Hero’s Creed

Chapter 1102: Identify themselves

For a whole day, the United Chamber of Commerce did not finish even twenty miles. The robbers were like ghosts and undead souls, always wandering on the side.


In addition to the wind wolf cavalry, Downton also finally saw the fighting style of the Chicahua Bull and the War Stag. The former are all tauren riding a woolly rhinoceros. Although they have no heavy armor, their burly body and heavy totem Column, so that they are undoubtedly the best heavy cavalry.


  Many people watched them with their arrows, stepped on a group of guards into meat sauce, and then dragged the goods to leave calmly.


The deer people ride elk and take the light and dexterous route. They all say that the wind wolf cavalry is good at riding and shooting. But what they are really used to is still a wave of arrows to suppress and kill their opponents with a scimitar, but the deer are It's different. They almost never got close. They used only a long bow to kill a huge **** wind.


   These deerman's archery techniques are too precise. Gold coins hanging 100 meters away, even in the wilderness of the wind, can achieve nine out of ten.


  The number of deer is not large, but the killing is the biggest.


   Downton did not lose, so he did not release the Firebird to annihilate the enemy. After all, what was the purpose of the enemy, he had not yet figured it out.


   Merchants are all creatures of interest. After seeing that the Borgia Merchants are no longer being attacked by robbers, the Habsburg Merchants simply quit. Some merchants want to follow and they are also expelled.


   Late at night, the main principals sat in the tent to discuss the countermeasures. For a long time, they couldn't find a way, so they sighed one by one.


   "It's finished, this is dead!"


   Without the gold signboard of the giants, those robbers will be even more unscrupulous. If they lose the goods, they will also be executed if they fled back and left early.




   The tent was opened, and everyone's eyes swept away immediately.


   "How is it? Have you come?"


   "The **** maid said Downton was asleep. I didn't even see him!"


   was pushed out to invite Downton’s agent to look sullen, picked up the kettle, and sighed.


   "It seems that the curve can only save the country. Let's go find Alice!"


  The group said that they would do it, and they stood up in unison. Go to Missy.


   "I don't know what happened to them?"


  Alice didn't sleep intently, wanted to chat with Downton, but couldn't let go.


   "Hey, in our capacity, we are not eligible to participate!"


  Management sigh, which of those business groups are not tens of millions of goods, let alone the principal. Even the servants did not take care of them with right eyes.


   "What's going on outside?"


   Listening to the clutter of footsteps outside, the steward got up and walked out. As a result, the tent was opened, and a group of principals who were walking came and could not wait to yell.


   "Miss Alice, you must help us!"


   "Yes, everyone is dead or alive, it's up to you!"


   "Are you in the fur business? As long as you go back alive, how many items are there, our family bought them all."


   A group of principals twitter. With no plea for impertinence, several anxious people even knelt down.


"what happened?"


   Alice was stunned, "What can I do. How can I be qualified to help you?"


   "Miss, this is that you are not right. With the way of life, you must not forget us!"


   Some people complained that they felt that Alice was following Don Dunton, and the safety must be worry-free. As for the goods, it was a wool, and they were the hands of the king of Drankford. There is more than one count in a finger.


   "Miss. I knelt down for you. I used to be disrespectful to you. It was my fault. There are a lot of your adults. Forgive me once, but this time, anyway, give us a way of life!"


   A big businessman knelt down and cried with a snot and tears.


Alice panicked. The man in front of him knew that she had to wait for three days outside the house in order to sell the goods. As a result, others blasted her away without even seeing her face, but now, she kneels on the ground humbly. ...


   "You guys, have you explained your words?"


  Puzzled, "we are worrying too!"


   "This joke is not funny!"


   "Stop talking nonsense, what does Lord Downton mean?"


   "Yeah, if he asks for money, he will help, and give him an amount, we will never bargain!"


  Businessmen feel that Downton should have a way to retreat from the enemy, but it does not appear now, just to take advantage of the opportunity.


   "Who? Downton?"


   The manager was stunned, and took out his ears, "I said to you, you are too high-spirited, how could I know Duke Downton?"


   Alice was shocked, but guessed a possibility.


   "Okay, your goods were bought by several of our business groups. Afterwards, please be more attentive!"


   Several principals have already passed the gas, and directly took out the gold ticket transaction, regardless of the price, and the extra, even if it is a labor fee.


   "Wait, what the **** is going on?"


   looked at the total of three million gold tickets in his hand, and he was dumbfounded. "Downton? Just like my miscellaneous fish, even the porter of others is not qualified to know!"


   "Miss, this is what is wrong with you, be content with life!"


   Some of the principals have a bad face, thinking they want a big lion to speak.


   "What nonsense?"


   Someone worried that these words annoyed Alice, and pulled her companion in general, and quickly lost her smile.


   "Duke Dunton, are you talking about Master Romeo?"


  Alice asked.


   "What Romeo? That's the hand of your King Frankel, the famous Duke of Downton, the gossip boyfriend of the Bavarian Rose!"


   "Still the first star in the North, the new NATO Speaker!"


   "Isn't he and Barak good friends? Let him go to a letter and ask him for help!"


   The principals are full of talk.


   Alice was stunned. No wonder these businessmen would come and go. It was because of Romeo, no, it's Downton now.


   "Goddess is on, did you hear the old ones right?"


   The manager was scared and hurriedly recalled whether he had acted rudely, followed by excitement. If the young lady became his lover, wouldn't the Alice family walk sideways in China?


   Hearing the movement, Conte just heard this and completely froze. Ridiculously, he was still thinking of revenge. I am afraid there is no chance for ten lifetimes?


   glanced at the guards who followed, and left Conte, a magician who ruled the pinnacle. For them, it is an unattainable backstage, but Downton. That is the existence that you can't even see if you look up. They are marshals. If you breathe, you can destroy Conte.


   "Thanks for not offending him!"


  The guards were fortunate and frightened, and they decided to assist Alice well. As for shooting Downton’s ass, they never thought about it, because they were not qualified.


   Alice did not collect money. But still talking for the principals.




   Downton glanced at the young lady and continued to study the map.




   After all, Alice couldn't hold her back, she knelt down and humbled her voice, "See you, lord!"


   "Did you know?" Downton is most afraid of this kind of scene. As a host, it is really not easy to want a friend. "Get up, sit!"


   Alice opened her lips a few times. But thinking of Downton's brilliant records and rumors, he never dared to speak.


   "Is it for those principals to see?"


   Downton asked back.




   Seeing Juliet come in with tea, Alice quickly got up and thanked her. Even the maid in the hands of the king has a higher status than himself.


   "Let them come in!"


   A group of principals came in. After saluting, they automatically stood next to them, not to mention sitting down, even the atmosphere did not dare to catch a breath, all lowered their eyes.


   This scene made Alice feel like a needle-pin felt, and she also more clearly realized how powerful Downton's power was!


   "Do you want to live. Or do you want to die with the goods?"


   Downton straightened his eyes, his eyes swept across the faces of everyone.


   "Adult. We pay no less than 50 million taxes to the free trade zone every year, you may abandon us!"


   The principals cried.


   "Shut up. Answer the questions!"


   As soon as Juliet spoke, the principals felt that their necks were tight, and the maid killed them in the morning, which really frightened them.


   "No goods, we have to die!"


   The principals are desperate.


   "Then you will die!"


   Downton frowned.


   "Don't, I choose to live!"


  Obviously, the agent of the organic spirit knew that Downton might have a way, so he quickly opened his mouth.


   "Sir, please don't make us happy, if you have anything, just say it?"


   Soon, the principals knelt to the ground and banged their heads in the sky. If it weren’t Downton’s identity problem, they would have sent gold coins and beautiful women.


   "Everyone's **** is concentrated, there are more than 3,000 people, and it is also a great force. Now it is passive, completely because of the drag of the caravan!"


   Downton observes these people's expressions, looking for the guy who can't be half-hearted.


   "You mean, throw the goods to them as bait, let's take the opportunity to escape?"


   "Stupid, the meaning of adult is to stagger the robber with the goods, and then we wait for the opportunity to attack until they are defeated!"


   There are talents in the principal, guessing Downton's idea.


   "You are good, are you interested in working in the Wang Ting of Drankford?"


   Downton smiled.


   "May you die for your adults!"


   The named principal was taken aback for a while, then he knelt down and endured the joy in his heart to thank him~www.wuxiaspot.com~ Being an official is much better than being an agent at a merchant's house.


what? Make less? Not to mention the improvement of social status, black income alone can make people dream and wake up. Looking at the jealous eyes of other principals, we know how difficult this position is.


   "Very good, the plan is to discard the supplies, gather lightly, and then attack the robbers along the way!" Downton's expression became fierce, "Who wants to eat this cake, you must be prepared to break your teeth!"


   "But we can't beat others?"


   is worried about the principal, these three robber groups are outside the name of the fierce, with everyone's guarding power, they are not opponents at all.


"The three gangster groups are not the same. At this moment, they are eager to reduce each other's staff, and then take the opportunity to get more supplies, so they can rest assured that once the war starts, they will never support each other. As long as a gangster group, my subordinates can also One battle!"


   Downton gave everyone a peace of mind.


   The principals are still worried.


   "Huh, the master is not letting you as cannon fodder, but letting you pick up the leak after the battle. If the master's cavalry regiment did not bring it, it would be strange to use you!"


  Julie Ye rolled her eyes, these people really love the gentleman's belly with the heart of a villain!


   The principals laughed, and quickly delivered the fart.




◇【To be continued. "This text is provided by Flash God Shadow Team @爱瞑风". If you like this work, you are welcome to subscribe to reward. Your support is the author's biggest motivation. 】

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