Heroic Spirit: All My Past Lives Were Summoned By My Daughter

Chapter 40: Middle-earth is shaken, and the Divine Sword is destroyed

Chapter 40: The Middle Earth is shaken and the Divine Sword is destroyed


 The devil's finger descends from the sky, covering the sky and the sun.

Shen Changqing's silver hair danced wildly, and his eyes reflected the intention of killing.

At the moment when the true energy is activated, the ancient magical power of Fa Tian Xiang Earth is also instantly activated.

The end of the sky instantly condensed a ten thousand-foot shadow, keeping the same movement as Shen Changqing, stretching out his index finger from top to bottom, pressing against the entire land of the Divine Sword Sect.

The first one to bear the brunt was the Great Elder. The true energy power of the Huang Ting Realm could not withstand the slightest bit, and he let out a shrill scream when the terrifying pressure came.

The body turned into blood mist and exploded, and the soul flew into ashes and was annihilated!

 “Sword rises!”

Uncle Divine Sword Master roared, completely arousing the power of the Celestial Realm, and condensed thousands of sword energy rainbows in front of him, intending to smash the demonic fingers that covered the sky.

 However, at the moment of contact, the sword energy Changhong shattered inch by inch.

This does not seem to be the same level of combat power at all. As a powerful person in the Celestial Realm, he only lasted a few more breaths longer than the Great Elder in front of the Black Lotus Cult Leader who had activated the second stage.

He looked at the destruction of thousands of sword shadows with horrified eyes, and tried his best to raise the true energy again.

He turned his body into a sword and roared to resist, but he spit out three mouthfuls of blood in a row, the bones of his shoulders were crushed, and his knees even fell to his knees on the spot.

Looking at the tens of thousands of disciples in the Eye Sword Sect domain, when Shen Changqing Lingtian's finger dropped three inches, a large number of figures turned into blood mist and were destroyed.

 The mountains and the earth continue to collapse and sink, and no one in the palaces or caves is spared!

 Like a scene of world destruction, this desperate crushing strength and sudden disaster were unpredictable by everyone.

 “Senior, please be merciful and we can discuss any matters easily!”

Uncle Divine Sword Master was squeezed so hard that blood spurted out from his seven orifices, and his eyes were wide open as he held the finger that covered the sky. He screamed in an attempt to find a glimmer of hope.

 But Shen Changqing had no intention of leaving any chance of survival, so he pressed his index finger down three inches again.

Rumble —

The sound of rocks collapsing exploded in my ears, and the entire realm of the Divine Sword Sect had been completely distorted.

The sky was filled with blood, reflecting half of the sky.

The rich fishy smell spread until the screams gradually disappeared, the Divine Sword Master's forehead bone was also crushed, his head sank under his neck, and his body died!

 Until his consciousness dissipated, he had no way of knowing the origin of Shen Changqing.

This kind of powerful physical strength is unheard of.

When the smoke dissipated and the evil forces of heaven and earth gradually subsided, Bai Li stared blankly at this scene, her chest continuing to rise and fall, standing messy in the wind.

Shen Changqing's back was reflected in her eyes, creating an unspeakable shock.

Is this really the childhood sweetheart I've known since childhood?

We agreed on Kunlun Mountain Daozi, but why did he become a demon god?

Bai Li had no way of knowing what secrets Shen Changqing was hiding. The scene in front of her subverted her imagination.

Soon, in the direction of the back mountain of the Divine Sword Sect, the ninety-nine-story pagoda that had also collapsed lost its sealing shackles with the death of the Divine Sword Master Uncle.

The overwhelming demons struggled and tried their best to escape.

 “Thank you, senior, for saving me from the dire straits!”

There was a demon clan leader who knelt on the ground with tears rolling down his face and led the whole clan to kneel and kowtow to Shen Changqing who was above the sky.

 with no exception, no matter old, young, women, or children, strong or weak.

“We will always remember your great kindness. If there is an order from now on, we will do our best to serve you!”

The demons' prostrations echoed throughout the world, and no one knew what kind of cruel torture and suffering they suffered here.

It is not an exaggeration to say that the pagoda is the ninety-nine levels of hell.

Now that he has been reborn, and even killed the Divine Sword Master Uncle who had the strength of the Celestial Realm, Shen Changqing has undoubtedly become a **** in their hearts. "Let's go, leave Middle-earth."

Shen Changqing's voice echoed, with a slight sigh.

 He has lived in Shiwanda Mountain for more than half a year, so he naturally knows the water, land and customs there.

 Compared with other forbidden places for demons, these imprisoned demons just want to live.

Following him, he also took a step and turned around. The leader of the Black Lotus returned to the state of hiding as the soul of the true demon, and returned to Kunlun Mountain with Bai Li.

Bainiang's revenge has been avenged, and the future threat from Kunlun Mountain is gone.

The leader of the Black Lotus may not appear again, but he is still the Taoist disciple of Kunlun who helps all people in the world.


 Three days later.

 The realm of the Divine Sword Sect was reduced to ruins, and blood flowed into a river, flowing among the collapsed mountain roads.

 Suddenly, black mist filled the air, and a figure gradually formed. It was the Bone Evil King of Guigu Ridge.

Looking at the dead and silent scene in front of him, a cold feeling passed through his heart, and a creepy chill spread down his spine.

  Multiple figures appeared one after another, and soon cold sweat broke out on their foreheads, and their pupils trembled with fear.

“The Huanghuang Divine Sword Sect is just gone?”

The White Bone Evil King murmured to himself, feeling extremely horrified.

As a very famous sect in Middle-earth, the Divine Sword Sect has a very strong foundation. Not only does it have great monks in the Huangting realm, but a great master in the Celestial Realm also appeared in the past few years.

 With such a background, he actually suffered the disaster of annihilation!

In this world, there are still traces of the terrifying evil origin, and just feeling a little bit of it makes the White Bone Evil King unbearable.

 “Did the guy who showed up last time do it?”

Other demons looked around in fear. The dilapidated scene of the Divine Sword Sect's domain in front of them was extremely shocking, with no one alive at all.

“Other than him, no one in China can destroy the Divine Sword Sect.”

The Bone Evil King's face was pale. Last time, even though they were far away from each other in Guigu Ridge, he and the Demon King felt a terrible aura.

Although it only lasted for a while and then disappeared completely and could not be traced, the feeling left to them is indelible.

Judging from the aura fluctuations of the remaining Divine Sword Sect, he should be the one who caused the death of the Master of the Heavenly Phantasm Realm.

How could such a terrifying existence come from this land of Middle-earth?

“Now that the Divine Sword Sect has perished, the situation in Middle-earth is about to change again. Those sects that sit in the Celestial Realm, including the Tianfo Temple and other holy places, will definitely not dare to take the lead again.”

 The demon next to him swallowed hard, feeling frightened because of the mystery and unknown.

The White Bone Evil King sighed: "Not only that, the king has ordered the temporary sealing of Guigu Ridge. Who dares to come forward before we understand who this place is?"

“Those forbidden places for demons and demons have all disappeared after just hearing some rumors. Looking at the history of China and Earth for so many years, this is really the first time we have encountered them.”

 The fall of the Divine Sword Sect and the death of Tianxiang Mighty Body should bring greater turmoil to Middle-earth.

 But at this time, even the Demon Emperor, who had great ambitions, did not dare to take any action.

 Middle-earth has been in chaos for so long, and peace has rarely appeared.

“Now that it’s confirmed that Uncle Divine Sword Master is dead, it’s time for us to go back.”

After finishing his words, the Bone Evil King rolled up his sleeves and rolled up the black mist, and quickly left with the remaining demons.

 (End of this chapter)

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