Hero’s Creed

Chapter 1012: Magical potion by-product

The carriage was walking on the long street with a crisp hoof.




  The mirror stopped the water radiation, and everything within 300 yards was completely collected. Downton's eyes, after confirming that no one could peep, he opened the note.


   "Brother, Paris is very dangerous. Be sure to leave within three days. I will be fine. I will visit you when I find a chance. I love your sister, Elaine!"




   only glanced at it, Downton pinched the note in his hand, his mood was surging, he couldn't help but want to yell a few times to vent.


   "I should have thought about it, Yilian must have some hardships, otherwise I will never deny me!"


   Downton murmured and blamed herself, but this is a sister who has been dating each other for more than ten years. From the beginning, she should not suspect that she will be attracted by this prosperous world.


   "I said no problem. A girl as kind as Elaine will not be ungrateful."


   Homer comfort.


   "Is it a trap? There are a lot of forces trying to kill Downton now!"


   Cheap God reminder.


   "No, this is Yilian's handwriting!"


   Appreciating those Juanxiu's texts, Downton felt that he couldn't read enough. His mood was like rain and the sky was clear, the rainbow was blooming, and it was a lot brighter instantly.


   "Don't be too happy, what the **** is going on, so Ilian is so cautious and anxious to urge you to leave?"


   Cheap **** poured a pot of cold water.


   Downton was silent for a few minutes and made a decision, "I won't leave. Elaine doesn't know where I am now, maybe it's a big trouble for her, but it's my turn to easily solve it."


  Homer no longer persuaded, it knew that this was just an excuse for Downton's self-consolation. He beat the Bourbon young master on the street that day, and he was still safe. Even if Elaine did not know his power before, it should be understood now. However, this note was still sent, which meant that the trouble was terrible.


   "Hey, sister control is terrible!"


   Cheap God sighed. With Downton's IQ, of course, these can be speculated. Well, nothing more than want to stay and protect my sister.


   "Anything good happen?"


   went back to the laboratory again, and even Xia Luo could see Downton's mentality changed.




   Downton roughly explained, and can’t wait for a pair of double punches, “Starting work, I am now very energetic and feel endless energy!”


  The potion experiment is a task that requires high concentration. Otherwise, if you miss a temperature difference, the experiment may fail.


   After the excitement period of Downton, he was inevitably tired, and he also began to lose his mind, thinking about what happened to Yilian in the past year.


"Be careful!"


   Hearing Xia Luo's exclamation, Downton turned his head subconsciously, but the pipette in his left hand was still pressed down.




   Blue liquid dripped into the test tube, and immediately reacted with the solution of Dielo inside, with a bang. Not only did an explosion occur, but a red and blue flame instantly ignited.


   The test tube shattered instantly and the burning liquid spilled.


   Homer and Charlotte's shields pop up. Carry out self-defense, blocking the shock wave and scattered flames, otherwise half the laboratory will be finished.


   "The wrong solution was added!"


   This was Downton's first thought, followed by a burning pain in his hand, and then spread along the nerves.




Some gray-faced Downton looked at the burning flame in his hand, his eyes stunned, but he was the body of the fire god, even the dragon's burning breath was similar to the hot spring water for him, but these little flames actually let him feel the burning Burning pain.


   "What are you going to do? Fire quickly!"


   Xia Luo has noticed that it is not good. Although these fires are not large, the temperature is extremely high. And what it touches, it ignites.


   Sparks fell on the test stand. They are visible through the naked eye.




   Downton ran to the corner, lifted a bucket of white sand, and fell on the bench.


This is a smoothie. The temperature is kept at zero all the year round, which has a strong heat absorption and heat insulation effect, and the melting point is very high. Only high temperatures above Longyan can melt them, so smoothies are generally used as fire extinguishers. It is an experiment Room standing items.




  Smoothie touched those flames, not only did it not extinguish, but like a combustion aid, the flame suddenly became blazing and skyrocketed.




   Downton was going to carry another bucket, but she was stopped by Charola.




  Yan Wolf pointed to the floor.


   After the Mars, the size of an ant, landed on the ground, it was still burning, and the floor was ignited and melted, leaving small holes.


   "Hey, if I remember correctly, the independent laboratory was built with first-class fireproof materials?" Downton took a breath of breath, "How high is the temperature of this flame?"


   "Another characteristic is that anything that comes into contact with this red-blue flame will become its combustion aid, and its combustion requires very little air to suffice."


   Xia Luo is, after all, a potion guru, and his observation power is much more detailed than that of Downton.


   "Then the only way to extinguish it is to wait for these solutions to burn out?"


   Downton asked.


"should be!"


   Xia Luo speculates that those solutions are the catalysts and the reason why these flames hit and burn. As long as they burn out, the fire will weaken and no longer expand.


   "What did you just add in?"


   The test bench was destroyed, and the equipment and equipment were finished, so Homer could not see the night.


   "It seems to be a mixed solution of blue titanium spar and mithril?"


   Downton memories.


   "Yes!" Xia Luo had seen the solution, so she was sure, "Change to a laboratory first and let the ghouls clean it."


   Downton recruited several mid-level ghouls in the dungeon. With their wisdom, they can do some simple cleaning work.




   Downton thoughtfully and kept looking back.


"what happened?"


   Xia Luo stood at the door and checked the laboratory again to make sure there were no hidden dangers.


   "Don't you think that if this flame is used as a weapon, it will be very lethal?"


   Downton’s words made Homer and Charlotte stunned, and the potion was born. It is mainly used for taking, it can enhance the combat ability of the magician, but it is directly used in the battlefield like this. It never happened.


   "You think about it, this explosive power. And the flame is completely burnt, not to mention the ordinary soldiers, the ordinary magicians, have to suffer a big loss?"


   Downton said more and more excited.


   "Should this be the job of an alchemist?"


  Homer refuted the sentence subconsciously.


"Whoever cares about it, you can kill the enemy!" Downton's thoughts were wide open. "You can make them into burning bottles and throw them for a round before catching the enemy. Explosions and flames can destroy the enemy's formation." , Increase the odds!"


   "No, the incendiary flask is too unsafe. To make it into incendiary bombs, it is best to solidify these solutions!"


   Downton's eyebrows are hard to think. The solid state is more stable than the liquid state, and it is easier to store.


   "What should I say?"


   Watching Downton take out the pen and paper in his white coat and squat directly on the ground to list the equations, Homer is speechless.


   "A lot of achievements in potions and alchemy were not born so accidentally, because of a mistake. Or a moment of inspiration!"


   Xia Luo sighed, probably not because of the birth of Cobain. Downton's thinking was not imprisoned by those dogmas. He is always flying around and he can always look at problems from an angle that no one else notices.


   "Molotov cocktail? Don't know if he can make it?"


  Homer is very calm. The products and mass production made by the laboratory are not the same thing. The latter needs to consider more things, such as the cost-effectiveness of establishing a production line.


   "If Downton devotes himself to potions, I can be sure that he will become a master potion master!"


   Xia Luo sighed, unfortunately. Why is Downton an all-rounder? It wouldn't be a waste to give this potion talent to others.


  Hyun wolf has a lot of time. Furthermore, the research and development of Dragon Guardian Elixir is a slow and long process, so she temporarily put it down. Acted as an assistant to Downton.


  With Xia Luo's help, Downton's incendiary research is progressing quickly, and it took only a month to solidify those easily explosive solutions.


   "Be careful, these particles will explode after violent collision!"


   Seeing Jackson's frizz, Downton wanted to hit someone.


  After precise calculations by Charlotte and Homer, Downton selected five kinds of optimized particle ratios, made ten samples of each, and then entered the trial site of Ambrella.


"everything's ready!"


   Kasimodo reports.


   "The experiment begins!"


   Downton and his party stood next to them, with earplugs and a record board in their hands.


   "Master, why don't you let me experiment?"


  Jackson is very upset, he does not want to do hard work.


   "You are not far away!"


   Downton watched Casimodo picking up a molotov cocktail, tearing off the pull tab above, and throwing it out.




  What else did Jackson want to say, a deafening explosion suddenly came, causing it to stand unsteady and buzzing in his ears.


  The ghoul turned around and saw the clusters of flames scattered on the ground, crackling and burning, and then extinguished after only five minutes. At this time, many small pits had appeared on the hard floor.


   "What is this? Powerful!"


   Jackson was dumbfounded.


   "Without those flames ~ www.wuxiaspot.com ~ Shock waves can kill people!"


   Downton nodded, the dummy placed in the test field has broken, and replaced with flesh ~ body, it must be no doubt.


   "With abominable arm strength, you can also throw bigger incendiary bombs!"


   Xia Luo reminded that the power of the incendiary bomb is proportional to the amount of charge. If there is enough, even the magician's defense can be easily broken.


   "I had intended this way, haha, I will have one more grenadier force under my command!"


As the experiment progressed, Downton's mouth was closed with laughter. With his abominable defense, he could carry the enemy's attack hard. After reaching the best position, he dropped bombs, and the three waves of bombing continued. Whatever the formation After playing, then hate to crush on the side and win.


   "With this weapon, even if you encounter a super beast, you will be hit!"


  The ants bite the elephant more often, Downton didn't believe that the super beast could resist this indestructible flame!


   "Dungeon can be used as an arsenal, hey, Krupp craftsmen are still not enough, and I don’t know if I can recruit some more!"


   Downton scratched his hair, which was also a happy worry. (To be continued)*



◇【To be continued. "This text is provided by Flash God Shadow Team @天珠那变". If you like this work, you are welcome to subscribe to reward. Your support is the author's biggest motivation. 】Bring your friends (@影承@新城神@字书文@雨爱亭)

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