Hero’s Creed

Chapter 1206: Magic ring

   "Master Queen, I beg to fight this duel!"


As soon as Downton took off his helmet, he gained the queen's smile and goodwill, and became the most likely guest of the curtain. This made the dead riders reconciled, so the strongest scepter stage proposed a duel, ready to blow him up , Solve trouble once and for all.


   "How do you like it?"


  The Queen was undecided and asked Downton's opinion.


   "Respect is worse than obedience!"


   The status quo of being exhibited like a monkey in a zoo has long made Dunton suffocated. Now that someone has sent it to the door as a punching bag, he will not refuse it.


   "Let's get started!"


  As the queen's voice fell, the servants immediately emptied the furniture in the vestibule and retreated to the sides. Anyway, the bedroom was large enough for two dead riders to fight.


The maid chief and the guard chief both stood behind Nicole. Although the queen was the great Saint Aoxun, it was impossible to be injured by the aftermath of the battle of the two death knights, but they were still vigilant, ready to stop the emergencies at any time. .


   "Boy, by virtue of his talent, he can't be mixed in the Dragon Cemetery!"


The scepter dead horse pulled out the saber, and there were words threatening Downton, reminding him to pay attention to interpersonal relationships, he is also an old man, so I have never seen this guy, there is only one possibility, it is the new death Riding, as for a boxing to retreat from the captain, it must be talented, because killing him, do not believe that the other party can repel a legendary strongman purely by brute force.


   "Why do you think you can beat me?"


   Downton feels funny, not to mention the scepter, now even the Grand Marshal is a miscellaneous fish that is enough to bomb.


   "Well, as long as you kill you in seconds, I won't have time to activate your talents!"


  I don't care about death riding




   The chief of the imperial guard received a ready look from his subordinates and did not ask Downton's opinion. Directly announce the start of the duel.


"go to hell!"


   Dead ride charge, strong sword, but all this is a false pretense, the real killing trick, has long been laid.




  A black shadow, like a venomous snake ambushing, shot out of the shadow at the foot of Downton. With scarlet fangs open, he bit his calf.


  Death rider is confident to challenge Downton, relying on the rare talent, as long as the snake shadow bites, the target's soul will be infected with poison, and then become his slave.




   Downton lifted his right foot, chopped back sharply, stepped on the snake shadow directly, and pulled his right arm back. Like a ballista full of power, it blasted out.




   was not only surprised by the death knight, but even the captain of the forehead was shocked. He could understand his talents, and any existing magic detection methods could not be captured, but this guy seemed to have expected it.


   "His perception is so sharp!"


   The maid chief marveled.




   Nicole felt something was brushing his cheek. But she couldn't detect it, she thought. That may be Downton's secret method.




  Fisted with heavy punches, opened the long sword, and hit the scepter's face fiercely.




  Like a rotten watermelon, the head of the dead rider exploded, and the white brain plasma mixed with the red blood, spreading around. The headless corpse also fell to the Queen because of the impact, but he didn't wait to get close, and the chief of the guard shot.




  In the roar of roar, the captain of the imperial guards drew his sword and was furious. A sword hit the body of Dead Rider, as if it was put into a meat grinder, and it was directly broken into porridge. After flying all over the sky, he attacked Downton.


Nicole did not dodge, knocked on the armrest of the sofa with her index finger, and the meat and blood could not fall to the ground. It seemed to be dragged by an invisible gravitational force and reunited into a flesh. Then, with a snap, it disappeared. Dropped into subspace.


   "Only you can take three moves, I will let you live!"


   Nicole looked at Downton's indifferent heart. At this moment, she undoubtedly showed that she knew that the chief of the guard said that she was not angry, but that Downton was not angry at hitting her body, but deliberately made an excuse to kill him.


   "This kid's emotional intelligence is not enough!"


   The maid whispered, and the chief of guards was a legendary strongman anyway. This dead rider neatly defeated his opponents, and he no longer gave face to others. Now he is still bombarded, and it is strange not to be troubled.


A living death knight was killed in a blink of an eye, and there were no dead bodies. The people in the room, even those maids, did not show any expression of panic. Instead, they discussed with great interest. Only the death knights were glad, They didn’t take the lead to challenge Downton, or they would die.


   The airflow is surging, the pressure is overflowing, and the strong person's gas field is vividly displayed at this moment.


   "This guy is going to kill me!"


   Downton can feel the killing intention of the other party, but he can't use the arrogance and arrogance of the bully. He can only pull out the magical long sword with the Titan armed and block the slash.




   The long sword shattered into a light spot, which was scattered in the room. Downton, who had been expected to rush forward, rushed into the arms of the jailer.


   "Close combat skills?"


   The long guard was about to adapt, and the opponent's fist was already printed on his chest.




   seemed to be hit by a heavy artillery, the captain flew straight out, the shock wave spread, torn the precious carpet, and blew out the surrounding furniture.


   Nicole raised her hand, and a translucent magic barrier was born, blocking the retreat of the chief guard. She did not care about the destroyed bedroom, but looked at Downton in surprise.


   "Another legend was born in the Dragon Cemetery? Why don't I know?"


   Nicole asked.


   "Boy, I'm going to kill you!"


   pedaled on the barrier, and the captain of the imperial guard charged.


   "Ma Lei, no matter, make a big noise!"


   Downton gritted his teeth and was about to fully open the fire. The door was slammed open.


   "Master Queen, the big thing is not good, the altar was broken by a barbarian who did not know where it came from!"


   A servant rushed in, anxious report.


   "What?" Nicole stood up with a look of anger, "Call me the Death Totem Legion, I want to wipe out all invaders!"




  The guards clenched their fists in their right hands and struck their chests. After saluting, they immediately communicated their orders.


   "It's over!"


   The maid sighed. She knew that Nicole didn't care about the safety of the altar at all. She just wanted to have an excuse to command the army and conduct military exercises.


  Nico stood up, and Downton found out that this woman was so tall that she had already forced her sister Madeleine. And the temperaments of the two are quite similar.


   "So, it's your turn!"


  Nico stepped on his knee-length military boots and walked to Downton, looking directly at him.


   "It's so close to me, don't you feel too confident?"


   Downton shrugged his shoulders indifferently, hesitating whether to win this woman.


   "Haha, then I want to see!"


   Nicole pouted, grabbing Downton's collar violently. Pulling his head in front of him, "Say, do you choose death or cage?"




   The maidservant threw a handcuff on the ground, "Don’t blame me for not reminding you, this is a magic stone, wear it, you are a legend. You can’t use any magic energy, it will become an ordinary person."


   There are thousands of magic locks on the magic handcuffs. Without a key, it is impossible to crack, because the calculation law alone takes several months.


   "It's a sleepy pillow, promise her!"


   Homer is almost laughing to death, that Thousand Locks is for it. It's a child's toy.


   Downton's pretense stretched out his hands helplessly.


   "Very good, when I come back, if you are sure that you have no problems, you will be my next bodyguard!"


   Nicole patted Donton's shoulder with satisfaction, if the other party refused. Explain that there is a ghost, she will kill him without hesitation.


   Click! Click!


  The dead riders handcuffed Downton, but the action was not violent. Instead, he looked at him with envious, jealous, and hateful eyes. There was no way, as long as this guy was not brain-damaged, he would have to be on top.


  The servants of Dragon Nest knew that Queen Nicole was particularly obsessed with the killer Leon, and his director Downton, this dead ride looked like them, and it was almost drenched.




  When the maid puts on a scarlet cloak for Nicole, the queen slams wisely, leaving heroically, and the guards with their helmets and armour and iron blood hurry to keep up.


   "I wish the Queen, Wu Yunchang Long, a hundred battles!"


   The maid head kneeled and gave her away.


  The servants fell and fell to their knees.


"Boy, dare to lie to me!" Belonique gave Dunton a fierce glance. "Fortunately, if I had to prepare logistic materials, I must'wait' for you, come here, put He went to the dungeon!"


   Six death knights escorted Downton to the dungeon. This was what he meant, but it saved him searching.


   "Maid maid, don't you strip him and disarm?"


   A maid reminded.


   "Forget it, the queen has a good impression on him, don't overdo it!"


  Bellonica felt that wearing magic handcuffs, Downton's wings were difficult to fly, so she didn't care.


  Fifteen minutes later, Downton was put in a prison area under the dragon's nest and walked along the corridor. You can see the cells on both sides, and actually one third of the prisoners are detained.


   "There shouldn't be many people living in the Dragon Tomb? Why are there so many criminals?"


   Downton is puzzled. In terms of population ratio, Dragon Tomb is definitely a sinful city.


   "Some of the experimental bodies were made by the queen, and some were undead creatures who were born shortly before the wits were put into prison. They taught them the rules to make them understand how to survive in the dragon tomb."


  The warden is also an elite, and by looking at the attitudes of those death riders who sent Downton to him, plus he was not stripped, he knew that this one could not be offended for the time being.


   "Are those too?"


   Downton moved his lips towards the cell on the right.


The prisoners in    saw a newcomer coming and rushed over like a mad dog. They stretched their hands out of the railing and vigorously reached Downton. The roaring and whistling sounds they gave were one after another.


   "Oh, these guys are repeat offenders who have never been taught, and their endings are all sent to the laboratories of Amo and Xilin for testing!"


   The warden glanced down at Dunton and smiled ridiculously, "Aren't you going to the palace too?"




   Downton is unknown.


   "The undead are not all fools. For the first time in this dark place, seeing so many terrifying villains is also scared, but you are not at all!"


   said the warden, pulled out the baton, and knocked **** the prison door, "Quiet, keep me quiet, otherwise cancel today's lunch!"


  The prisoners didn't care, they yelled, and the noise was louder.


   "Is there a female prisoner?"


   Downton swept over these people.


"What do you want to do?"


  The gaze of the warden immediately became alert.


   "Life is too boring, have some fun, rest assured, if I plan to run, the defense facilities here can't stop me!"


   Downton made a reckless and arrogant gesture, "I only fight for the queen in my life!"


   "Of course there is fun, and you are guaranteed to play without thinking, just..."


   The warden no longer spoke, gave Downton a look you understood, the meaning was self-evident, everyone was unfamiliar, and I was afraid that you would be a whistleblower.


   "Relax, I will be your boss soon!"


   Downton touched the ring on his hand, deliberately showing it.


   "Very well, when the time comes, I will entertain you carefully and let you go home with satisfaction. Let's go in!" The warden opened the prison door. "According to the usual practice, I will hang you for three days. This is called a killing stick!"


"bring it on!"


   Downton shrugged indifferently.


   Wow! Wow!


  With the impact of the chain, Downton's hands were handcuffed, and the whole person hung up, only the toes barely touched the ground.


   This kind of punishment is replaced by ordinary people. All limbs have to rot in less than half a day, but for Downton, it is the level of tickling.


  The warden returned to the office and saw a head of the dead horse sitting at his desk, looking at his notes boredly.


   "Who is going to clean up again?"


  The warden is strange.


   "The new one, you find a few monsters to explode his chrysanthemum and mouth. It can make him as miserable as it is."


   The head of the group said it was a tyrannical order.


   "So ruthless? Why did he offend you?"


  The warden was stunned.


   "It's not offending me, it's the chief of security."


   The head of the group snorted.


   The warden immediately got up and gave him a courtesy, and his expression was also serious. He couldn't offend the chief of guards, but Downton seemed to have a good future.


   "I personally went to supervise!"


   The head of the delegation had guessed the thought of the captain of the imperial guard, and in a word blocked his retreat. There was no way, he could only do so.


   "Hey, where is the female prison here?"


   Downton asked the ghoul across the cell~www.wuxiaspot.com~ The other party didn't answer at first, but after Homer's elemental arm grabbed some delicious food and threw it away, it compromised.


   "In area b2, if I tell you, you don't know, if you want to go to prison, just grab a jailer and lead the way?"


  The ghoul gorged.


   Downton did not leave in a hurry, but inquired about the ghouls. This guy is definitely a habitual offender who is quickly sitting under the prison. He has a good knowledge of the anecdote of the prison.


   "Haha, don't worry about those female prisoners, worry about your chrysanthemum first!"


  The ghoul was used to the darkness, and when he saw a jailer leading a dead ride, followed by several sturdy stitched monsters, he knew what was going to happen.


"Boy, you were offended by the Chief of Guards, so brave!" Dead Knight stood in front of the old door and patted the monster beside him. "This is the boyfriend I brought you, how is it? Taste enough?" (To be continued...)



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