Hero’s Creed

Chapter 1086: Impact Marshal Tier 3

"Master, I'm teaching you how to seduce men. In this world, is there a race that understands men more than our succubus?"


  Ishar was not angry, but looked at Colin with interest.


   In your planes, dark elves and abyss succubi are notoriously obscene races, they don't even care about each other's races, just males, even beasts are acceptable.


The dark elf is a lewd race, and women don’t know what chastity is, and they have **** with men, completely for the sake of breathing essence. This can also be seen from the birth of various freak monsters using fertility. Out of one or two.


   Succubus is better than Drow, at least these guys will only choose the men they like to start, and they understand the sentiment better.


   On the hook ~ to seduce men, the succubus is definitely full of drow, because they not only pay attention to the physical ~ physical enjoyment, but also emphasize the spiritual pleasure.


   Men across the continent, the legs scared when they heard drow, but they were all looking forward to meeting a succubus when they dreamed back at midnight.


   That is definitely the most beautiful show in my life!


   "Huh, your torture skills are too rough, do you want me to teach you? People are tortured, that is the lowest skill, I can ask her to beg me to torture her!"


   "You pervert!"


   Juliet cursed, she had heard this kind of play.


"Ha ha!"


  Ishal chuckled loudly, and the suffocating atmosphere in the jail room suddenly became spring~ full of love, and she jumped off the table and walked to Juliet.


  Da! clatter! clatter!


   The red high-heeled shoes hit the ground, making a rhythmic beat, but this sound made the tent of the devil kid with his head down.


   "Don't seduce me!"


  Julie Ye frowned.


   "Where am I?"


  Ishar glanced at Juliet with sorrow.


   This female succubus is tall and has a height of more than 1.8 meters. Because of wearing high heels, the two beautiful legs are more slender and slippery, enough for a man to play for a night without feeling tired.


   "Don't blame yourself. It's important to be happy!"


  Ishar comfort. He touched Juliet's back, rubbing gently.


   "I said, I won't let you wear this kind of clothes!"


  Julie scolded and patted Ishar's hand.


  The lower body of the succubus is a pair of short hot pants, even a small part of the buttocks is exposed, the front buckle is not tied, so the white belly is so violent ~ exposed in the air, also because of the tight-fitting style. The tightly wrapped hips not only highlight the lines, but also the gaps under the hips are clearly visible.


  Ishar's upper body is only wearing a bra, and almost two-thirds of his full **** are exposed. Every step, the breast~ room will shake out an attractive arc.


   "You don't conquer Downton, you just don't know how to use your charm!"


  Ishar didn't care about the blame as the master, and continued to talk, her hands were out of order, and she touched Juliet's ass.


"let me go!"


  Julie Ye felt her body heating up. She couldn't help but become angry, but she knew that Isar breathed out. It's the strongest charm~ medicine.


   Probably because of the powerful talent. Among the demons summoned by Juliet, there are always many high-level servants of blood, and Isar is one, as can be seen from her feet.


   The feet of ordinary succubi are hoof-shaped, similar to wild deer, while Ishar has human feet, which makes her a little more amorous.


   "My good master, wait for them to arrive. You will have no chance, so now is the best opportunity to start!"


  Ishar took out a medicine bottle with a long thumb. Cue it to Juliet.


   "This is a potion made from several kinds of abyss demon flowers and succubus blood, even if the gods drink it. They can't resist its power!"


  Ishar patted Juliet on the back and pushed her out of the torture chamber. "Okay, go ahead and prepare. I will play with this prisoner now!"


   Juliet stood in the corridor, holding the bottle of pink potion tightly, his face hesitant, and finally became firm.


   Downton landed on a quiet lake, distracted by some beasts drinking water.


   "Release the demon servant, let's get started!"


  Homer took out the heart of the spring.


   Firebird and the Twin Angels spread out in a triangle for ten miles, guarding Downton.


   "I am the body of the fire god, won't the water potion be rejected?"


   Downton was a little worried.


   "Your Soul Tree is the Holy Flame of Heaven and the Dawn and Dawn, all of which are restoration departments, and they are responsible for neutralization without any problems."


   Homer comfort.


   Downton sat cross-legged and entered a state of meditation. Within a few moments, a large number of soul angels were formed, thousands of which were scattered around him.


  The angels exuded white light, which also made the green lakeside area a little white, and as the magical power condensed, some Warcraft gathered and swallowed greedily.


   Boom! boom! boom!


   The soul and pressure of Firebird and the Twin Angels swept the audience, radiating as much as possible, and the Warcraft felt this super-beast-level breath and hurried away.




   A halo floated above Downton's head, and he became the Grand Marshal. He hasn't advanced the rank yet, and his breath has been extremely amazing.


   "Open your mouth!"


   Seeing Downton reach his best state, the element arm grasped the heart of the spring and threw it at his mouth.


  The heart of the spring entered the throat, and a cool, refreshing, sweet breath immediately flooded the whole body. Downton was like a dog soaked in the cold spring water. It was so refreshing that every cell was cheering.


  Originally traumatized body, repaired by naked eyes under the moisturizing of the heart of the spring, a light blue light overflowed the body surface, and then formed a layer of light film, which wrapped Downton.


  As the 12th best potion on the Magic Monster List, Izumi Heart has a strong healing effect. Because it is a water attribute and has lost its core, it is peaceful and quiet, and it is absorbed without any resistance.


   Boom! boom! boom!


   When the evening glow dissipated and the dusk was about to pass, Downton's breath exploded, directly blowing over the green grass around him, and also making the lake surface undulating.


   "Is this successful?"


   Downton opened his eyes and looked at his hands in amazement. He thought that this rushing stage would have a burst of confrontation like before, but he didn't expect it to be silent. Stepped directly into the third marshal.


   "This is the power of the Heart of the Spring, which allows you to be promoted to the first order completely without loss!" Homer reminded. "Attention, the elemental strike is coming!"


   Bang! Bang!


  The sky was turbulent, the blue thunder came down, the ice guns and rain arrows were shot, Downton dodged, and the place where it was immediately blasted into a mess.


   When he reached the Grand Marshal, the rule exclusion would have a huge impact on the surrounding environment, just in the blink of an eye. Heavy rain poured in, and gusty winds hit.




   Downton opened the mirror to stop the water, and even when he noticed a violent energy fluctuation behind him, he whistled.






   The teleported Downton was suspended in the air using dance dance, but before he could see the enemy, his back was hit hard. The whole person was like a cannonball that burst into the lake.




   When he was about to fall into the lake, Downton forced a change of direction and flew out of the lake, because the speed was too fast. The strong wind brought out plowed the lake water one meter deep.


boom! boom! boom!


   The flame exploded and the crow chased Downton, hit it, and the water column exploded. White steam filled.


   After the soul of the fire **** mode was chased, he continued to fire fire magic.


   Dozens of flame tornadoes formed in the rainstorm, spinning wildly, constantly chasing Downton, compressing his dodge space, and shooting a large number of self-explosive crows.


   Seeing that the soul can't catch up with Downton, he hit a single punch.


   Boom! boom! boom!


  Hundreds of burning magical energy fisted, and roared down from the sky, drowning Downton.




   Downton was bombarded into the lake. A series of bubbles popped up, the next moment. He burst out from a hundred meters away, but he hasn't fought back yet. He was attacked by the stealthy dark Downton and flew out again.


   "My Emperor Polo!"


  Donton's cold sweat was frightening, but he turned on the mirror to stop the water, otherwise he would be seriously injured if he died.


   "Be careful, the rule of the Marshal Order excludes your soul body, they have all your abilities, and don't think about supporting the past, only defeat them to successfully advance the rank!"


  Homer warned that Downton fled so much, except for wasting magic power, it had no value at all.


   "Isn't it? Come back?"


  Don't think of tactics yet, he saw a holy Downton appear, holding a long sword in his hand, and waved it to kill him.


   A big cross burst in the sky in an instant, teleporting in general, and appeared in front of Downton, before he dodged, he covered it.




   Downton was bombarded into the lake again.


   "The martial arts of these guys are more skilled than me!"


   Downton was very depressed, he was not confident to achieve this kind of hand in hand.


   "Did you not see it yet? These elemental bodies are the part of your soul and bloodline that are independent of each other. Hurry up, naturally Downton will appear!"


  Cheap ridicule~www.wuxiaspot.com~ Downton's ability is too disgusting, to fight him, he has to face several attributes, but now, it is his turn to try it.


   The fighting shifted to the stars, took over the magical attack of Vulcan Downton, reflected them, and attacked the dark Downton. After all, this guy was close and threatened the most.


  Vulcan Downton saw the long-range magic was intercepted, and immediately changed his tactics. A pair of flame wings were condensed behind him. It was displayed in the storm, as if a meteor was shooting at Downton.


  Holy Downton disdain the siege. After the cross cut, he actually floated in the air and watched with cold eyes, so that Homer and the cheap **** were shocked.


  The soul body is the reaction of the noumenon character. From this point of view, if Downton is a pure Templar, it is absolutely arrogant and arrogant.


   "Fortunately Downton is not that old-fashioned character, otherwise I must pinch him to death!"


   Homer took a long breath, he didn't want an apprentice who didn't know what to do.




   The cheap **** nodded his head, and the stubborn people were the most difficult to entangle, and Downton's mental cleanliness seemed to be due to this.


   "The only way to do this!"


   saw that Vulcan Downton quickly killed him, but Downton was not running away, but turned around and slammed into the side.




◇【To be continued. "This text is provided by Flash God Shadow Team @麒麟迹". If you like this work, you are welcome to subscribe to reward. Your support is the author's biggest motivation. 】

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