Hero’s Creed

Chapter 1140: His Majesty the Lion King

There was no hesitation in Downton's eyes, and perseverance was like a rock. The cheap **** is shocked, the battle situation has not eroded to the point of irreversible, at least the twin angels and firebird may have a way, but once using the secret method, with a probability of ninety-nine, Downton will no longer be able to step into the realm of St. Aoxun For a talented magician, this is more cruel than killing him. "This is a decision you made, don't curse me in the future!" Homer warned while picking out an altar in the plane space, preparing to sacrifice to light it. "Wait, do you know what the consequences of doing this represent?" The cheap God returned to God and directly stopped Homer. "This means that he will never be able to peer into the realm of God!" "The realm of God?" Homer was startled, and stopped the sacrifice. "With Downton's talent, it took hundreds of years, and there is always a good chance of entering the St. Aoxun's Order. If you are lucky enough, it is possible to touch the realm of God!" This is the unspeakable secret, even if it is cheap God, as soon as he spoke, he was attacked by the force of the law of tyranny, and the soul of the **** was shocked, almost broken. "Everything is gone!" Downton roared, but Homer was indifferent, preferring to watch him die rather than using secret methods. This is something that cannot be done. For Homer, an unpromising owner does not need any loyalty. He will even kill him and re-select the next owner. "I was also influenced by emotions, and I forgot the original intention of the birth of the magic book. Was it because I got along for too long?" Homer sneered, apologizing to Downton, "Sorry!" "Damn!" Downton cursed in his heart. Shouted loudly, "God said, to... Poo!" It was necessary to use powerful God's words to resist Kompany's offensive, but the power was too great to wait for it to be said. Don't talk about blood. Some parts of the body turned into blue smoke, drifting away with the light breeze. "I can die in my hands. You are also proud!" Compagni appeared in front of Downton with a grin, cut out with a knife, and it was over. The free trade zone is finally in its own hands. It is simply a cash milk that is fighting for gold every day. It is squeezed out of golden gold coins. With it, you will soon become the richest man of the orcs. Downton hasn't given up yet, gritting his teeth, preparing to explode the two soul bodies for a little time. "Scramble meaningless!" Compagni sneered, but the next moment. The expression of the winning ticket changed greatly, and the whole person retreated crazy, but it was still a half-slow. A pale palm tears the weathered field. It was printed on Compagni's chest. boom! Kompany was like being hit by a heavy artillery. The whole person flew straight out, spitting blood, and broke dozens of stone pillars in a row. Snapped! As if the dragonfly was looking at the water, a slender beautiful leg appeared in Downton's field of vision, and the toes fell to the ground. Lan Xing arrived. Glancing at the injured Downton, he waved it casually. The weathered area collapsed, and at the next moment, everyone returned to the hall. "What do you mean?" Compagni climbed up and tried to question, but because of strength, he had to slow down. Now he is very embarrassed, Lan Xing just hit his palm, so that his soul and body have been hit hard. It seems that the rumors are true, and she has stepped into the ranks of Saint Ao Xun. "Downton is my master!" Lan Xing said concisely. "It's impossible!" Compagni didn't believe it. His brother promised a hereditary duke title. He did not hesitate to seal a piece of fat grassland for the storm elf to gain his loyalty. What could Downton do? "Retreat, or die!" Lan Xing didn't give Kompany face. "This is a private affair between us and Downton. It is about the livelihoods of tens of millions of people. How can you shrink back because of you?" Compagni was frightened, but he was not reconciled. Lan Xing has no nonsense, raising her hand to prepare for an attack. "Are you going to tear down the king capital? Oh, Marquis Lan Xing?" A red cardinal stepped out so casually and appeared in the hall. When he saw Lan Xing, he said hello. Footsteps sounded, and a group of people poured in. "Your Highness, are you okay?" Saint Laurent's diplomat ran to Yilian for the first time, his face scared pale, and urged the pastors, "Hurry, check!" "I'm fine!" Yilian worriedly Looked at Downton. "Kompany, do you dare to attack our Highness, do you want to fight our Saint Laurent?" The diplomat snarled at Kompany, as the emissary of the empire, he had this confidence. "Duke Downton, what do you mean?" The Bavarian diplomat asked Downton and stared at Companion secretly, but the future Prince, His Royal Highness, must be good. "This is an internal matter of our business group, and you are too wide!" Kompany's mouth was tough, but he knew the plan would fail. "Wow, do you orcs do business like this? Who dares to cooperate with you in the future?" "Good, not negotiation, but direct killing, so terrible!" The two diplomats sang one peace, ridiculed Compagni, and Some orcs and nobles heard the news, and it was embarrassing to hear this. "Everyone take a step back?" Archbishop Pirlo and the mud, also glanced at Compagni vaguely, there is no problem with this kind of activity, but it can't be found, Downton is not a miscellaneous fish, a careless, just It's hard to end. "No!" Not only Compagni, but even the few shareholders didn't even think about it, and refused directly. After this conflict, Downton absolutely suppressed the tauren. In the future, he wanted to maintain this commercial preferential treatment. It was a delusion. "Haha, I'm not happy yet. Starting today, the trade between the Tauren and I ended. Everyone, who is interested in my free trade zone, can come to discuss, and I promise to give the most preferential treatment!" Downton said One exit. The orcs and nobles present were excited. "Does this really matter?" These people have long coveted the trade share held by the Tauren, but because they have a very good relationship with Downton, they can't even intervene. Can only envy jealousy and hate, but did not expect the opportunity to come so suddenly. "The tauren are really stupid, and letting this kind of ally don't say to pull it all in, they are actually offended, and they don't know the life and death!" "The brain has no medicine, and I earn a little money. I don't know the value of heaven and earth. I forget the value of Downton. . Without him, they still live in broken tents. Gnawing the grass roots!" "Haha, they are not stupid, where are our opportunities?" The nobles talked about each other and squeezed to Downton excitedly. The invitations were issued, and without exception were the big families of the orc empire. "Duke Downton, you can't do this, we have an agreement!" The shareholders were afraid and ignored Kompany and ran directly to Downton, wanting him to change his mind and speak with respect. "Agreement? Sorry, that's just my preferential treatment for Barak. In the free trade zone, it's up to me. Since you don't cherish it. Give it to others!" Downton shrugged his shoulders. Fei Bi, already sitting in a mature market, does not need to open up again, so all he has to do is to wait for those merchants to take cheques and call their parents to come to the door to cooperate. "Adult. We can provide a lot of cheap goods, even slaves!" Shareholders snorted. Don't hesitate to lower prices, but also let Downton change his mind. "Backed by the business empire of the Lombard Alliance, it has two huge markets of the underground world and the dragon hills. Not to mention there are other orcish business groups. If not, I can play it!" Downton sneered, then looked at After Barak, "Wouldn't you have an opinion?" "No!" Barak wiped the blood on his face. He also killed several people just now. If he is not strong enough, he will definitely clean up the portal and destroy that. Several major shareholders. "Company, please do it!" Juliet gave away. Looking at the corpses of the place, especially the war marshal and the digital scepter, let Compani feel awkward. He didn't want to leave like this, but there was no way. "Let's go, Downton, I'll figure it out with you!" Compagni said harshly. "When I get injured, I will definitely go to you!" Downton hit back and ate the big loss, only one Compaq died. He wanted to make the whole royal family pay the price. "Downton, I'm gone too, this time, I will definitely give you an account!" The wind banquet turned into a Hongmen banquet, which almost caused Downton to die, and Barak blamed himself. He decided to no longer be patient. Unite those allies to attack the established forces. "Watch out for safety!" Downton coughed and raised his fist. He had to go back to treatment, and he didn't have time to talk. "Take care!" Barak clenched his fist and touched Downton's fist, turned and left, a true friend, like-minded, like-minded, even if it has not been seen for several years, the relationship is still like a rock. Pirlo watched the group leave, and when his eyes fell on Charlotte, he couldn't help but take a step forward, trying to catch up with the question, but he finally gave up. "It seems the trouble is not over!" Pirlo sighed. Halfway through, Downton ran into a Taixifeng who led the team to rescue. "These orcs are so greedy, so abominable!" Little Lori was very angry. "What's the matter with your uncle?" Tai Xifeng couldn't help embarrassing. "Don't talk nonsense!" Little Loli's head flicked, Downton sincerely thanked, "Trouble you!" "No help, sorry!" Tai Xifeng is a bad person, in fact, he can come, he has already taken the risk A great risk. In the orc garden, in the flowery back garden, the current King His Majesty Thrall is reviewing the performance. His eyes are deep, his cheeks are thin, he has an unhealthy look, and he will cough a few times from time to time. Despite being so weak and without any overbearing power, Compagni stood beside him, bowing his head and not dare to breathe. "How tempted?" Thrall said. "It's a genius hero, don't kill him, ten years later, it will be our enemy!" Kampani face dignified, "He is more terrible than Heinrich and Dilan Xue, those two people want to conquer The orc empire can only rely on force, but Downton doesn’t have to. This trade will continue. As long as more than ten years, we will completely look forward to his breath and live!" Compagni’s ruthlessness to Downton is more than greed for money. There are also concerns about the Empire National Games. He is a talented student. He once grabbed a place among tens of thousands of geniuses. He was fortunate to be an exchange student at the Dragon Academy of Dragon Realm. If you want to revitalize the Orcs, you must revitalize the economy, so Kompany focuses on economics, so she deeply understands how much damage the soft knife of the free trade zone will do to the orc empire. If you can’t master the free trade zone, then remove it. That’s why he killed Downton. "Over the years, mankind has born one hero after another, but the orcs are all unbearable generations. Why is fate so unfair to the orcs? Has the beast **** already abandoned your people?" Thrall Face full of pain. "Wolf King Garnett, Brother Richard, King of Lions, Tiger Tiger, Tagore, by the way, and Taixi Feng, I believe that the next generation will not live up to your expectations!" Compani comforted. "So we have to bear the infamy and clear all the stumbling blocks for them!" Thrall lamented that the current orc empire is hard to come back, and the class conflicts are becoming more and more serious, especially the tribal segregation led to the fall of power, so that the chiefs of all tribes are in their own tribes. In the same way as the king, he held too many powers. Thrall’s order was issued, and those big chiefs were always defying the truth, so the country wanted to develop, it must clear them and unify the central ~ central power. "Isn't the opportunity coming? I hope those guys don't let us down!" Compani clenched his fists. This time the two-nation peace talks were not as simple as they seemed. Underwater channel ~ www.wuxiaspot.com ~ a stronghold of the Brotherhood. "I hate this cold and wet place!" Moshan complained. "Hey, black robe, why don't you let me kill Downton? Yesterday that was a great opportunity!" "Downton is an important piece. !" The black robe's voice was hoarse. In this environment, there seemed to be a kind of death. "Well, I hate those of you the most. It's always mysterious. What about Juliet? That chick is good. I like it. I'm ready to grab it!" Moshan wanted to spit and express disdain, but Thinking of the identity of the black robe, he gave up. "No, she is also a chess piece. If you hurt her, I will make you a specimen!" Black Robe warned. "What **** can a maid be? It's just a gift of preciousness." Moshan was not angry. "The gap between you is like the Temur Raya Mountains and a stone!" The black robe spoke outspokenly. "I'm a mountain?" Moshan was very happy, but a word from the black robe made his face black. "You are a stone!" "What are you talking about?" Moshan stood up in a sudden, wanting to go wild However, after seeing the guy with blue hair standing behind the black robe, he refrained. "If the first plan fails, I will give you a chance to duel with Downton, before that, don’t act rashly!" The black robe stared at the impatient Magic Mountain, "You have to understand, I can make you, and I can "Destroy you!" Only by standing at the top can you grasp the overall situation and become a player, while the others can only be played by anyone. The delegates couldn't see the future. What they saw was Downton's powerful and endless potential. Some people began to hesitate to show his favor, but Heinrich was like a big mountain, which made them afraid to act rashly. (To be continued)

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