Hero’s Creed

Chapter 1098: Giant

If it is the spring and summer season to the sunset prairie, you can see the green grass and flowers blooming like a waterfall, dotted with lambs everywhere, curling like a moving cloud.


Even if it is a racial enemy, humans have to admit that the shepherdess’ laughter and singing are the most beautiful tunes on the grassland. Their crippled figure bears too much happiness, but now, the yellow grass roots have replaced everything, everywhere There is a sign of solitude.


   The cold wind blew through, like a sharp knife piercing the body, even if the hands and feet have been frozen and numb, but still can feel the tingling.


   The affair wrapped the jacket around his body and glanced back. The blood-fanged robbers were shouting their horns and dragging the truck forward.


   "Fortunately, Master Romeo, otherwise this trade, even **** will have to pay off!"


   I am very glad to be in charge of the affairs. If I count on the servants, how much trouble I might have had, but it's a pity that a maid beside me is prettier and more powerful than Missy, otherwise Alice will marry him and the family will absolutely turn over immediately.




   Downton drove to Juliet and Elaine, handed them a jug of wine, "Drink, warm yourself!"


   "Will these people freeze to death?"


Although Yilian is a priesthood, it is a scepter level anyway. The body is well strengthened, plus the thick winter coat, this cold is nothing at all, but it is the robbers, the frozen skin has opened the flesh, there are A few of them even froze their legs.


   Without Elaine's magical treatment, these people will have amputation.


   "Frozen to death, the master didn't kill them, and he was very kind."


   Juliet hates the robbers most. Which of these people does not have the blood of the innocent on their hands. To be a robber, you must have the consciousness of being killed.


   "I've been punished. Maybe I will correct the evil?"


   Downton casually dealt with the sentence, if it is in the country, these guys are not dead. He was thrown into the mine and became a slave until he died exhausted.


   Capitalists are cruel. Not to mention the era of slaves, giving these people a bite to eat, Downton is even a kind person.


   "This is the end of being a bad guy!"


   Walnut floated up on an air ray, still holding a frozen hard rabbit, and did not know where she found it.


   came to the prairie, little loli was completely disappointed, and disappeared every day, the brown bear was like a hound. Rely on her less sensitive sense of smell to hunt her.


   Xia Luo had very few words, looking at the direction of the orc holy mountain every day, I don't know what I was thinking.


   "I see it, it's Blue Lake!"


   With the exclamation of an escort, the whole team suddenly swelled, and then cheered, trekking on the endless prairie, because there is no coordinates, I don't know how long I walked every day. Are you lost, so people are more tired.


   Downton raised his binoculars, and some mushroom-like umbrella bags appeared on the horizon. That is the Blue Lake, the orc's first settlement.


   looked not far away, but at dusk, the caravan arrived, and the people were sleepy, almost unable to lift their feet.


   The manager shouted and let these people camp.


   "Why not go in?"


  Ilian puzzled, "Is it easy to be attacked on the periphery?"


   "Respect for the noble lady, this is the unwritten rule of the Blue Lake. In addition to the Empire and the rich caravan, the others are not eligible to enter the Blue Lake!"


   The manager nodded and explained. Not to mention that Elaine has no aristocratic temperament, she alone is Downton's sister. So he did not dare to neglect.


   "You can go shopping!"


   Along the way, Alice has matured a lot, if you put it aside, you have to go to the Blue Lake Market first, rather than appease the caravan.


   "Miss, please go and give Master Romeo a guide, there are enough old slaves here."


   Alice was going to refuse, but when she saw the manager blink, she suddenly understood that this was to give herself a chance to make Downton.


   The Blue Lake belongs to the Lion Lions' territory. A legion is stationed all year round, but this time, the merchants found that the number of soldiers has doubled, and the orc merchants are much less.


The atmosphere has also become particularly irritable, probably because there are more garrisons, or because the human merchants took advantage of the snowstorm and the asking price is too ruthless, the orcs who came to trade are all grumpy, and their loud voices are far away from the old one. can hear.


   Most of the orcs are rectums, and they don’t hide their emotions, so the orcs are almost glaring at every passing-by person who wants to cut off their heads immediately and move the goods back to their homes.


Usually, the Blue Lake is just a resting point for the caravan. If you want to make a fortune, you have to take the goods to Ujimqin. That is the first big city in the south of the orc. It has a large population and is safer. Buyers Naturally, there are many, and even carrying goods is also full of people, but this time, many merchants have chosen to trade in the Blue Lake, there is no way, it is really worried that there is no return.


Of course, the caravans with background do not care about these. There are now 27 caravans stationed in the Blue Lake, the most famous of which are the Pogia Caravan and the Habsburg Caravan. The former belongs to Lombardy. The people belong to Saint-Germain, and are all rich families.


   The reason why they haven't left is that they are waiting for other business groups to join. They have to say that these caravan masters are too profitable.


  As long as each caravan pays a gold coin, they can get the asylum of the merchant group. Although the other party's asking price is relatively ruthless, as long as the goods are taken to Ujimqin, the profit will be filled.


   For the two large business groups, it is necessary to take a trip anyway, it does not matter if there is more cumbersomeness.


   It’s not that there is no business group complaining, preparing to form a large business group action, and concentrating the guarding forces, thinking that the enemy will not dare to loot, but it turns out that the orcs are not afraid at all, and they should kill.


   At this point, the business people realized why the giants are the giants, that is, when the war comes, they still have a relationship and can be unimpeded in the enemy country.


In such cold weather, the market was very depressed and there was nothing good. Downton wandered around for a while and then returned to the camp. As a result, a middle-aged man with a big beard dropped a stack of gold tickets in disdain. Uncle's face.


   "Do you think I'm called Hanako? If you don't have 500,000 gold coins, just get out as soon as possible!"


   The bearded man is powerful and he will leave after finishing talking.


   "Wait, sir, are you convenient?"


   The steward accompanied the smiling face. I ran a few steps in a hurry, pulled it, and pulled out a stack of gold tickets. Tucked into the beard's pocket.




   reached out with a big beard, and his face sank. Shaking off the hands of the manager, he has dealt with finance for many years, and he knows how much money it is by feeling alone.


   "Hey, you can discuss it again!"


   The matter is in a hurry.


   "Go away, less touch me with your dirty hands!"


   The bearded man was disgusted. They also had a tacit understanding with the orcs, and no caravan could shelter them. Someone had to give someone a soup to drink, so these shabby caravans became abandoned.


   "Uncle, don't ask him anymore, it's a big deal. Let's sell the goods here!"


   Alice couldn't see it anymore and ran out.


   "Huh? This is..."


   The beard's eyes suddenly lighted up, and he leaned into the ear of the steward, "Give her to Master Donovan, and I will allow you to join the group!"




  I didn't even think about it, and immediately refused.


   "Hum, toast without eating fines. If I didn't see her tonight, you know the consequences!" The beard turned back after a few steps, and a grin appeared in the corner of his mouth. "By the way, the prairie has not been quite flat lately, pay attention to defense!"


  I still have to chase after the affair, but was kicked to the ground by a guard with a big beard.


   "Uncle, let's sell the goods here!"


   Alice cried and didn't want to watch the matter.


   "Hey, it's not that easy!"


  Manage sigh, what is a loss. This is the way to go out and beg for life, but I am afraid of losing money. No money was earned.


   "I have anything to help, just speak!"


   Downton doesn't think of Alice in any way. Caring about her only because she is her own national.


   "Hey, what can you do for me?"


   The manager hesitated for a while, after all, he didn't say this.


   "Is it troublesome?"


   asked Alice in the tent.


   "I took a look at it, there are very few orc merchants. Our goods want to get out of business, and we can't make enough profits at all."


   sighed as though he was a teenager.


   "Do I have to go to Ujimqin?"


   said Alice, her voice went down. This time, the trade was broken, and you could not make money to pay back loans and debts. It was completely the same as not running.


   "Romeo is very good at playing, should he help us?"


   couldn't bear this dignified atmosphere, Alice spoke.


"What's the matter of killing a blood-tooth bandit group? The orc bandits here are so many, not to mention the regular army posing, I was originally planning to fight the group, and now I offended the Borgia business group, and no one dares to take it. We are."


  The affair cursed these vampires~www.wuxiaspot.com~He gave it at the price of previous years, but whoever knew that big beard directly raised it five times.


   Alice was silent for eighteen years and found for the first time that life is so difficult!


   "Miss, please go to rest, remember any trouble, just call Elaine and Romeo!"


The manager didn’t dare to tell Alice that she had been stared at by the big beard, what to give to Master Donovan first, but they were the famous young talents of the Borgia family, but that title, just how many women rushed to recommend themselves Pillows, no need to ask, it must have been a big beard who took a fancy to Missy's beauty and made him an excuse.


   was speechless all night, and the servant spent all his time in anxiety. When he got up in the morning, he was relieved and was gritting his teeth to prepare a large sum of money. When he went to try again, there was a sudden swearing outside the camp.


   The manager rushed out of the tent, and saw a group of orc soldiers picking up the goods. Not to mention the guards and robbers didn't dare to go up. Even if they didn't start, they were beaten by the orcs, let them roll out of the tent, and all squat in the open air.


   "It's over, it's all over!"


   The stewards were cold, sitting on the ground with a buttocks. The other party wanted more than Missy, and even intended to swallow the goods.


   One night, the beard had figured out that this golden rose was coming, and it was strange not to start!




◇【To be continued. 『』. If you like this work, you are welcome to subscribe to reward. Your support is the author's biggest motivation. 】

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