Heroic Spirit: All My Past Lives Were Summoned By My Daughter

Chapter 48: Middle-earth, Middle-earth, White Li News

Chapter 48 Middle-earth, Middle-earth, Baili News

 When Shen Changqing woke up, he found that the familiar scene around him was no longer there.

Has your daughter left Lucheng?

 He transformed into the heroic spirit form again and looked out the window at the scene of floating clouds and mist.

 “Dad, you finally woke up.”

 Shen Miaoke was lying in front of the table, playing with the big screen, when she saw Shen Changqing, she cried out in surprise.

 “How long have I slept?”

This reincarnation lasted two hundred years, which was much longer than before.

 “It’s been a month.”

 One month?

Shen Changqing pondered, this was what he expected.

“A lot has happened in the past month. Qintianjian has excavated many ruins of the Eastern Wasteland, as well as some high-level media. Dad, your identity as the leader of the Black Lotus has caused a lot of turmoil on the Internet.”

 Said Shen Miaoke, placing the big screen in front of Shen Changqing.

Some information is presented above, including interviews with ancient heroes. There are several familiar faces among them, and Chen Lingfeng, the leader of the Taixuan Sect at that time, is also among them.

 At present, only his daughter knows the identity and deeds of his Black Lotus leader.

Shen Changqing smiled and said, "Let me see if everyone on the Internet is scolding me?"

As a former demonic lord in the Eastern Wasteland during the Ancient Martial Era, Shen Changqing not only beheaded the reclusive powerful Nanhai Sword Master, but he also beheaded Chen Lingfeng, the master of the Taixuan Sect.

That day, many decent and powerful people died in Taixuan Sect.

“At first when Chen Lingfeng was contracted, he was really criticizing his father, but then for some reason, he suddenly posted a lot more posts.”

“They wrote all the things that Dad did later in the post, and the heroic spirits who were contracted from other realms all stood up to speak for Dad.”

 Shen Changqing couldn't help but raise his eyebrows when he heard this.

 He looked at the big screen, and there was a post describing it with emotion—

The magical secrets left selflessly by the leader of the Black Lotus have allowed us to break through the cracks in the ancient practice path, enough to transcend the realm of heaven and man, and step into the myth of the martial arts. This is an eternal achievement!

There are also posts describing it like this -

The leader of the Black Lotus suppressed the four evil sects in our Beiyuan land and established a century-old rule. Since then, there has been no chaos among evil sects in the Beiyuan land. This is heroic and courageous!

 Another post is full of affection—

  We have received too many favors from the Black Lotus Cult Master. He is the hero who checks and balances the black and white!


 Shen Changqing looked at these online posts and couldn't help but be moved by them.

 After leaving Donghuang, he traveled to various places in the Xuanhuang Realm and did some things, but in the final analysis he still wanted to find a higher realm.

The so-called suppression of evil sects, leaving behind magical secrets, and accepting demons as disciples are just a matter of convenience.

 I never expected that he would receive such an evaluation after his death.

Shen Miaoke chuckled at this time and said: "Later, someone went to interview the ancient heroic spirit Chen Lingfeng and asked if he had ever tricked a little girl into entering the Demon Cult to steal skills. Chen Lingfeng was speechless."

“There is also the Nanhai Sword Master, who also remained silent for a long time after seeing some heroic spirits speaking out online.”

Shen Changqing couldn't help laughing after hearing this. This month has passed, and he didn't expect that the changes have been quite big.

 “Where are we going now?”

 He looked out the window. This was obviously the room of a war boat. They were ten thousand meters deep in the sky.

"Go to the cave passage first, and then go to the Eastern Wasteland. Since this is a newly discovered ancient ruin, it is open to all countries according to the rules." "I just passed the trial and got a place to follow Chen Follow the president and go to the provincial capital with other spiritual masters."

Shen Miaoke explained that many ways for spiritual masters to become stronger, including ways to make money, can be achieved in ancient ruins.

 If the team is led by an official, the trip to the ruins is basically an experience, and any other results belong to the individual.

 Li Tongtong has experienced it several times before, and surprisingly she also participated this time.

 There are many powerful spiritual masters and geniuses from the provincial capital on this war boat, and Xia Beni from Dongcheng is no exception.

“You have just started practicing cultivation, why do you want to participate in such activities?” Shen Changqing was very surprised.

 He originally thought that his daughter was still young and did not have lofty ambitions. It was a better choice to stay in Lucheng and grow up slowly.

Now go to the Eastern Wilderness, you will meet many real geniuses, and you will see a wider world.

  Shen Changqing is more worried that her daughter's self-confidence will be hit.

"If they are relics from other places, then I won't go there, but isn't Donghuang your former hometown, dad? I thought that if I could find some relics belonging to dad, they would not be confiscated and could be left for dad. "

 Shen Miaoke's words once again touched Shen Changqing's mind.

 Why is this child always thinking about himself?

“Also, Dad should be very familiar with Donghuang. Maybe there are some treasures that we can get to first!”

Shen Miaoke's excited look made Shen Changqing laugh immediately.

 “Okay, daddy will take you to hunt for treasure.”


the other side.

On the deck of the war boat, Chen Xiangyang, the leader of the Provincial Heroic Spirit Guild, looked solemn and was answering a phone call from the Qintian Prison in the capital.

 “Yes, yes, I understand. I will go and ask for their opinions.”

 After Chen Xiangyang hung up the phone, huge ripples occurred in his mind.

 The shadow of a heroic spirit slowly emerged, it was the Taoist Celestial Master he contracted.

“What’s wrong?” the Heavenly Master asked.

“Something big has happened. News came from Qin Tian Jian, asking us to make a second record of the heroic spirits contracted by classmate Shen Miaoke as soon as possible.”

“It is said that in Tianshu Si’s list of legendary heroes, Qingyunzhai Laozi has ranked among the top fifty, and now he has even been temporarily closed by Tianshu Si.”

 When Chen Xiangyang finished speaking, the Heavenly Master couldn't help but trembled.

He was deeply impressed by the legendary heroes currently recorded in Daxia. The top fifty were undoubtedly absolute heavyweights, far beyond him.

 How did Qingyunzhai Laozi become one of them?

“Without the Heroic Spirit Statue, the recorded information cannot be accurate. The Book of Heroic Spirits is still a substitute after all, but we cannot turn around immediately.”

Chen Xiangyang turned around and glanced at Zhan Zhou, the large number of brightly lit rooms.

This trip to the Eastern Wasteland ruins is extremely important.

 Not only their provincial capitals, but also many cities in Daxia have spiritual masters participating, including other countries from Central Continent, Xingzhou and other places.

It is worth mentioning that this Middle-earth was about 10,000 years ago. It was the core of the nearby land and belonged to the Heart of the Moon.

 The history is very long, and it even has an ancient name called Middle-earth.

If we turn around and go back to Lucheng at this moment, it will not be fair to the spiritual masters in other cities. Judging from the time difference, they may miss a lot of valuable things.

"I don't know what's going on. Let's go ask for their opinions first." Chen Xiangyang hesitated for a while and walked towards Shen Miaoke's room.

 (End of this chapter)

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