Hero’s Creed

Chapter 1039: Rescue the Virgin

"Even if I want to help Twilight, I don't know where she is?"


   Downton shrugged helplessly, the twilight had an unspeakable secret, so hesitated again and again, after all, he did not say the calendar.


   "That girl is very strong and powerful. Maybe she has already found the tomb of Rose of the Magic Palace or Saint Miracle, and solved the trouble."


   Homer comfort.


   "I hope so!" Downton pointed to the top of his head. "Will this halo always be there?".


"This is the sign of the priesthood after being promoted to the Grand Marshal. As long as the magic power is used, it will be activated autonomously, against it, not only the dark spell effect will be weakened, but also a certain probability of complete exemption. This is the goddess of flame to the believer. Gift!"


   Homer Science.


   "Hmm!" Downton nodded, motioned to understand, then shouted towards the rolling mountains, "Holy Lily, where are you? How can I find you?"


Some fine light spots were born in front of Downton, and then gathered together, turned into a bunch of & no& wrong& novels{www}.{quledu}.{}lily, and then cracked off, as if it were magic , A white pigeon appeared, fluttering its wings, flying towards the sky.


   "Hurry up!"


  Without Homer's reminder, Downton has already performed aerial dance and is chasing behind.


   The speed of the pigeons is very fast, heading straight to the sky. Downton doesn't know how high he flew. Anyway, he can no longer see the ground, and the temperature around him is still dropping.


   "If this falls, it will definitely die!"


   The higher the flight, the faster the magic energy can be consumed. Downton is still worried about whether it can last until the end, and he crashes a large white cloud, and his vision suddenly changes.


   Here seems to be heaven.


   Downton's feet, stepped on the white clouds, soft, did not enter the ankles, there is a covered bridge. Until the end of the horizon.


  The white pigeon made a few rounds around Downton and continued to fly. He quickly followed.


   is another long-slope trek that does not know the end point, just when there is little left in Downton's patience, and began to speculate whether this is a mental demon trap, a huge palace made of heaven and stone appeared in front of him.


  It is so tall, so holy, so gorgeous and beautiful. It seemed that all darkness and evil were purified before it.


   "Is this really a plane of paradise?"


   Downton landed on the square in front of the palace, looking at the surrounding scenes, stunned, these things did not exist in the Western Continent.


   The ground is a lawn covered with white-gold plants. As the breeze blows, a pleasant sound is heard. Rows of arbor trees are planted around the square. The lush foliage and towering towers are like loyal guards guarding this temple.


   The flower garden is full of colorful flowers, and some cherry-sized little angels are flapping their white wings, wandering on it. There was a cheerful laugh.


   "The Virgin really has a great deal of power, and actually splits the plane of heaven. A part of her fantasy world!"


  Homer marveled.


  The white pigeon landed on Downton's shoulder and pecked his cheek to let him continue.


   "With the strength of Saint Lily, they are all trapped inside. If I enter, I am afraid that there will be more and more fierce!"


  Although his mouth ridiculed. But Downton still walked in. He was very self-aware, not to mention the successful promotion of the Grand Marshal, but there was still a big gap from the Saint. However, certain things must be done if they know that they cannot do it, even if they pay the price of life.


  The two magnificent gates of the Temple of Heaven were open, so Downton landed inside without hindrance, and then he saw the Holy Lily imprisoned in the hall.


   "Does this mean putting PALY?"


   glanced at the cheap **** and couldn't help but laugh out loud.


Her Royal Highness, who had always been solemnly reserved, was stripped of light. Four light bands were shot from the pillar supporting the dome, wrapped around her wrists and ankles, and continued to spread and wrapped around her body. Then hang her in a big shape in the air.


   The most dazzling thing is that St. Lily's mouth is still plugged with a ball. The cheeks are sunken by its belt. A lot of saliva flows out and drops on the chest and belly. It is crystal clear.


Downton looked up to see this scene, his expression suddenly stunned, but this is the majesty of the virgin admired by thousands of people, now this look, it looks like those who are being abused by guests to earn a few more gold coins~ He didn't dare to think much, and quickly froze his expression, and bowed his head.


No way, because the big characters were hanging in the air, the legs of the Highness Lady were wide open, and the most secret parts were exposed. With Downton's vision, with just one glance, everything was printed in your mind. in.


   "The saint is no different from ordinary people!"


   Downton whispered.




When St. Lily saw Downton, his legs would close together subconsciously, but unfortunately he was wrapped in those ribbons, and he couldn't do it at all. This struggle made the light bands wrapped around him tighter and tightened deeply. In the snow skin, especially a pair of breast ~ room, more upright.


   The blush not only climbed up to the cheek, even the pink neck and chest of Sheng Lily were dyed all over, and at this moment, she was ashamed and selfless, and she felt suicidal.


   "He didn't see, he didn't see!"


  Holy lily shattered his thoughts, and deceived himself, but fortunately Downton was conscious and looked away, otherwise, he was going to kill and kill his mouth.


   "Give her a dress!"


   Downton pulled out the giant, and did not attack rashly, but was observing the light bands.


"Be careful!"


   Homer reminder.


   Downton teleports, followed by a sword, the magical energy beheaded.




   A shot of the dragon gun was broken and flew back to the angel flying in the air.


   Downton wiped a cold sweat, the angel's attack speed was so fast, the mirror's water stop almost didn't react, and the soul was locked, and the teleportation could not be solved.




   This angel with a female appearance disappeared, followed by appearing in front of Saint Lily, with his left hand, he grabbed a dragon gun from the void, and then stabbed into the chest of the Saint.




  The dragon spear penetrated, and blood spurted down, flowing down the lower abdomen and legs of Saint Lily.




   St. Lily screamed, and the painful limbs were twitching. This was an attack straight into the soul, and was replaced by an ordinary person. Suddenly died.


   Downton was going to attack. When he saw this scene, he could only stop, and at this time, he was rude, and he stared at the female angel. Looking for a chance to break the enemy, Yu Guang inevitably swept to the body of Shengli.


   "Ma Lei, how does this make me fight?"


   St. Lily's identity, the flawless and pure carcass~ body, and now this obscene~ flamboyant shape, let Downton react naturally, the crotch set up a tent.


   A streamer covered his body, Downton hurriedly armed the fearless armor, he didn't want to be embarrassing.


   "Hey. Are you the servant of the Miracle Maiden? She is the saint of this generation, you should let her go!"


   Downton spoke, preparing to salute first.


  The female angel didn't answer, and grabbed a dragon spear, and stabbed back into St. Lily's belly.


   "What should I do? I feel a fight, I have to kneel!"


   Downton discussed with Homer.


   The female angel was wearing an inverted triangular visor, which just covered the glasses and nose, with red lips and white chin. But Downton didn't think it would affect her vision. Her upper body was a set of silver breastplates. Look at that arc, the chest is very heavy, the lower body is a blue and white battle skirt, a pair of long boots on her feet, her weapon is a dragon gun that is five meters long. It weighed more than a thousand pounds, but she was carried in her hand, no different from a toothpick.


   "You are stupid, who made you win her, your goal is to save the Holy Lily!" Cheap God rolled his eyes. "Don't you want to catch her as a devil?"


   "I have that heart and no strength!"


   Downton was depressed, and the adjudicating order could enlist the demon servants, but he was all promoted to the Grand Marshal, and he had not found a suitable one.




   St. Lily wanted to tell Downton this female angel's weakness, but unfortunately couldn't speak.


Downton suddenly grew his mouth, showing a frightened expression, as if seeing a miracle. The female angel turned her head subconsciously, but could not bear it, but this distracted, also made her reaction slower by half a beat .




Downton performed Titanic Metamorphosis, grabbed a dragon spear, and threw it at the female angel. At the same time, the anger of Lonely Mountain and the embrace of death, he gave up divine revenge, there was no way, this magical art attack power is too low, Even if it hits, it is estimated that it will not cause harm.




   Dawn and dawn body appeared, and the same offensive attacked Downton. The two charged, stepped on the aura of violentness, opened the gods, and killed the female angel aggressively.


   The female angel was not surprised, and her wrist shook, and the dragon gun burst into thousands of gun shadows, which directly blocked the beheading technique and disintegrated the attack of the two.




   The soul body was kicked and hit the floor. Before it got up, it was pierced by the suddenly appearing dragon gun and nailed to the ground.


   Downton beheaded and intercepted with all his strength.


   The attack of the female angel was too fast, even if the water can be detected by the mirror, Downton's nerve reaction and muscle strength made him unable to block the action.




   Downton gritted his teeth, the shield was fully open, and the Titan barrier was attacked, and the attack of the female angel hardly drove her away from Saint Lily.


   "Wait, it's not time yet!"


Downton did not act rashly, and was still on the offensive. Just when both sides left 50 meters, the soul body of the Holy Flame of Heaven suddenly appeared next to Holy Lily, holding the giant scorpion condensed by Wanhua~www.wuxiaspot.com~ exhibiting the Titan Windmill , Anger chopping the light belt.


   Boom! boom! boom!


  In a series of explosions, the light was broken, and the Holy Lily fell.


   "Block her!"


   Downton teleported and appeared on the floor. After catching Shengli, he bent his knees slightly and followed the ejection, shooting like a shell.




The air around    was torn apart, and a ring-shaped barrier visible to the naked eye appeared.


The two soul bodies fight to intercept the female angel, they will not die, but if they are to be crushed, Downton’s soul will be hit hard, and if it wants to condense again, it will take years, and during this time, it is There is no way to advance.


   Saint Lily blushed, because Downton took off the heavy fearless armor in order to escape quickly, so her arms were clinging to her thighs and back, she could clearly feel the other person's body temperature was coming. (To be continued...)


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