Heroic Spirit: All My Past Lives Were Summoned By My Daughter

Chapter 87: Legend has it that the first generation sword master suppressed the ghost mountain in t

Chapter 87 The long-famous legend of the ten directions, the first generation sword master suppresses the ghost mountain!

 Heaven and earth.

Dense clouds are rolling in, and thunder is resounding.

 There are no traces of dried blood on the plateau grass.

 The changing seasons of spring and autumn have long been washed away by acidic water and covered by heavy snow.

Although there are no traces on the surface, the blood and water blend into the ground and stain the red soil.

 The breeze blows, slightly cool.

He also brought Shen Changqing’s words to the ears of the five ghost saints.

"What did you say?"

 The five ghost saints stared at Shen Changqing.

 They felt inexplicably terrified.

Did this person personally bury the bones of the twelve leaders of the twelve tribes on the plateau and the tens of thousands of monsters and demons?

 “The new human martial sage…”

"How long has he been waiting? Is this guy going to be a dozen?"

 “It’s so arrogant, let me test his depth first!”

 The five ghost saints have different attitudes.

 One of them is a ghost saint with white hair and a large number of strange lines on his face.

 He is the third among the five ghost saints, and he is also the one with the most bad temper.

After understanding the possible hidden meaning in Shen Changqing's words, he immediately aroused the original power of evil spirits.

 “Suffer death!”

Take a step forward, and the bone claws instantly burn with white flames.

The terrifying temperature emitted distorted the space, as if everything in the world would be melted if touched!

 He bullied himself to kill Shen Changqing, with a shadow of ten thousand feet behind him.

 But see,


 There is a shadow of a sword opening and closing.

The white flames of the forest were hit by the hurricane, dancing wildly and chaotically, and then flew into ashes and were annihilated.

 The bone claws separated smoothly from the middle, slicing through his evil spirit and cutting off his head along the way.

Even the ten thousand-foot-long demonic shadow behind him was also split in half!

The remaining four ghost saints who had not yet moved were instantly terrified.

 When he suddenly lowered his eyebrows, the shadow of the sword passed from above, and a strand of hair was directly cut off.

 Looking at the figure of the third child, he has slowly fallen.

 Emotions such as panic, horror, and disbelief emerged in their minds on the spot.

 “Run away, run away quickly!”

The whirling ghost saint's eyes showed fear, and he turned his head in fear and burst out with evil power, and ran away quickly.

 The remaining ghost saints were also frightened out of their wits, and they did not have the magnanimity to escape from seclusion before.

 They don’t know the origin of Shen Changqing, but this kind of reputation refers to the existence of the Sword Master.

Has already stood in the ranks of Martial Saints, reaching the ceiling of combat power!

That sword instantly killed Lao San's strength, how else could he fight?

“You have nowhere to hide, in heaven or on earth.”

Behind the four ghost saints, Shen Changqing's calm words came, shaking the mountains and rivers for thousands of miles, and resounding throughout the sky and the world!

Before he could turn around, he suddenly felt an indescribable sense of oppression in the space around him.

The four ghost saints looked around in fear, and saw a giant that covered the sky and sun, appearing above the plateau at some unknown time.

 Towering, majestic, upright.

 It is so tall that it exceeds one hundred thousand feet and towers over the ghost mountains in the five directions!

"What is this?"

 The whirling ghost saint screamed.

 They are in the palm of a giant!

The giant's eyes were shining brightly as he examined the four ghost saints and slowly clasped his palms together.

Like refining an elixir, it crushed the entire world alive, causing the four ghost saints to scream in agony.

Their bodies are as small as dust in the hands of giants!

 Until there was a bang, the screams suddenly stopped.

Together with the previous third child, the five ghost saints were reduced to blood beads.

Shen Changqing fluttered his sleeves, stepped into the air, and dispersed the magical power of the sky and the earth.

 He stretched out his hand to explore and pocketed the blood beads of the five ghost saints.

 Following that, he calmly looked towards the Five Directions Ghost Mountain.

The deep haze is still extremely dense, and the endless evil sources of heaven and earth continue to spread from the top of the mountain.

 As if upon noticing the death of the five messengers, the laws of heaven and earth in Guishan tended to open up on their own.

Without hesitation, Shen Changqing immediately strode forward.

Not long after, he saw a black coffin standing at the end of the ghost mountain.

The corpse inside this black coffin is the supreme treasure of heaven and earth that fell from a distant continent. It also has its own small world within its body.

 “I want to see where you are from.”

Shen Changqing's physical strength burst out, and he slammed the coffin door in an attempt to open it.

 And this black coffin is obviously another treasure, not only does it not move at all.

There is even a terrifying force that is carrying out instinctive resistance.

  However, Shen Changqing is now not only physically sanctified.

Stepping into the realm of Martial Saint, the swordsmanship also enlightened the name of Sword Saint, and even the leader of the Black Lotus has entered the third stage.

This mere black coffin is not the most precious treasure in the world, how can we stop him?

With a click, the coffin door was opened and cracked.

 There was a wave of space transmission, and Shen Changqing's figure twisted on the spot and disappeared.

The sky is vast and the land is vast, and the plateau beyond the Ghost Mountain has once again turned into deathly silence.


 In the dark.

 A lotus lantern floated in front of Shen Changqing.

 This is the true form of that corpse, a treasure from heaven and earth from a distant continent.

 Because he absorbed some kind of evil origin, he fell here and caused troubles caused by demons in later generations.

In that wick, the extremely terrifying source of evil is gathering, and its power is endless.

According to Shen Changqing's estimation, it will indeed take ten thousand years for this evil power to dry up.

 He killed all the plateau demons of this generation and also killed the newly born Ghost Saints of the Five Directions.

 In the entire ten directions, there is no doubt that no one in this generation will bleed and die because of territorial wars.


“If this origin cannot be destroyed, the next generation of plateau will still give birth to a new demon king, and a new five-party ghost saint will also appear..."

 Shen Changqing was thoughtful.

  The fundamental reason is still the wick.

While he was meditating, the entire dark lotus lamp suddenly shook slightly.

 Following that, the ancient divine will was revealed, and it instantly penetrated into the center of Shen Changqing's eyebrows.

 There is a wave of seizing the body, exuding a powerful treasure power!


Shen Changqing looked inside and saw a mass of mist trying to dominate his body, trying to eat away his soul.

“You brought this to your door yourself! Hahaha!”

 There was a baby's laughter, and the mist was frantically searching for the location of the soul in Shen Changqing's body.

 But not long after, it seemed to have seen something terrible, and suddenly there was a scream of fear.

   “What is this?”     “Who are you!”


 The soul of the true demon slowly opened his eyes.

 In an instant, it was like the God of Death awakening.

  Revealing the idea of ​​ruthless and senseless killing.

The endless evil power is mixed with the fluctuations of life and death, and is mixed with the terrifying ancient soul.

Just one glance made the mist tremble wildly with fear.

 “Gods have mercy on me, Gods have mercy on me!”

 Shen Changqing continued to look inwards and asked quietly.

 “I ask a question and you answer.”

 “No problem, no problem!”

"your name."

“Baosha Deng, those people call me that!”

"Which people?"

 “I don’t remember, I don’t remember!”

“Where did the evil spirit you absorbed come from?”

"I do not remember…"

 Shen Changqing fell into deep thought.

 It seems that the self-awareness of this Baosha lamp has become incomplete over the long years.

 “How to eliminate the origin?”

 “Cannot be eliminated unless the true origin is found…”

Seeing this, Shen Changqing couldn't help but fell silent.

As he expected, the source of evil spirits absorbed by the Baosha Lantern can only be killed by time and dry up on its own.

 The most unimaginable thing for him is that if the Baosha lamp absorbs not all of it.

 So what is the scene like in the main body of the distant continent?

Who are the people it speaks of?

 Shen Changqing couldn't get the answer, the Xuanhuang world was still too vast.

This Baosha lamp is the birth of self-awareness. It belongs to some kind of heaven and earth treasure in the Xuanhuang Realm. It is extremely impressive in itself.

 But it doesn’t even remember its true origin.

"God, please forgive me, I can't control the spread of the origin. The messengers outside are all driven by the law of the origin."

Bao Shadeng continued to beg for mercy, hoping that Shen Changqing would let him go.

However, he saw that Shen Changqing did not respond. Instead, he used the power of the True Demon Soul to reach out with his big hand.

Hold the Baosha Lantern in the palm of your hand in the darkness, and with the unparalleled strength of the Demon Emperor, you can suppress the source of evil spirits alive.

Although he cannot destroy this origin, it is not a problem to suppress it with the rest of his life.

Besides, the Demon King can also absorb evil spirits, so why not?

 According to the longevity of a Martial Saint, it is normal to live for five or six hundred years.

 “Man of God…what are you?”

The Baosha lamp trembled, and the will of a mass of mist revealed great fear.

"Shut up."

 In the long night, the dark end of the small world.

Shen Changqing sat cross-legged and slowly closed his eyes.

Time passed in a hurry, and he remained motionless.


 Ten years later, the Sky Monument Peak in China.

The sky was clear and white clouds were drifting, and suddenly a ray of light burst out and shot straight into the sky.

 Golden light rippled everywhere, and a figure slowly walked out from the sky monument.

This man has long black hair, and his eyes are like containing stars in the universe, with a total of forty-nine golden ancient charms gathered together.

The coercion spread and lingered, making it difficult for people to look directly.

 His facial features are clearly defined, his forehead shows the mark of the Martial Saint, and his expression is calm and majestic.

 He was exuding an indescribable sense of oppression all around him.

The spiritual energy of heaven and earth all converged towards him, as if bowing their heads.

 This person is none other than Nie Xingyuan!

 “One hundred and thirty years...”

A hoarse voice came out, slightly deep.

 Unexpectedly, such a long time has passed in the process of enlightenment.

 He slowly looked towards the distant horizon, the boundary of the Five Ghost Mountains thousands of miles away, with war intent rising in his eyes.

“Today, I am the Ancient Sage of Futian.”

The sound from the sky was loud, and I saw that at the foot of Tianbei Peak, powerful people from the Wu Yang Yang Middle Earth had already gathered.

They all looked overjoyed when they saw Nie Xingyuan's figure revealed in the sky monument, with a deep aura that wavered around the Martial Saint.

 “We welcome the ancient sage!”

The resonant words of worship also cross mountains and rivers, and are full of passion.

Nie Xingyuan withdrew his gaze and turned to look at the golden mark of the heavenly monument.

His title has been revealed, but soon, his eyes could not help but freeze slightly.

"how come?"

 I thought I should be the first one out of seclusion, but I already had a name on my account.

Threads of gold threads are winding around the edge, which invisibly reveals the fairy wind and sword intent.

 Xuanyuan Hen, the first generation sword master!

 Who is this?

Nie Xingyuan's mind was in turmoil.

 Before he entered the Heavenly Monument, apart from a few well-known top geniuses, the name of Xuanyuan Hen was relatively unfamiliar.

He immediately looked at the many strong men from the Middle Earth outside the mountain and asked softly: "Who is the first sword master?"

After listening to this, many supreme ancestors looked at each other with complicated expressions, and their eyes showed deep admiration.

"Reporting to the Martial Saint, you don't know something. The first generation of Sword Saint originated from Shuzhou. He left the border 80 years ago and has suppressed the plateau land since then. He has never appeared again."

Nie Xingyuan's heart suddenly shook.

What? Eighty years ago?

 Suppress the plateau alone?


The year 3162 of the Tianbei Calendar.

Historical records record that during the great cultivation era, geniuses from all over the world emerged, which is rare in the world.

The first sword master of Shuzhou entered the plateau alone and buried tens of thousands of demons' bones.

One person stands tall in the abyss of heaven and suppresses the ghost mountain with one hand for five hundred years!

 (End of this chapter)

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