Hero’s Creed

Chapter 1147: Snake woman





On a clear morning, the third round of the Hundred Players Competition began. At this time, there were only 300 people left. They no longer caught up with each other. Instead, they had to fight with Professor Abu’s servants for the winner to advance.

After seeing the news, the lively audiences were completely ignited, and they were more beautiful than the rough men.

When the maid wearing a black and white short skirt boarded the ring, not only watching the parties, but even the contestants felt worthwhile.

The maids have a graceful posture. On their long beautiful legs, there are black silk, white silk, and even blue and red stockings. With black high-heeled shoes, they can satisfy the tastes of all kinds of people.


The maids were not afraid of life and waved their hands to greet the crowd.

"You can choose your opponent at will, as long as you win, you can advance!"

After the Chief Referee announced the rules, the match was announced.

"That little loli?"

The contestants were stunned because a little girl about the age of Walnut was sitting at the ring and was eagerly looking at the crowd. Looking forward to the game was like craving a lollipop.


As soon as the referee's voice fell, several contestants rushed over to grab the pick.

Downton observed that there are three types of maid. In addition to those young girls and the little girl, there are also two muscles that are inferior to the ogre's muscles ~ sticks. Although their maid clothes are a few sizes larger, they are still tight. Wrapped in the ground. It seems to break at any time.

"It's terrible, I don't want to be like that!"

Looking at the two big men with no female power, Little Loli shivered.


There was a loud noise. Downton turned around and saw that the little loli maid had already won the game, and she smashed her opponent's right hand.


The little maid looked directly at the walnut, and the provocative meaning was self-evident.


Walnut Yiran was not afraid. She embraced her chest with both hands and walked over.


The hands of the two people were not held together, but as if Mars hit the earth. A circle of air ripples blown away the dust around.

"I am the strongest!"

The little maid is just like declaring sovereignty. Righteous words, sacred expression.

"not me!"

Walnut doesn't admit defeat.

"it's me!"

The little maid fought back without the referee calling out to start. The two little guys are stronger.

"it's me!"

Walnut yelled that it was a full-scale outbreak to give the little maid a good look, but this time he failed to crush his opponent as before.

"it's me!"

The little maid hit back with a louder voice, and then the two cute little loli quarreled, louder than loudly, as if loudly, it was like the winner.

They didn't notice it, and the people next to them were unlucky. One by one, he fled from his ears, almost deaf.

Downton laughed dumbly. This childish behavior really turned out to be the child's heart!

"Downton. Here!"

A maid beckoned and let Downton go to the game.

Downton didn't matter, just two steps away, a peach-eyed maid came out from the side, grabbed his arm, and pressed it to the ring next to it.

"what are you doing?"

The beckoning maid Dai frowned.

"He is mine!"

The peach-eye maid snorted. Grabbed Downton's right hand and placed it on the ring. "Come on, match, yes, do you have a girlfriend? No? That's great, what kind of girl do you like?"

A series of questions from the maid made the ears of the maids beside them all have their ears raised. The contestants who were competing with them felt that the opportunity was coming. When they were about to exert their strength, they would be counterattacked.

boom! boom! boom!

One hand was smashed on the table, and they grinned as they hurt.

"It's really waste, not challenging at all!"

The maids despised and urged Peach Blossom Eyes, "When do you want to touch? Start soon, or change me!"

Participants confessed to each other, blushing one by one, bowed their heads and left.

"So strong!"

"Nonsense, that is Professor Abu's maid!"

"What race are they?"

No matter how stupid the onlookers were, they saw that they were no ordinary orcs.

"I'm mad at you!"

Peach Blossom Eye held Downton's hand and had no intention of starting the game, making him embarrassed to exert force.


The onlookers saw this scene and made a big boo, but then began to envy Downton's beauty.

"What race are you?"

Under the eyes of the maids, Downton was embarrassed and could only digress.

"you guess!"

The peach-eyed maid looked down upon Dunton with a wink, and she protruded her tongue and licked her wet red lips, her charms overflowing.

"do not know!"

Downton pouted his lips and glanced sideways. The walnuts and the little maid flushed with all their strength, but their faces had not yet been divided.

There are constantly maids leaving, going to the game, and then coming back soon. Their strength is too great, even the Orefin Colossus Warrior, who is famous for his great strength, can't hold on for ten seconds.


The maid's eyes twitched, and she had a charming appearance, it was not artificial, but natural gas.

"You are Medusa snake girls? No, you have legs!"

Several slender arms pushed Downton, and a cold touch came. This cold blood temperature, combined with the power of natural charm, is similar to the Medusa snake woman, but the lower body of this race is a scaly snake tail. And the number is scarce, and they do not recognize themselves as orcs.

"Oh, a little closer, continue!"

There is a maid cheering.

"Okay, start the game!"

The referee no longer looked at it, and whispered, "Do you miss men that much? The tribe's face has left you all!"

"We don't want to be like you. Be an old woman!"

"Yes, I want to marry a handsome guy!"

"What's so good about handsome guys? The tough guy is the first choice, otherwise the sheets will be rolled. If you accidentally die, or you break it there, how disappointed!"

The maids talked eloquently, without suspicion, and let the contestants next to them get cold and fled under the crotch.

They originally wanted to pursue these maids, but now they are not killed. With their great power, ordinary men. It was really overwhelming. After rolling the sheets, it was estimated that they were torn apart.

The peach-eye maid is very cunning and suddenly exerts force. He wanted to give Downton a surprise. Fortunately, he had prepared for it and didn't make a move.

"Eh, failed!"

The maid knocked her head, spitting her tongue, and grimacing towards Downton.

"You are eight hundred years old, don't you want to be cute?"

The beckoning maid teased.

"Believe it or not, I can't get you out of bed tonight?"

The peach-eyed maid turned her head and shouted, and smiled sweetly at Downton, just as greasy as a cream cake.

"Do you compare?"

Downton was speechless.


The peach-eyed maid's legs were gently lifted under the table. Touching Downton's calf with his feet in high heels, sliding back and forth.

Downton dodged and his touch disappeared. He thought the maid had given up, but who knew a few seconds later, a cold foot stepped on the thigh.

The peach-eyed maid actually took off her high heels under the large crowd, and openly seduce Downton. This time, he was shocked and pulled back.


The peach-eyed maid looked pleased. The arm suddenly exerted force, but it was about to press Downton's arm against the table. He also broke out.

Blue magic tattoos spread all over the arms, radiating light, and also brought surging power. Then, with a bang, the maid's arm was smashed on the ring.

"What the **** do you want to do?"

Downton stood up and asked angrily, "Don't destroy Professor Abu's image in my heart!"

"Sorry, it's just boring!"

The servants apologized. They have lived for hundreds of years. They have seen too many vicissitudes of life. The things they experienced have made their minds numb, and finally found the toy Downton. They naturally want to tease them. Of course, if they can marry him ,that would be great.

Downton shook his head, he had decided not to move the castle.

"I see, these maids are descendants of the world snake!"

Homer suddenly shouted.

"Just kidding, isn't that ancient beast?"

Downton glanced at the maids.

"Yes, the images match, no wonder they will have such a powerful power, voila, it can be comparable to Walnut!"

Cheap gods ridicule, they are the best mating ~ mates, children born in the future, absolutely outstanding talent! "

Downton frowned, a black line on his head.

The world snake family has a characteristic that no matter what race they mate with, the world snake will be born at the end, so they long for a strong spouse to breed a strong ethnic group.

"Fortunately, it's not the time of the world's snakes to be in love, otherwise you will definitely be squeezed into the dry!

Homer was terrified.

The walnuts and the little maid were soaked in sweat all over them, just like they had just been taken out of the pond. They gritted their teeth and stared at each other, because the full force burst, and the air ripples spread from circle to circle.

The referee is actually a legend~www.wuxiaspot.com~ She applied a field to strengthen the ring, otherwise the floor would be broken.

"Lose me!"

The little maid is cleverer than Walnut. It seems to be a roar of cheering. In fact, it is a sonic technique. She wants to shock the soul of her opponent, but she underestimates the strength of Walnut.

"I will never lose!"

After Walnut roared, he added in his heart, "As long as the big brother looks at me, I will not lose. I will give him the championship, let him be promoted to the legend as soon as possible to defeat Heinrich!"

This obsession turned into firewood, ignited Walnut's will, and let the surging power surge from the soul!

"Ah, I want to win!"

With a bang, the walnut succeeded and smashed the little maid's arms with scales on the ring fiercely, even if the law was firm, it shattered into powder.


Little Walnut jumped up, clenched his fists with a smile, waved his arms hard, and raised them high.

"Damn, I am a genius who hasn't met for thousands of years, why can't I win a little girl?"

The little maid looked at Walnut and was puzzled.

The maids are too strong, and in just one morning, they eliminated most of the contestants, leaving only the quarterfinals, and then draw to continue the game! (To be continued)








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