Hero’s Creed

Chapter 1154: Behemoth Arena



   The orcs were laughing with pride, but they quickly closed their mouths, because they discovered that the two humans had no fear, and instead looked at themselves with an idiot.


   "What kind of eyes are you?"


  The orcs roared and became angry.


   "I don't know the life and death. Before coming out for robbery next time, remember to check the name of the other party. Some people, you can't afford it!"


  The two humans are very calm. Downton is here. Not to mention these miscellaneous fish, it is the Lion Heart King Richard who was present in person and played both.


   "Just him?"


   The orc glanced down at Dunton, coughing, and spitting a thick sputum, just about to spit on his face, the whole body encountered a huge suction, and shot like a cannonball towards Downton.


   Titan Dragon Claw!




   Downton made a big show, pinched the face of the orc fiercely, followed by swinging his arms, a Titan windmill, and poured him **** the ground.




   The floor was round with the orc's falling point, and collapsed in a radial pattern. The gravel was shot like a bullet. His bones were all smashed into a pool of mud.




   The orcs were shocked and could enter the secret realm. Their strength and eyesight were naturally not bad. Seeing Downton struck their companions in one blow, the violence could not be increased, and they had no intention of fighting.


   "Have you run?"


   Downton's five fingers exerted force, crushing the orc's skull, and the whole person was ejected. At the same time, the golden dragon gun appeared in the sky and whistled down.


   does not seek to kill the enemy, only to intercept.


   Boom! boom! boom!


  The dragon gun hit the orcs' magic shield, haloed, and the elements sparked.


   "Separate head...Run!"


   The voice of the orc leader did not fall. Downton had already killed him. The fist seemed to break through the skyline, and with a harsh sound, he hit his shield.




   The shield shattered, followed by a chest hit, and a big hole was directly ejected. The flesh and blood spread like a fan, splashing the faces of the orcs next to it.


   Titan beheaded!


   Downton turned around, grabbed a war blade from the air and released the martial arts. Instantly, a magical blade with a length of several tens of meters was suddenly added, and it was strongly beheaded.




   didn't have two cuts, because the magical energy blade was so huge that it directly smashed the orc into meat.


  咻! call out! call out!


   An orc who is good at running launches his talents, continuously teleporting. Instantly appeared 100 meters away, he felt safe, looked back, and his face was scared pale, and his soul was furious.




   Downton sneered, grabbed a dragon gun and threw it with all his strength.


   The orc crossed his arms, ready to lose his hands, and also to stop the attack, he turned sideways at the same time. Wanting to avoid this blow, Downton's power is too strong, this thought of coping just broke into his mind, even his arms could not be closed, and the dragon gun had already shot in front of him.




  Like a meteor like a meteor. After shooting through the magic shield, he nailed it to his face. The magical energy surged and burst his half body in an instant, viscera and blood splashing. The remaining half of the body fell like a broken sack and fell tens of meters, staining a **** road.


  The battle started within ten seconds, and four orcs were killed by this human second, and the leader was just promoted to Grand Marshal. When the righteousness was strong, it turned out that even one trick could not be stopped. This scene shocked the orcs, and they didn't know how to deal with it.


   wanted to run, but he couldn't run at all, even the talent with teleportation was killed. Not to mention others.


   "Separately run, kill out, and destiny!"


   An orc ignored, he would never stay and die with the enemy, just turned around, did not run three steps, suddenly a flower in front of him, the magic can dazzle.


   Downton draws his sword!


   a flash!




   A flash of blue light flashed like lightning, cut across the orc's neck, and when Downton left, his body was still rushing forward.




  The **** mist squirted from the neck. Due to inertia, the severed head stayed in place, fell to the ground, and rolled down. The headless body rushed forward a few steps before crawling to the ground.


   glanced at the scattered orcs who fled, Downton stopped, his fists blasted continuously!


   The space vibrates, and the magical powers are condensed one by one, shining brightly, just like a group of meteors, whistling down with gorgeous tail flames.


boom! boom! boom!


   The dust was full and the orcs were completely drowned.


   "His great tricks work, run!"


The tricks at the bottom of the pressure box all need to accumulate magic energy. The longer the time, the greater the destructive power. The power of the Bakong Hammer Turtle is too great, so that the orcs mistakenly think that this is a big trick. After seeing Downton, he thought that He was exhausted, so he ran away desperately.


The two humans watched Downton killing the Quartet with a crushing gesture, and they were so excited that these orcs were the pinnacles of the scepter. Obviously, His Majesty Thrall only allowed them to enter the secret realm in order to let them attack the Marshal. If they were killed, For the orc empire, it was a big blow.


   "Duke Downton, hurry up, they are going to run!"


   Two humans cheered, but found that Downton stopped suddenly, a knight sword appeared in his hand, haloed, and when they were puzzled, Downton took a deep breath and exploded.


  The mystery of heaven, ninety-nine stars!


The knight's sword was full of light. At the moment when Dunton punctured, it was like a comet burst. A sword blade with laws as cores, elements as bones, and magic energy as flesh roared out, sweeping the eight wastelands. Submerge all around.


This is the mystery of the martial arts of paradise. Originally it was Homer’s scepter-level martial arts that was most suitable for Downton. Because it is a sacred attribute, it matches the blood of Downton. At this time, under the increase of the flame of heaven, the power surges. Reached the power of epic martial arts.




   Two humans screamed, covering their eyes with pain, but just glanced at them, they felt their eyes were stabbed blind, and their vision was temporarily dark.


  The orcs were even more miserable. They fled back to Downton, and were stabbed into a honeycomb by a sword of heaven, and then shattered into a pile of flesh.




   The battle is over. Downton glances thoughtfully at the audience. Any martial arts trick contains the mystery of this martial art, which can be said to be the essence.


   Downton was able to hit the ninety-nine stars in heaven when he was in the scepter, but it was far less powerful than that.


  This is not only the essential improvement brought by the promotion of the Grand Marshal, but also a profound understanding of martial arts. Insight into bloodline souls.


   At the moment when the Profound Truth was launched, Downton even for a moment saw the stars in the sky falling on his side, as if he were in the infinite starry sky.


   "Unfortunately, according to your bloodline. You should use martial arts with sacred attributes, then you will get twice the result with half the effort!"


   Cheap God feeling.


   "Yes, just the scepter-level paradise martial arts, have reached this destructive power, if it becomes an epic martial arts. That must be more terrifying!"


It is a pity that Homer, as the ancient great demon, has gone through hundreds of thousands of years, dozens of different masters, but it has an epic martial art, but it is completely unsuitable for Downton. After training, maybe there will be counter-effects. .


   "Hey, only the right one is the best!"


   Cheap God, even as a deity. There is also no way. Walnut is not proficient in the training of Bakongquan, but the reason why Weineng is not much worse than Downton is because the blood and body are more compatible with it.


   "Unfortunately, the power of paradise martial arts will stop here!"


   Downton shook his head in disappointment. This time the outbreak of mystery was won by the wonderful hands, and the next time, it may not necessarily be obtained.


   In battle, no one will put life on this unreliable chance. Downton is only used because the enemies are too weak.


   "Tell you a secret, want to get the title of God of War. There is a hidden condition, that is, you must create your own exclusive martial arts, or you will always be a master of battle!"


  Homer was not keen before, because Downton was a holy knight. The route he took should be to believe in the goddess of flame. Spreading her glory, and finally becoming the pope, but he is now a bit of a warrior.


   "The eight holy coffins should have their own unique martial arts skills, right?"


   Downton said suddenly.




   Homer is sure.


The Madeleine, the Madeleine, is the Templar, the Lorraine Sasha, the priest of the miracle, is the priest of the three series of complete repairs. The unbroken military **** is the master of learning, not only martial arts and magic, he is even the shaman witchcraft of the orc and the ground The Dark Mysteries are all mastered, not to mention the dawn of the Venus Dragon Queen Malia Song and the fallen angel king Moffister, not to mention that the former has the recognized title of the **** of war, the latter is the king of the killer, the king of the duel Tanan, the great prophet giant The king of beasts Asadin...The eight holy coffins are not full-time warriors, but they all have created unique martial arts. Their talents and talents are amazing, and they will never be seen forever!


   "Almost looking down on the mountains!"


   Even a proud person like Downton is discouraged in the face of the great achievements of the Eight Great Coffins. That is simply a monument that cannot be surpassed.


The two humans have cleaned the battlefield, and picked up the orc's space ring from the murky body, and handed it respectfully to Downton. When they saw him meditating, these two children from the big family of second-rate countries, Without a word, he waited quietly.


   "Thank you!"


   Downton showed a smile. Several rings of elemental arms were shot from the magic ring, and they were taken away.


"This one……"


   The human with triangular eyes saw two more on the palms of himself and his big nose companion, and couldn't help but wonder.


   "I gave it to you because you didn’t leave me the reward!"


   Downton said something high, except for the king and the wealthy family, what qualifications did he have for a third-rate country to reward others, but the triangular eyes and big noses were flattered expressions, and they repeatedly quit.


   "You are welcome!"


   Downton is not arrogant and arrogant. To swear to be a foe against the world, he also needs allies to enter the secret realm, at least prove that it is not stupid.


   "That's really thank you!"


   Triangle eyes are smart, pulling a big nose to be rejected, thank you for being busy.




   Downton moved on in accordance with the wave that attracted the soul.


   "Downton is really generous, not to mention the thing inside the space ring, this ring is worth a lot of money!"


   "Yes, he gave it to us without looking at it."


   Two people whispered and were shocked by Downton's generosity and qualified to enter the secret realm. The status of these orcs must not be low, so naturally there is no shortage of wealth.


   "Follow Downton and eat meat!"


   The two looked at each other and decided to be Downton’s younger brother, looking for him. However, he was a bit worried. Can a maid in the other person enter the secret realm, is she qualified?


  In the shadow of a house, a dozen guys in black and blue robes stood. They surrounded a crystal ball and witnessed the battle just now.


   "How do you feel?"


   "But so!"


   "Haha, I heard that Di Lanxue said he was the first person under the legend, you are not convinced?"


   "Dilan Xue is nothing, let alone this Downton?"


   "Okay, then he will give it to you!"


  A group of people is also sneering at each other.


   "Humph, I'll get his head!"


  As a black-robed man wearing a ghost face left, the black robes of his same faction also followed.


   "Are the guys in the Dark Brotherhood so unpretentious?" A blue-robed man disdained, "I want to kill them!"


"Isn't it good to let them go to the front? But I always feel that the people who entered the mystery are counted by some mysterious guy, as well as the guys of the Assassin's Creed and the Black Flame Church. I heard that there are also the murderers under the evil god. !"


   Another blue robe man frowned.


   "What are you afraid of? Wouldn't it be good to kill them all?"


   blurted out with the words of a blue robe, and everyone laughed, imposing, indeed, in their identity, without fear of any enemies.


   "Let's go, hunt your prey!"


  The blue robes have strong self-reliance and do not bother to team up. In their view, one person is enough to kill the Quartet in the secret realm.


   "Downton's direction is the Giant's Colosseum, everyone, I'm welcome!"


  After a blue robe, the whole body disappeared into the air.


   "I'm going to catch Di Lanxue, this kind of woman is used as a female ~ slave, absolutely perfect!"




The three Downton stopped and looked up at this huge circular building. He was bigger and more majestic than the Roman arena. Standing there was a totem, exuding brutality and domineering Breath.


   "I think we still don't go in!"


   Watching from the left and right with the triangular eyes, he could see that the soul of the super monster was roaring and wandering over the arena, which were all killed by war, unable to rest in peace, and turned into a spiritual being.


   People who are not strong, let alone enter the Colosseum to fight, just enter, they will be killed by these evil spirits.


   "There are treasures in it, don't you want to take a look?"


   After Donton finished talking, he was not waiting for them~www.wuxiaspot.com~, he had heard the sound of fighting animals fighting inside.


   looked at each other and still felt safe following Downton, so they caught up.


   walked through the gate, through a long corridor, and after walking for more than ten minutes, Downton appeared on a trapezoidal grandstand.


   Aoao! Ao! Ao!


   There is so much noise, the sky in Shenzhen!


"these are?"


   The two men were dumbfounded because they saw a seat that could hold 100,000 people, and they were actually full of seats. At this time, these male and female spectators were yelling and applauding the two warriors fighting in the arena!


   "Isn't it an illusion?"


   Triangular eyes poked the man in front, but the other side turned back, glaring at him fiercely, fluttering his fists and rushing up, his temper was irritable. (To be continued.) xh118


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