Hero’s Creed

Chapter 1163: Goddess of harvest

Inside the cave, sparkling, smearing a layer of gloom on the cave wall. ∷,

The geyser is still spraying from time to time, stirring up countless pieces of rain, which makes the atmosphere very ambiguous, but the two people did not have any irritating ~ irritating behavior.

Downton's love experience is not much, when faced with a girl in a crush, she is clumsy like a rookie and completely overwhelmed.


Xia Luo chuckled and turned away.

Xia Luo was hit by two legendary snipers. Although she escaped successfully, the injury was too heavy and had to be recuperated. Downton also needed to stabilize the state. So although he was worried about the safety of Elaine and Walnut, he decided to stay in the hot spring cave temporarily. Live in.

"Don't worry, they are very smart, and they will be fine."

Xia Luo comforted.


Downton cares too much about the two girls. In addition to taking care of Xia Luo's diet, she has to use meditation to distract her. This kind of meditation without distractions is in harmony with the simple, vast, and quiet holy mountain will, so that it is soaked in He got more energy essence in the spring water.


Another three days of meditation ended, Downton vomited, because there were too many magical energy in the body, some light spots actually spewed out with the breath, in the slightly dark cave, the light flickered like a star in the cold midnight , Like the fireflies on the riverside in midsummer, blurred and dreamy.

"The energy here is too strong. If you stay for two or three years, you will definitely be promoted to Marshal Tier 5!"

The cheap **** is very emotional. During this period, it and Homer have also received many benefits, climbing towards the peak.

"What a joke, you can stay for three weeks, I will be satisfied!"

Downton rolled his eyes, which was the sacred mountain of the orc empire. Allowing humans to enter is already a great gift. Three years? I am afraid that within ten days, the lion king Thrall will regretfully order the clearance.

"Take care of it, eat dry and clean!" The cheap **** urged, "Quick, dive. Soak up again!"

"What about Charlotte?"

Downton crawled out and wiped the water stains on his body. At this time, he had a perfect figure like a statue of the ancient Greek **** of war. Every wisp of muscle contained power and elasticity.

"Go on an adventure!"

The cheap **** explained, "You are a fool, hurry up. I want to encounter such a good opportunity again, I don't know what year of the monkey is coming."

Downton waved his hand and walked deep into the cave.

The sage wolf's mind has never been practiced, so even if she encounters the holy mountain hot spring, a meditation holy place that other people have long dreamed of, she has not worked hard, but instead shows great interest in exploring unknown caves.

"I don't know where I will go today?"

Although the tunnel was dark, almost no fingers were reached, but with Downton's vision. There were no obstacles at all, he could even clearly see the worms crawling through the cracks.

The sound of footsteps. Occasionally, there will be a sound of stones being kicked away. In this secluded cave, it is exceptionally clear, and then there is a string of echoes that disappears.

Gradually, the temperature cooled down. The smell of sulphur also began to disappear, which disappeared, meaning Downton was away from the hot spring area.

Suddenly, as he stepped out of the cave, Downton's vision suddenly became brighter. The dazzling light shone into his eyes, causing him to raise his arm subconsciously, covering his eyes.

In just a moment, Downton forcibly lowered his arm with strong willpower, opened the body of the overlord, and looked around with vigilance.

If the enemy chooses to attack at the moment, Downton has already fallen.

There are no enemies, only a large area of ​​golden yellow wheat fields, they are located in the wilderness, as if the luxurious carpets woven by the fingers of the Persian Orchid, are endless and expansive!

The gentle breeze was blowing, like the hands of a lover, across the hairline, touching the cheeks, the golden wheat ears, all dropped their cheeks sheepishly.

Downton couldn't help but open his hands and closed his eyes to enjoy this rare tranquility.

The whirling voice reverberates, it seems that there is wheat fragrance filling the nose!


Downton could no longer restrain the emotion in his chest, standing on the grassy hillside with his hands at his mouth and shouting.

The continuous shouting also caused Downton to let out all the emotions of depression, depression, tiredness, etc. accumulated in his heart for years~ vented, since he entered the dungeon, he began a difficult survival, there have been troughs, and there have been glory, he Of his life no longer belongs to himself, but belongs to the entire Drankfork. The fate of many people will change according to his thoughts, so he works hard to live a good life for those who trust him. Slack.

"Oh, what about Charlotte?"

Downton looked in a hurry, and saw the sage wolf with his hands on his knees, sitting on the hillside not far away, looking at him with a smile.

"Seeing that you are releasing emotions, you are not bothered!"

The always relaxed wolf girl is also full of lazy breath, Jane and this boundless golden wheat field complement each other.

"Are you feeling better?"

Downton scratched his hair embarrassedly and walked over. While sitting side by side, he accidentally touched Xia Luo's shoulder and flashed away in shock. As a result, the grass was covered with dew, which was too slippery, and he almost fell inverted.


Xia Luo reached out to help.

"I'm fine!"

Downton quickly waved his hand, indicating that there was no problem.

"You hold her hand, this fool! With such a master, Jane loses my face!"

Fiona was so mad at it. What a chance to get closer, actually watched it slip away.

"Humph, be alone!"

Although dissatisfied with Downton, Edith was still moved by Downton's innocence, and the soul shock was released, and it hit the nerves of Downton.


Downton, who was about to stand still, was suddenly attacked, suddenly lost his balance, and rolled off the hillside.


Xia Luo also screamed, reaching for him.

"Your heart!"

Fiona covered her eyes and couldn't bear to look at it again. Downton was worried about hurting Xia Luo and avoided her hand. She was so stupid that she was boundless, but Xia Luo still insisted.

The sage wolf got up. Pulling Downton's finger, but because of the inertia of the inertia and weight, still can't stop the momentum, so the two people rolled off the hillside.

Downton exerted force on his right foot, approached Xia Luo, and hugged her in her arms.

The horizon turned upside down. Grass with broken splashes flew over the corners of the eyes.

Despite being hugged tightly, Xia Luo didn't struggle, but instead looked at Downton's caring expression, showing a happy smile.

The sage wolf understands that Downton doesn't have any thoughts at all. Holding him so tightly, he is completely worried that he will be injured.

After the two men rolled to the bottom of the slope, they finally stopped.

In the fragrance of grass, the four eyes are opposite.

The eyes that looked at Xia Luo's clear eyes seemed to be full of smiles forever. Looking at the long brown hair blooming like flowers, looking at her two wet lips, Downton's heart thumped, thumped for years, and could not bear it anymore, just like a volcano, Erupted at this moment.

So Downton bowed his head and kissed Xia Luo's red lips.

Summer flowers bloom. Lips and teeth stay fragrant!

At this moment, Downton felt that he was the happiest time!

"This idiot. Just a kiss, so happy to look like this, really embarrassing the man!"

Edith despised.

"Oh, don't think I don't know that you like this kind of innocent boy best!"

Fiona broke the sister's secret, and the embarrassed Edith couldn't recover, and she took a sword and pursued it.


Downton raised his head. Completely at a loss, the whole body seemed to be placed in the stove, and howling uncomfortably, he did not dare to stay and quickly got up. But his feet slipped and pressed against the sage wolf again.


Downton simply turned over this time, hid aside, and ran after getting up.

"Where are you going?"

Behind him came the voice of the wolf girl Wen Chun.


Downton froze in place, not knowing what to answer.

"Go back and look at me!"

Charlotte ordered.

"Are you still a man? Are you going to run away?" Fiona's despising voice sounded in her heart, "rushed up, hugged her, stripped her, possessed her, so she can never forget you!"

"I think I'm going to kill me for a lifetime. If you are not a kind and orderly camp, can this kind of villain act come with your mouth open?"

Downton rolled his eyes, but Fiona's gag made him feel calm.

"Did you hear it?"

Charlotte asked.


Downton turned around and saw that Xia Luo had already sat up, and with one hand, she held her hair down the front of her forehead to her ears, and her eyes looked at the continuous wheat field.

Xia Luo did not answer, got up, turned and walked up the hillside.

Downton followed him step by step, hesitating whether to walk side by side with her.

"Jane stupidly cried!"

Even Sha Luoman couldn't stand it anymore, relaying it, let Downton stumble a few times, and side by side with the sage wolf.

"The sound of a bumper harvest!"

Back at the top of the slope, Xia Luo murmured, turned around, opened her arms, held her head, closed her eyes, and enjoyed the harvest aria.

Tang Dun stunned, then showed a relief expression.

"Have you heard? The elves of the wheat field are jumping, singing, and blessing this world!"

Xia Luo sat down, holding her knees in both hands, and continued to look into the distance.

"This is not an illusion?"

Downton finally dared this time and sat next to him.


Xia Luo answered yes.

"Then these wheat fields can't raise many orcs after harvesting?"

There are many mysteries in Downton's mind. Who is idle to cultivate so many wheat fields in the secret realm of the Holy Mountain? If the orc knows, why should a war invade the human kingdom because of famine?


Xia Luo nodded, "I am the goddess of harvest, so I am pretty sure that for the farmers, these wheat ears are the greatest happiness in the world!"


Downton spouted out, all thoughts were interrupted, and only stared at Xia Luo dumbfounded, "Feng... the goddess of harvest?"

"Exactly, the daughter of the goddess of harvest, or the second generation!"

Xia Luo was very calm, just like eating grilled fish at noon, but listening in Downton's ears, but not as thundering as a thunder, not to the eardrum, his head was about to burst.

"Are you shocked?"

Xia Luo asked back.

Downton's lips flicked a few times. If someone asked him, he would have succumbed to the seeds. This is the goddess of harvest, the most respected deity of the orc empire and the hilly aborigines, you let him admit that others are standing in front of you No, I have known each other for a few years. Is this a joke?

What is a deity? It’s a legend that can’t be looked up from above. It’s a myth that only exists in history. It’s a **** enshrined on the altar. They overlook all living beings. A sneeze, a murmur, will make the entire continent invincible.

"Oh, this joke, I give full marks!"

Downton laughed twice.

"My mother, in fact, is a plane traveler, or our family has such a mission, to stop on the Western Continent, but just a short rest, and then in the process of giving birth to me, she was kind Teach those natives of western soil how to farm, how to graze, how to use hard hands to get food, get a happy life!"

Xia Luo described it casually as she did, but the content of the words, even when placed in front of the kings and ministers of the nine empires, could cause endless waves.

Downton is speechless. It may be a short rest for the gods, thousands or even tens of thousands of years, but even for the oldest elves with the longest life, it is also a long time, enough to let the years change. Mountains and rivers change color!

"After that, I was born and she left!"

At the time of Xia Luo’s expression, although the expression was calm, Downton, who was delicate in emotion, heard the deep sorrow from it, so subconsciously, he reached out and embraced the sage wolf, which had nothing to do with love, he just wanted to comfort her and protect she was.

"Why didn't she take you away?"

Silent for a long time, when Charlotte was not so sad, Downton asked.

"I don't know, maybe I can't let go of those kind-hearted aborigines who want me to inherit the title of the goddess of harvest and continue to help them. You know, my law power has a strong interference with nature!"

Xia Luo explained.

Downton nodded his head, the magical magic of the sage wolf is beyond miracle, I am afraid that it has to surpass the crown of the pope in the orc temple.

"It may also be because of the destiny of our family, as plane travelers, our lives are destined to find a journey back home!"

Xia Luo is very sad, it is destiny, but it is actually a curse.

"When my mother left~www.wuxiaspot.com~ left a soul avatar, she taught me everything!" Xia Luo smiled, "Although not true, but those years are the happiest days for me , Let me know what maternal love is, let me know a certain place in this multiverse, living the same people as me, they are waiting for me to go back!"

"When I was there, I often saw that your wolf and spice store didn't open. Sometimes it would last for years. At that time, were you looking for a way back home?"

Downton wanted to let go of Xia Luo, but the wolf girl didn't mean to leave.

Probably the first injury was healed, the heart was particularly fragile, or it might have been held for several years. The lonely years made her crazy and wanted to talk. In short, she leaned in Downton’s arms and enjoyed this rare calm. .

"did you find it?"

Although the wolf girl did not answer, Downton knew the answer. (To be continued...)

The interaction of this chapter is really not easy to write. In addition, a separate chapter will be issued later to introduce Xia Luo!


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