Heroic Spirit: All My Past Lives Were Summoned By My Daughter

Chapter 93: Xuanyuan's methods, Shen Changqing will die personally!

Chapter 93: Xuanyuan’s methods, Shen Changqing ends up personally!

 In the chaotic space, reincarnation has long ended.

The first-generation Sword Master sat quietly cross-legged under the World Tree.

 The body of the heroic spirit exudes an unparalleled luster.

Although he has no physical body, the powerful power of sanctification can still be reflected in the body of the heroic spirit.

 It is no exaggeration to say that this body of heroic spirit cannot be destroyed.

 In addition, the remaining light of the sword is also shining.

 The mark on the forehead and between the eyebrows has not been lost.

 Although Xuanyuan Sword remains in the black coffin.

 But Shen Changqing has already achieved the point where no sword is better than having a sword.

 The word "powerful" does not seem to reflect the original sword master.

 Only invincible.

 Invincible in the golden age, invincible at the peak of immortal martial arts.

 At this level, no one can compete with the first-generation sword master.

“Has more than half a year passed in the real world?”

 Shen Changqing slowly opened his eyes, revealing a trace of sadness.

 He raised his head and stared at the description of the fruit of reincarnation.

  【Reincarnation has ended. 】

  【The mark of the times has been completed. 】

  【The imprint of life has been completed. 】

  【The fusion of heroic spirits is in progress and 97% completed. 】

  【The fusion of heroic spirits is in progress and 76% has been completed. 】


 Shen Changqing fell into silence.

 One is the first-generation Sword Master, who is about to end his fusion.

 But the three stages of the Black Lotus Cult Master have only been completed two-thirds.

It is true that he has absorbed a very powerful source of evil spirits, and his power is even greater than before.

 In addition, although reincarnation ended some time ago, he did not wake up in time.

 This may be because he was with him in the black coffin, suppressing the source of evil spirits for hundreds of years.

 The three stages of cultivating the Black Lotus Cult Master are closely related.

In those hundreds of years, there was no demon war in Shuzhou.

The land of Shuzhou also maintained long-term peace. No one shed blood because of the monsters, and no one died because of the monsters.

 This seems to have caused the spiritual energy of the heavenly monuments in the ten directions to be unconsumed for about five hundred years.

 “I have to find a way to go to the plateau.”

 Shen Changqing began to think deeply.

His Xuanyuan Sword, including his body, are all in that coffin.

And the Baosha Lamp, the most precious treasure in heaven and earth, was intended to be taken away from him.

Later, he refused to do anything else and simply took the Baosha lamp away.

Now the Baosha Lamp deity also belongs to him.

Although the true origin of the Baosha lamp was not found at that time.

  However, the progress of historical excavation in later generations was extremely rapid.

Sooner or later, the secret of this Baosha lamp will come to light.

Perhaps, the Baosha lamp can also play an unexpected role.

 “Wake up, get up and move your muscles.”

 Shen Changqing was about to take a look at his daughter.

But then he discovered that the space in front of him was emitting wisps of luster.

 There was a mist lingering, showing a picture, and there was a murmur.

 There is a mysterious force in the long history that attempts to connect with him.

This scene is exactly the same as when I heard my daughter calling.

 “Who is calling me?”

Shen Changqing narrowed his eyes and stretched out his hand to explore the light.

After a while, his mind suddenly shook.

 “Descendants of Xuanyuan!”


 A few days later.

 Great Xia Tian City, the training room of the Heroic Spirits Association.

 Shen Miaoke was browsing online information.

He saw that the space around him was distorted, and wisps of golden light emerged.


 Shen Miaoke rushed over immediately.

“Have the Wang family given you any trouble in recent times?”

Shen Changqing did not reminisce about the past, but spoke solemnly.

 He had already had some exchanges with a descendant of the Xuanyuan family named Xuanyuan Xue under the World Tree.

 A few days ago, it happened in the Ziwei Kingdom in Zhongzhou.

  He was informed of all the matters within the five-star media office.

Shen Changqing had previously speculated that Gui Xuluo might be contracted by the Wang family.

 After all, Wang Helong came with Patriarch Worshiping the Moon in an attempt to stop him from destroying Guixuluo.

This kind of behavior is too obvious.

Of course Guixuluo must be destroyed, no matter what the background of his contract is.

It’s just that Shen Changqing didn’t expect that the Wang family’s revenge would be at Kunlun Mirror.

Now that the Kunlun Mirror has been returned, Wang Shouzhuo and a group of royal family members hurried back to the southern king's family in Xingzhou.

 This is the first time it has caused trouble. Will there be a next time?

“The Wang family...I don’t seem to have any impression.”

“The people here are very nice to me. President Chen comes to see me every now and then.”

"I have never left the association. My father is not here, and I have not been to several relic activities."

 Shen Miaoke thought for a while.

 I have not had the slightest connection with any royal family members.

 Besides, she never wants to conflict with anyone.

However, she did hide one thing from Shen Changqing.

It's just that she doesn't know if this matter has anything to do with the Wang family.

 After all, I have nothing to lose. In order to avoid unnecessary trouble, it is better not to say anything.

"Oh, by the way, Sister Bai returned to Zhongzhou. It is said that the Kunlun Mirror was bought."

"She sent a message two days ago, saying that she got the Kunlun Mirror. The person who bought the Kunlun Mirror is called the Wang family."

After listening, Shen Changqing nodded slightly.

 Hidden dangers must be solved eventually.

He couldn't let this trouble follow him all the time, stabbing him from time to time.

“Dad, you are not here during this period. There are many archaeological teams outside and they have made important discoveries.”

"At first, the broken sky monument suddenly reappeared. They thought it was just a simple burst of spiritual energy..."

Shen Miaoke was chatting eloquently, holding the computer and telling Shen Changqing what had happened in the past six months.

Shangguan Yulong has been contracted, Shen Changqing naturally learned from Xuanyuan Xue's mouth.

 Just, except Shangguan Yulong.

 There are actually many geniuses from the Golden Age who have been contracted.

Yu Wenyuan appeared at the border and went on a killing spree against the Xuanhuang aliens many days ago.

Annihilated two alien ancestors who were contracted out during the Immortal Road Era.

This incident shocked all the border generals. At present, Yu Wenyuan has been entrusted with important tasks by Daxia.

 Shen Changqing was quite impressed.

This Yu Wenyuan had an innocent heart back then.

“What’s more, this guy named Wu Matthew is a six-crown champion!”

“It is said that he was contracted by a mysterious organization in Xingzhou. Many countries in Xingzhou are exploring the news, hoping to incorporate this organization.”

 Shen Miaoke continued talking happily, while Shen Changqing listened attentively.

 When night fell, Shen Miao was tired and went back to the room to fall asleep.

Shen Changqing raised his head and looked at the scenery outside the window, a cold light flashing in his eyes.

There are some accounts that need to be settled.


 Southern Kingdom, Wang family.

 The Wang family’s geographical location is extremely advantageous.

 The entire site is located in the core city of Southern China.

 They have a huge network of relationships, and their industries are spread across various cities in the South.

 Just since the return of Ziwei Kingdom in Central Continent, many unexpected problems suddenly broke out.

 Tonight, the Wang family has an important guest.

 In the ancestral hall, Wang Shouzhuo and the mysterious man stood.

 Judging from his position, Wang Shouzhuo was both afraid and respectful of this mysterious man.

Wang Shouzhuo's back was bent all the time, and his mind was haggard.

 He didn’t know who he had offended.

  That day, he was forced by the strength of Shangguan Yulong.

He had to return the Kunlun Mirror due to verbal pressure from people influenced by the media.

 After he returned to the Wang family, a lot of troubles followed.

 First of all, many industries that have been cooperating with the Wang family for many years have been terminated one after another inexplicably.

In just one day, the Wang family lost 20% of its resources!

 This frightened several of his sons out of their wits.

  Asked about the reason, the other party kept silent.

 Even, all contact was interrupted.

 In the middle of the night, a greater disaster occurred.

  People from the army actually came down from the Southern Kingdom!

 The fact that the Wang family has a large number of spiritual masters who sell evil spirits and serve as mediums for evil spirits was thrown in the face.

That night, a group of people were arrested!

 The Wang family suffered heavy losses, and the gray industry was gone.

 As the head of the Wang family, he was severely held accountable and fined a huge amount.

This made the Wang family, which was already in trouble even worse, suffered another heavy blow.

However, the centipede is dead but not stiff.

 His Wang family is also the head of the five great families in the Southern Kingdom.

If this were the case, the Wang family would have fallen into decline, and their Wang family would have been annexed by other aristocratic families.

But Wang Shouzhuo never expected that it would only be one day later.

 There are a total of fourteen teams of field personnel and more than two hundred mainstays of the Wang family.

 While searching for advanced media in various ancient ruins, they were attacked by unknown forces.

The heroic spirits contracted by the other party were extremely terrifying and annihilated all the heroic spirits of the Wang family into ashes.

This disaster cut off a hundred legs of the Wang family alive.

 But this seems to have just begun.

The Wang family fell into panic, and Wang Shouzhuo was anxious and anxious. Who is behind him?

 It’s not that he has never thought that this might be Kunlun Dao Zun’s action.

 Or, it was the Bai family's secret revenge.

 But when I think about it in a blink of an eye, there is no such possibility at all.

Although Shen Changqing is a legendary hero, even if he is number one on the legendary list.

 But after all, he did not hold a position in Daxia. Naturally, he did not have any network among the senior officials of Daxia.

 How could he have such huge energy just by being number one on the legend list?

 Furthermore, Shangguan Yulong is indeed powerful in the Bai family.

 But it was also clearly stated that only when Shangguan Yulong saw Xuanyuan Hen would he take up the senior position in Ziwei Kingdom.

 With the current Bai family, they cannot shake the Wang family.

 So, he could not understand who he had offended.

 What kind of force is it?

 Hence, all the heroic organizations and industrial chain sources that the Wang family cooperates with will be cut off.

 So much so that the people in the Southern Army were killed in person?

What are the origins of those powerful heroic spirits that attacked his royal family’s field staff?

Wang Shouzhuo has been going crazy these days.

He seemed to have aged a lot, and collapsed in despair.

The only hope now is that the owner of the ancient building can come forward.

As long as the poster comes forward, no matter who or what the force is behind the Wang family, they will be able to stop.

 If you don’t look at the face of the monk and the face of the Buddha, the energy of the ancient building is unimaginable.

“Sir, how do you think this matter should be handled?”

“Can you help me talk to the landlord again and ask him to come forward to solve the problem?”

  When these words were spoken, the mysterious man stood with his hands behind his back and his back turned to him.

 “What you are provoking is not an ordinary force.”

“So far, our ancient building has not found any information.”

“I don’t know where the other person is or where he came from.”

 “This time, it’s really hanging.”

 The mysterious man sighed, feeling quite complicated.

 The troubles faced by the Wang family are unprecedented.

Over the years, the original poster has cultivated a large number of families similar to the Wang family and collected huge profits from them every month.

 A small part of the royal family fell into his hands.

Of course he didn’t want the Wang family to collapse like this.

 “This…what should I do?”

Wang Shouzhuo became even more panicked when he heard the mysterious man's words.

If even Gu Lou can't find out the origin of the other party, then this method...

Wang Shouzhuo didn't dare to think about it, and became even more frightened.

“Last time, you asked me to come forward and get a relic treasure from the hands of the senior officials of Ziwei Kingdom.”

 “Is it because of this that you have offended others?”

The mysterious man finally turned around, revealing a black mask.

 The eyes under the mask are deep and lingering.

"You mean Kunlun Taoist? Impossible, absolutely impossible!"

“He hasn’t even reached the mythical level, how can he have the energy to shake my Wang family?”

 “My Wang family has three mythical ones!”

 “What can he do? How dare he?”

Wang Shouzhuo was sure that this matter had nothing to do with Shen Changqing!

 But maybe he didn’t realize that when he said these words, his voice was slightly trembling.

 The mysterious man suddenly fell into deep thought.

 He lied to Wang Shouzhuo about something.

 Gulu has used a lot of resources these days because of the Wang family.

They did find clues, but they waited until they were about to be revealed.

When the other party's mystery is revealed, it can no longer proceed.

The host guessed that the other party’s energy was definitely not weaker than Gu Lou’s.

 Even, maybe on top of an ancient building!

How can the Wang family be saved if they offend forces at this level?

 It can’t be saved, it can’t be saved at all.

 “Don’t be impatient, the poster basically understands your situation.”

“The owner of the building has seen everything you have done for the ancient building over the years, and he will never abandon you.”

 “Just wait patiently, the host will be able to sort this out soon.”

The mysterious man spoke calmly, giving Wang Shouzhuo some reassurance.

After Wang Shouzhuo heard this, he looked overjoyed.

With these words, the Wang family was finally brought back from the brink of destruction!

Gulou's power network is unimaginable, and he can only get a glimpse of it.

No matter who the opponent is, as long as Gu Lou does his best to protect his Wang family, the Wang family will definitely be able to survive.

“In addition, I wonder if you can do me a little favor?”

“The Kunlun Taoist Master has been missing for more than half a year. I really want to know where he is.”

After saying this, the mysterious man couldn't help but narrowed his eyes.

The Wang family is already in this situation, but the old guy actually has other ideas?

 “Mind yourself first, I’m leaving first.”

The eyes of the mysterious man under the mask suddenly flickered slightly.

 He received a telepathic response and looked into the distance.

Then, before Wang Shouzhuo could say anything, he strode out in an instant.

 With the strong energy fluctuations of the Grand Master Realm, he disappeared without even looking back.

Wang Shouzhuo saw this and couldn't help but marveled secretly.

The people in the ancient building not only have powerful spiritual masters, but also practitioners with considerable strength.

 The man he met many years ago was named Guchong.

 It is said that it plays a more important position in the ancient building.

 “It’s okay, it’s okay, hahaha.”

Wang Shouzhuo turned around gracefully, sweeping away the gloom in his heart.

 Preparing to leave the ancestral hall and go back to the room to rest.

 But see,


 The shadow of the heroic spirit of the Heavenly Wolf True Ancestor suddenly appeared.

 He grasped Wang Shouzhuo's shoulders with his big hands.

 When he looked panicked, he was ready to cast a spell and quickly fled with his contractor.

"what are you doing?"

Wang Shouzhuo frowned and asked confusedly.

 “There is a very scary smell approaching!”

The Heavenly Wolf True Ancestor is in great distress. Judging from the current situation of the Wang family in recent days.

 The aura of the heroic spirits I sensed tonight was definitely directed at the Wang family!

 It's just that it's too late.

 The sword domain opened and closed, covering the entire Wang family's ancestral residence in an instant.

The Heavenly Wolf True Ancestor soon discovered that his spell was completely ineffective.

 “Forbidden power?”

 He raised his head in panic and looked at the sky in the distance.

 After being beaten by Shangguan Yulong, he no longer had any temper and pride.

 In the Immortal Road Era, he was not invincible.

 Now in this age of controlling spirits, he is even less invincible.

With the sword domain covering, many heroic spirits of the Wang family found that their power was limited.

And in the air, there is the terrifying sword edge floating in the air.

This power is controlled extremely perfectly and does not harm the contractor, but only targets the heroic spirits!

"what happened?"

 In another room, Wang Helong was sound asleep.

His contractor worshiped Patriarch Yue and planned to save Guixuluo’s heroic spirit that day.

 When he suddenly appeared, he appeared directly outside the ancestral hall.

At the same time, there was also the figure of a third ancient heroic spirit, looking up with an ugly expression.

 These three people are all the foundation of the Wang family.

“Who are you, Your Excellency? Why did you come to my royal family today?”

Wang Shouzhuo's face also turned pale.

 He had a very bad premonition in his heart.

Shen Changqing walked from the horizon, bathed in the golden sword light.

 In the darkness, it shines like day.

 Each step falls, causing ripples in the sky and the earth.

 “Is this...is this the first-generation sword master?”

The Heavenly Wolf True Ancestor's pupils shrank violently, and he fell into great fear.

 He felt the same epochal aura in Shen Changqing as Shangguan Yulong!

"What did you say?"

Wang Shouzhuo heard the words of the Heavenly Wolf True Ancestor and felt as if he was struck by five thunders.

 “A friend asked Ben Sheng to come and see you.”

Shen Changqing whispered and slowly arrived above the Wang family's ancestral home.

 On the other side, Gu Chong, the strong man of the ancient building, is hiding in the darkness.

He was staring at Shen Changqing's figure in mid-air, his eyes quite shocking.

 Beside him, a white-haired heroic spirit also appeared with a solemn expression.

 From the perspective of breath level, it is not comparable to the Heavenly Wolf True Ancestor.

 “It should be the first-generation sword master.”

  The white-haired heroic spirit spoke in a low voice, very surprised.

  The first-generation Sword Master appeared here, but there was no news from the outside world that he was contracted.

  Could it be that in fact, he had already arrived in the Yuling Era?

 “Who? Sir, who are you talking about?”

“Is it Tao Zun Kunlun? Is it him?”

Wang Shouzhuo was sweating profusely and asked hurriedly.

 His Wang family has indeed offended only one person, Dao Zun Kunlun, in the past few days!

“What is the relationship between your Excellency and Kunlun Dao Zun? Your Excellency…”

Before Wang Shouzhuo could finish speaking, the sword light came towards him.


Golden arc light flashed, and the Heavenly Wolf True Ancestor and the Moon Worshiping Ancestor lowered their heads blankly.

 The body of the heroic spirit began to fall apart!

“Are you worthy of knowing the relationship between this saint and Kunlun Taoist Master?”

Shen Changqing’s cold words spread throughout the world.

 Along with the destruction of the three major foundations of the Wang family.

Wang Shouzhuo stood there blankly, his mind rumbling and going blank.

In the distance, Gu Chong, the strong man of the ancient building hiding in the darkness, suddenly shook his body.

 “What a... what a fast sword! Did you see him draw the sword?”

 The white-haired heroic spirit’s pupils were also somewhat stagnant.

Not to mention that he couldn't see clearly, there was even a slight chill in his heart.

 If it were me, could I block that sword?

 (End of this chapter)

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