Chapter 75 The Three Saints of Enlightenment

 Two months later, Shuluo Mountain.

 Shen Changqing raised his eyes and looked ahead, seeing a groggy world.

At the top of the sky, black thunder flashed across from time to time, and the thick waves of death were overwhelming.

Shura Mountain has a radius of hundreds of miles and is like another world. It has a sharp contrast with the vibrant scene outside.

“It is worthy of being a forbidden land left over from the Immortal Era.”

Shen Changqing murmured to himself, and then his eyes became firmer.

 After saying goodbye to his parents, he set off to Shura Mountain, preparing to further improve his hegemony stage.

Although Xuanyuan Taihua and Nangong Yu were very worried, due to the presence of the guardians of the heavenly monument, there was basically no life-threatening danger, so they obeyed.

 At this moment, a large number of ancient texts are continuing to be wrapped around the guardian of the sky monument.

It belongs to the supreme puppet of the Sky Monument, and those ancient writings naturally contain many secrets.

 And with the consolidation of the pattern of Shenwen Tianjiao in all lands, the general trend has become more obvious.

 The text is revealed, and the names and taboos of many divine geniuses are imprinted on it.

      Nie Xingyuan, from the Middle Earth, has twenty-one divine patterns. 】

  【The prince of Xingzhou Wuma, the number of divine marks is twenty. 】

【Beiyuan Xiahou Lingyun, the number of divine marks is twenty. 】

  【Chinese-earth Shangguan Yulong, with twenty divine patterns. 】

  【Central Emperor Yi Lin, the number of divine patterns is nineteen. 】

   【大 wilderness Dugu Buhuo, the number of divine patterns is seventeen. 】

  【Shuzhou Yuwen Yuan, the number of divine patterns is fifteen. 】

  【Shuzhou Xuanyuan Mark, the number of divine patterns is thirteen. 】


 Two months have passed, and the number of divine marks of many geniuses who are competing in the world and whose qualifications can touch the ceiling has not changed much.

  It seems that from now on, they will form a check and balance between each other.

 The geniuses who belong to the second echelon may also have to take sides.

 When they know that they have no hope of being able to access the secrets of the Sky Monument, sooner or later the divine marks on their bodies will belong to others.

 In this case, becoming a vassal is the best option.

 But for Shen Changqing, the number of divine patterns is not critical yet.

 He has thirteen paths, and eventually someone will come.

With this thought in mind, he took a step forward and entered Shura Mountain in the realm of chaos.

 In an instant, an ancient restriction was triggered on the spot.

The sky suddenly roared, and thick black thunder pierced the sky and struck Shen Changqing straight up.

This kind of terrifying destructive power is enough to annihilate all the powerful men below the realm of refining the gods, leaving no bones left.

 However, Shen Changqing was completely unmoved.

The black thunder only shattered his robe, revealing some of his strong muscles.

 The luster of the domineering body is revealed, and it has withstood a temper.

"not bad."

 Judging from the power of the black thunder, Shen Changqing is looking forward to this Shura Mountain even more.

 Along the way, thick clouds were rolling in the sky, and thunder was roaring continuously. It seemed that Shen Changqing was furious at Shen Changqing's entry.

This kind of thunder baptism could not stop Shen Changqing's footsteps until he came to the place where the death aura was the strongest.

 His eyes flickered as he looked ahead.

“If the Overlord Body can finally become a saint physically, it will be a Body Saint. If the sword reaches its peak, it can be called a Sword Saint. In this life, you may have three titles of Martial Saint.”

“The leader of the Black Lotus has entered the realm of demons in the first stage, and the Heavenly Demon Emperor has absorbed the source of evil spirits in the second stage. So in these three stages...can he enter the ghost realm?”

The Xuanhuang Realm has a vast and all-encompassing history, and there are countless ways to practice it.

 Human, Confucianism, Taoism, demons, ghosts, demons, immortals, Buddhas, gods, etc., are all buried in ancient times.

The leader of the Black Lotus practiced twice, both at the dark level.

If he integrates the three paths of demon, ghost, and devil, then the Black Lotus Leader should be able to have three stages. At this stage, Shen Changqing can be called Luotian Ghost Saint.

 If you succeed, you will be enlightened to the Three Saints.

This ambition is too big.

Shen Changqing doesn’t know if anyone has achieved the three cultivation paths since ancient times, all of which have reached the level of the Martial Saint.

 When he got here, he thought he could give it a try.

 Withstanding the bombardment of thunder in the sky, Shen Changqing began to swallow the rich death energy while tempering his body.

 Time passes in a hurry, and the external situation changes.

 After the guardians of the Sky Monument came down from the mountain, the situation experienced huge turbulence.

 The divine patterns began to concentrate on the top geniuses, and cruel battles were staged in all areas.

 Some people become famous, while others retire sadly.

   It has been three years.

 Shen Changqing has fallen into a state of selflessness, no matter how fierce the fighting outside is.

The words imprinted on the body of the guardian of the monument, and the increasing number of divine marks, could not disturb his Taoist mind.

 It’s like being isolated from the world and cultivating in secret.

 Year after year, another five years passed.


 Until this day.

Outside the Xuanyuan Ancient Clan City, many powerful people gathered together.

 There are eight geniuses with divine marks in total, and all the divine marks on their bodies add up to twenty.

Facing this situation, Xuanyuan Taihua was quite silent.

The people present today are already all the remaining geniuses in Shuzhou.

 “I, the heir of the Chen family, are willing to give up the divine patterns, and also ask Xuanyuan Hen to come out!”

 “I, the heir of the Sima family, are also willing to give up the divine patterns and ask Xuanyuan Hen to come out!”

There were loud voices outside the city one after another. Although it was filled with regret and reluctance, a choice still had to be made in the end.

 In the entire Shuzhou, except for Yu Wenyuan, only Xuanyuan Hen is left, who is qualified to touch the secret of the heavenly monument.

But Yu Wenyuan seemed to have known for a long time that Shuzhou would be divided by the powerful geniuses from other lands, and there was no sign of coming back from being in the wilderness.

His talent is indeed rare for thousands of years. Now he has twenty-eight divine marks, and he is competing against Dugu Buhuo, who has a total of twenty-five divine marks. A decisive battle is about to begin.

 Once successful, there will be a place for him in the secret of the Martial Saint.

 He avoided the possibility of facing many top talents, but Shuzhou was in trouble.

Over the years, a large number of geniuses with divine patterns have entered many other realms.

 Including Shangguan Yulong from the land of Middle-earth and Crown Prince Wuma from the land of Xingzhou.

This Prince of Wuma has also been recognized by the guardians of the Sky Monument in Xingzhou, and is known as the existence second only to the three heroes of Middle-earth.

Without Yu Wenyuan in charge, Shuzhou's geniuses were wailing.

Since the divine marks on their bodies will eventually be taken away, it is better to be a favor.

As long as Xuanyuan Hen comes out of the mountain and gives this favor to the Xuanyuan family, the future development in Shuzhou will not be bad at all.

Even if Xuanyuan Hen is defeated, this favor is still there.

 However, Xuanyuan Hen disappeared for many years.

 His thirteen divine patterns on the heavenly tablet imprint have never changed.

“I understand what you mean, but I don’t know where Hen’er is now.”

Xuanyuan Taihua looked outside the city. The divine marks on the bodies of the geniuses were really restless.

He hoped that Shen Changqing would show up and take away the remaining twenty divine patterns, but there was no news from Shen Changqing after he left home.

"Everyone, if there is news about Hen'er, I will definitely tell you, and the Xuanyuan family will also take note of your thoughts."

Xuanyuan Taihua's words came out, and everyone outside the city looked at each other, and could only sigh and leave.

 (End of this chapter)

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