Heroic Spirit: All My Past Lives Were Summoned By My Daughter

Chapter 53: One hundred thousand followers, one hundred thousand souls

Chapter 53: One hundred thousand followers, one hundred thousand souls

“Second Master, I’m afraid we won’t be able to get out!”

“There are too many soldiers from Beiyuan. They are basically at the noble level or above, and those captains of ten thousand have even reached the heroic level!”

“In my opinion, it’s best to find a place to hide. The tide in the Tomb of Heroes is likely to disappear in a short while!”


 The Wang family rose up to resist and were surrounded by Beiyuan soldiers.

As the second master of the Wang family, no matter how poor his talent is, after many rounds of accumulation of resources, he has contracted a heroic spirit.

But this was obviously unable to withstand the entire mausoleum's "Tide of Heroic Spirits" offensive, and they were defeated step by step.

What's more, there are many generals of the Mongolian Dynasty, as well as the Mongolian King himself, the only emperor in the ages!

 In other directions, outside multiple side halls.

 There were also many teams that were attacked by Beiyuan soldiers.

 Nearly all of them come from Central Continent and Star Continent forces, and there are even some talented students from the Academy of Heroes.

In the direction of Bai Li, the third uncle tightly protected her behind him.

The hero-level heroic spirit's body glowed with light, forming a strong energy that continued to sweep around the surroundings, beating the bodies of each Beiyuan soldier and continuing to collapse.

Judging from the combat power level, this heroic spirit is obviously not good at martial arts.

He wears a white robe, wears a writing brush on his waist, and holds a long sword. He looks more like a master of an academy somewhere in the world.

 This picture naturally fell into the eyes of King Beiyuan Meng above the palace.

Without saying a word, three generals wearing golden armor took heavy steps, carrying long halberds that were eight feet long, and landed with a crash.

The strong sense of oppression made the third uncle's heart sink again, but at this moment, a golden light suddenly appeared, and the awe-inspiring righteousness rose hundreds of feet high.

Shen Changqing's whole body was covered with golden light of merit, floating in front of Bai Li.

Fluttering his sleeves and pushing forward gently, the three generals were stopped outside the golden light.

 “Senior, who are you?”

The third uncle was really frightened when he saw the golden light of merit on Shen Changqing that seemed to have turned into substance.

 Where did the eternal sages come from?

Shen Changqing did not respond, but looked up at the figure of King Beiyuan Meng above the palace.

 I saw King Beiyuan Meng narrowing his eyes, and suddenly said slowly: "I know you, Mr. Qingyunzhai."

The sound of the sky is loud and echoes in Changqing's ears.

 This surprised Shen Changqing.

He traveled through the wilderness 1,300 years ago and returned to ruins around 1,200 years ago. The Mongolian dynasty was established 1,500 years ago. Which generation is this Mongolian king in front of him?

Such a scene was naturally seen by a large number of powerful people from Central and Star Continent, and it immediately caused a stir.

Wang Jianshan looked solemn: "Who is this heroic spirit? Why is he covered in golden light?"

Some members of the Wang family trembled and said, "Second Master, that is a merit!"

"Fart! Do you think I haven't seen merit? Where can such a degree of merit be found?"

Wang Jianshan cursed angrily. The golden light on Shen Changqing's body was like substance, so powerful that it was almost dripping with water. Are you telling me that this is a merit? ?

 Above the palace, the imperial power once again arose.

“Why, you also want to steal my treasure?”

Beiyuan King Meng stared at Shen Changqing with a scrutinizing gaze.

 “There’s no such thing as stealing, I’m just getting back my own belongings.”

Shen Changqing shook his head and said to be reasonable, this Holy Fire Token is the most precious treasure of the Demon Sect. When did it become King Meng's treasure?

 He did not even investigate how King Meng obtained the Holy Fire Token.


  King Meng’s eyes were sharp and he suddenly shouted.

The imperial majesty swept across the sky, and there seemed to be a golden dragon appearing in the dark, extremely domineering.

“This world and the earth are all my territory, and everything under the territory belongs to me!”

"How can anything belong to you?" King Meng asked in an arrogant manner.

"I respect you as Dahuang Laozi. Today I can forgive you for the crime of theft. What you took away will be considered as a gift from me, but the two people behind you need to stay here forever!"

King Meng has already made the biggest concession, and also left some thin noodles for Mr. Qingyunzhai.

However, Shen Changqing frowned and did not continue to worry about the ownership of the Holy Fire Order.

 “I want to take these two people away.”

After speaking calmly, King Meng suddenly looked unhappy, and his eyes were full of murderous intent.

"I can agree, but ask my soldiers, can they agree?"

The sound of clashing golden swords and halberds was like thunder, and the neighing of war horses shocked the soul.

The vast army of Beiyuan was stationed in the basin, and the unspeakable ferocity of the battlefield set off a bone-chilling cold.

“You are not ashamed of your words. Your Majesty respects you as Qingyunzhai. I have spared you a little respect, but you still want to slap your face? What qualifications do you have to ask for someone in front of His Majesty?”

 “In my opinion, you should stay too!”

 “Stay! Stay!”

Shoots rang out one after another, and the sound waves caused by the Beiyuan soldiers throughout the mausoleum continued to roar in everyone's ears. The momentum was so overwhelming that people couldn't breathe.

 “You heard it too, but they didn’t respond.”

 King Meng stood down from a high position, rolled up his yellow robe with his sleeves rolled up, and spoke indifferently.

 When Shen Changqing saw this, his expression gradually became cold.

He has no enmity with King Meng of Beiyuan, and indeed he cannot become an enemy. But if he insists on the lives of the two people behind him, he can only overthrow the mausoleum.

The third uncle sighed at this time: "Thank you for your help, senior. Our Bai family always has revenge for enemies and repay kindness for kindness. I have recorded today's righteous deed. Please leave as soon as possible, senior."

"This King Meng can't do anything to us."

And Bai Li stared at Shen Changqing's back. Although she had never seen the person in front of her, a strange familiarity jumped out, and there was an inexplicable tingling feeling deep in her heart.

 It's like...they've known each other for ten thousand years.

 “Hello, do we know each other?”

Bai Li asked softly, with a slight trembling.

These words made Shen Changqing, whose back was turned to Bai Li, also tremble slightly.


Three generals wearing golden battle armor have raised their halberds and slashed hard at the golden light around Shen Changqing.

 When it touches, ripples appear everywhere.

Shen Changqing stopped with cold eyes. Without moving his steps, waves in the space appeared, and the heroic souls of the four guardians condensed instantly.

The powerful real energy spread, and he dunked the heads of the three generals with a raised hand. Under the shock on the opponent's face, the unparalleled power roared down, shaking the body to pieces on the spot!

This sudden scene caused the shouts of the soldiers of Beiyuan in the mausoleum to stop abruptly, and even made King Meng's pupils shrink violently.

The third uncle was stunned on the spot, and Bai Li's eyes also widened.

At the same time, there was a loud roar in the sky above the mausoleum, and the demon sect's banners that covered the sky and the sun swayed out in an instant, and in the blink of an eye, the dark figures of heroic souls appeared together.

 Huge and mighty, with hundreds of thousands of people!

The cold aura spread out, carrying a heavy oppressive force, permeating the entire mausoleum, making the horses of the Beiyuan army restless, and the expressions of all the generals changed instantly.

Those powerful people from Central Continent and Star Continent were shocked and shocked when they saw this scene, and their eyes were full of disbelief.


 The four guardians turned around and bowed to Shen Changqing.


  One hundred thousand followers and one hundred thousand souls all bowed down.

Reflecting the slightly dull gaze of King Meng above the palace, Shen Changqing said coldly: "I will flatten this mausoleum!"

 (End of this chapter)

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