Hero’s Creed

Chapter 1224: Queen arrived

"Now it's your turn!"

Downton looked at the guys in black robes. [Wu Ruo Novel Network first release]

"We are members of the Black Flame Church!"

The leader did not have enough confidence to say this, and his legs shivered. He knew it was shameful, but he couldn't control it.

"so what?"

Downton pouted and shrugged his shoulders.

"Idiot, the eldest brother even slaughtered the King of Black Flames several times. He was already a dead enemy!"

Stupid Walnut finally found an opportunity to despise others, and was very happy.

Downton was impatient and waved his right hand casually, but the believers were almost scared, and their faces changed greatly for mercy.

"We admit defeat, everything is up to you, please bypass our life?"

The believers have always been self-satisfied as members of the Black Flame Church. Even if they can't beat the enemy, they can retreat with their own name. After all, as one of the three mysterious organizations in the West, the church has a deep background and almost no one. Dare to mess.

Of course, there are people in the church who can't afford it, such as those giants, such as the royal family of the nine empires, but there will never be the hands of a king of a third-rate country, but Downton broke this exception.

"Downton, it is better not to offend the Black Flame Church."

Megan persuaded.

"This fox girl is right, everyone can actually cooperate!"

The leader saw that the prestige of the church was still there, and he had a little confidence, but when the words fell, he saw Downton pulling his sword.

Titan Fantasy? A flash!


The sharp blade shot, chopping the leader into two pieces, and all the blood and internal organs blew out, covering the floor.

"So much nonsense!"

Downton put the sword into the sheath.

The audience was silent, no one thought, Downton said to kill, there is no time for hesitation, this courage is absolutely terrible.


Hilton, who had never been accustomed to Downton's background, suddenly realized his tough guy gesture. It's really fascinating.

"What do you want to know, we all cooperate!"

When Downton glanced over, a cultist hurriedly cried out, and there was no shortage of smart people. They understand that the other party is killing chickens and monkeys.

"take away!"

Downton will torture the intelligence, otherwise these guys will be executed directly.

"Downton... Leader, we are the Blue Dragon family!"

The original self-identifying blue robes laid down their bodies, and even added the title of the leader after Downton's name. No way, the other party's strength is enough to get this respect.

"Do what I say, or die!"

Downton has a tough attitude and has no room for bargaining with these guys. The children of the upper class nobles such as Capello are present, so he has to seize the opportunity to establish his influence.


The deputy captain couldn't wait any longer.

"No, let's go to prison!"

The blue robes compromised.

"Head, you never plan to shut us up, too?"

Piero played haha. He laughed twice.

"Do you zebras like to joke?" Downton teased.

"The character of our family is very unrestrained, especially on the bed. By the way, when you get back, I will give you a few zebra beauties, you will know!"

Piero flattered Downton and didn't feel embarrassed at all, but in the eyes of those envious and jealous, he gained a lot of pleasure~ to Downton's current status. It is not easy to be friends with him.

"Don't teach my brother to be bad!"

Elaine grunted.

"Haha, Her Royal Highness is so worried, how dare I!"

Piero patted his cheek. It was a guilty condemnation, and the others smiled in sympathy, and the atmosphere seemed pretty good. It was just a word from Downton that made them change their faces.

"You are my friend, but this bear-man prince is not!"

Downton swept over these people. Looking at them as if the quail was looking at the eagle, he was trembling, and there was a sense of pride in his heart. His once-rural rural civilian has finally become a character who is calling for storms. .

"Of course, Prince Piero's friend is also my friend!"

Downton wasn't stupid enough to make enemies on all sides. Piero knew that he would naturally give face.

Hearing this, Piero's back straightened up, especially a few orcs who hadn't dealt with it in the past also came to talk, let him earn a good face, his heart was smooth, and he was more determined to follow Downton's thoughts.

Twilight shook her head helplessly. She actually didn't like Downton, but she also understood that otherwise, the country would sing.

Under the deterrent of self-disciplined robots, the bear-man prince did not dare to rush, and was obediently escorted to the dungeon.

"Alarm, it was found that a fleet entered the airspace of the fortress without permission, and it did not stop after warning!" The mechanical sound began, "please ask the captain to go to the bridge as soon as possible to command the battle!"

In accordance with the lights on the wall, Downton ran towards the bridge, Capello and his party quickly followed, in addition to showing loyalty, but also want to look at the internal structure of the battleship.

At this time in the Titan ruins area, most of the ground structures were destroyed, and a large crater spreading thousands of yards has appeared, and the sky, suspended by a huge fortress, is shaped like a descending meteorite, showing a spindle-shaped, middle The thickest, with sharper ends, on the outside, surrounded by three rings of different sizes.

Queen Nicole’s death totem fleet has arrived, and dozens of battleships are not scattered and surrounded, but arranged to face off in a strong attack.

"Is this the Titan fortress?"

In the bridge, Nicole was sitting on the command chair. He no longer supported the cheek with one hand and tilted Erlang's legs, but leaned forward, staring at the enlarged fortress impression on the screen.

As a military madman, Nicole was born possessive of weapons and power.

"Queen, please order the fleet to be dispersed as soon as possible. This kind of fortress must have a main gun. In case of concentrated shelling, the loss will be too great!"

A dozen of staff officers murmured for a while and immediately reported their opinions.

"Well, do it!"

Nicole is not arrogant, "What do you think of its energy reserves? How long can it fight?"


The staff looked at each other and shook their heads, "but certainly not less than a week!"

The energy used by the Titan Fortress was not known by the staff at all, so they could not be judged. In the past, they also sent people to the site to conduct surveys. But they were all killed by the sergeant.

"Now the first priority is to determine whether the garrison is dead?"

The maid chief Beronike reminded in a low voice that if the guy died, it also meant that the queen was free.

"There is an external communication request!"

A dead banshee in charge of information control suddenly spoke.

"Come in!"

As the queen's voice fell. A small block popped up on the screen, showing a local influence of the fortress bridge.

"This is the Death Totem Fleet, the Queen's flagship. You are only allowed to surrender within three minutes, otherwise you will be killed!"

According to convention. The banshee gave tough words.

"Eh? Is this the Queen of Dragon Tombs? It's so beautiful, just a little smaller chest!"

"But I'm actually wearing military uniforms. I really want to be stepped on by those knee-high military boots!"

"You're a pervert, far away, don't say I know you!"

"Seriously, dare to say that you have no urge to be whipped or licked her boots?"

A group of people murmured, but they didn't expect the sound pickup of the fortress to be a mess, and even these whispers were sent over.

The atmosphere of the bridge suddenly became weird, and the crew did not dare to breathe, fearing that the queen would blow off.

"Shut up. Let Commander Downton speak!"

Capello roared.


Nicole, who was originally unhappy, heard the name, and he was refreshed.

"Your Majesty, we have no intention of offending your cemetery, it is forced by the situation, if..."

Regardless of Nicole's identity, her strength at the level of St. Aoxun alone is enough to keep anyone in awe. Downton chose the wording, but was interrupted before he had finished speaking.

"Are you Downton?"

Nicole asked. The expression was a little excited.

"If you're talking about the one at Drankfork, it's me!"

Not only Downton, but also others are unknown. So, a queen who lives all day long in the Dragon Tomb. How is it possible to meet him?

"Yes, did you shoot "This Killer Is Not Cold"? Also wrote "Notre Dame de Paris", "Hamlet" to the Toffee Opera Company?"

Nicole asked.

"Yes, but that is all boring pastime!"

Downton's scalp is numb, what is this woman doing?

"Do you have any new script ideas recently?"

Nicole had stood up and took a few steps forward. And the facial expression became softer, with a smile.

"What are you doing?"

Walnut roared, looking at Nicole suspiciously, worrying that she was not good for her elder brother.

"Sorry, I forgot to introduce myself. I am Nicole Kidman, the owner of the Dragon Cemetery, the queen of this undead kingdom!"

Nicole took off his military cap and held it under his shoulder. "At the same time, I am also a big fan of you!"


Nicole's words made Capello and his party in the bridge completely stunned. They once thought that there was something wrong with their ears. Nicole is the Queen of the Undead and the great Saint Aoxun. How could it be a man's fan?

"What a joke?"

Inzaghi was jealous and was going crazy. He whispered subconsciously, and was clearly transmitted by the pickup.

"Humanity, please pay attention to your tone, don't question my hobby and respect for Master Downton!"

Nicole's face sank, and the coercion of the top strongman came across the screen.

"The literary youth is popular, and there are fans in this kind of place. If you don't hurry up, you may let the queen recommend herself."

Cheap God teases.

"What nonsense?"

Downton frowned.

"How did you create these classic works? Especially the tragic character Hamlet, I like it very much, do you have a prototype? I want to see you, and I would like to ask you to help toffee to perform at the Dragon Tomb, of course, You can open as much as you want!"

Nicole chattered excitedly, "Yes, autograph, be quick, Beronika, go get my crown, let Master Downton sign it on me, and write "My Queen Her Majesty!"

The Queen's words naturally spread to the fortress bridge, and the group of people looked at each other.

"This must be a trick!"

"Are you confused? It's Saint O'Hoon across the street, and we can wipe out our powers with a wave of hand. There is no difference between killing us and stepping on ants. Is it a trick?"

"Is she really a fan of the leader?"

A bunch of people murmured.

"Captain, a team of air cavalry is approaching. Do you open the hatch?"

Mechanical tone inquiry.

"Let them come in!"

Don’t dare to refuse, Downton wants to use this opportunity to take the opportunity to leave.

"Cool! Cool! Very cool!"

Nicole looked at Downton, and the color of the appreciation in his eyes became stronger and stronger. After Downton was transformed into a dragon, he became more burly and heroic. Gu Panjian, there was a trace of frailty and a trace of blood, but the eyebrows, Occasionally, a touch of tenderness flashed, which was refreshing.

Downton's eyes were clear and dazzling like gems.

"It's a master I like!"

Nicole has been anxious, worrying that Downton relies on makeup and is essentially an ugly man, but now he can breathe a sigh of relief. He is handsome like the Apollo God of War. ~fu.

"Your Downton!"

Surrounded by a team of maids and a team of death knights, the maid chief came in with both hands holding a gorgeous crown.

"Those Death Knights are Grand Marshals!"

"These maids are not bad, they are all scepters, and most importantly, they are all death banshees, belonging to the nobles of the undead!"

"This show is so big. If we attack, aren't we all done?"

Everyone is not stupid. It can be seen that the maidservant is even a legendary strongman. His eyes will make people fall into the ice cave, and even his heart will freeze.

"It is my pleasure to get the love of the Queen!"

Downton spoke the scene and wrote the name according to the requirements.

"so beautiful!"

Bellonika couldn't help but admire, a beautiful line of magic flame flowing out of Downton's pen, dragon and phoenix dancing, energetic, and gorgeously broken.

"Queen, we were secretly calculated by the false head of the evil spirit army, and then we had to enter the cemetery. I hope you will open the passage and let us leave, the country and the people..."

Downton spoke.

"I will arrange a banquet here, and it's not too late to go after eating!"

Nicole interrupted Downton and hurriedly ordered the maid.

The maid chief glanced at Downton and couldn't help but pouting, wanting to leave? Let’s dream, the queen has long wanted to catch Downton to make movies and operas for her. Now that she’s in the net, don’t think about leaving. Good luck, at least you can enjoy the last wonderful life before the queen gets tired, Maybe it can also be used as a'boy concubine', which is favored by the Queen.

Nicole has no men until now, so they have to rush their servants to death. Without descendants, there will be no future if there are too many undead.

"His Majesty!"

Downton doesn't want to go to ~www.wuxiaspot.com~ You Xitu people are so rude? Do not want to pay anything, just want to return? "

Nicole's words became harsh.

"What should I do? I always feel that this woman has bad intentions?"

Megan chews the tongue.

"Yeah, she looks green in her big brother's eyes!"

Walnut's perception is the sharpest, and he can perceive Nicole's terrifying possessiveness of Downton!

"She wanted to trick us out of the fortress?"

Capello reminded.

"Sir Downton, please!"

The maidservant didn't mean to leave, and ignored the gossip and directly invited Downton. (To be continued.)


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