Hero’s Creed

Chapter 1211: Twilight's true identity


The will of the Master of the Battle of Xilin will not escape, but this momentary distraction is enough to affect the battle situation. ∈,

A huge blade of Holy Light erupted from the Twilight's long sword, and the magic wings of the sword calyx swayed with the light breeze and cut off!

The speed of the long sword is not fast, even ordinary people can see its trajectory, but it falls in the eyes of Xilin, but it is the shadow of the sky, pressed down like an endless sky, avoiding inevitable.


Xilin knew that there would be no chance if he didn't desperately, so he burned his soul, the green light in his pupils flourished, and he held the gun in his hands, as if he was about to pierce the sky, stab at the blade.


The two weapons collided, the energy exploded, the huge roar, not only torn the eardrums, but the heads of the dragon-slaughter undead, their heads were like being run over by the chariot and then exploded.

Even the quick-responsive scepter-level undead opened their shields, but they also had a headache and uttered a scream.


The shock wave shocked, and then destroyed the ground, letting the soil rise, like a tsunami, rushing around. In the space, there was a dense crackling of lightning, like a silver snake fluttering.


Downton reminded him to let Loli protect Juliet and Elaine, but he himself flew into the war circle, ready to help Twilight at any time.

Although it doesn't need to be, but Twilight's eyes slipped down to Downton's move, it was still moving and could not be added. The taste of being cared for was really good.

"Master of battle? No, it's just a few steps away from taking away the crown of God of War!"

Xilin looked at Twilight's young and excessive face with emotion, but there was no regret, "I can die in the hands of a quasi-god of war, I am convinced to take it by mouth!"

Twilight closed the sword and nodded slightly. This is a tribute to the opponent.

"Will Twilight be too envious?"

Seeing Downton caring about the twilight, Juliet became more jealous and slandered her subconsciously.

"No, that sword has already shattered Xilin's soul. He is dead. If you can, it is entirely due to the Dragon Lich's Life Box!"

Walnut explained that his eyes were full of admiration.

"Can my last wish be fulfilled? I want to see who lost it to me?"

Xilin pleaded.

Twilight hesitated, her strength is very strong, and almost no one can force her to use the crystal field, so although her field is ranked in the top three of the ten rare fields, there are still not many people who have seen it, so it cannot be recognized by it. Your own identity, but your looks will not work.

As the princess of the Twilight Empire, Heinrich's fiancee. It is also the same as Princess Sissi, and is known as one of the two most powerful, wealthy, and beautiful princesses in the Western Continent. Twilight's appearance is known to everyone.

"I won't embarrass you, how much does it cost?"

Xilin's body began to crumble and shattered into powder, drifting in the air with the light breeze, but before his eyebrows, there were still black breaths. If you look closely, you will find that they are all dragon souls. With a clear face, they wailed and seemed to complain.

The black breath formed a group of light, which was then shot by Downing, down to Downton.


Dou Zuanxing shifted and took over the black group.

"Uh. Don't worry, it's my lifelong combat experience, and the soul fire of the once defeated enemy. I have purified them thoroughly, you can read them. Get memory, knowledge, and combat experience! "

Xilin explained that even the dragon lich with few expressions was embarrassed at this time. He wanted to pass it on to others, but he was still blocked. This time Jane lost his adult.

"Homer, is there any conspiracy?"

Downton asked in his heart, but did not look on his face, thanked Xilin.

"No danger!"

Seeing Downton not accepting, but waiting, Xilin's depressed corner of his mouth couldn't help twitching, adding that if it wasn't for his strength, he yelled at Downton,'He is a man who has lived for thousands of years. Legendary strongman, you actually look down on my heritage! ’

Twilight's eyes suddenly burst into a bright light, followed by a white-gold flame burning, sweeping across the soul black group.

"No danger!"

Twilight confirmed that where she looked and where the undead standing was like being burned by the divine fire, screaming with pain and screaming away from the fire.

"I'm going to die, what are you doing?" Xilin complained, "This girl isn't as hearty as you are!"

"It's just useless!"

Twilight added.


Xilin had intended to ridicule Downton a few words. After all, it was his life-long inheritance, given to a human who defeated his brother. Of course it was uncomfortable, but I did not expect that people would not appreciate it.

"Downton doesn't need it. He leans on himself and will surely climb the position of God of War!"

Twilight's voice was dull, but it showed a strong confidence.

"Haha, what are you kidding?"

Xilin laughed angrily, "I didn't give it to you, because my heritage doesn't deserve you, but what kind of downton is this?"

"I'm never kidding!"

Twilight didn't get angry, didn't change her face, her tone was still dull. This way, she stopped all the words in Xilin's stomach.

As a thousand-year-old ghost, Xilin's vision for seeing people is too rich, and naturally it can be seen that Twilight really believes in Downton.

"She...she, wouldn't that be His Royal Highness?"

Elaine grabbed Juliet's hand and looked excited. As a holy priest, she naturally knew that the magical techniques used by Twilight were all used by Lion Ji.

Juliet squeezed her lips tightly. There was no word. The admiration expressions of Elaine and Walnut made her very painful. If she competed with Dilan Xue for Downton, she had already lost.

"But in your sincerity, I should not hide my identity, and you are also an opponent worth fighting for!"

Twilight, his left hand wiped his cheek, and then revealed that Qingguo Qingcheng, pure and holy face like a lotus like snow.

"His, really it is!"

Elaine gasped, almost jumping with excitement, and Princess Sissi was envied. Because of her family background, the girls felt that as long as they were born, they could reach her point, but for Di Lanxue, all they had was worship.

Dilan Xue is too powerful. In his teens, he suppressed the rebellion in the empire, and executed many ministers, nobles, and big merchants with iron fists. He killed the heads and rolled blood, and then took the king's scepter for nearly ten years. The afterglow of the empire ignited again, illuminating the sky, and saving hundreds of millions of people from poverty and civil war...

can. Di Lanxue, who is only in his twenties, has made achievements that many kings could not catch up with in his life.

Don’t the girls, those men, just respect Dilanxue and surpass her? I never thought about it, because in my heart, they thought it was impossible.

Only Heinrich, known as the star of hope for the mainland, deserves the **** Lanxue. This is already recognized by people because Lion Ji is so good. Any man with her is a stain!

"Oh it's you!"

After seeing Twilight's appearance, Xilin disappeared suddenly, and Di Lanxue never lied. She could downton, that was it.

"It's really Dilan Snow Princess!"

Downton saw Lion Ji's lineup. Although he was mentally prepared, he was completely stupid. He actually fought with Di Lanxue and fought side by side...

Downton remembered the town outside the secret area of ​​lava, in the backyard of the hotel. The first time I saw Di Lanxue's morning exercises, the meticulous look was printed in his heart.

At that time, he was a poor man in the country, waiting to become famous. At that time, she was an imperial princess. The two had no communication, no words, no eye contact, and they were like strangers.

Once, in the underground world, Downton met Twilight, three years, three people.

At that time, Downton was the Duke of the Western Realm in a third-rate country, and she was an undisputed adventurer. At that time, she was an unknown adventurer. Three people were trapped in the Sanctuary of Blood, three years. Into, he and her world, only each other!

Twilight never knew that she had been deeply jealous of Sissi!

Now, in the Dragon Cemetery, the two finally met in their true colors!

"Sorry, I have unspeakable bitterness!"

Di Lanxue looked at Downton and apologized.

"I know!"

Downton nodded silly.

"What do you know!"

Elaine is going to die in a hurry. My brother is so disagreeable. You, a man, should comfort Twilight, wrong, comfort Lion Ji.

"Haha, mankind, I wait for the day you become the God of War!"

Xilin ridiculed, with a hint of blessing, Di Lanxue's fame, too big, he had heard that he lived in the dragon cemetery.

"Haha, borrow your good words, but since Chengmeng Twilight can afford it, I can't shame her!"

Downton gave a **** shot, and the soul black group shot at Juliet.


The black group shot into Juliet's eyebrows, and for a time, a large amount of memory fragments turned into a tsunami, rushing into her mind.

This is a good thing, Downton doesn't use it, but he doesn't want to waste it.


Xilin was stunned, not expecting Downton to do this.

"Is this guy crazy? Don't give it to me!"

"That's Master Xilin's inheritance. Once integrated, you can practice for less years!"

"Don't talk about those, what is the origin of this girl who hides her identity? How do I think Master Xilin respects her?"

The frost dragon and the death knights who survived on the ground were all talking, but no one was willing to remove her sight from Di Lanxue. Without it, she was so beautiful, especially those eyes, Chan Ruo Stars, as long as you look at it, you will be completely intoxicated.

"Haha, there is courage, humanity, you will not be in trouble. She is Heinrich's fiancee. Finally, she will give you a gift and go west, where there is a big treasure!"

With this sentence, Xilin's body completely disintegrated, but at the last glance, he saw Downton suspended in the air, heroic and cool, and acetylene flying, indeed a bit of the **** of war.

The two legendary dragon lich were killed in battle, the dragon's nest was broken, and the remaining undead wanted to evacuate, but they did not dare to act violently, worrying about causing the attacks of these two human beings.

Di Lanxue's red lips moved a few times, not knowing what to do, and Downton did the same, so the scene fell into a strange silence, only the fresh wind blew past, like a lover's murmur.

"Eh? What is your attitude, His Royal Highness Dilanxue? Isn't she going to like her brother?"

Elaine took a step, originally wanted to congratulate Downton and Lion, but when they saw their expressions, they froze.

"do not know!"

Juliet lowered her head and had a terrible distorted expression. She knew this was wrong, but she couldn't help it.

"I remember that sister Sissi looked at the elder brother, this kind of gentle look, but this time, the elder brother too!"

Walnut reached out his index finger, quietly poked the back of the barrel of Elaine, covered her mouth with white and tender hands, and reported.

"No way!"

Elaine took another breath. She felt that she had not been as surprised as she had been in these twenty years. Princess Sissi and Princess Dylan Snow liked her brother? This Jane is too incredible, how can he do?

"No, my brother is the strongest!"

Elaine whispered, even from worshipping Downton, this time, she also fell into deep suspicion. Sissi loved her brother, and she was already surprised enough. Why is there a Dilan Snow? That is a girl that many young heroes on the mainland dare not pursue, and only Heinrich, some permission...

"Big Brother is the most perfect!"

Walnut snorted, her hands tucked in her waist, her mouth muttered, she was proud to show off, her eyes were all crescent moons.

In Lori's heart, Downton is the best big brother in the world. Any girl who likes him is their luck.

"Yes, brother is the best!"

Elaine nodded, what happened to Dilanxue? Brother is not good enough!

"Let's go and celebrate!"

After confirming that the undead had no intention to fight, Walnut flew to Downton and plunged into his arms.

Lori's joining finally relieved the awkward silence, Downton scratched his hair and smirked.

Lion Ji covered his mouth and smiled lightly. The original dark and dark graveyard, because of this smile, instantly bloomed with brilliant brilliance, as if painted with a conspicuous hue, everything was alive.

"Damn, she didn't look at me. In her mind, a woman like me is not worthy of being her competitor!"

Juliet stared at Di Lanxue, full of hatred in the twilight, almost subconsciously, she touched the love dagger in her arms, except for this, she could not find a chance to win Di Lanxue and Sissi !

"Twilight, uh, Emperor..."

Downton was silent, not sure what to call.

"Call me Twilight!"

Di Lanxue smiled.

"Is the Twilight Empire? It turns out so!"

Downton nodded ~ www.wuxiaspot.com ~ suddenly realized the origin of Di Lanxue's pseudonym.

"It seems that the battle is over?"

Capello took a pergola to look at the dragon's nest!

"Nonsense, hurry and go, see the momentum just now, Downton wins!"

Megan took the lead and rushed out. Downton was a Templar, so the Fox Girl regarded Di Lanxue's attack as his.

Elaine is still a bit restrained in face of Di Lanxue, there is no way, her identity is too amazing.

"There is a treasure on the west side of that Xilin, will it be a trap?"

Dilan Xueshan's embarrassingly diverted the topic (to be continued...)

p starting point auntie, as of now, I think I can’t update it, now it’s finally done, woooooooo!


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