Hero’s Creed

Chapter 1091: Gold rose

The pine forest that had lost its leaves had only one dead branch, plus the cracked bark, which looked like a skinny big hand with only dead souls.


   The cold wind blew through, and even the air seemed to freeze.


   "Uncles and uncles, it's freezing cold, it's not easy for everyone to follow the work, add meals at night!"


  Wait for the steward to answer, the girl has spoken first, and the smile on her face makes people feel like a spring breeze, it seems that it can melt this winter.


   Downton shook his head helplessly. The girl didn't know that money could not be saved before agreeing to add meals, but really worried about these drivers, but her good intentions were ruined.


   "Miss, they need a salary increase!"


The disdain of the manager’s face did not mean to suppress the voice at all. In the business world, this behavior of the driver is to be rejected. Any bargaining before departure is acceptable, but once you are on the road, you must ensure that you do your best. This is Basic work ethics.


   "Should have been so, I was thinking too much. Starting today, each person will add ten more gold coins!"


   Missy nodded, indicating that she knew, and then gave a new price code.


   "Miss, you can't do this!"


  I'm not happy about things.


   "Uncle, stop talking!"


   Missy shook her head, the form was stronger than others, and she could only bear it. After all, it was not up to them to raise the price. In any case, this road had to go down. The family was still waiting for the payment after the trade.


   "Miss, you still understand the affair!"


   "We did not intentionally increase the price, but the weather is too cold and we have no way!"


   "Miss you, rest assured, we will take good care of the carriage and the goods, and will not let you suffer a little loss."


   There are also some good guys in the driver who feel embarrassed. Immediately got up and patted the chest to ensure that there were still some blinking eyes. The gaze staring at Missy was full of spiciness and greed.


   There are not many opportunities for such exaggerated extortion, if it is done. In the next few months, you can enjoy the blessings.


   "This big sister is so good!"


   Walnut amazed how old she was, and actually suppressed the civil strife in a few words.


"you are too naive!"


   Downton smiled dumbly. He looked around, and he found a trace of something unusual. It stands to reason that this kind of conflict, even if the caravan guards did not come forward to stop it. At least to support the young lady, but those guys pretend to be vigilant.


   "It seems that this girl has more trouble to face!"


   Downton looked at the young lady, at the age of seventeen or eight. She was supposed to enjoy love and carefree time in college, but because of the sudden death of her father, she had to take the burden of the family.


   Missy has a beautiful face of melon seeds, fair skin, and the green and innocent that has not faded between the eyebrows. The best thing is the pair of single eyelid eyes. Sky blue, like two lakes, when laughing. Will bend into a crescent moon.


"quite pretty!"


Downton gave a compliment. The eyes of Missy reminded him of twilight. Of course, she couldn't compare that kind of charm. As for her appearance and figure, it was an eighth level, which was slightly inferior to Juliet. . Not to mention Sissi and Dilanxue.


   In fact, Juliet's appearance is not bad. It's just that the miserable experience in the early years made her spirits worse. That natural inferiority complex is too much.


Downton is accustomed to superb beauties, and even the maid in the palace was carefully selected by Abagong, so the appearance of the young lady has no impact on him, but in fact, she used to be a beautiful girl in school. .


"Miss, it’s not that we didn’t follow the rules, it was really forced by the situation. You also know that this blizzard came too early, and the orcs were all suffering. Now they are all told that they are going to invade the human kingdom again. Business is really making money with my head!"


   The coachman stood up, with a look of ‘I was forced too, expressing his expression.


   "The same is true of other business groups. How do you make money without taking risks?"


   It's a matter of care, but growls loudly.


   "It is you big bosses who can make money, and it is our servants who are in danger of life. Besides, their salaries are several times higher than ours."


   The coachman's expression was timid, but his eyes were full of cunning, and his words did not give in.


  The driver who was originally satisfied with the salary increase felt unfair again this time. The guilt of the trouble just disappeared immediately, and all looked at the lady, ready to wait for a statement.


   "You don't have to worry, the caravan guards can certainly protect everyone's safety, and I have paid the taxes, there is the battle flag of the Duke of Downton, and the orc tribes and indigenous people who have friendship with Barak will sell a face!"


Miss    defended her and stabilized her mind.


   "What if the army comes?"


  The head of the coachman was unwilling to give up, and gave a glance to some familiar coachmen. They immediately clamored, and the other coachmen also hesitated.


   "Miss, they want to add money!"


  Experienced in managing affairs. When she saw the young lady, she also persuaded her and reminded her immediately that what was safe was an excuse for salary increase.


Missy took a deep breath and was caught in a dilemma. Especially after glancing around, her heart became more bitter. The driver wanted to add money, and the workers must not be far behind, which would be an expensive expense. She didn't care if she put it aside, but the family is on the verge of bankruptcy, and these payments are life-saving money.


   The rapid horseshoe sounded, Downton turned his head, saw six cavalry drilled out of the pine forest, accelerated, and rushed to the caravan.


   "Haven't repaired the carriage yet?"


   was led by a young man with white light armor and a sharp face against a sharp face.


   "Brother Conte!"


   saw a knight, a flash of joy flashed across the face of the young lady.


   "I have checked for four weeks, and there are no traces of robbers!"


  The knight exhaled with white breath, sweating on his forehead. It was completely a look of prudent business, which moved the young lady even more.


   "Hard work, I prepared hot coffee, let's go for a drink!"


   These guards are the guarantee of the caravan's safety, and Missy dare not dare to neglect.


   "Ye, if people have coffee to drink, we can only drink cold water. By the way, a pound of coffee is better than dozens of gold coins? It is much more expensive than our salary. We are untouchables. How can we qualify for tasting?"


  The head coach's yin and yang sarcasm.


"To shut up!"


   Conti stared at the coachman, ruling the strength of the seventh order. Let him have a kind of majesty without anger.


  The driver and his team suddenly fell silent.


   "Want a salary increase?"


  After hearing Missy's explanation, Conte dismounted, reached out to pat her shoulder, and whispered comfort, "Relax, leave it to me!"




  If she stays in the past, the lady will definitely avoid it, but this time. Both physically and mentally exhausted, she really needs a lot to rely on, and most importantly, Brother Conte did help a lot.


   With the death of his father, the family collapsed completely, many people left, and even stolen a lot of things. Conte not only stayed, but also used his reputation and salary guarantee, so that this family guard did not disperse. Otherwise, this time the caravan trade was not guarded and could not be done at all.


   "Don't be it, it's so late. There is no way to hurry up. Let everyone camp overnight on the spot. You have also been busy for a day. You must be tired. Go to rest early?"


   Conte whispered softly, with a gentle smile on his face, but when faced with the driver, he became angry, "Hey. The salary is increased, everyone is happy. If you are still not satisfied, don't blame me for being welcome."


   "Do you still plan to beat us up?"


  The coachman sarcasm.


   "Beat people? No. I will find someone to stare at you. No matter where you go to work in the business group, I will tell your boss about your misdeeds. Who would dare to hire you in this way?"


   Conti's threat made the driver hesitate. Indeed, no one likes this kind of dishonest guy.


   "If the trade goes smoothly, everyone will get a bounty when they return to Drankfork, but if you still want to make trouble, it's okay to die a few people without any problems!"


   Conti gave carrots and threw a stick.


   "Hopefully say good bounty, Lord Conte don't pay the bill!"


  The coachman no longer insisted, and sat back.


   "Leave the road open first, didn't you see anyone waiting?"


   The person in charge of the job was backed up, his anger became full, and he shouted loudly.


   "It's really troublesome!"


  The coachmen were scolding and dying slowly.


   Downton frowned. At this speed, when they moved, the sky was dark.


   "It's really embarrassing!" Missy came over and apologized with a smile on her face, "It's dangerous to rush off at night, and there are many robbers around here. You don't stay here tonight. At least we have guards here."


   "We are not afraid of robbers!"


   Walnut pouted, it should be said that little Lolita wouldn't want the robber to come home. Since following Downton, she hasn't enjoyed the fun of robbing robbers for a long time.


   "Little sister, the robber is terrible!"


  The elder lady whispered carefully, "I'm sorry for the delay in your time. I'm all responsible for dinner and accommodation. It's counted as a compensation!"


   "Okay, then trouble!"


   Downton glanced at Conte~www.wuxiaspot.com~ agreed, in fact, according to the plan, after dark, the ancient spear will land, they will go to rest in the cabin.


   "Then I will retreat first!"


Miss    left.


   "You are too reckless to go out, you should be careful, these guys don't even have a guard, they don't look like businessmen, who knows who?"


   Conte complained.


   "I don't think they look like bad guys."


Miss    argued.


   "Can the bad guys see it?"


  Conti replied, mocking Missy's ignorance, and added a sentence in his heart, "such as me!"


  The guards and the guys worked together to level the land on both sides of the road and set up a tent on it. When the moon climbed into the sky and the stars flickered, the campfire was also lit.


   The smell of the food began to drift in the pine forest. Some beasts appeared and were hunted by the guards. After being directly slaughtered, they were placed on the grill.


   "This young master, our old lady has please!"


   The manager came, invited Downton, who had a plain expression. After seeing Elaine and his team, he suddenly froze. There was no way. A few girls were so beautiful.




◇【To be continued. "This text is provided by Flash God Shadow Team @麒麟迹". If you like this work, you are welcome to subscribe to reward. Your support is the author's biggest motivation. 】

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