Hero’s Creed

Chapter 985: Governor's chess piece

   The current Downton, although only the position of the king's hand, is already a well-deserved uncrowned king of Frankfort. In less than two years, the king's influence has completely disappeared!


   The fleet stayed in the sky, dispersed the alert, and the flagship landed down the courtyard.


"hurry up!"


   Abagong arrived as soon as possible, urging the servants and guards of the whole palace to wait for the master.


   "Congratulations to the Duke's triumph!"


   When the figure of Downton appeared on the deck, all the servants all knelt down, the black one pressed, shouting loudly.


   "Why do such laborers move the crowd? All are gone, go to work!"


   Downton waved his hand.


   "Go prepare hot water and food!"


   Abagong gave a command, immediately trot to Downton, knelt down and kissed his boots.


  The servants saw this scene and couldn't help but be surprised, knowing that Abagorn was the Chancellor of the Treasury, and he was in charge of the wealth of Dranko. Unexpectedly, when he faced Downton, it was no different from a humble slave.


   "You are a high-ranking minister now, pay attention to the image in front of the servant!"


  Tang Dun grabbed with one hand, and the Bakong slayed the dragon. He dragged Abagong. The imperial court was an art. Sometimes, he also needed to give the servants the due respect.


   "No matter when, I am your loyal slave!"


   Abagong moved to tears, knelt down again, kissed Downton's boots, and did not care about the dirt on it.


  The goblin housekeeper is sincere. If it were not Downton, he would never be out of misery.


   "I think it would be a clown to take you to Madeleine's Toffee Opera Company. Your acting skills are realistic enough!"


  Jackson vomits, he hates this guy the most, because other people's flattering skills are better than him.


   "Still comfortable at home!"


   Walnut cheered. She spread her arms and ran away in a plane. She was going to see if the pets she kept were thin.


   "Hurry up!"


   Abagong urged, but a few of the maids had already run out, no eyesight, and they never wanted to hang out in the court for a lifetime.


   "How is the recent situation in the country!"


   Downton nodded toward Arnold. Asked while walking towards the palace.


   "The security is good. After the disabled soldiers returned home, I broadcast a sum of money and set up a security team to use them to fight the bandits. The effect is good!"


  Being a robber is a job of licking blood from a knife head, and may be caught and beheaded at any time. If they can’t survive, they won’t take the risk.


   Now that the economy of Drankfork has improved and the national life is happy, coupled with those tyrannical troops, there is no room for robbers to survive. If they leave, they will go to plunder other countries. It's about making a difference and living in another place.


   Abagong opened his eyes and closed his eyes while doing demographics. There was no prosecution, so many robbers laundered and became good citizens again.


   "What about the economy?"


   Downton didn't care about the law and order at all. He sent a corps to clear the border, and the military soul was shot out. Now even human soldiers walk as if their eyes are on their heads, without him. All of them cut off the enemy's heads on the battlefield of Samosir, and considered themselves to be a strong army.


"The free trade zone is a mess. More and more indigenous mountain people and orc herders spontaneously formed caravans not far away. Now the monthly transaction volume is doubling. It is expected that this year, it will reach 1,000. 100 million in trade!"


   Abagong turned over a report.


"so much?"


   Downton was taken aback, and the annual trade volume of a second-rate country is no more than that!


"Yes, the orcs and humans have been closed for too long, even if there are private caravans on the border, but their coverage is too small, because the orc tribe has accumulated a lot of materials, and these are converted into wealth. It is very amazing. As for the dragon hills, Not to mention the indigenous people, most of them don’t talk about gold coins before, even the copper plate looks like nothing!"


   Abagong's excited face blossomed, "According to my estimation, this trade volume will increase every year, it should last for five years, and then it will begin to show a downward trend."


   "Be sure to guarantee the security of the free trade zone. If there is a bandit group, we must fight hard, and do not capture any prisoners!"


   Downton was ruthless, whoever touched his money bag, he would destroy the door.


   "Has been ordered, it is the barbarian army that is responsible for the security of the free trade zone!"


   Abagong has already taken countermeasures. There is no way. There are too many people coveting the free trade zone. Those people are like wild dogs with red eye disease. They finally wandered there in an attempt to share a piece of soup.


"Very good." Downton was very satisfied, and he had a good internal affair, which really saved him a lot of effort. "That's right, there are also a few countries that border the dragon hills and the sunset prairie. Did they not establish a free trade zone? "




   Abagong reported truthfully.


   "How about trade?"


   Downton's face sank, wondering whether they had waged war on the ground that they had destroyed their own free trade zone.


   "Master, don't worry, their free trade zone is terrible, and no one is going to trade at all!"


   Abagong smiled.




   Downton froze for a moment, and then laughed. In the eyes of other races, humans are the most cunning and smartest race.


The hilly aborigines and orcs are notoriously not convinced of human beings. Downton can build a free trade zone, and all rely on Charlotte and the indigenous chiefs to endorse, so that the indigenous people believe that as for the orcs, they also trust the tauren Barak and The relationship between sage wolf.


   The establishment of any trade requires trust. How dare orcs and natives go to unfamiliar places, in case they are taken away and sold as slaves, it is better to say that if they are directly beheaded, they will die unjustly.


Downton’s free trade zone was also just beginning to sell. Those guys were very vigilant and were afraid of being pitted. Abagong simply swept the pen and directly let the ogres and the foreign orc corps maintain law and order, which lowered their Be vigilant and gradually build trust.


   "Well done, prepare important documents and put them in the study, I will review them later!" Downton walked into the bathroom. After a long journey, he needs a break.


  The six maids followed and walked in, surrounding Downton. Give him wide clothing.


   "You go out!"


   Downton ripped off his clothes himself.


   The maids looked at each other without moving.


   "Go out!"


   Downton frowned, and the voice was unconsciously severe. The maids were like frightened birds. After saluting, they bowed back quickly.


   "Adult is terrible!"


   "Hey, the adult's body is so strong. I want to serve him, what do you say he is worried about? Isn't it proper to use a maid?"


   "Adults are civilians. Not used to using servants, so you think it's spring?"


   "Don't you have?"


   The maids tweeted, Downton was handsome and handsome, and he had a high weight. These maids didn’t blame them when they had no idea. They didn’t ask for any status, they just wanted to give Downton a baby, at least for the rest of their lives.


   "But adults are a good person!"


  As a maid sighed, others nodded. If you change to other aristocratic families, I am afraid that these pretty maids will be given to you~ Fortunately.


  The marble-made bath was large, and the white steam filled it, and Downton jumped in. Then leaned against the pool and took a deep breath.


   Since entering the underground city, these years. Downton was almost exhausted. He struggled to survive all the way. Now no one can threaten him, and he can relax sturdily.


   Abagong very appreciatively sedatively calmed down, Downton unconsciously went to sleep, waiting for him to rest for a while. I felt someone squeeze his shoulder.


   Downton was shocked, and the domineering body opened. Suddenly stood up, the soul spread out majestic.


   A woman who was kneeling on the ground was startled and her face was pale.


"It's you?"


   Downton frowned, and he found that it was Melissa who massaged himself.


   "Master Longwei, scared to death the slave girl!" Melissa patted her chest while complimenting Downton, with a terrified expression coquettishly, "I thought I was going to be killed!"


   "How did you come here?"


Downton's gaze shifted involuntarily, because it was in the bathroom, so Melissa only wore a black tulle robe, flesh ~ not to mention, her **** were already full, at this time patting, shaking out Tempting waves.


   "Come and find a job to support the family!" Melissa explained, patting the poolside, "Sit down, try my craft!"


   "Abagun's idea?"


   Downton sat back again, even if he did not want to admit, in fact, there was still a little vanity in his heart, who is Melissa? The dream lover of all the men in the whole town of Morning Fog, even him, once lie on the wall of Melissa with Duroen secretly, admiring her attractive figure.


   Once Downton didn't dare to dream of marrying a woman as beautiful as Melissa, but now she is kneeling behind and serving herself.


  Abagong flattering, but better than Jackson, after more than ten years of layoffs, the Green Goblin knows how to cater to others.




   asked Melissa, because she was too close, her sweet breath was sprayed on Downton's neck, making him a little itchy.


   "Forget it, you go out!"


   Downton shook his head and smiled, and he was really superficial.


   "Why, is my technique bad?"


Melissa questioned timidly~www.wuxiaspot.com~ but a flash of light flashed in her eyes, her lips overflowed with a lavender breath, and when she touched the air, it was immediately invisible and shadowless. Downton's skin.




Downton admits that Melissa is very good at serving people. The hands seem to have magic power, so that the fatigue in his body disappears at once. The whole person is like basking in the warm sunshine of the spring day. .


   "Then why should you drive me away?"


   Melissa's voice became gentle, she sat down on her knees, lowered her head, and kissed Downton's neck like a dragonfly.


   Downton was like an electric shock, struck a shock, unconsciously got up, but Melissa held down, and then a wet tongue licked on his spine.


   That kind of touch made him fascinated instantly.




   Melissa's voice was misty, as if floating in the clouds.




  I don't know why, Downton is like staying in the warm blanket in the winter, not wanting to move at all.




◇【To be continued. "This text is provided by Flash God Shadow Team @雨爱亭". If you like this work, you are welcome to subscribe to reward. Your support is the author's biggest motivation. 】Bring your friends (@影承@新城神@字书文@玉树琼花满目春)

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