Hero’s Creed

Chapter 1158: Beast Evolution

The Triangle Eyes battle ended faster than expected.

Naga shouted to start, and he desperately flew back to the edge of the arena, trying to distance himself from the knight.

The female knight did not move, just a simple sword-drawing action, she cut out the blade of the road, and shot the triangular eyes.

There is no evasion at all. These laws break through the boundaries of space, appearing beside the triangular eyes and slashing fiercely.


The entire chest of the triangular eye was almost cut open. The flesh was rolled up and the bones were sensational. He looked numb. He was spurting blood and hit the wall. Then he fell and rolled the dust.

The knight glanced away, put the sword into the sheath, and flew back to the stands.

"Downton, bring a message to my father, I can't repay his expectations."

If the three corners of the face are gray, they all give up survival, coughing up blood and writing last words.

"Come back, you propped up!"

Downton waved Shenmu's wind and healed the triangular eye. After the injury stabilized, he grabbed it with one hand and pulled him back to his side.

"What does it mean?"

Blue robe frowned, questioning, as some of the serious-sounding adventurers seemed to see a glimmer of life, all looked at Naga hopefully, waiting for explanation.

"He chose the Templars of the lawful camp. This kind of heroic personality is noble, of course, he will not chase down the loser. He is the second active appearance. The courage and courage alone are also worth rewarding!"

Naga explained, "This is the sacred realm of the holy mountain, the test ground of the king of beasts, he is not for your life, as long as you show excellent qualities, you will get unexpected gains!"

The original suffocating atmosphere surged again because of Naga's words, and the adventurers no longer hesitated this time. There are not many heroes in the lawful camp rushing to the stage. In case that frequent appearances are not allowed, the people behind will not be able to grab it.

"I choose her!"

Relying on his strength, a black robe grabbed the third chance to play, and immediately pointed to the elf archer Silver Star.

"thank you!"

Triangle thanked Downton gratefully. The law of the secret realm makes it impossible to open the space magic equipment, and naturally cannot use the potion. If Downton is a paladin, he will heal the magic art. This is a serious injury and he will definitely die.

"Relax in peace!"

Downton comforted him and turned his gaze to the arena. He also wanted to observe the fighting styles of others and look for mysteries. As a result, the battle is also a spike.

Silver Star's long arrows were swift as a meteor, and they burst through the defense of the black robe, pierced his chest, and nailed him to the wall, swaying like an air-dried salted fish.

The audience is silent!

"Next game!"

Naga announced.

No one came on stage, even the blue robe, did not want to rashly shoot, so the probability of death is too high.

"You. Come on!"

Naga had no time to talk nonsense with these adventurers, and pointed at any time. Forced to specify.

"Do not!"

Seeing that the two were defeated in an instant, the selected guy could not bear this fear, cast a rare talent, and flew out of the arena.

"kill him!"

Naga shook her fingers indifferently.

The silver star opened the bow, and the magic sword shot.

The hit escaper was like a firework, blooming in the sky. The flesh and blood spilled like a drizzle, spilling on everyone's face.

The adventurers in the stands were glad and kept praying. Fortunately, they didn't end, otherwise they would die. A few clever left the arena, but there are still some left, want to wait until the result appears, see if there is a chance to fish in muddy water.

Even the blue robe has no confidence to escape under the siege of so many legendary heroes, so the adventurers are honest and appear one by one.

Adversity will stimulate people's potential, and every adventurer will work hard to get around, and the duration of the battle will allow Downton to better observe his opponent and pierce that layer of window paper.

At the end of the round, there were only eighteen players, and only nine of them got the legendary magic outfit. The rest of them were left by Naga because of good performance.

The black robe is no longer clamoring. The scepter and marshal of more than two people, when less than one, there are only more than 20 people left. This ratio is too terrible. You must know that these are all from mainland countries Geniuses, this kind of war death will greatly damage the national strength.

Of course, this also confirms the danger and cruelty of the secret adventure from the front.

"This time, I choose him!"

Downton's words pulled the people's thoughts back, and they found that this guy had no timid appearance and was pointing at a magician to challenge.

Blue robe's fist was clenched, and for a moment, he also had the idea of ​​leaving. This cowardice made him feel ashamed and ashamed, and then even more disgusted with Downton, because he felt that he was being compared.

"Yes, I know how to take advantage of talent, but unfortunately things are not as simple as you think!"

Naga teased.

"How do I feel like she is reminding you?"

Cheap God Tucao, "have to be cool is to have an impression!"

Downton was not in the mood to listen to the cheap gods, because when the magician came up, it was the wildest offensive.

Click! Click!

Thunder flashed in the sky, and the lightning of the dead branches continuously bombarded Downton. After hitting the floor, he walked like a silver snake.

Bang! Bang!

The huge plant vines broke through the floor, stretched out, and pulled towards Downton like a steel whip. They were covered with sharp barbs, and the flowers and bones bloomed in the wind, releasing purple poisonous gas.

Downton dodges, domineering fists, and after breaking the vines, there will be a stinky green juice splashing.

Under the attack of thunder and lightning, the liquid mass swayed violently, and it may collapse at any time.

The gravel mixed into a head of Warcraft, screamed, killed Downton, and blocked his way. Some of the chopped vines became plant puppets on the way to fall and continued to attack.

The audience were all stunned. The adventurers were stunned. They suddenly discovered that the real magician was so powerful!

"This is the realm?"

Downton's forehead quickly shed a layer of sweat, and his star-turning movement can reflect magic, but it's okay for this kind of physical attack without dead ends.


Homer denies.

"Then tell me why a magician can use so much pedigree magic? Well, even if he is a genius, how can it be explained at the same time?"

Although Downton is not a legal system. But with the great mentor Homer, the basic magic knowledge is still understood. Most magicians specialize in one department, minoring in one or two other departments, because in the years of hundreds of thousands of years, the discipline of magic has been The vastness of development is like smoke. Even for a lifetime, it is impossible to learn all the magic of a pedigree.

In front of him, he used every kind of magic to the extreme. This can be explained by the celestial wizard, but at the same time, it is impossible to cast a spell.

Each genealogy of magic uses several different elements, and their use follows strict rules, even if there is a mistake. It's all the magic backlash, the end of life.

The difficulty of casting several kinds of magic at the same time is not a multiple, but an exponential increase in quantity. Downton can clearly feel that the magician has used more than a dozen kinds of magic at the same time because of the presence of the mirror. That's why the offensive is so wild.

Homer was silent. Because he could not explain the means of the enemy. Has subverted the accepted laws of the magic world.

"It's because of talent?"

This is the only reason Downton can think of.


Homer is not sure.

"No, it shouldn't be this way, just because of talent, how can he deserve the title of legendary hero?" Downton glanced at Naga, and found a playful smile on the corner of her mouth, if only that. How can the gladiatorial field be worthy of the trial as the secret realm of the Holy Mountain?

A sudden shock came from Dingjing Zhishui, Downton was startled, the defense was fully opened, and the liquid mass turned into a thin film, covering the whole body.

On the vine. Suddenly opened a pair of green eyes, they emit a beam of light, cast a fantasy, if you look carefully, these are all grimace.


Downton punched and punched hard to break a new path.

Bang! Bang!

As the adventurers dazzled, guessing how long Downton could last, the vines shrank back to the ground like a fierce beast at night.

Lightning and gravel Warcraft also disappeared, except for a messy arena, as if nothing had happened.

When the time came, Downton had another fight.


Triangle Eyes congratulated, but found that Dunton didn't hear it at all, frowned, and was lost in contemplation.

"Does this guy have an epiphany?"

Looking at Downton's appearance, both the blue robe and the black robe noticed that something was wrong. Whether it was right or not, they had to wake him up, so they rushed towards him.

Uh! Uh!

Two legendary heroes intercepted.

"The two, if you don't want to participate in the game, please leave, and dare to interfere with Downton, no amnesty!"

Naga's expression was cold.

"Humph, I'm going!"

Lanpao kept his eyes open and began to observe these heroes, but found nothing, but with his strength, it was okay to stand through a round. It’s just that in his identity, the legendary magic outfits were not rare, he thought What we want is an epic weapon!

"This trial is definitely not simply a reward for epic weapons. What must Downton discover?"

Black robe also continued to play.

Apart from the two of them, the others shrank, but they did not leave. They wanted to see what Downton had discovered?

"Do you want to try Silver Star?"

Naga suggested.

"No, I still choose Drogba!"

Downton has self-knowledge, if there is a professional nemesis, then the archer of the remote department is counted as one.

"Okay, it depends on your efforts, this time I let him be with you!"

Naga snapped her fingers.

Drogba landed, and as soon as he touched, he hit with fists, which was the shock of shaking the ground.

"This is the same level of power?"

Downton's chest and abdomen were uncomfortable, and they were shocked, which made him slander.

"No, there must be something wrong. In the same level of battle, Downton, even if it is not invincible, is also a crushing level. Among the strong men I have seen in tens of thousands of years, Downton's fighting talent is definitely the first!"

Seeing Downton suppressed, embarrassedly dodge, Homer suddenly screamed out, a Drogba, it had also heard, the other party was strong, but not to the point of crushing Downton.


Homer's exclamation caused Downton to flash suddenly, guessing a certain possibility, and immediately joined Sharoman.


The red sparks flashed and the power of the law came, confining Downton.

The skin cracked and a hot flame came out.

"Naga, are these heroes their servants fit together?"

Downton asked loudly.

"you guess?"

Naga gave a plausible answer.

"Fitness? What a joke are you making, except for some special talents, the magician and the devil can never be one!"

Blue robe sarcasm, this is the common sense recognized in the magic world, the black robe leader frowned, and began to contemplate.

"Yes, it must be the reason, it's just some mystery, I didn't notice it!"

Downton ignores the blue robe, and the more he thinks, the more he thinks it is possible. When he merges with the demon servant, he can be dispelled by natural praise, maximize his strength, and can use the magic of the devil servant without limitation, even if the devil also uses magic. .

Finding the right direction, Downton began to go deeper, he was able to enter the Vulcan mode, because the Sha Luoman parasitic and the Vulcan body, sharing the soul...

"The power of the law is fair and just, as long as you are in the secret realm, it will be affected, so those legendary heroes cannot be exempted, right?"

Downton was struggling to support, but his expression was getting brighter and brighter.

"Yes, even Saint Aoxun can't go against it!"

Homer certainly.


Downton carefully recalled each state of entering the Vulcan mode. The first step is to resonate and harmonize the soul to the same wave.

"By the way, liberating the giants, the first step is also soul resonance!"

Like a cloud of mist spreading out, Downton's mind suddenly became bright. He did not turn on the Vulcan mode as usual, but used his soul to call Sharoman and resonate.

Boom! Boom! Boom!

The two beating hearts gradually reached the same frequency. When the same was completed, a sizzling flame burst from Downton, and even Drogba was repelled a few steps, followed by a share The surging momentum overflowed.

"what happened?"

The eyes of three eyes are puzzled, but the blue robe and black robe are all condensed. They know that Downton’s epiphany has achieved initial results~www.wuxiaspot.com~ Immediately envious of jealousy and hatred, to know a genius, the number of epiphany in his life is also second to none. Countable, and after each time, it is a qualitative leap.

If it weren't for Naga's threat, the two of them shot early and killed Downton together.

"It is indeed the hero who is valued by the king of beasts. In such a short period of time, he has realized the threshold of beast evolution!"

Naga looked at Downton with emotion, the beast transformed into martial arts, which is the unique stunt created by the epic hero Asadin. He is not martial arts or magic. It is more appropriate to call it a witchcraft because it can enable magicians and demons. Servant fit, showing a sudden increase in strength.

After being combined, the magicians can use the magic powers, martial arts, magic, and even talents of the demon servants. If they reach the perfect level, they will also evolve forward, showing new martial arts and magic, and having more powerful power.

Yes, the beast evolved into martial arts. It is a mystery with infinite possibilities. It is a masterpiece that can be called the title above the epic! (To be continued...)

I am so happy that I have taken a major step in life today! r1292


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