Hero’s Creed

Chapter 1168: Dinner conflict

"Downton can't die!"

Di Lanxue's words made the temperature on the long street instantly drop to the freezing point. ~,

This is not a threat, nor a command, but a simple statement, but it was issued by His Royal Highness Princess Twilight Empire, and that is an unquestionable decree.

"Lion Ji..."

Wood frowned, just about to start speaking, Di Lanxue raised his hand to stop, "I have my own size!"

Who dares to shut up the heir of the Steinway family? In another person, he was beaten to death to vent his anger, but in the face of Lion, Wood could only bear it, but looking at Downton's eyes, he had already brought a strong sense of war.

"Haha, something interesting!"

Garnett's eyes glanced at the three people, and he seemed excited as if he had discovered the New World.

"Your Highness, are you doing this to openly be an enemy of our orc empire?"

Compagni's tone also sank.

"Don't use the greatness of the country to cover up your private ~ desire, she will cry!"

Di Lanxue persuaded.

"How to do?"

The orcs looked at Kompany. Before this group of people could fight Dilanxue and be her enemy, it represented a war with the human empire. At least St. Judeland of Heinrich would definitely participate in the war. of.

"Don't be restless, calm down!"

Tai Xifeng and his men also arrived.

The battle between Downton and the Supreme Commander released a violent wave of magic energy, which attracted the attention of many people. They were all on the way, even some have arrived, but for some ulterior purpose, they hid .

"Your Highness, I will give you face this time, just..."

Kompany's gaze drifted towards the body of the Chaos Orc, and the meaning was self-evident.

"Evil deeds!"

Di Lanxue's pretty Dai frowned. Showing a disgusted look, she hated this act of ignoring life most.

"I will not go out about everything here!"

Downton doesn't want to continue the stalemate, otherwise the war will be of no benefit to him, and it is king to save his strength slowly. As for the evil experiment done by the orcs, only a corpse has no credibility at all, nor can it cause much harm.

"No, I want him..."

Before Dr. Fox's words were finished, a blood-stained potionist ran over and reported anxiously.

"Doctor, just now there was a riot in the laboratory, and the green orcs ran away."

"My experiment!"

The fox girl wailed. Can't wait any longer, and hurriedly left, "Duke Compagni, please take someone to hunt down those subjects!"

"Lion Ji, shall we go?"

Seeing that the orc left a group of people under surveillance, the rest was cleaned. Wood urged Di Lanxue to leave, and he longed to continue to enjoy the time with her alone.

"I'm tired!"

Lion Ji shook his head. The refusal is obvious.

Wood is very lost, but is there any way. Can only be sad, but at the bottom of my heart, even more jealous of Downton.

"Thank you for your help!"

Downton thanked.

"It's just effortless!"

Lion Lion Ji did not take pride in himself, and whispered, "This lady of the sage wolf deserves some treasure of the Orcs? Can I feel the will of the Holy Mountain on it, you better leave as soon as possible. Only return to the Wangdu Will be temporarily safe!"

"I am about to leave!"

Downton didn't dare to wander around in the secret realm, and once again encircled, but he didn't have such good luck.

"Forget it, I'm with you too. Anyway, I have also visited the holy mountain secret realm, satisfied my curiosity!"

Di Lanxue's words made Wood more bitter. He could be sure that the princess was definitely not an ordinary relationship with Downton.

Downton didn't think much, and even suppressed the feeling of first love, he knew that the orc would not give up the crown of star stillness, and greater trouble was still behind.

The exit of the secret realm is an ice gate made of huge ice crystal barriers, and the center is a rotating snow and snow vortex.

Downton opened all the defenses, and when he stepped out, he released the Firebird and the Twin Angels, and the war space was also opened. The abominations came out and formed a defensive formation to protect the exit.

This is the mountainside of the holy mountain, and there is an elite group of guards stationed. When someone passes through the door of the secret realm, the horn will sound the horn, leaving the soldiers to wait.

Even the orcs are not in every corner of the secret realm, not to mention the existence of the laboratory, so the soldiers do not know what will come out, and must be vigilant.

Both Gemini and Firebird are super-level, and when they appear, they suffocate the air at once.


More horns sounded, and it was extremely rushed, which was a signal of increased danger level.

Crunch! Creak!

In the bitter sounds, the nooses of dozens of crossbow vehicles were tightened, and the engraved crossbow guns were pointed at Downton, and there were dozens of bunkers around them, with magic cannons mounted on them, pointing in unison. With Downton, as long as the order is made, the volley will be carried out.

Walnut drilled out of the portal and released the bone dragon. Through its cover, he mounted the airray, and a roller-type flip turned away from the belly of the bone dragon to attack the commander.

"Don't mess up!"

Downton hastened to stop it. The current situation is tense, and it is very likely that if one does not pay attention, he will wipe the gun and go off fire.

"Downton, what are you crazy about?"

Wood walked out, looked at the same situation around him, and immediately fired at Downton, "You are the master of a country anyway, don't be so naive, okay, or an orc will kill you in this place? Not to mention me, Taixi Feng His Royal Highness, His Royal Highness is present!"


A powerful soul pressure came like a tsunami and swept the spot instantly. Downton everyone felt that their heads were hit by the front of the siege hammer. Various illusions came, and the pain hurt the nerves, making people almost sudden death.


Di Lanxue released his magic, and a translucent sacred barrier was born, protecting everyone. At the same time, vines emerged from the rock floor where it was impossible to grow things, forming a corridor, and the terrifying soul pressed against it. Above, the smoke disappeared.

This is Charlotte's magic.

"It turned out to be Her Royal Highness!"

A middle-aged lion floated down from the castle. Gu Panjian did not anger himself.

This is a legend. He has been guarding the portal for five years. Once, he was also a famous commander on the road.

Dilan Xue sees the gift.

The lion's expression immediately eased a lot, even if it was a hostile race. In the face of grace and decent manner, the decent Lion Ji can't pick out the slightest fault, and will be overwhelmed by her noble personality.

In this world, if you let people pick a tainted king, then it must be Dilan Xue. She is too self-disciplined. As the head of a country, she only eats bread and drinks water for three meals a day. The simplicity is so outrageous.

With Lion Ji, any problem is not a problem.

Downton and his party returned to the hotel safely. He let Xia Luo temporarily leave Wangdu and was refused.

"Don't persuade me anymore, I have decided to take the seat of the Virgin!"

The sage wolf, who has never cared about anything, is rarely aware, but is more stubborn.

"I'm with you!"

Tai Xifeng who came with him waved his fist, and after hearing Xia Luo's ideas, he was her loyal fan.

"Forget it. Anyway, if there are too many lice, don't bite!"

Downton squeezed his eyebrows and gave up. Yes, except for Bavaria, he has few allies, but instead is a public enemy on the mainland. Many people wish him to die immediately and spit out the fat in the free trade zone.

Another week has passed.

Everyone waited and waited. However, the temple did not act, and Taixi Feng predicted that this was the other party's vigilance in reducing its own side, and was looking for an opportunity to finalize.

Delegates returned from the sacred mountain sacred land one after another, despite dying by half. But the human camp has no sorrow at all, but is rather excited, because as long as they come back alive, they all get some adventures. If the Pope's crown ordered the blockade of the holy mountain, many people would like to take another risk.

The lion king's sincerity was truly felt by the human camp, so some conditions were reduced, so that the two communities' peace talks have made rapid progress.

To celebrate, in the Astrakhan palace, His Majesty Thrall will hold a grand banquet, the invitees are not only the power class, some civilians and businessmen representatives are also eligible to participate.

"Heinrich is really amazing!"

Tai Xifeng and Downton talked quite speculatively, so they moved in together.

"I thought he was the main battle!"

Downton pouted, his political IQ was average. After all, the background of civilians limited his horizons, and then he became the hand of the king. He ruled the world and did not care about the ideas of other domestic forces, but he had Homer.

Homer told Downton that this adventure of the holy mountain secret is definitely not as simple as it seems on the surface. The dead on the human side are the main warfare, and the orc side is the main and the faction.

"His Royal Highness is the Lord and School, and Heinrich must be!"

Taixi Feng is too simple, so that both Lei Chan and Dragon can't help holding their foreheads, and can't bear to listen again.

"The kind of person in the sea, you can't guess his real idea at all!"

The bunny girl ate her milk cream made by Drunk Ford and rolled her eyes.

"Ah, you didn't speak for him?"

Walnut looked at Tutu in amazement.

"Why should I speak for him?"

The picture is puzzled.

"Because those women do this!"

Walnut takes for granted.

"Well, at least Juliet is not, and I don’t like him. I always think that although he smiles very sunny, but he is too thoughtful, maybe he will only show his true feelings when facing Di Lanxue. "

Bunny girl evaluation.

"Well, I don't like him either!"

Walnut nodded solemnly, and as a result, the picture was adjusted to her, and her hand was deliberately clapped, so her face was poked on the milk cream.


Tutu ran away happily.

"Today I must catch you!"

Walnut reached out and touched the cream on his face, licked it, and walked with his short legs.

"Thank you, this cooperation alone will make herders earn at least 30% more."

Taixi Feng is sincerely grateful to Downton. As a herdsman, Khorasan’s most important thing is cattle and sheep, but cheese is all over the streets, and it can’t be sold at a high price, but it is different from making milk cream. They are hedonistic creatures, especially those ladies, elders, and ladies, who rave about this delicious dessert.

The same is milk, just a different approach, and the selling price is higher, but don’t worry about selling, and those businessmen are almost all waiting for the goods to be delivered.

"Not worth mentioning!"

If allies are not going to rely on like-mindedness, interests are the fundamental fetters. The cooperation of Milk Cream is the first item. After that, Downton will also cooperate with Khorasan.

Downton believed in Barak, but did not believe his people. After the last Hongmen banquet event, he was not naive. The birth of the Tauren was too low, which restricted his future high, but Taixi Feng is different, even if he is The illegitimate child is also a prince, and he holds Hurosan alone, so if the two people pursue any business plan, there is no resistance.

"Duke Downton, the carriage is ready!"

A tauren came in and bowed to salute.


Downton got up and walked a few steps before Taixi Feng kept up. This detail left Lei Chan and his team very helpless, but there was nothing to say. People did have capital that the Prince respected.

Fearing that the temple would thrash the hotel and grab hostages in exchange for forcing the crown of Xia Luo Xing Jing, Downton also brought Juliet and Walnut.

There are no stars in the sky tonight, there are overcast clouds, and there seem to be signs of snow, but the palace is still brightly lit, and in the night, it is dreamy and gorgeous.

As Downton, don't take a maid, even a beggar to a feast, no one dares to talk nonsense.

When they got off the carriage and walked to the banquet hall, they received too much attention, especially Xia Luo, who was wearing a robe, was even more dazzling. There was no way to do it, because she was wearing a starry crown on her head.

As a sign of the saint, the sacred object of the temple, other nobles, even civilians, also know this crown, and now it is strange to see it worn on a wolf girl who does not know at all.

"Downton, what are you doing today? Enemy against the whole temple?"

Fox Fox Girl Megan appeared with a glass of red wine on the side of Downton. Although the tone was calm, the jealous eyes looking at Xia Luo still revealed her true thoughts.

"If the temple refuses the sage wolf to become the next saint, then it is my enemy!"

Downton smiled calmly, took the red wine from the waiter, and raised a toast to the Bavarian diplomat.


Meghan’s words didn’t come out. She didn’t expect that Downton actually admitted to making trouble, but it’s a temple. Know that the orc empire is a theocratic country, so most of the time~www.wuxiaspot.com~Saman priest’s words Better to use than nobles.

"Tai Xifeng, are you going to go crazy with him?"

Megan changed his goal.

Taixi Feng just asked, but suddenly frowned, and looked at the entrance of the hall, and a judge, Long Xinghu, walked over.


Seeing an old acquaintance coming, Downton couldn't help but sneer out loud. The expected shamans didn't find a door to ask the teacher to blame, so that the human clergy was not invited.

"Downton, what do you want to do? Let the mainland rekindle the war?"

The presiding judge stood in front of Downton, opening his mouth with a high-spirited accusation, a gesture that taught the juniors.


When Walnut was not convinced, she was about to start, but Tutu was caught. (To be continued...)


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