrifying length of history means that the practice methods of each era may be slightly different.

From the current tracing back to ancient times, they can only find the last years of the dynasty a thousand years ago, the martial arts competition three thousand years ago, and the demonic chaos ten thousand years ago.

Going back further into the history of the Xuanhuang Realm, there are even legendary monsters, immortals, ghosts, gods, demons, Buddhas, etc.

 The vast world, the vast black and yellow world.

 As the long river of history rolls on, too many civilizations have been buried in the past.

In today's Yuling Era, there are also exclusive brands and practice methods belonging to this era, but they are more complicated.

 You can contract with ancient heroic spirits or absorb the power of spiritual stones in the abyss.

 Some families who have contracted legendary heroic spirits can even practice lost ancient methods!

 But there is no doubt that these lost ancient cultivation methods are also very complex and not the same.

 The only characteristic is that it is extremely precious and is only in the hands of a few people.

 “I haven’t had any contact yet.” Shen Miaoke shook her head.

“It’s okay, I’ll introduce it to you when we get to Lucheng.” Li Wen responded with a smile.

Just as he was talking, Li Tongtong was playing with his cell phone and suddenly exclaimed: "The tutor sent a message, saying that some of the high-level media from the Imperial Mausoleum have arrived, and let a few of us top students try to contract the heroic spirits."

After hearing this, Li Wen couldn't help but feel a slight tremor in his heart.

Then he raised his eyebrows and suppressed his inner excitement: "This opportunity is rare. You must seize it. Since your mentor has chosen to believe in you, you must not let him down. After all, the current status of the Imperial Tomb is still sealed."

Li Tongtong responded solemnly and looked carefully at the message sent by her mentor.

Shen Miaoke sat aside and subconsciously lowered his head and turned his head away, silently looking at the scenery outside the window.


 Lucheng, Yingling Academy. As one of the places with the largest number of young contractors in the entire Lu City, the status and prestige of the Academy of Heroes is not inferior to that of the Hall of Heroes.

 Because it is composed of the top young contractors from all middle and high schools.

Every time Qin Tianjian discovers some new clues, he will also distribute some advanced media to let the top students of the Academy of Heroes try to contract with the ancient heroes.

 Although the probability of success is always relatively small, as long as you succeed once, it will be a huge and fruitful reward.

At this moment, Dean Lucheng was looking at the message from above with a serious expression.

Beside him, Li Tongtong’s mentor also stood.

“Is Qingyunzhai Laozi a thousand years ago, and his influence actually shook the entire era?”

The instructor said sadly, there are many bronzes excavated from the imperial mausoleum here. From these bronzes, you can vaguely see the grandeur of the past.

 The two eras are in such close contact, how can we not make people's hearts swell.

 “I...who is he?”

 Dean Lucheng began to carefully check the contents recorded by the Tibetan Keeper.

“I, Qingyunzhai, was originally named Shen Changqing. He has been known as the world’s best child prodigy since he was a child. He read the Book of Songs at the age of three, created his own method at the age of five, and was admitted to the Hanlin Academy of the Jing Dynasty at the age of eight?”

 “Became the head of the academy at the age of eleven, said goodbye at the age of twenty, and founded Qingyunzhai at the age of thirty…”

Dean Lu Cheng became more and more frightened as he read it. This life experience was all moving, until he read the back page and completely lost his composure.

“In the 275th year of Jingli, the plague broke out in the world. Countless people died in March. I went down the mountain to wander through the wilderness, searched the mountains and forests, and obtained a total of forty-four medicinal herbs to quell the plague.”

“In the 279th year of Jingli, the third emperor of Dajing Dynasty was foolish and immoral, and tried to kill the world’s scholars. I confronted him alone and was able to avoid all difficulties.”

“In the 292nd year of Jingli, twelve military strategists from four sects and eight sects in the Great Wilderness were arguing endlessly, and the world was in chaos. I personally created their own unique martial arts. Since then, there has been no competition for supremacy. They are all the best in the world!"


“In the third hundred and forty-sixth year of the reign of Emperor Jingli, I passed away in Qingyunzhai. The deep and painful cries on the mountain echoed throughout the world. Three hundred thousand white-robed disciples observed mourning for three years, and four generations of emperors built a hundred-foot-long golden body for him.”

“On this day, the leaders of hundreds of families came to pay their respects, and twelve military strategists from all four sects and sects in the world came here.”

"On this day, the chaos outside the pass ceased, and the barbarian kings of the Western Regions withdrew from the border pass, never to invade again."

“On this day, the doors of people all over the world are covered with white silk and satin…”

 Dean Lu Cheng's voice began to tremble. When he looked at his mentor, he found that he had already lost his composure.

“Laozi Qingyunzhai, he created and preached a thousand years ago, and his influence has shaken the entire era. If one of us succeeds in contracting with him, then..."

 The instructor immediately looked at the seven top contractors who were already present in the academy.

 They are not very old, only sixteen or seventeen years old, but some of them have contracted with heroic spirits.

"It doesn't hurt to try. You also know what it means if we can contract this man before other cities do, right?"

 “This bronze vessel is what I once owned.”

Dean Lucheng pursed his lips and motioned for one of the geniuses to give it a try.

The young man looked nervous and quickly started chanting.

 Within a moment, he was sweating profusely, and then he opened his eyes in horror, as if he had encountered some kind of backlash, and he stepped back a few steps and screamed.

 “He...he has been contracted!”

 The young man's words shocked Dean Lucheng and his mentor like a blow to the head.

 (End of this chapter)

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