Hero’s Creed

Chapter 1078: New generation forces

What about Dorset’s hereditary nobles? A Dorset, but also a second-rate country, you must know that Downton personally wiped out Wigan and Samosir. As the first star in the north, under the leadership of him, Deranke is already the first-rate country, and more Not to mention that the gossip girlfriend is Princess Sissi, and most of Lombardy is likely to be his dowry as a dowry!

By the way, it’s not just the rumored His Royal Highlander, in the Lion Square in Paris, but many people saw Roland St. Lily actively kissing Downton. The charity banquet heard when he entered the city was also a testimony. In short, the family The relationship is very close. ⊙ Four ⊙ Five ⊙ Chinese ⊙ Text △ Apex novel,

"Your son, always disobedient, has caused me much trouble!"

As soon as Marquis Ashley's eyes rolled, he kicked his feet on his son's knees. With great force, he shattered the bones of his knees and bent his calves to ninety degrees.

"Father, I'm wrong. I'll indemnify Lord Downton!"

The young master is ruthless enough, and he is also a lord who can bend and stretch. For the benefit of the family, he does not hesitate to whisper.

"Duke Downton, please forgive the rudeness of the dog, if he knew you, he would never dare to disobey your will!" The Marquis' waist was low and his smile was flattering, "I will give him to you , Just pick it up, even if it is minced and fed to the wild dog."

The onlookers were shocked by the marquis' decisiveness and decisiveness. It is no wonder that other families can have the current power, which was all washed out with blood, sweat and dignity.

Downton looked at the marquis and said nothing.

The Marquis bent over and kept bowing down. He wanted to retreat. When Donton didn’t know Princess Sissi, he killed the heirs of Hohenzollern and Dupont, Own miscellaneous fish. In their hearts, it is estimated that they do not even have the qualification to be opponents.

"If Downton can't lose his breath, he can only sacrifice his son!"

The marquis have many wives and naturally many sons, but there are only a handful of talented people. He will not be brought out for training, but for the future of the family, he will never be soft when it comes to sacrifice.

Ashley probably guessed his own destiny, gritted his teeth, and kept silent.

"Master Marquis, this is just a misunderstanding!"

There was a smile on the corner of Downton's mouth, and he raised the Marquis Ashley with his own hands, killing him to kill his mouth. Mowing the grass to eradicate the roots, but this attitude towards the father and son, instead let him decide to let them go. In recent life, some have lived too comfortably. He needs some enemies to motivate himself.

"Adult, this time I will donate all the proceeds of the Ashley business group to the free trade zone. Improving the infrastructure is my contribution to everyone."

The marquis can speak quite well. Blatantly bribing Downton will make it difficult for people to do, but donating to the free trade zone is actually no different from the pockets sent to Downton, but it sounds a lot more elegant.

"Then I'm respectful and obedient, and thank you on behalf of everyone!" Downton said politely. "Tonight I will host a banquet to treat the bosses of the business groups, and I would like to be honored by the Marquis.


The marquis exhaled, and gave Downton face and face, if the other side would not let go. Then he can only abandon this path of wealth.

Downton wanted an enemy, but he never thought that the Marquis is the kind of exquisite guy. If the enemy is not as good as himself, he will definitely step on the death, but once the enemy exceeds several times, he will shrink his head and become a grandson.

In the marquis' mind, Downton is the kind of Big Mac that can't be provoked, so his plan is doomed.

Downton did not know that with his current power, prestige, and backstage, he has become the most insignificant of the new generation of power. Although he was not a rich man, he was sitting at the age of twenty-two. Rankford, who controls more than 10 million people, is an outright dictator. In a word, war broke out, not a small fight between families.

"Master, please move on. I will let the Green Island Hotel empty for you now!"

The head of the district was humble, and he wished he could lie on the ground all the time.

After hearing this, a series of exclamations rang out around me. The Green Island Tavern is the largest gold-selling cave in the free trade zone, the most luxurious entertainment venue, and the daily net profit is as high as millions of gold coins. When Dunton arrives, the venue will be closed.

"Well, the banquet will be arranged in Green Island, remember to prepare the invitation, don't let people feel neglected."

Downton wants to give those bosses vanity.

As an official facility, the Green Island Hotel naturally has many conveniences. Not to mention the perfect service and conditions, the name "official" is enough to make the merchants look like a prodigy, not to mention the mayor. New news is regularly published in the tavern.

In order to take pictures of the long horses, or to get the first-hand information as soon as possible, some large business groups have requested rooms directly at the Green Island Tavern. The longest lease term has even reached five years.

Of course, with the shrewd minds of green-skin goblins, this kind of stupidity will not be done. Those eligible for a five-year lease are all large business groups from the nine empires with assets of more than one billion gold coins, and they are not only expensive, There must also be trade relations.

Downton’s words made the onlookers excited. They were a little powerful. They were wondering whether they would receive invitations. If they didn’t have the strength, they began to think of ways to prepare a big price and get one. No matter what, if you can talk to Downton and the big business people, maybe a connection will be established.

For business people, there is a way to make money if you have connections.

"Is he all right?"

Downton looked at the pale Garfield boy.

"It's fine, it's just a little blood loss!"

Elaine glanced at Ashley and gave Downton an inquiring look. The other party whispered to make a guilt. Could it be treated?

"Leave, go to the hotel!"

Downton didn't care if he would hurt or die, just because he cursed Elaine, he didn't let the ogre explode his chrysanthemum, it was already his own magnanimity.

"Slow walk!"

Watching Downton leave, Ashley sighed with relief.

"Marquis, you look so ugly, afraid of what he is doing?"

Someone teased.

"Aren't you afraid? Are you going to scold him?" Marquis sneered. "They are the Grand Marshal, and they wiped out our family with only one hand."

The Grand Marshal exported three words, and no one dared to talk nonsense. Everyone is a little bit distracted. In fairness, if you are in the position of the Marquis, you might be more unscrupulous than him. In order to save your life, maybe your wife and daughter will all strip out and give Downton a gift.

"You are an old man too. There is no need to be so humble!"

Downton chuckled and encouraged a few words, he did a good job and couldn't even pick out the fault.

"Slave panic!"

The goblins never claimed to be subordinates, and were all slaves. In their view, being a slave to Downton was higher than the official position, even if he became a finance minister.


Accompanied by a sudden explosion. To the northwest, a huge plume of smoke rose into the air, interrupting the conversation between Downton and the district governor.


The defensive force here was too weak, Downton did not dare to leave Elaine, took her arm, and flew to the scene of the incident using Wushu.

The long street was half empty. In addition to the scattered goods, more than a dozen unlucky ghosts were affected by the fighting. Injured to the ground, they wailed on one side. While struggling to climb out of the battle circle.

More than a dozen mercenaries are besieging and killing the little walnut.

"court death!"

Downton's single fist was shocked, the domineering fist was launched, and at the same time more than one hundred heavy punches fell, he also rushed to the enemy.


Downton hit with a punch and hit a man. Magic energy and shockwaves poured into his body frantically, and directly blasted him into a mass of flesh.

"what happened?"

Downton frowned, these guys are not low in strength, all the Dragon Slaughter, if not prepared. It's called seeing the undead.

"They want to kidnap me!"

Little Walnut is very angry.

"Nonsense, obviously you broke our antiques, we just want to take you to your family to ask for compensation." The headed big man roared.

"You're bullshit. If it weren't for my wit, I would be abducted by you, and I would never see my brother again."

Walnut waved the flame's hand and smashed a fellow's head into a rotten watermelon.

"That's how you educate your children? Do you apologize for making mistakes?"

Seeing the constant death and injury of his men, the big man scolded with anxiety.

It was Downton’s iron fist that returned him, and Elaine also began to bless the two with auxiliary magic.

Downton, full of firepower, was unstoppable, and in a flash, the car turned over two thirds of the mercenaries.

"Damn, you unreasonable lunatic!"

The big man growled.

The security team arrived and all took off their crossbows and aimed at the big man after being wound.

"Look at everyone, this is the hand of the king of Drankford, a guy who protects the short!"

The big man wanted to arouse public outrage and accused Downton, but even if he watched a lot of excitement, there was no one to echo. Downton’s combat power really frightened them, especially the halo on his head, which could represent the Grand Marshal Order.

"Say, who sent you to kidnap the little walnut?"

Downton questioned sharply.

The big man was dumbfounded, and when he saw Donton's question without hesitation, he thought that the plan had been exposed, and then he reacted. This guy just made an excuse and prepared to kill himself.


Seeing that Downton was not fooled, the big man teleported into the crowd and evacuated at full speed.

boom! boom!

The black smoke exploded~www.wuxiaspot.com~ obscured the sight, the crowd was even more flustered, and it also made Downton unable to pursue.

"Big brother!"

Little Walnut walked over, bowing his head, looking like he had done something wrong, and dared not look at Downton.

"All right, be smart!"

Downton rubbed Little Loli's hair.

"Oye, it's better to be the elder brother." Little Walnut smiled and hung on Downton like a koala. "You're so smart, how did you find them harboring ghosts?"

"It's not normal for so many people to besiege a little girl. I just frightened them. I didn't expect them to be the birds of the bow. Besides, they knew I was the hand of the king, and they dared to do it. The intention is self-evident!"

Downton shrugged his shoulders, the other party shot too hard, and even the children killed, it can be seen that it is not a good person, so it does not matter if there is an answer, he will kill these people. (To be continued...)

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