Heroic Spirit: All My Past Lives Were Summoned By My Daughter

Chapter 45: According to historical records, Tao Zun defeated the devil

Chapter 45: Historical records, Tao Zun slays demons

 Dayan Dynasty.

The once prosperous imperial capital was filled with blood, and the wailing of the people was accompanied by the wild laughter of demons, one after another.

This place has been captured for half a month, and the huge dynasty's territory has long been wiped out by the wave of demons.

The leader of the Dayan Dynasty personally put on his battle armor and led three generals to fight continuously in the streets and alleys.

“Our Dayan dynasty has lasted for four hundred years, is it going to die like this?”

The Lord of Dayan looked at the scene of the fire burning with sadness, the people fleeing in panic, and the endless waves of demons pouring into the city, and despair rose in his heart.

 “Look, what is that in the sky?”

 Suddenly, there were screams of surprise, and the three generals discovered that there was a light shining in the sky.

Like the sun blooming, the Kunlun Mirror shines with bright golden light, enveloping the entire city with unparalleled sweeping power.

Shen Changqing stopped in mid-air, and his true energy continued to activate the Kunlun Mirror, which caused drastic changes in the expressions of countless demons below.

Screams of fear suddenly sounded, the smell of decaying flesh spread instantly, and a devastating disaster was staged in the tide of demons that entered the city.

The Lord of Dayan looked up in confusion. When he saw the Kunlun Taoist robe that Shen Changqing was wearing, a line of hot tears rolled down his face.

"Kunlun Mountain has not fallen, and the Holy Land of Middle-earth is still there! All officers and soldiers listen to the order and kill!"

 He roared loudly and cut off the heads of the fleeing demons around him.

 With the arrival of Shen Changqing, the situation changed instantly.

The surviving people of the imperial capital looked at the figure in the sky, fell to their knees one after another, and continued to shout the name of Kunlun with tears of gratitude.


 A few months later, Soul-Desolating Cliff.

 This is an ancient battlefield in Middle-earth, where countless bones are buried.

 Its territory is quite vast, and it was originally very suitable for demons to live in groups.

 However, there are still a lot of terrible ancient restrictions left here, and devastating damage often occurs.

This means that no demon dares to occupy Duanhun Cliff even if the death aura is strong and the evil spirits in the world are very strong.

 Just today, many figures appeared near Soul-Desolating Cliff.

"Your Majesty, do we really want to hide here? Once the power of those ancient prohibitions is activated, we will be dead without any bodies."

 A demon leader looked at the dim sky in front of him and spoke timidly.

"Why are you being so cowardly? No matter how scary Soul-Desolating Cliff is, can it still be as scary as the Kunlun Taoist outside?"

"I'm afraid I can't call him a Taoist master now. The outside world calls him Taoist Master, and he seems to be more powerful than a Taoist master!"

"As long as we hide here and wait until a hundred years later to go out, won't the world still belong to us?"

"That's right, although we can't defeat the Kunlun Taoist, we can always beat him to death, right? Just like the Kunlun Patriarch back then!"

 “Yes, beat him to death!”

The voices sounded one after another, and a group of demons walked into the Soul-Desolating Cliff in fear.

As everyone knows, there is a pair of eyes staring quietly behind them.

“It’s a good idea, but I may not have the chance.”

Shen Changqing raised his hand, and the power of the celestial realm instantly turned into a divine light, and countless thunderbolts suddenly condensed. In the panic-stricken eyes of those demons, they destroyed their souls!


 A few years later.

 In a mountain village in a remote rural area.

Today there is a happy event in the Chen Family Courtyard, where many villagers are waiting.

The second mother of the Chen family had been trying to conceive for many years without success. Finally, she was found to have a positive pulse last year.

But his happy pulse was different from that of normal people, and the original date of birth was actually delayed by several months.

The Chen family man traveled a lot for this, and even went to the city to seek help from doctors, but he couldn't find any reason.

 Fortunately, the second mother of the Chen family is finally giving birth today. “God bless me, no matter if I am a girl or a fat boy, I just hope that my wife is safe and sound.”

The forty-year-old man from the Chen family clasped his hands together and kept praying to God.

 It’s no wonder that he is so nervous. An ordinary person can be born in ten months after being diagnosed with a happy pulse by a doctor.

 But his wife was actually a few months late!

 What made him even more worried was that during this period, his wife was almost skinny and skinny, as if all the nutrients had been absorbed by the child in her belly.

“Uncle Chen, don’t worry. Er Niang acts upright and does good deeds. She doesn’t even dare to kill a chicken. God will definitely bless her.”

"Yes, it may be because the two mothers have different physiques, so the birth was delayed for a few months. Now, aren't we waiting for it too?"

“Besides, Granny Liu is the one with the most experience in delivering babies among the nearby villages. With her ability, she can definitely make the second mother safe!”

 In the yard, many young people said soothingly.

 Chen Hanzi had a lot of sweat on his forehead and his face was quite pale.

 He was really anxious as he listened to the painful cries in the room.

Although the preparations were very sufficient, his wife's state after the pregnancy was really weird, and he always felt that there might be something wrong with it.



 There was a cry, and the people in the village looked at each other, overjoyed.

 Chen Hanzi's hanging heart finally fell to the ground.

 “Congratulations, my second wife has finally given birth!”

 The villagers congratulated each other, and Chen Hanzi smiled, but then suddenly there was a scream of terror from the room.

 The midwife rushed out in fear and shouted: "Monster, monster!"


This sentence made everyone look stiff instantly.

They all looked behind the midwife, and saw a white bone claw protruding out in an instant. Thick black mist filled the whole body. When the sharp blade opened and closed, it was ready to kill everyone in the yard.

However, the bone claw seemed to have noticed something, and trembled and quickly retracted.

 “Now that you’ve shown up, why hide?”

Shen Changqing's faint voice echoed throughout the sky, and the Kunlun Mirror shone down, causing the wailing of the Evil Bone King to be heard in the room.

 “I’ve given up my body, and you can still find me? Damn it, **** it, **** it!”

The screams gradually disappeared and were annihilated in the golden light.

This Bone Evil King belongs to a demon leader in Guigu Ridge. He was originally supposed to follow the Demon Emperor to attack the Kunlun Mountains, but for some reason he was cautious and was delayed for a long time.

 But it was this half-day that saved him from death, and he disappeared without a trace after that.

 After several years of wandering around, Shen Changqing finally found him.

“It’s Taoist Kunlun! This is Taoist Kunlun!”

 The villagers in the yard looked at each other and quickly fell to their knees.

In the past few years, the outside world has been turbulent. How could they not know the name of Kunlun Mountain Taoist Master?

“Thank you, Taoist Master, for slaying the demon, but my child...” Chen Hanzi was filled with tears.

 “Congratulations, you gave birth to a big fat boy.” Shen Changqing’s smile spread down and he left with a puff of sleeves.

 Chen Hanzi was overjoyed and rushed into the room after thanking him repeatedly.


 The great land of Middle-earth has experienced ups and downs for more than a thousand years.

The great trend of the era is approaching, but a master of Taoism appears in the Kunlun Mountains, sweeping through the ten most forbidden places for demons in Middle-earth, and wandering leisurely for more than a hundred years.

 Historical records state that this is the Taoist Master coming down the mountain!

 (End of this chapter)

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