Hero’s Creed

Chapter 1145: Heinrich arrived

boom! boom! boom!

Every time the illusion punches, it is like a heavy artillery bombardment, the trembling air explodes, and a circle of waves sways.

The delegates around backed away in a hurry, afraid of being affected. After all, this is a marshal-level battle. If you don’t pay attention, you will die, but the fish below the Dragon Order will shake, and you will not stand. The roar filled.


Kaka's magic defense shattered, and the fragments shattered, and he quickly retreated.


A red halo appeared at the foot of Kaka, spreading upwards, covering the whole body, and finally forming a crown on the top of the head.

In an instant, the body of the Prince of Milan swelled, his muscles increased, his veins swelled like earthworms, and he could see the bulge of big lychee packs madly surging, which was conveying full of magic energy. The essence of blood!


Kaka was so angry that his hair stood up one by one.

"This is an autonomous rage!"

There was a loud cry of excitement throughout the audience. No matter when, autonomous violentness can only be understood by talented melees.

"Downton is too big!"

Blind by the strong wind, the delegates could hardly open their eyes, but when they saw Kaka's momentum rising instantly, they thought it would be a fierce battle, and only some people immediately thought that Downton was a Templar, and naturally realized two things. Praise, but to their surprise, this guy didn't use it.

"It's important to give my teeth!"

In Downton's roar, his right foot stepped on the ground violently, and appeared in front of Kaka, punching with a fiery flame!


The flames ignited, forming a ring of flames, spreading all around. Kaka had defended with all his strength, but he still underestimated the power of Downton. At the moment of the bombardment, his arms were twisted irregularly, and the whole person flew out.


Downton stepped on the left foot and suddenly exerted force. The wings formed by a pair of flames spread out. In the fluttering of the wings, the whole person accelerated, just like an arrow from the string, and then caught up with Kaka first.

Double flash!

Uh! Uh!

Downton drew his sword, and the giant dagger drew a dazzling line of fire in the air, slashing Kaka.

Kaka has activated all the life-saving magic outfits, and the whole person is wrapped under a colorful shield. Attack? Don't joke, under Downton's strong blow, there is no scaring, it is already very good.

Downton suddenly stopped, stepped on the right foot, the war blade retracted, and took a knife-drawing posture. After taking a deep breath, the knife suddenly came out!

Multiple flash strikes!

This is a flash of sublimation!

Uh! Uh! Uh!

Although it was a continuous slash, Downton's knife was too fast, so that the space was filled with red fire lines in an instant.

This slash should be invisible and invisible, but because Downton uses the Vulcan mode, it is like an enchant, with flame magic, and the enemy will be hurt by fire poison after being hit.

Kaka scared a lot of dead souls. Until now, he knew that although he was also a marshal, he had a far-reaching gap with Downton's strength.


In full resistance, Kaka roared, the air in the hall showed a rippled vibration, a red jellyfish three times larger than the Komodo War Behemoth floated out, and a terror soul shocked the umbrella surface. Flock to Downton's heart.

At the same time, the jellyfish launched an ultrasonic attack, and if it was not reminded by Kaka, its tentacles would also shoot out a chain of lightning to magically suppress it.


The anger of the Lonely Mountain radiated, Downton's left eye shone brightly, and the hanging spider pattern shone brightly, but he didn't care about this jellyfish, because the twin angels appeared.

Surrounded by holy white light, Fiona and Artis shoot out of the war space. They have a silver gun, a holy shield, and white wings. They are gorgeous and beautiful, but their behavior is extraordinarily bloody.

Uh! Uh!

The twin angels thrown, and the silver gun with the spiral pattern was like two lightning bolts, without breaking the shield of the jellyfish, and inserted it into its body.

The jellyfish screamed, it attacked, but all were blocked by the Holy Shield.

As the green blood flew away, the Twin Angels killed him, and pulled out the holy sword they were wearing to anger.

This is an attack with the rule of law, leaving a word shape on the jellyfish. The attack is not over yet. The twin angels intersect it and cut it with their backhands.


A jellyfish composed of more than 90% of the body's water is like a broken hot water bottle.

"This is super-order Warcraft!"

The representatives of the third-rate countries were shocked. A super beast is a treasure of the country in their own country. Don’t kill in seconds, it is normal death. They all have to cry to death, but soon, they are relieved again. Who is the opponent of the jellyfish? ? Twin angels!

Throughout the history of the Western Continent, there are a handful of heroes who have angels as servants.

"Kaka is miserable!"

"Yeah, kicking the iron plate!"

"Downton is really arrogant, Kaka is going to learn a lesson this time!"

The delegates talked about that, until now, although two people were hot, no one thought Downton would kill Kaka, because they are the princes of Milan.

Only Kaka, who was at the center of the battle front, could understand Downton's surging intent to kill, so he didn't ask for help.

"Baggio, Duke Klinsmann, help me!"

Kaka has given up his attack and defended with all his strength.

The twin angels floated in the air, just looked at Baggio, but did not intercept, but he did not dare to cross the Lei Chi.

Klinsmann was indifferent.

"Dead, Vulcan Banner!"

Downton turned into a flame, like a cloud of fire in the sky, swept past and drowned Kaka in the endless sea of ​​fire!

"Save me!"

Kaka's vision was filled with bright red fires, and the hot, manic, murderous flames poured into his body from his mouth, ears, and even every pore.

The screaming came to a halt, Kaka was completely ignited, the whole person was turned into fuel, and was refined into a flame banner, in the hall, waving in the wind!


Many people murmured and began to tremble. They didn't expect that Downton was so lawless that he killed Prince Milan Kaka under the eyes of everyone.

"Look, is that Hazard?"

A representative exclaimed, above the flame banner, in addition to a flaming bird soaring its wings, there were several portraits of angry characters. They were so vivid that they were so vivid.

"This is the banner of Vulcan, which can incinerate enemies, burn their bodies to ashes, imprison their souls forever, imprinted on the battle flag, and show their merits and achievements!"

Bavarian diplomats are proud of the introduction, Kaka is dead, but it is good news.

"Downton, I will kill you!"

Hazard roared.

Downton didn't pay attention at all, and snapped his fingers, the Vulcan banner shattered into fireflies and dissipated in the air.

"Who wants me to explain?"

Downton asked, glancing at the audience.

This time, even Baggio didn't dare to speak, because the Twin Angels were staring at him.

"No doubt, then I am innocent!"

Downton shrugged his shoulders, then looked at the person in charge of the meeting, "Sorry, broke the meeting room, go to my maid, she will pay the price!"

"I'm out of compensation!" It was the zebra who spoke first and gave applause. "Thank you Duke Downton for letting us enjoy such a wonderful fight!"

The orcs roared and gave applause, embarrassing all the human representatives, and at the same time, they were a little shocked. No wonder they didn’t need to praise naturally, because they could explode their opponents, even if he was a marshal!

"Anything happy?"

The applause was loud, but the plain question clearly passed into the ears of each representative, and their hands stopped uncontrollably.

Everyone looked at the gate in horror, and a young man who dazzled like the sun walked in with great strides, looking forward to the room, despite his humility, but swept by himself.

Heinrich arrived!

Not only did he submit to his subordinates, but also the prestigious powerful man, Duke Nelson, stood up.

No one feels that these giants and the Duke of the Royal Family have lost face, because Heinrich, known as the star of hope for the mainland, has this qualification.

"So strong!"

Downton lamented that last year he participated in the Northern Parliament in the Kingdom of Sherman. He was still a miscellaneous fish and could not appreciate the power of Heinrich. The applause just now was not stopped by people, but was disturbed by a law.

"The first person on the mainland, deserved!"

This idea didn't just appear in a person's mind, because even the glorious and domineering Downton, after Heinrich appeared, was like the glow of Huiyue to Haoyue, completely dimmed.

"No, there is one more person!"

Some people reacted and looked at Di Lanxue. Sure enough, the master of the Twilight Empire, Her Royal Highness Princess with the reputation of the lion Ji, was sitting on the spot, watching Heinrich, exuding endless majesty.

At this time, she was like a lion, patrolling her territory and defending her glory.

Including the representatives of the orcs, there is a trace of enlightenment. For several days, Di Lanxue has been silent, not indifferent, but these people are not worthy. Only when faced with a powerful enemy, she will exude a real king. .

"Duke, Kaka just questioned Downton a few words, this man raped him and killed him, Jane was lawless!"

Baggio caught the opportunity and rushed to black.


Heinrich is concise, but the same deterrent is a thousand times stronger than the roar of Baggio and his entourage.


No one else feels ~www.wuxiaspot.com~ But Downton's soul has been hit hard, just like a simple boat bumping in the stormy sea, and there is a possibility of overturning at any time.

"Explain what?"

Downton gritted his teeth and swallowed the blood pouring into his mouth stiffly. The **** smell filled him, and he hit back.


Heinrich glanced down at Downton, shook his head, then stopped looking at him, and walked towards Di Lanxue, "I don't see you in a year, you lost a lot!"

"Actually disobeying Heinrich, he is dead!"

No one would think that Heinrich would let Downton go. Sure enough, the next moment, the power of the law stirred up, forming a vortex and starting to attack him.

For Heinrich to kill Downton, there is no need to take over. r1152


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