Hero’s Creed

: 1096 Bloodfang Bandit Group

pS: See the exclusive story behind "Heroic Creed", listen to your more suggestions for the novel, pay attention to the starting point Chinese network public account (WeChat add a friend and add the public account to enter dd), tell me quietly!

The caravan was on the road again, and the guards' attitude was much better. Not only did they see Downton passing by, they would smile with a long distance, and they even asked if they wanted to guard.

With Downton's strength, what kind of guards are needed, these guys are just diligent. If they are taken by others, being a slave in a nursing home is much safer than running business.

"Uncle, which young master do you say he is?"

Watching Downton shuttle between the pine forests, recording the beautiful scenery all the time, it was completely an outing gesture, Alice asked with a calm face.

"I don't know, they are too low-key!"

The manager sighed and looked at himself for a lifetime, but after all, when he was blinded, the clothes of Downton and his party were not outstanding at all. Ordinary noble families could afford it, and there was no family crest. It was too difficult to distinguish from this. .

"The first time I saw a nobleman who didn't love publicity!"

Alice is puzzled. The noble's family crest is not only a symbol of identity, but also a pass. It is an invisible right. With it, you can get a lot of convenience. Not to mention the protection provided by the security team, it is some robbers and thieves. They will also go around, and even lose their belongings, they will take the initiative to help],.. find it back and send it home.

The nobility is the privileged class of this society!

"Master Romeo will not be a lo*ic*n?"

The governor looked at Downton who was tired of the little walnut, and was very worried. If so, the plan of Missy was afraid to be stranded.

Little Lori was carved in jade and wore a winter dress sewed from a complete animal skin, with thick white fluff on the cuffs and collar. A pattern of squirrels chasing pine cones on her chest, coupled with her smile, is simply cute.

"No way?"

Alice was surprised.

"His maid is still a girl!"

The manager glanced back and lowered his voice to remind that Juliet was so beautiful. But still in the body of the child, Downton had no problem to call the undead, he did not believe that men do not steal.

"At least not gay!"

Alice smiled bitterly and saw Downton come back on a nightmare. She quickly greeted her and wanted to persuade the other party to go to the orc tribe with herself.

"Boss, forget it, we can't afford it!"

Yesterday, I clamored that I wanted to give Downton a good-looking and want to kiss Fang Ze several guards at this time completely annihilated, fearing the boss to die.

Conte said nothing. Watching Alice speak to Downton in a low voice, her gaze can stab people.

"My time is limited..."

Downton hadn't finished speaking the rejection, suddenly raised his head and looked forward.

"what happened?"

Alice was unknown, but soon she heard a rapid horseshoe and followed a team of cavalry into the field of vision.

"It's the Bloodfang Bandit Group!"

Someone in the caravan shouted, and the voice was full of horror.

"He really is strong!"

Alice was shocked. Romeo heard the sound of a horseshoe several minutes ahead of himself, at least the Dragon Slayer.

"Miss. What should I do?"

The convoy was a mess, and the manager saw Conte not issuing any passwords, completely picking the pick, and only asking Alice.

"Master Romeo, more than 300 lives of the caravan, all rely on your protection!"

Alice dismounted. Kneeling down quite simply, she should have worried about the safety of the caravan, but looking at Downton's calm profile, she suddenly felt that even if it was the famous war buck robber band on the grassland, he could solve it. .

"Get up!"

Downton replied lightly.

A group of cavalry came. Wearing a uniform red costume, running like a fiery cloud, it's almost instantaneous, just look at the skilled horse control skills, you know it is not a simple generation.

"Which country's soldiers are posing?"

Downton's face was very dark. The cavalry were wearing cotton armor with both warmth and defense. They were armed with spears, war blades on their waists, a small shield on their left arm, and even a fifty horseman Hand crossbow, this set of equipment will definitely require more than 10,000 gold coins, which is not worse than the regular army.

Alice and his party couldn't answer them, and with their identity and network, they couldn't get access to such high-end intelligence.

"It was the Sixth Army of Mosside. Seven months ago, they defeated the Bloodfang Bandit Group, and then used this name to continue to plunder!"

Juliet explained that, as the deputy head of the free trade zone, she already knew the surrounding conditions well.

"Mosid's hands are long enough. I'm still worried that there is no excuse to clean it up. It actually came to the door. When it comes back from the orcish empire this time, it will be operated on!"

Downton sneered, what is the fastest way to get rich? Of course it is robbery. As a neighbor of Drankforth, Moseid, although belonging to the third-rate, the wealth accumulated over the centuries is also a coveted figure.

Alice was very close. All of them heard the conversation between the two. The information Juliet had shocked her, but Downton’s **** declaration even made her afraid. The man in the eyes, who is he?

Blood-fanged robbers are used to looting and take a glance. According to the size and number of caravans, they can see how the other party's guarding power is. So when I saw this soft persimmon with gold roses, there was a threat. He didn't let go of the ruthless words and directly killed him.

More than thirty cavalrymen ran out of the brigade and detoured from the left and right sides, completely annihilating the enemy.

Kick! Kick!

As the distance gradually drew closer, the speed of the warhorse also began to increase. As the regiment continued to make gestures, the cavalrymen held the shield in their left hands and grasped the dragon guns in their right hands.

There is no password, but the silence makes the atmosphere more suffocating.

"It's over, it's all over!"

The legs of the manager were all soft.

An **** saw the situation was not good, turned around and ran.


Downton turned around with a knife, and the magical energy blade shot out, chopping him and his horse into two pieces, and scattered blood and offal.

"Who is running, kill in place!"

Downton's roar. It was like a thunder on the ground, calming down the panicked business group directly, and some servants even had a headache, and fell to the ground with their heads held.

"Master, you don't have to shoot, look at me!"

Juliet finished. Shaking the rein, riding a Sherman and the bear rushed out.


As the commander shouted, the cavalry's bodies swayed forward, like a bow string that suddenly tightened and loosened, uh! Uh! Uh! The spear shot into the caravan like a cloud.

Benedict! Benedict! Benedict!

Except for a bad luck with a smashed foot, the servants who had long been staring at the spear were not injured. They hid under the truck and shivered.

Downton is not the beginning of the battlefield~ Brother. Therefore, it is known that the purpose of this wavelength spear projection is not to kill the enemy, but to destroy the morale of the enemy and cause collapse.

If it was not Downton who had stabilized his position, the servants who had fled had already dispersed their defenses, and all the cavalry had to do was chase after them.

The head of the team stared at Juliet's appearance, and a flash of kinkyness flashed in her eyes, evil, such a beautiful woman, it was a pity to kill. However, after a long battle, he also understood that such a courageous person. Either a madman or a strong enemy, so without hesitation, he waved his sword.

Ten crossbows fired the crossbow arrows in their hands, and three of them flashed reddish fluorescent light, that is the broken magic arrow.

In order to kill in one blow, the leader of the regiment gave blood. The other cavalry also thought that Juliet would die, so she no longer controlled her, but pulled out the war blade and prepared to charge.

"Be careful!"

Alice shouted subconsciously, and saw Juliet draw a knife. Crushed all the crossbow arrows, and then waved continuously, a dozen or so magic blades were shot.

boom! boom! boom!

The cavalry rushing to the front line instantly blew into blood, and turned into shattered corpses.

"how is this possible?"

The head of the group was shocked and just about to order Juliet to gather fire. As a result, he saw the space fluctuate and a huge abyss demon was killed from the octave.

"Di Maria?"

"Super Warcraft?"

Without the command of the regiment, the cavalry who almost stunned their eyes were tightening the reins subconsciously, and they would turn around and escape from the battlefield.

"Haha, I can finally have a small meal!"

Di Maria grinned, waving a wave of magic bullets, the torn cavalry was torn apart, and the flesh and blood rained down.

"Kill, don't stay!"

Downton originally wanted to protect Alice, but the emergence of Di Maria made the two-wing cavalry no longer charge, so he counterattacked.


The guards are cunning people. Although the robbers were defeated, they did not lose any points, so they were very happy, but they did not work hard. However, after seeing dozens of dragon guns suddenly appearing and shooting the enemy over, they Accelerate immediately, to pick up cheap.

According to the rules of the battlefield, as long as they contribute, the loot will have their share. Of course, the guards are not afraid to take the food, but just think that people like Downton must not look down on these loot.

Both the head and the deputy commander were in the adjudication order, and released their respective demon servants, hoping to block Di Maria, but in the end, even without a face, was torn by the abyssal demon and swallowed into his stomach.

A dozen magic circles appeared on the ground. An ugly demon soldier crawled out and ran like a hound to chase down the cavalry.

"This is over?"

The face of the affair was unbelievable. Originally, I thought that I was dead. Unexpectedly, in a blink of an eye, the battle situation was reversed, and the enemy died.

Conte watched the abyss demon soldiers devour the corpse, and his face was pale. It was ridiculous that he still thought of revenge in the future. I am afraid that it will not catch up with this gap for a hundred years, no, a thousand years.

"Will... would it be too cruel... vomit!"

Alice was too soft-hearted to watch the robbers being eaten and said a word~www.wuxiaspot.com~ Then she squatted on the ground and spit out.

"grown ups……"

The guards came back with a bunch of weapons and armor, especially crossbows, but they were all objects of contention, but they were very acquainted and put their money bags on the ground, which was filial to Downton.

"Uncle, clean the battlefield, these things are for you!"

Downton was too lazy to ask for those **** gold coins.

"Okay, very good, no, no, we killed so many people, and the Bloodfang Bandit Group will definitely retaliate."

After escaping from the disaster, I was very happy to be in charge of it, but I quickly responded again. They are regular soldiers, and they must be reported. (A good event to drop a pie in the sky, a cool mobile phone is waiting for you! Follow us~Dot/Chinese network public account (Wechat add a friend and add a public account to enter dd), participate now! Everyone has a prize, now follow dd immediately WeChat public account!) (To be continued...)

pS: The state is not very good, you need to adjust it, only one more, please forgive me!


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