Hero’s Creed

Chapter 1222: Heroic deeds

The other battlefield is also a mess. The destruction is even more serious than the battle hall between Downton and Magic Mountain. The metal walls have melted, and within a thousand yards, there is no sign of life. ≧,

"It seems that there is a victory over there, who will win?"

Dvořák listened with his ear and asked with a smile.


Without any hesitation, Di Lanxue answered.

"You have confidence in him!"

Dvorak quipped, "It seems that you really fell in love with him!"

"It's not my faith, but his will that will let him win!"

Di Lanxue explained, as for the second half of the sentence, then ignored.

"Unfortunately, I originally planned to conquer this continent, propose to you, and then take control of the West Territories together." Dvořák shook his head. "I only like pure things. Your love is defiled and not worthy of my collection." !"

"That's really embarrassing!"

The always serious sarcasm of Lion Ji.

"But I decided to cherish you as a collectible. As the master of Xitu, I have to have a few "Orders" that can be obtained. Of course, Heinrich will also receive this honor!"

Dvořák's arrogance is beyond reproach, thinking the winning ticket is in hand.

"Stop talking, fight!"

Downton's victory inspired Di Lanxue, so that she no longer hesitated to use the big move.

A blue cube with large fingernails appeared, and then it was continuously derived and re-engraved, and it instantly gathered into a huge cube, which shone with crystal clear luster.

Di Lanxue put his right hand in, and the endless pain immediately hit, Jane than stretched his arm into the magma ten thousand times.

With the strong will of Lion Ji, he was born and has never screamed in battle. Can not help but frown, his aching mouth twitched.


Dvorak felt that the power of the law was surging wildly. Without thinking about it, he pounced on Dilanxue, but it was not yet close, and a layer of crystal force field popped up. He couldn't move forward.


Di Lanxue pulled out a white gold two-handed knight sword, violently shocked, with her strength, she couldn't control it, and she seemed to be flying away at any time.

"The will of heaven?"

Dvořák was startled by surprise, and Cheng Cheng's expression of contempt for all contempt became anxious. He no longer kept his hand, and his firepower was on.

"Break me!"

Dvorak torn the crystal force field, and the meteor was generally wrapped in red light. Shot at Dilan Xue.


Di Lanxue held the sword with both hands and cut it with all his strength.

In an instant, it seemed like eternity, time freezes, and it seemed like a white cloud dog, time flies, white foal gap, everything annihilated in the long river of time.

Be bold!

"Haha. This soul is fluctuating, and it seems to be Downton. It seems that he is dead!"

Demecheles quipped, but only a large piece of flesh on his cheek was torn, leaving only bones, making him look terrible.

"You Hu, the big brother will win!"

Walnut coughed up blood. Her face was pale, although she was powerful and her fighting instinct was outstanding, but compared with Demi, she had too little fighting experience and suffered a lot of losses.

"Don't be fooled. He is insulting you!"

Elaine reminded that because of Demi's talent, she could not heal walnuts, so she watched a girl fight and made her blame herself.

"Huh, I know!"

Walnut grunted his mouth and charged again, "But it doesn't matter, I will beat you upright!"

"If you don't go, I will kill you!"

Juliet roared angrily towards Ishar. She knew how Downton loved walnuts. If she died, she would blame her life.

"Hey, hello, don't be so excited, she is okay for the time being, and it seems that Downton has also ended the fight, you have to, the man you fancy is really amazing."

Isar comforted, and added another sentence in his heart, if he had not known the Governor, he would definitely invest in Downton.

"Is it Downton?"

"Shouldn't it? The aftermath of this battle, Jane is a legendary strongman!"

"No, Downton is a man who brings miracles. An indigenous civilian climbed to his present position and won the favor of Princess Sissi. Do you dare to believe it?"

Adventurers tweeted, Capello and Megan looked at each other, and they both saw each other’s worries and hopes. If Downton died, their previous investment was wasted.

"Don't argue, don't you know if you go and see?"

Capello suggested that no one would dare to go, and the one who could cause such damage must be a powerful terrorist, even if they were seriously injured and dying, they would not find it cheap.

"Who is fighting?"

In the castle like Inzaghi running headless flies desperately want to vomit blood, usually he can rely on his talent to predict his fate, but after entering the fortress, all abilities are disturbed by an invisible force, prophecy The results are completely different.

"The battleship of the ancient Titans is really powerful!"

Inzaghi wanted to give up, and he was used to acting on his talents. In this situation, it seems that he lost his hands and feet, making him completely at a loss, but the fortress is too precious to make him ruthless.

Unable to predict whether it is a blessing to go to the heart of the volatility, so the Prince of Milan hesitated.

"Queen, confirm that the shock came from Titan's legacy. According to the energy level, it is speculated that the two legendary fifth-order powerhouses are dueling!"

The Captain of the Dead Knights presented a stack of reports.

Queen Nicole stared into the distance expressionlessly, waved the report, using her perception, without knowing it, she knew it.

"Queen, how to act?"

The chief of the guard was silent for a moment, but decided to speak. There was a Titan fortress filled with ancient magic technology, which must not fall into the hands of others.

"I'm thinking!"

Nicole once had the idea of ​​Titan Fortress and wanted to rely on it to return to Dragon Island and kill the guys who had bullied himself. A deep psychological shadow, so hesitating.

"Queen, according to the methods of the surviving dead riders, it is the Westland heroes led by Downton who destroyed the Dragon Nest. They may really be able to kill the sergeant. This opportunity, we must not miss it!"

The maid chief advised that they had been fed up with the bad weather in the cemetery and were fed up with the food. They wanted a more comfortable life.

Nicole looked at the battleship. The high flying flag and the head of the queen above, because of the outstanding hand embroidery of the banshees, the proud expression is so lifelike.

"Yes, I have been silent for so many years, and I will soon forget my pride!"

A self-deprecating smile flashed across Nicole's face, followed by a firm expression, "Target Titan's legacy. The whole army advances!"


The dead riders stepped on the ground with their heels together and stood upright, clenched their fists in their right hands, knocked on their chests, and shouted loudly.

"For the glory of the queen!"


The magnificent horn sounded, the battleship.

Every soldier looked excited, and the queen was for freedom. Once again, to the real owner of the Dragon Cemetery, a war was launched!

"It really is the seed selected by the Holy Coffin. No, it should be more appropriate to be selected by fate. My mission is finally over!"

In the void, the Vindicator's eyes focused on Downton's battle, waiting to see him win. A smile of relief and relief appeared.

In the hall turned into ruins, Downton stood alone, the armor was completely damaged, and only a few strands of cloth hung on the body covered with scars.

"Haha, I really look at you. Maybe, you really have the qualification to challenge the evil spirit!"

The magic mountain lay on the ground, and the body gradually collapsed like weathered rocks.


Downton's words affected the injury and coughed up a large mouthful of blood. He wanted to release a wind of gods, but the magic energy was all squeezed out. Fortunately, the blood power was activated, and the dawn and dawn and the sacred flame of heaven were spontaneously healing. body.

Homer stretched out the elemental arm and quickly took the kettle filled with the fountain of the element and poured it into his mouth. Some of it sprinkled along the corner of the mouth, and he couldn't take it anymore.

"It's a waste!"

Downton is very distressed.

"When do you still care about this? A little later, your magical energy will be exhausted, and then it will become the mummy's end."

Homer despised that Downton's win this time was really thrilling, but compared to the luck of defeating Wood this time, this time it was real strength.

"Downton, the stage of the Western Continent is too great. Let's go to the abyss battlefield, where is your frontier of galloping. I look forward to you challenging the heroic posture on the top of despair!"

The right hand extended by Magic Mountain suddenly clenched into a fist and waved fiercely towards Downton, "Come on, and finally give you a piece of advice, Heart Heinrich!"


Watching the magic mountain completely disintegrate, Downton silently blessed in the bottom of his heart, this guy is a bad guy, but at least it is bright and upright, and never disguise.

After taking a few deep breaths and confirming that there was some spare energy, Downton immediately went to support the walnuts, but after turning into the corridor, he saw Hilton and his party passed out.

"They didn't die?"

Downton felt very incredible. The explosion just now destroyed everything around him. Of course he didn’t know that this was a gift from the garrison.

The three new stars in the dark world are so famous that Downton killed Wood and killed the Magic Mountain, which was enough to establish his status as the first person under Heinrich and qualified to challenge him and the first star.

To be a hero, at least there must be a great cause and glorious deeds to be sung. Downton governs Drankford and let the people live a good life. That is not a hero, but a king.

Counting it carefully, Downton once destroyed the Brotherhood branch in Paris, and also killed the two Uranus of the Black Flame Church, but it is still not enough, but now, one of the three new stars has been killed and a villain has been removed for the mainland. , Is definitely a deed that makes people celebrate.

Downton collected the debris of the core, glanced at them, confirmed that these guys were not seriously injured, lost a sober aura, and turned to leave.

"Ah, my head hurts!"

"The battle seems to be over? This destructive power is terrible. Who won?"

"I seem to see Downton's back?"

Even the awakened blue robes, looking at the battlefield in the ruins, were still as chilling. The Hilton, who thought of offending Downton, sent a trembling in her heart. She understood that she was the day pursued by many noble children In front of him, the charming girl has no proud capital.

The blue robes glanced at Hilton and others, and no longer made any excessive demands, and left sullenly. Everyone understood that this was because of Downton's deterrent force.

Downton's mirror stopped wide open, following the magic wave, and found Walnut.

The battle was over. Demi Kelly, one of the four kings of the Black Flames, died and died, and the whole person shattered into a rotten flesh, with only one head placed beside Walnut.

"Brother, I won!"

The walnuts lay on the ground with their arms and legs resting. When Downton arrived, they sat up immediately and showed off happily.

"Not hurt?"

Downton rushed over and hugged Lori in his arms.


Walnut hugged Downton backhand, like a domestic cat, rubbing his chest hard with his cheek.

"No lies!"

Downton talked about Walnut's head.


Loli's eyes laughed into a crescent moon.

Elaine wiped the tears from her face and witnessed her fighting all the way. Naturally she knew how hard Walnut won. Demi's strength was much stronger than her. The reason for her death was too miserable.

"The leader won the Black Flame King?"

Capello and his party arrived and saw Demy's head lying next to it. They were all startled. There were a few flexible eyes, and they picked them up.

"No, that's the booty of walnuts!"

Downton rubbed Loli's hair, "It seems I can't treat you like a child anymore!"

"Well, I am an adult!"

Walnut akimbo, chin lifted high, proud.

"Isn't it? If I remember correctly, Demi should be a legendary strongman?"

Someone murmured, and as soon as the words fell, they didn't know who was kicked, and the other people's eyes as if they were murderers also came.

"A fool, does Downton need to lie on this kind of problem?"

Megan rolled his eyes.

"How about Magic Mountain?"

Juliet inquired that she could not rest assured until Downton personally confirmed that the guy was dead.

"Relax, it's dead!"

Downton comforted.

"Magic Mountain is dead? Isn't it..."

Capello and others thought of a possibility, all looking at Downton with incredible eyes, this record is absolutely brilliant.

"Isn't it true that Moshan was killed by his big brother."

Walnut showed off, seeing Downton killing Devil Mountain, even happier than defeating Demi herself.

A cold breath sounded, and everyone looked at each other, and they all saw thick envy and jealousy in the other person's eyes, and then some people's expressions became more humble.

"Okay~www.wuxiaspot.com~ You are waiting here, I will go find Twilight!"

Downton just got up, and a violent shock wave came, which was stronger than the aftermath of his battle with Magic Mountain.

"Who is this?"

Megan was surprised.

"It seems to be over!"

The cheap **** sighed, the young people nowadays, amazing, the magic mountain and Dvorak are immortal, and they are also qualified to cross Saint Aoxun and geniuses who are striking towards the unknown field!

Downton rushed out, a group of people quickly followed, and a few of them had not forgotten to release their luxurious cars, and asked Walnut to rest.

In the passage, Di Lanxue appeared, her face paled a lot, her eyes did not match the previous demeanor, as if the star had dimmed.

"are you OK?"

Downton didn't think about it, and a healing technique was lost. (To be continued...)


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