Hero’s Creed

Chapter 1143: Violent walnut

Under the blue sky and white clouds, Donovan was beaten by walnuts in an infinite floating space. Don't fight back, you can't do it on the ground. ≧,

On the huge square, the onlookers raised their heads in unison, like ducks looking up at the sky, watching Donovan being completely abused.

Ordinary people are shocked, because a girl actually beats an adult to no avail, but when she falls into the eyes of the magician, she almost glares her eyes.

Donovan is a great marshal, a great man who can be swept in a second-rate country, but now, the walnut is beaten like a funeral dog on the roadside.

"Go to hell!"

Walnut flashed on Donovan's head, then held his hands together above his head, then slammed it down with all his strength.


There was a red magic shield on Donovan's body, which was his ultimate life-saving magic outfit, but under the brute force of Walnut, he actually broke, and then he was falling in the flare of elemental light, like a meteor. ground.


Dust and gravel splashed around. When the dust dissipated, everyone saw that the hard Thai stone floor was smashed into a large pit more than sixty meters in diameter.

Donovan wanted to curse a few words, but he coughed up blood as soon as he spoke.

"Miscellaneous fish, are you worthy to challenge the big brother?"

The walnut floated in the air, tickled his finger towards Donovan, disdainful!

"I'm going to kill you!"

Faced with such a provocation, and looking at the scornful eyes around him, Donovan was bloody, entered the rage, and charged!

"This is domineering?"

Looking at the terror of Walnut, Dunton was stunned, but it quickly reacted. Although he was the body of Vulcan, he completely exploded 90% of the magical powers. But compared to the rare alternative such as walnut, it is still a lot worse. The guy's flesh is too strong. According to Homer's estimation, even if it is thrown into the plane storm, her body can last for a while. It doesn't shatter instantly like others.

The mystery of Bakongquan is ‘Ba’, and it’s the world’s esteemed one, whoever wants me, the kind of strong will, Jane and Walnut’s body complement each other.

Yes, Lori is the best heir to Bakongquan, so after being taught by Wallenstein for a period of time, his strength has advanced by leaps and bounds.


"Really weak!"

"Very weak!"

Every time whispering, Walnut will hit Donovan. By the third very weak exit, she had lost the mood to compete with this fish, so she took a deep breath and started saving.

Doubtless, everything collapses!

Fuck! Fuck!

In the elemental turbulence, a lot of plane lightning flashed, like a silver snake, madly chasing. Roaring, choking others.

The onlookers are all scared. Fled.

"Wallenstein actually combined Pakong and Titan martial arts together. This wisdom is terrible!"

Homer stared at the walnut with emotion.

Lori's blue magic patterns appeared on her body, especially her arms, the most obvious. This is a sign of the use of Titan martial arts, but what she did was the domineering punch.

"Unfortunately he does not want to teach you!"

The cheap **** ridiculed, and it didn't understand why the great painter valued Juliet so much and ignored the genius of Downton.

"It doesn't matter!"

Downton didn't care. He firmly believed that one day, he could go to Wallenstein's high.

"This kind of mentality is right. On the way to the extreme peak, your companions will be fewer and fewer. In the end, you will be left alone, so you can only rely on yourself!"

I have seen the cheap gods in the sea and felt the deepest feelings.

If Donovan's face was ashamed, he knew that he could not stop the blow, but he was proud of the glory of the door family, so that he could not escape or admit his mistakes.

"Ancestors bless!"

Donovan roared and began to burn his vitality frantically to improve his strength.

"Kill him, the trouble will be great!"

Tai Xifeng saw Downton indifferent and couldn't help reminding.

"I'm never afraid of trouble!"

Downton is paying attention to the walnuts and is always ready to help. As for killing someone, even the prince, he does not care.

The people nearby heard Dunton's words, stunned, and immediately admired the incompetence, Downton was really fearless.


Lei Chan and Long Qi brushed a thumbs up. At this moment, Downton truly subdued the two proud warriors.

"I want to marry him!"

Tutu's eyes were red hearts and he wanted to hold Downton's arm, but the maids took the lead and squeezed beside him.

"Downton, do you want a maid? We can make beds and quilts for free!"

"Ignore her, Downton, I'm still warming up!"

"You go away, Your Highness, we can make any posture, even if it is shameful, we will!"

The maids then recommended themselves and were completely tired of Downton.

"Shut up, flash away, hold back? The tribe's face has been completely lost by you, Xinye Mengmeng knows, pack you up!"

The old maid's heavy maid swept her gaze and threatened to make the maids silent.

"go to hell!"

Momentum reached its peak, and Walnut punched.

Just when the onlookers were surprised that nothing had happened, with a bang, the sky had changed color, the cracks spread, and the black lightning filled, a heavy punch hit Donovan.

This is an attack that contains the power of law, there is no way to avoid it, and there is no way to dodge. Donovan has been trapped on the spot.

"I don't want to die!"

Feeling the pressure of the sky, Donovan was desperate, even smelling the breath of death, and at the moment of giving up resistance, a hand stretched out beside him, a random beat.


As if a major earthquake occurred, the entire space was shocked, and then all the visions disappeared and the clear blue sky reappeared.

"It's just a wrist contest. To fight, please go to the Colosseum!" Professor Abu glanced at Walnut. "Can't come down, poking in the sky, drying salted fish?"

"Eh hey!"

Walnut tapped his head, sticking his tongue out and making a grimace. After floating down from the sky, he obediently stood beside Professor Abu, "Teacher!"

Hearing the name of Walnut, the orcs were frightened. The eyes of those who were envious were all jealous. It was important to know that Professor Abu was a great wise man, a great sage, and a beacon guiding the way forward. How many princes, nobles and young talents are eager for teaching and are unavailable. Unexpectedly, a human loli is cheap.

"You... forget it!"

Professor Abu lowered his head, saw Donovan's eyes lost, fell to the ground with a dull face, and shook his head. Although he was not dead, he had been robbed of his mind and stepped into a legendary hopeless life!

With such an episode happening, no one dared to challenge Downton and Walnut. The two men advanced to the third round.

Suffering from injury, Downton thought that he had the right reason to avoid the meeting, but he did not expect a sudden change in the situation, because Heinrich arrived at the capital.

There is no notice, but no matter the orcs or humans, all arrived at the venue the next day, and no one was absent, which can be seen. How terrifying the prestige of Heinrich has accumulated.

Being late is the right of those in power, so the conference hall, which houses nearly a thousand people, is waiting for a Heinrich and His Majesty the King. Their eyes swayed back and forth on Downton and Di Lanxue.

"Unfortunately, it provokes Heinrich, even if Downton is a genius, he will die!"

There are guys who feel good about Downton.

"Yes, who let the gossip about him and His Royal Highness Dilanxue spread?"

For the rich and powerful. Whether or not the facts are not important, because the rumors start, it means that the family is discredited, so Downton must die, and he must wash these shame with his blood!

Milan Kaka stood up. After clapping his hands and attracting the attention of the audience, he said, "You, since the Duke hasn't arrived yet, then I think I should take care of my personal affairs!"

The delegates are unknown.

"Downton, aren't you going to explain?"

Kaka questioned.


Nearly a thousand pairs of eyes stared at it, and changed to someone else, as if sitting on a needle felt, sweat and rain fell, but Downton remained calm.

"Explain what?"

Downton asked back, picked up the teacup, shook his head, and took a sip. Darjeeling black tea from Brittania was indeed a treasure.

"Of course, to explain the collusion between you and the orc. We don't believe you are a traitor, but there are signs that you are mischievous!"

Baggio interjected, and some representatives also slammed the objection, and the idiot could also see that they were targeting Downton.

However, everyone understands that Downton robbed the post of NATO speaker, and will certainly offend Dead Heinrich, because that is in his pocket, not to mention Di Lanxue, so he has already worked for his Kaka A group of people are going to kill Downton.

"Want to marry Princess Sissy and bring the crown of the Prince of Bavaria? Dream it!"

Baggio stared at Downton, wishing he could be bitten to death.

"Rice can be eaten randomly, but words cannot be messed up, because the former is the one who died, and the latter may be a family, a family, or even a country!"

The Bavarian diplomat was the first to stand up and support Downton. He couldn't help it. He knew how much he admired him. He had been in public more than once and was very satisfied with his daughter's vision.

"You guys, have you ever been a sleeping orc woman? Are you hallucinating now and not paying attention to your body?"

The Saint Laurent diplomat also fired his gun, and he also damaged the orcs by the way.

"What are you?"

The grumpy orc stood up and scolded ~www.wuxiaspot.com~ but was quickly pulled back.

"Heart, don't be fooled, that guy is deliberately angering us so that the focus of Downton can be eased away!"

Some orcs are very smart and see through the diplomat's tricks.

"Rogue? What a big hat, Kaka, Baggio, if you don't have a reason, don't blame me for being rude!"

Downton did not flinch. He knew that such a thing would explode sooner or later. Instead of dragging it down, it would be better to resolve it in the face of the representatives of various countries.

"Is the existence of a free trade zone considered an enemy? The entire continent knows that humans and orcs are not tradeable, but you are good, take advantage of this opportunity to make great profits!"

Kakayi's right words, "Are you stupid than you, don't know this opportunity? No, everyone knows, but they are not shameless to give up the benefits of humanity to earn this dirty gold coin!" (To be continued...) r52


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