Hero’s Creed

Chapter 1218: Dvorak

readx; "Do you think it is possible?"

Downton asked back. ︽


There was a dry laughter from Magic Mountain in the front, and I will not mention this topic again. Let me say that the two are unfamiliar and there is no basis for cooperation. His own bad criticism makes him far away.

The three new stars in the dark world, the governor is the most mysterious, the black knight is the most paranoid, and the Magic Mountain is recognized as the most sinister and spicy, moody, and there is no moral concept in his heart.

Downton didn't choose to be vain, and proved that he was also a decent person who was unwilling to play this method.

"So the priesthood is troublesome. Are you tired of living?" Mo Shan pouted. "It's life, and death, this is life!"

"Did you fall head in your childhood?"

Downton asked.

"What do you mean?"

Magic Mountain frowned.

"Brother said, you should see a psychiatrist!"

Elaine hates this kind of neuropathy most. If they are a little capable, they will cause huge harm to society.

Along the way, there were more than 20 scrapped chariots, steel parts spilled across the ground, and then a broken iron door appeared in the field of vision.

Demon Mountain stood outside the door, staring at Duro with vigilance.

"Hey, are you too unpredictable?"

Watching Durham inspect the control room, he completely ignored himself. The face of the magic mountain was as dark as the bottom of the pot. After debuting for so long, people who looked down on him, except Heinrich and the governor, were dead.


Downton also arrived, but his mentality had not been adjusted, and wanted to talk to him, but fortunately Di Lanxue stopped him.

"Dvorak, explain your identity to Downton!"

Lion Ji couldn't bear Downton to be sad, and lost his usual calmness and indifference. Furious towards Durham.

"What do you call him?"

The Magic Mountain screamed and looked at Dilanxue in amazement. Then his eyes fell back to Durham. "Dvorak? What a joke, isn't that the first new star?"

"Di Lanxue, you know. It's pointless, it's just a waste of time."

Dvořák is awkward with words, and his face is cold, and he is still operating the console while speaking.

"What? Dilan Xue?"

The magic mountain turned back suddenly, a pair of eyes, like the falcon, nailed to the body of Lion Ji, almost instinctively away from her.

The whole continent knows that Di Lanxue is envious. She strictly adheres to the eight virtues of the knight, so she is a dead enemy of all dark organizations. If she is not too distinguished and powerful, she does not know how many people will assassinate her.

"This guy is so powerful, it must be an old monster that has lived for tens of thousands of years, no, maybe longer!"

Homer marveled, this is the Titan ruins. Those devices and consoles don't even understand it. However, Dvorak was skilled.

"No, you are not disguised, otherwise my eyes should be able to see through."

Unbelieved by Moshan, he said to himself, and then denied. "Wait, with the rich treasures of the Twilight Empire, it's not difficult to find the ultimate magic costume that can achieve the perfect cosmetic effect, plus your horror strength, Downton. Is she really a Lion Ji?"

"Are you really the first new star?"

Downton's mouth is full of bitterness. For 15 years, my friend has been hiding from himself. "You live in Chenwu Town, is it for that underground city?"

Duren ignored Downton, and his attitude was like watching an ant run across his feet.

"Forget it, even if you don't say it, you can prove that you don't have a little surprised expression at all."

Mo Shan shook his head, revealing an incredible smile, "It's incredible, you are a poor country, how did you know Dilan Xue? She is a distinguished princess!"

"Sister Twilight!"

Elaine was a little nervous. Was it okay to spread the secret?

"Haha, it's so interesting. Seeing Dilanxue's expression, she seems to like you very much. You actually put a green hat on Heinrich. I always thought it was a buzzword, but I didn't expect it to be true."

Moshan ridiculed.

"Don't talk nonsense!"

Downton raised his eyebrows, anxious, and this rumor spread out, damaging Di Lanxue's reputation.

"Haha, I'm just kidding. Are you so serious, is it true?" Moshan mocked heartily. Only in this way can I express my bitterness and dissatisfaction. "I always thought I was lucky to climb to this position. , But you actually got the love of Bavarian Rose and Lion Ji at the same time, why are you?"

These two girls are the perfect two of the younger generation, the dream lover of all men, but now, they have an intersection with Downton.

"My brother is very good, why can't they be their boyfriends?"

Elaine was not convinced.

"You say this to Heinrich, I really want to know what expression he will have when he knows his fiancee likes other men!"

The magic mountain is guilty of joy and evil. Heinrich is always proud of himself. He is simply a winner in life. He is jealous and cannot be jealous, but this time, he can be seen as ugly.

"Continent's Star of Hope has become the continent's first green ~ Hat King, you said that Saint Gerald and the Twilight Empire will fight?"

Magic Mountain jokes.

"Do you want to die?"

Downton anger savings.

"Oh oh, I'm so scared!"

Mo Shan embraced his chest with both hands, and put on a terrified expression, how cheap.

Downton was about to start and was stopped by Lion Ji.

"I just followed my father's will and became Heinrich's fiancee. At present, there is no wedding ceremony and marriage contract, so there is no betrayal, and I have nothing to do with Downton."

This is the first time Di Lanxue has publicly clarified the relationship between two people. The meaning of this is self-evident.

"You actually..."

Magic Mountain was stunned. He was not a fool, so he read the subtext of Lion Ji. If he was not ashamed, why should he explain? In fact, the remarks just made a ridicule, killing him, and did not believe that Di Lanxue would like Downton because there was an insurmountable gap between the two.

Elaine and Juliet were also dumbfounded. They were women, so they knew that the explanation was to cover up, Dilan Xue. Sure enough, like Downton.

"You are the princess of the First Empire. You already have everything. Why should you grab Downton with me?"

Juliet bit her lip, roaring deep in her heart, full of grief and indignation.

"Huh, what's wrong with you?"

Walnut is a fool. So I scratched my hair and question marks all over my face, and couldn't figure out what these people were worried about.


In a long, harsh sound, an iron door opposite opened slowly.

"Di Lanxue, look at your face, I agree to this request!" Dvořák looked down at Dunton, expressionless, coldly like a piece of ice, "recognize. I am Dvořák , The original owner of this continent!"


Downton had a lot to say, but Dvorak's expression turned away thousands of miles away.

"Ma Lei, are you trying to scare me?"

Magic Mountain gasped, and his heart shrank slightly. No matter how arrogant he was, he didn't think he could win them at the same time. To know that Dvořák also had the title of heads-up king. Any opponent challenged by him is dead. Otherwise, the title of the first star will not be left.


Elaine grabbed Downton's hand and was terribly distressed. She knew how profound the friendship between her brother and Durham was.


Juliet wanted to persuade, but Di Lanxue stood on the other side first, sighing. Patted Downton's shoulder.

The maid lost her position.

Dvořák rushed towards the gate, and the Magic Mountain hesitated a bit, but still caught up.


Homer urged that Dvorak was completely purposeful, so what he liked was absolutely extraordinary.

Don't wait for Downton to enter. The cry of the Magic Mountain came.

The control room is very large, built entirely in proportion to the size of the Titan Giant, so Downton and his party entered, as if it had shrunk dozens of times.

In the center, there is a complicated mechanical device, which is covered with transparent crystal barriers, inside which is a cube, with a blue magic pattern on it, mysterious, mysterious, and full of the atmosphere of the ancient Titan.

"found it!"

Dvořák looked excited. This Titan ruin is actually a lost Titan fortress. It contains the most cutting-edge Titan technology. It is a carrier that integrates life and battle, and is used to carry out a plane expedition. It is the initial landing of the Titans. One of the fortresses on the Western Continent.

Get it, it is equivalent to get a mobile battle fortress, can air deter all countries on the entire continent.


The white steam spewed out, the mechanical lock was unlocked, and the core cube was exposed.

"One step closer to completing the plan!"

Dvořák stretched his hand toward the cube, but the gravity suddenly increased twenty times, and the air sank to the naked eye.


Juliet and Elaine knelt down to the ground. The sudden increase in gravity increased the burden on the organs, and the brain was instantly deprived of oxygen and almost fainted.

If this is another ordinary person, it will directly burst and die suddenly.


Dilan Xuexian waved his hand and a crystal shield unfolded to protect the two girls.

Downton shot and stormed the Magic Mountain, followed by Walnut, and Xiao Loli's physical fitness was so good that he was completely unaffected by the super gravity.

"Although I don't know what it is, it belongs to me!"

The magic mountain tiger swallowed for food. With a finger swiping and gravity, the cube was attracted and flew over. His other hand slammed with a fist.


Several black gravity barriers were born and rushed towards Downton.


Dvořák's face was stunned, and the gesture of reaching out was ten times faster, and he grabbed the cube and pulled it abruptly.


The element bursts and the gravitational chain breaks.

call out! call out! call out!

Hundreds of elemental sharp blades are now around Magic Mountain, and they shoot down and pierce him into a hedgehog.

The soul fluctuated and weakened, and there was blood flowing out, which was a sign of dying, but Dvorak didn't care, and raised it with one hand, blocking it beside his cheek.

Magic Mountain teleported, his right leg wrapped with a black gravity blade, and kicked Dvorak's head like a steel whip.


Dvorak flew out, his right arm was severed, and the cube remained.

"But so!"

Magic Mountain's avatar is very clever and can simulate death, so if you are not careful, the enemy will be misjudged, thinking that he is dead, and then ignore the subsequent sneak attack.

"It's mine!"

Magic Mountain stared at the core, and just stretched out his hand to catch it. He felt very bad, turned back to defend, banged, Downton's heavy punch, too powerful, let him fly out unstoppable.

Downton did not go to get the cube, but the defense was fully open, slamming toward the right.

The barbarian illusion appeared, heavy punching, and struck out Dvořák in the invisible state. This guy just made a move, and it was also an illusion, in order to induce Downton to appear.


Dvořák punched out, and the fist of the sky suddenly disappeared, and the illusion collapsed directly.

The walnuts were killed and the warhammer bombarded them.

Dvorak dealt with Downton, and Yu Yu reached out his left hand, faster than the line of the Warhammer, and appeared in front of Little Loli.


Dvořák was a little bit of an understatement, but it made Walnut seem to be hit by a heavy artillery. The whole body leaned back extremely, banged, flew out, and hit the wall straight.


The steel wall was stunned by a walnut, and she was always known for her tenacity, but this time, she spit out a lot of blood.

Elaine quickly cast a spell.


Di Lanxue stopped, but it was too late, the magic fell on Walnut, like an attack, making her more painful.

"what happened?"

Elaine is about to cry.

"Either talent or martial arts will make the target he hits receive multiple times of attack damage while receiving treatment!"

Di Lanxue explained.

"Downton, join hands, this guy is hard to tangle!"

Magic Mountain put away its cynical mentality. The title of the first star is worthy of the title. It is terrifyingly strong. Of course, Downton is not bad. In the twenty-fold gravity field, it can move freely.

"Walnut, you protect Elaine and Juliet, wait outside!"

Despite the largest number of his own, Downton did not have the confidence to win. In the Dvorak series, the number advantage is no longer important.

"it is good!"

The walnut wiped off the blood from the corner of the mouth without adding chaos.

"I'm so wasteful."

Juliet blamed herself for not being able to help, but also to be protected, which made her wish to die.

Di Lanxue, who was about to shoot, suddenly looked at the door, and even Dvorak, who reached out to grab the cube, stopped and was alert.

The Dragon Guardian killed him, blocked the door, and looked at the crowd with a silent look.

"Come on, this is dead!"

Facing the desperate situation, there was a trembling excitement in the heart of the magic mountain, which made him almost cry out. This dance of death on the tip of the knife was the life he longed for.

"Di Lanxue, cooperation, the core of the fortress, I divide you half!"

Dvořák disdain to lie and propose the transaction and it will be completed. As for Downton and Magic Mountain, it is because they are unworthy.

"Invaders of the Titan fortress, all **** it!"

Others think that the garrison guards the dragon cemetery. In fact, he had existed as early as the dragon tomb was built. His real mission is to guard this fortress and wait for its new owner to arrive~www .wuxiaspot.com~Okay! "

Di Lanxue drew her sword, and the vigorous demeanor of the garrison officer even scared her by three points.


The garrison's sword was drawn before the person arrived, and the blade of the law appeared directly on everyone's head, slashing down.

boom! boom! boom!

Downton punched his fist and confirmed that Elaine and Juliet were safe before starting their own defense, as did Dilan Xue.

"We are not kids!"

Juliet broke out and couldn't help complaining while releasing the succubus.

"Sister Juliet!"

Elaine pulled the hand of the maid and told her to say less, this attack, they are really helpless. (To be continued...)


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