Hero’s Creed

Chapter 1214: Antiquity

"what sound?"

Everyone was like a cat stepped on its tail, with a scalp tingling, a spine back, wide eyes, and looked in the direction of the sound. △,

Downton was also shocked and wanted to see what kind of enemy he was, because Ding Jing stopped water without any information feedback, but this situation was the first time he realized this divine skill.

"Repeat, level three alert, alarm!"

A metal cylinder like a trash can slides out from the front corner. It is about one meter high and half a meter in diameter. The lower part is equipped with wheels for easy movement. The upper part is a transparent crystal cover with a red light inside. It was rotating in a circle, and the pattern on the wall was bright and dark.

"It is worthy of the Titan creation using ancient technology, how can it be hundreds of millions of years from now, can it still be an early warning?"

Capello has always been erudite and has read many books, and by analogy, he can also guess the role of this magic machine.

"How to do?"

Quite a few inquiries sounded, and some people stared at the AWACS aircraft with greedy eyes and brought it back, maybe some technology could be cracked.

"It's mine!"

Viduka couldn't wait and shot out.

"Everyone is on guard, pay attention to the surroundings!"

Downton reminded that in Garnett's face, he did not block Viduka, and he just used him to test the effect of the early warning machine.

Of course, after going out, he will definitely grab the early warning machine back, even if it is useless.

"Enemy attack, alert level increased, repeat, enemy attack..."

The sound of the AWACS was more rapid and harsh, and he shouted while running away. Its attack power is not strong, and the survival time is guaranteed to guide the self-disciplined defensive magic tank ark-2.

"What is this thing?"

Megan frowned, but no one here understood Ancient Titan.

"Look where you are going!"

The speed of the early warning machine was faster than expected, so Viduka speeded up and took a gun pocket from the space ring. Draw a javelin and shoot it out.

The enemy is familiar with the environment and must be captured as soon as possible in order to prevent it from escaping.

The members looked left and right, hesitated, and did not keep up, Viduka was too arrogant, they were worried about being killed, and the situation was uncertain. Still wait.

"Why can't I perceive its location?"

Downton frowned, and his mirror was able to detect the water and even the soul fluctuations could be detected, but now, such a large machine has no trace.

"The surface of the machine may be coated with certain substances, which will absorb the fluctuations of the soul and form an invisible effect."

Homer deserves to be the master book of Nesreal who has experienced the highest magical civilization, and quickly gives an answer.

"Is this all right?"

Downton marveled.


Homer is sure.

"Then if I find this kind of material. Wouldn't it be possible to create a batch of stealth battleships to carry out air raids on important enemy capitals?"

Downton's eyes lit up.

"Useless. Your opponent is now the nine empires. Their air force is definitely stronger than you, and their strong national strength is enough to support the air defense of important cities!"

Homer vetoed. "The air power of the nine empires has been maintained for several years. You, a newcomer with only a dozen warships, want to die with others, don't you seek your own way!"

"Ah, let it run!"

Viduka repented and sighed.

"Do you think we will believe this?"

Capello sneered.

"I believe it or not!"

Viduka grinned. There is absolutely no possibility of spitting out the things you get, "Who makes you dare not to act, your hands are slow?"

"Oh, don't you plan to follow the rules of the adventure world?"

Capello sneered.

"I didn't team up with you again?"

Viduka retorted, "Don't forget, I'm a legendary strongman, and I also have a group of powerful members. You follow me. I haven't asked you to make compensations. It's kind enough."

"You threaten me?"

Capello is not good, of course, because he dare to lift the bear of the Bearman Chief, it is also because he made sure that Downton will come forward.

"Okay, don't be noisy, you get it when you get it, a broken mechanical creation, no one put it in your eyes."

Garnett couldn't help complaining when he rounded the field, "It wouldn't be a big fortune to make a fortune, would you have to offend everyone and be isolated and helpless?"

"Okay, I apologize!"

Viduka's face didn't mean to be soft, and he crossed the crowd and went to the wolf king. "It's not me. With the strength of our two, these people can be completely destroyed. Of course, the secret treasure is divided equally."

"I prefer to cooperate with Downton!"

Garnett refused, such pig teammates, he wondered how far he rolled.

Everyone was stunned. The Wolf King was really optimistic about Downton. He did not hesitate to offend a legend and a chieftain. If you know that Evduka’s power and support for Garnett’s participation in the king’s election would be huge. Help.

"This guy is a racist!"

Humans have a bad look, Viduka's unscrupulous sufficiency is enough to understand everything, and at the same time, fortunately, if there is no Downton suppression, these of them will be reduced to cannon fodder, consumed in the relics, and become a pathfinder for others.

Crunch! Crunch!

A sound of steel squeezing steel echoed in the channel, like an iron brush scraping on the eardrum, and everyone turned their heads subconsciously, and they saw two huge red beams coming out, followed by a huge chariot After the corner, like a beast that came out of the ancient scroll, appeared in front of everyone.

"It's a tank, withdraw!"

Di Lanxue blocked Yilian in front of them.

No one could hear Lion Ji's warning, even the Wolf King was stunned.

This is a steel monster with a visual inspection of more than a thousand tons. Those harsh noises are the sound of the crawler crawling on the floor. Those heavy cavalry regiments known from other continents are the ace tank troops of the nine empires. The fate of being scrapped into scrap iron.

This is not an order of magnitude at all.

"Discover the enemy, the annihilation begins!"

With a series of emotionless mechanical sounds, a huge rumbling sounded, the tank numbered Mark-2 was fully powered, and suddenly rushed towards Downton and his party.

There are two secondary guns at the front of the tank. At this point all turned around, spraying elemental bombs.

boom! boom! boom!

For a time, the elements in Yongdao flickered.

"Defense with all your strength!"

When Ding Jing stopped water and felt the power of the element bomb, Downton was shocked to remind.

The next second, the elemental bomb hit.

boom! boom! boom!

In the magic explosion, the shields of the front row members were broken into powder. This terrifying attack made them scream and step back. If Downton reminded, this round of shelling would damage many people, but a more terrifying blow came.

Because of the steering, the main gun turned to the right. At this time, it turned around and fired.


Dazzling elemental sparks were emitted from the muzzle, and a spar made of spar and steel was fired at a fast speed. Don Downton did not have time to intercept.


A group of members on the shelling route opened 12 shields, but it was useless. Then they were broken by a cannon and blasted into a pool of rotten flesh. Then the shells flew over and opened a long flesh and blood in the crowd. gallery.

Blood and minced meat splashed and spilled on everyone, as if taking a meat bath. This time, no one needs to be alerted. The members fled like crazy.

The loading and firing of the main gun took time, and there were not many shells in reserve, so Mark-2 only attacked with a secondary gun.

"Not saved, go away!"

Di Lanxue also wanted to save the severely injured people, and was dragged away by Downton's wrist.

"Quickly think of a way!"

Someone is crying.

Mark-2 ran over injured soldiers. The stray limbs flew around, leaving two traces of **** tracks, dazzling.

Yongdao is five meters wide, but when so many people are crowded together, it seems narrow. In the face of shelling, Jane is unavoidable and can only resist.

"Can't run anymore, otherwise the morale will be lost!"

Dilan Xue suggested, "Kill it!"

Downton was silent. If he was the only one, he would definitely agree that Keduuka, the eager guys were there, so he wanted to retain his strength.

"Downton, heroes don't mind these!"

Di Lanxue broke free from Downton and turned to kill Mark-2.

"So I am most afraid of working with moral addiction!"

Downton also turned around, he thought he was bad enough, but compared with Di Lanxue, it was simply a difference from Yunni.

"How can I miss me?"

Garnett drew his sword, and a thick lightning burst out, and the blue light around the photo was faint, and then shot on the battle body.

Fuck! Fuck!

The current is chaotic, but there is no destructive effect at all.

"It's over, it's time to fight!"

At the stall of the wolf king's words, the three men had already been killed, and the weapon hit the chariot.

when! when! when!

In the blast of steel impact, the tank slammed and slowed down.

"Let's go too?"

As soon as a member of the regiment finished asking, the chain of lightning broke out without any warning, sweeping around the yard.

This attack power is already legendary, and even the shield of Wrath of the Lonely Mountain of Downton has been shattered.

"Let's wait!"

This scene completely dispelled the fighting intentions of everyone, and even some people wanted to leave. There was no way to do it. Even a tank could not handle it, then other things must be more difficult.

The three Downtons are all masters of battle. After a brief confrontation, they can clearly understand the attack mode of the tank. Its main gun is too long. Although the lethality is the greatest, it is inconvenient to move. The two secondary guns are short and can be used for three or sixty. The dead end attack is more troublesome, but it is faster than the speed of the three people. The rest is the range lightning. The main purpose is to kill infantry close to the chariot.

"Fight its turret!"

Dilan Snow reminder.

The top of the tank is a protruding semi-circle with a red light spot on it. It is moving frequently, and it is obviously used for framing and solicitation.

The three escaped the shelling and vented the strongest attack.

boom! boom! boom!

The semicircle seeks to break, the light goes out, and the chariot really starts to attack indiscriminately.

"The opportunity is coming!"

Viduka joined the battle group.

"Can you shame anymore?"

Capello blamed.

Under the siege of Downton, the track of the tank broke, lost its balance, and hit the wall with one end, fearing that I would stop the flame.

Viduka rushed over to confirm the damage of the tank. After no danger, he wanted to put it into the space ring as soon as possible.

"Since the start... drip... the tank was too damaged to start, the self-destruction program started, five, four..."

"What is it?" Viduka asked back, "Does any of you understand Old Titan?"


When Homer informed Downton about the mechanical sound, he turned and flashed.


Viduka is not a fool. Seeing this scene, it also teleports, and then the big bang comes.


A large group rushed out and filled the entire corridor, and after the clang, steel fragments smashed everywhere.

"Are you all right?"

The wolf king climbed up in disgrace.


The coughing sound continued, almost all people had wounds, but Viduka was the worst, the shield was broken, and his face was covered in black smoke.

"Nothing here?"

Some people lamented that the chariot exploded with a light, and the biggest component was the turret with a twisted barrel.

"These are mine!"

Viduka didn't let a screw go, and drove the orc to clean the battlefield.

"It's too ugly to eat!"

Even Megan couldn't stand it anymore.

"Don't pick it up!"

Downton sneered.

"Why? What do you want?"

Viduka is like a big enemy. Among this group of people, apart from the Wolf King, Downton and Twilight are the most powerful. When the two joined forces, he did not think he could win.

"Well, I'm telling you how much you want, it's complete!"

Downton nodded his head with his chin, and Viduka turned his head to see that two more Mark-2 tanks appeared and began to wipe out the invaders.

The attack power of the tank is very strong, but the mode of action is fixed. Once it is understood, as long as the attack power can keep up, it can be destroyed and destroyed.

Of course, because of the magic technology, magic strikes are almost ineffective for these tanks.

In this situation of fighting and fleeing, a group of people are moving forward with no purpose, but they are gradually convinced that this should be the inside of a fortress.

"It seems that Titan is free to control his size!"

The king of the wolf speculates that some areas, large and ridiculous, are enough for a large group of giants to live, but there are some places that are normal humans.

"It's a dead end again!"

Piero smashed the iron door. "How do you open this thing?"

No one knows, not even Homer.

"Queen Nicole has been exploring the Dragon Tomb for so many years, should I have explored this place early? If we want to discover the secret treasure, we have to open these doors and walk where no one has walked!"

"I think it's better to leave."

"Yeah, you can't lose your life for those hidden treasures~www.wuxiaspot.com~ Someone backed away.

"Don't you just destroy the door? Look at me!"

Walnut rounded the Warhammer and smashed it towards the rectangular crystal on the door. She thought it should be the controller.

"Stupid, if it were so easy to open..."

Viduka's sarcasm can't go on, because the iron door opened slowly after a soft sound.

"It really depends on me!"

Walnut lifted his chin, smugly, and just stepped in, he was pulled down by Downton.

A hot and humid atmosphere mixed with water vapor was rushing across the face. On the ground, green vines sprang out quickly, biting towards everyone's legs like a poisonous snake.

Suddenly, the danger is unexpected! (To be continued...)


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